Chapter 1969: irony

The battle in Lin Feng’s mind is also incomparably violent, the battle of the ancient king Ji Yun and the devil, and Lin Feng is the origin of a palace guarding the soul.

"I don't know the heavenly palace, what year is it!" A wonderful sound rolled out, and the gods read the palace to release the eternal brilliance, turning into an infinite chain of soul-locking souls. Suddenly, the ancient king's body was bound, the demon of death. Stepping out, the destruction of the left hand and refining and pushing out, killing the shadow of the ancient king Ji Yun, while the body rushed to the front of the other side, the death of the giant sword smashed out.

The ancient king made a screaming sound, and the fierce and fierce punched a punch. In an instant, the soul broke, and the ancient king and the demon collided together, and then shattered and dissipated at the same time.


Outside, Ji Yun and Lin Feng spit out a blood at the same time, and their faces were extremely pale. The king and the demon gods who had realized it all had their soul power. At this moment, both of them died, and both of them suffered.

I saw a snarl of the singer, the light of the dragon was shining, and Lin Feng’s body was full of life and horror. The twins of death were still staring at Ji Yun.

"Hey!" Ji Yun stepped forward again, and suddenly a sound came out. The bones of Lin Feng's body seemed to be shattering. His body was slammed back. At this moment, Lin Feng took a deep breath and looked through his eyes. A touch of madness.

"Oh, this time, the end of the road." Yan Dongqing sneered, this Lin Feng actually wants his brother and he robbed the woman, at this moment annoyed Ji Yun, finally died.

"Lin Feng!" Many people, such as dreams, are looking stiff and shouting out their voices. If they can't persist, they would rather Lin Feng admit the failure of this battle.

"Ji Wei, the upper realm, I have to deal with the secret law, you also match the college seal? After the first world war, your crown is like no, you are not qualified." Lin Feng's magic sound seems to penetrate the 殇 殇The head, stinging the heart of Ji Yun, and at the same time, the light shines, a wonderful force permeates, and I see Lin Feng's body, as if there is an ancient tree planted in his body, looming.

"Tianze Shenshu." Many people who know a lot of knowledge are squinting, and recognize this **** wood. The surrounding laws force madly flew toward Lin Feng and jumped in Lin Feng's body.

"He was only in the realm of the middle emperor, and he had already gone to Shenmu Valley and was recognized by Shenmu." The hearts of the people trembled. This guy is indeed a rare enchanting figure, it is terrible.

Soon, their eyes were once again condensed, only in the body of Lin Feng, a pure white lotus looming, when the green lotus blooms, Lin Feng’s feet seem to have a shadow of Qinglian, not only that, Lin Feng’s body week The blossoming green lotus is in full bloom and extremely beautiful.

"You are borrowing the power of Shenmu and Qinglian. Isn't that your strength?" At this time, Jidong came to the indifferent opening and stared at Lin Feng.

"You shut up." Lin Feng burst into a bang, his eyes gazing toward the east, and the death of the indifference to the extreme, said: "The day of the emperor's question, the people's palace is presided over, but what do you mean about me everywhere, I borrow The power of the gods and the power of Qinglian is correct. Isn’t the secret of Ji Yun not borrowing the power of Qinglong? You didn’t open your mouth just now, ridiculously. If so, the emperor asked if you don’t want to be a host.”

The crowd looks condensed, and the heart sighs, yes, although the secret method of Ji Yun is the unique ability of the Ji family, but since it is called the secret law, it is obviously the use of foreign objects, not its own power, otherwise it does not need to be called For the secret law, Ji Yun's secret method must be based on the wonderful Qinglong force, while Lin Feng obviously uses the power of Shenmu and Qinglian, but Ji Wei is the first, why can't he borrow strength.

Jidong came to be scorned by Lin Feng, and suddenly looked ugly. He was a disciple of the Imperial Palace. He was appointed as the commander of Tianxing’s brother to preside over this question. He was even so rude to drink, but he could only speak without words.

"How can you borrow?" Ji Yan said coldly. I saw that there was a blue dragon hovering over his arm. The space in front seemed to be illusory and constantly collapsed.

Lin Feng ignored the words of Ji Yun and saw the deep depth of his palm. In an instant, the endless law power gathered in his palm. The laws of the wind, the law of fire, the thunder and the curse...the rules of each department seemed to be To be drained from the space, the whole world will change.

The endless law gathered in front of Lin Feng’s palms to form a sky-high law of light. It was madly blended into a dead dark lotus. This lotus condensed constantly, but what a terrible law force it contained, unimaginable.


The look of the people is stiff, how is it possible, what is the meaning of this, Tianze Shenmu let Lin Feng have a terrible law affinity, so that the law of heaven and earth voids can be brought to him to the maximum extent, and that meaning, even the law is blended in Together, the laws of Lin Feng's various departments have turned into a dead black lotus, and the faint pressure that permeates them makes people feel terrified.

The pace of Ji Yun’s journey suddenly stopped, and his look was slightly stiff. Obviously, he also felt the terrible threat contained in the black lotus.

Silence for a moment, Ji Yun also reached out, between the heavens and the earth, as if the light of the dragon was pouring into his body madly, his whole body seemed to circling a shadow of a young dragon, the terrible emperor permeated, let People feel tremble.

"Ji Wei is going to prepare for a direct collision with Lin Feng." Everyone feels the pressure of two ruined land, and the heart trembles. How terrible is this kind of collision?

Lin Feng and Ji Yun's gaze collide in the void, like the ancient king demon, eternal, as if they have been separated for a long time, their footsteps finally stepped out.

This step stepped out, and the hearts of the crowd trembled as if they were beating.


The figure of the two people is getting closer and closer, and a huge dragon is swallowed toward Lin Feng, and the black lotus is gradually enlarged in the void, turning into a ruined lotus of death.

A beam of light that pierces the human eye suddenly blooms. Everything in the void seems to have been drowned out. Even in a flash, the crowd found that the bodies of Ji Yun and Lin Feng were swallowed and disappeared into the devastating air. The world of heaven and earth has turned into a void of death, and the power of terror has spread toward the periphery of the emperor's emperor, and it is necessary to attack the Emperor Tianzhu.

"Go down." Jidong came to drink, and suddenly many people jumped out of the Emperor Tianzhu, and all the celestial pillars around the emperor's platform released the brilliance, intertwined into a horrible pattern, resisting the erosion of the destructive force, but the embarrassing The sound is still endless, making everyone feel a heartbeat.

"The two guys, playing big." In the clouds of the void, an anxious voice came out, Ji Ji and Lin Feng are both people at the War King College, these two guys are playing for life.

The airflow of death was raging on the emperor's stage. When everything disappeared, the crowd saw Ji Yun and Lin Feng sitting cross-legged in the void. Even the two men changed their clothes, the hair was unkempt, and there were big chunks in the corners of their mouths. The bloodstain, Ji Yun throws a medicinal herb into the mouth, and Lin Feng is the life of the sky, but the same thing is that both of them have sacred trees.

"The two lose everything." The hearts of the people trembled. The battle for the third place in the emperor was too fierce. Both Ji and Lin Feng were hit hard.

How to judge this emperor?

Many people's eyes are directed at the East, and the people of the People's Palace will decide the ranking of the Emperor.

"This battle Lin Feng has already occupied an advantage. After the use of the secret method, Ji Ji was able to fight back. Now both sides are hurt, but the third seat of the Imperial List is Lin Feng." Hou Qinglin calmly opened, some people secretly nodded, so there is no problem in ranking. of.

"The battle in front did not distinguish between the winners and the losers. Although Ji Yun used the secret method, Lin Feng borrowed the power of the Tao and the power of the ancient trees. Obviously, the borrowing power was even greater.

Some people also made different voices, but they were the ones of the Ji family.

“It’s reasonable.” Yan Dong came to nod and looked at Lin Feng. He said: “Lin Feng, you have a bigger external force in this battle. You can vote for the fourth seat of the Imperial List. You can have opinions.”

Lin Feng’s life was rolling, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at him. He asked: “I have opinions, would you put me in the third seat?”

"No." Yan Dong came to indifference.

"Then what do you ask about this nonsense." Lin Feng said calmly, making the East look a stiff.

Jidong came cold and snorted, and there was a chill in his eyes: "I am sure that this matter is fixed, but I will tell you aloud. In addition, the end of the emperor’s question, the silver Yinrui predecessors will announce the young Princess of Dongqing and Yinyue. Marriage, the last time you mentioned something for your brother, I still have to say sorry."

The silver-powered strongman's eyes were slightly concealed. Yinrui looked at Mindong deeply. The news should have been announced by him. Jidong came to say it first. This is tantamount to breaking his retreat and wanting to win the forest maple.

However, I saw Lin Feng's eyes calm and calm, just looking at the East indifferently, his face showed a satirical smile.

"The People's Palace hosted the Imperial List and asked for the ranking of the Emperor's List. It has been counted for many years by the Central City. It is because of its public trust. The Emperor's List is a symbol. However, when the Emperor loses this symbol, Do you think that others will care about the Emperor?" Lin Feng reveals a contemptuous meaning, saying: "The third and fourth of the Emperor's list is irrelevant to me. My strength is here, and the emperor ranks. Whether or not this name is irrelevant, so I want to ask you to see the facts. When the Emperor’s List lost the name of the one, the Emperor’s List is just a piece of waste paper. It’s your name that you need. You don’t think these names need you, if you don’t think so. There is a kind of way to take my name and simply take it from the Imperial List."

Lin Feng’s fingers came to the east, and there was an undisguised irony in his eyes. He came to Dongdong and dared to take Lin Feng’s name to the Imperial List. Obviously, I don’t dare. In that case, the Emperor’s List is really a waste paper, and it is a waste of human control!

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