Chapter 1968: Qinglong secret law

The demon **** carrying the knife of death 狠狠 斩 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 死亡 死亡 死亡 死亡 死亡 死亡 死亡 死亡 死亡 死亡The power of collapse caused the body of the demon to burst in a little bit.

Arriving at the powerful realm of Ji Yun, it is impossible to be killed as easily as the ordinary Wu Emperor. When they encounter powerful opponents, they will have the power of tyranny to protect their souls from erosion, or the gods of the soul. Power, or the fusion of tyrannical power and morality.

The demon **** that Lin Feng has turned into is the blend of the power of the Tao and the power of the soul. He has entered the mind of Ji Yun. The death swords are all terrible death intentions, and the Qinglong are screaming. So that the outside of the 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面 外面

"Get out of the way!" Ji Yun roared, and the brilliance of the blue dragon's madness screamed out, and his teeth danced between the heavens and the earth, collapsed everything, and smashed Lin Feng.

"Breaking!" Lin Feng could have a chance to breathe at this moment. The road to the collapse of Ji Yu can collapse his way, so that he can't be engraved, which limits his combat power. If he can't beat each other, he will It is difficult to have a chance.

The emptiness of the void is incomparable, and the rules of the various departments are madly screaming out. Ji Xiao screams, Qinglong opens nine ancient roads, and heads for the nine major directions to Lin Feng. At the same time, he grabs the empty space of his palm and has a terrible The shadow of Qinglong from the Tianzhu to Lin Feng’s head exploded, which made Lin Feng have the illusion of bursting his head.

"Death!" Lin Feng looked up, and a smashed death robbery sword smashed out, while the whole body emerged an endless law aura, both palms simultaneously blasted the floating world, the heavens and the earth collapsed, the ancient road is dead, Lin Feng body continues to oppress the front, the eyes are fascinating Very incomparable, screaming at Ji Yun: "You will lose!"

The sound of this curse infiltrated into Ji's mind, while the force of gravity and space bound Ji Ji, so that he could not retreat, Lin Feng's body was like a gust of wind.

This time, there was a chill in the pupil of Ji Yun. He did not retreat. The footsteps were trampled on the void, and the body burst out. The whole person seems to have become a Qinglong with the supreme power. The surrounding world of the void seems to have collapsed.

"Hey!" Lin Feng took a shot, the space light gathered, and Ji Wei's attack almost arrived at the same time. The horrible destruction power of the rumble ruptured the space, but his attack seemed to be blocked by the space for a moment. Swallowed into the void, the strongest collapsed momentum did not bombard Lin Feng, but after the formation of the formation, it continued to roll toward Lin Feng, but the momentum is no longer as violent as before. It seems to be vented once.

"Kill!" At this moment, Lin Feng screamed, the power of the wild, the power of the curse, the power of the sound waves, all with the immortal laws rolling out and raging in the mind of Ji Yun, the devil is still In the attack on the guardian spirit of the dragonfly, Lin Feng left the infinite law force, and the right hand was a violent violent violent death. The heavens and the earth were to be silenced, as if they were all covered by this violent attack.

The attacks of the various laws of Ji Yun and Lin Feng collide and tear the law power of Lin Feng. However, the floating world seals are once again smashed. Ji Yun can no longer let the immortal ancient seal collapse, but only once in a hurry to throw a punch, Qinglong roar, The rumbling sound of the rumble was filled with madness, and the floating world was on the body of Ji Yun. His mind trembled fiercely, and the Qinglong seemed to be annihilated.

The body of Ji Yun was hit by the Emperor Tianzhu, and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood. However, he quickly closed his eyes and kept his eyes on the soul. The light of the dragon that hovered in the soul of the soul was once again released.

Lin Feng’s body was also slammed back, his arms seemed to be splitting, staring at the front of Ji Yun, his face was cold, and the character of the king was terrible. Such crazy bombardment could not completely destroy him.

"You lost!" Lin Feng's voice is rolling, although the breath is floating, but still standing in the air, it seems that there is a peerless spirit of arrogant laughter, making everyone tremble.

Lost? Ji Wei, lost to Yu Cheng and Chu Chunqiu, once again lost to Lin Feng?

The character of the king of the king, three consecutive defeats, became a shame that was defeated three times as a ghost.

"This Lin Feng's means are too many, unexpected, the spirit of the attack, the Taoist attack, the magical ancient seal, the strength of the various laws, inexhaustible, as if there is no end, the Vietnam War and the courage, and he is a nightmare." Everyone looked at the shadow, the emperor asked, but not only Chu Chunqiu, a dark horse.

Chu Chunqiu's strength is so strong that it is trepidation. However, the rise of Lin Feng is even more surprising and shocking. After all, Chu Chunqiu is also a superior realm. The gap between them and Ji Yu is not too far away. However, Lin Feng, he is still the middle emperor, poor. It’s terrible to fight a whole world with the whole kingdom, but it’s hard to imagine how terrible he will be after he’s in the realm of Ji.

"The battle is not over yet." At this time, Jidong came to faintly and looked at Ji Yun and asked: "Ji Wei, this battle, do you admit defeat?"

Lin Feng looked slightly condensed, and indifferently swept the east to give a glance. At this time, there was a horrible breath in the body of Ji Yun. It seems that there is a force to wake up, making Lin Feng look condensed.

"Hey!" Lin Feng stepped out, but at this moment, Ji Wei suddenly opened his eyes, the cold light burst out, and the sky screamed, this moment, it seems that there is a horrible Qinglong rushing to the nine days, Ji Wei The human body seems to have the light of the blue dragon shining, like the illusion, his breath is rising in madness, and the blue dragon beam is directly above the sky.

"Oh..." As if from the ancient roaring sounds, Lin Feng only felt the turmoil of the spirit, and the mind was moving. The demon in Ji’s mind madly withdrew from the other’s mind and turned into a glimpse of his own eyebrows. Then I saw that Ji Yun’s body was surrounded by endless green dragons. A statue of Zunqing Longguang is so embarrassing, his breath is still rising and becoming stronger.

"Ji Jiaqing Dragon Secret!"

The pupils of the crowd shrank slightly, and Ji Yun actually used the secret method of the Ji family. His cultivation was based on the realm of the middle emperor, and this secret method broke out and broke the **** of the emperor.

"The rumor has to pay a certain price after using the Qinglong secret method. It is necessary to repair the body in a short time. This Ji-Ji has already entered the realm of the Great Emperor, and it is still so crazy. It seems that this battle, he is really angry, No defeat is allowed."

Everyone's heart is dark, and the rising atmosphere has finally stopped. At this moment, Ji Yun is like a real king. He is proud of the heavens and the earth, shining for nine days. The dragon is surrounded by the whole body. The sky is like a beam of light shining. The injury just suffered is not a little bit. The problem, that pair of eye-catching eyes, makes people feel terrified.

Lin Feng’s eyes stunned toward the east, and this East of the East certainly knew that Ji Yun had the secret law, so I just said that the battle is not over yet, he wants to use the secret method.

"Insane, this Ji Yun did not use the secret method when he became a successor, but he did not have a chance to defeat Chu Chunqiu, but he did not allow the third defeat. Lin Feng, I am afraid it will be miserable." The crowd felt the peerless power, I am afraid Yu Cheng and Chu Chunqiu and his battles will be defeated. At this time, Ji Yun is already the breath of the Emperor.

"Hey!" I saw that Ji Yun stepped out in a step, and the body suddenly disappeared. A king's body stepped out of his mind and killed the soul of Lin Feng. He wanted to give Lin Feng everything he had just given him.

"Break!" The palm suddenly slammed, and suddenly Lin Feng only felt that the whole piece of the void he was in was smashed, the body had a feeling of being unable to move, the bones were moving, the blood was rolling, and the whole body was distorted. If his body is strong, Ji Yi’s strength will collapse and his body will collapse.

Lin Feng's face is stiff, and at this moment, Ji Wei, he has a sense of powerlessness, that is the breath of the Emperor.

When Ji Yun saw Lin Feng still insisting, the pupils were cold and cold, and they shot Lin Feng’s mind. At the same time, the ancient king killed Lin Feng’s eyebrows.

"Death!" A mad mad rushed out, only to see Ji Xiao snorted, the palm of the hand trembled, the explosion banged, Lin Feng's body was shot and flew out, the bones were broken many.

Above the void, Haotian ancestors saw this brow slightly wrinkled, and then just listened to the old man next to him and said: "Haha, you are two disciples of the War King College, who are you more optimistic about?"

"Shut up." Haotian ancestors took a look at the old man and continued to look down on the sky. This 殇 殇 殇 , , 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青It was the battle that was a real fire.

Many people in the Yin and Yi family showed sneer. Lin Feng was so mad that he was finally at the end of the day. It was too bad to be too arrogant. Ji Yun finally got angry. This time, how to end it.

Lin Feng’s pupils are cold and cold, staring at Ji Yun as a **** of death. The indifferent way: “The battle of the Emperor’s list, using the secret method, Ji Wei, you better not * me.”

"Hey!" Ji Wei stepped forward and the world was destroyed. The horrible waves swept over Lin Feng's body. At the same time, the ancient king rebelled against Lin Feng's view of the demon god. The turmoil in the mind made Lin Feng’s eyes gradually become dead gray, killing!

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