Chapter 1945: presumptuous

When Lin Feng returned to the Warlord College, he came to his own temple and practiced in front of his knees. The waterfall that hanged for nine days flew down and the water splashed on Lin Feng's body, but he couldn't disturb him.

The day when Huang Bang asked for it was close, he needed a good feeling to make a final sprint.

On this day, Lin Feng’s house had one more guest. It was a silver moon. She sneaked out from the silver family and came to the roof of the War King College to find Lin.

At this time, in the room, Yinyue’s face was a little bit worried, without the sense of sunshine in the past. Looking at Lin’s injury: “Stupid boy, if the silver family gave me a gift to Qi Dongqing, what should you do?”

Silver Moon is secretly slipping out this time. It is still good to go to Wang College to let her in. Only then can she find some news in the silver family. The silver family is partial to her family. Lin Feng’s talent is very powerful, but What about it? The family is an ancient saint, which is a marriage between the ancient saints.

"Then I will grab you." Lin did not hurt his fists, his nails seemed to be embedded in the flesh.

"But the strength of the silver family is not something you can imagine." Silver Moon is happy if he hears Lin without injury. This silly boy likes himself, but this kind of happiness is overwhelmed by anxiety for a moment. It is said that Lin is harmless, even if his brother Lin Feng is in front of the big silver family and the family, there is no way, and the War King Academy is a college, not a family of Lin Feng, it is impossible to interfere with this kind of thing.

"Then I will take you away." Lin said without a break.

"If the silver people want to destroy you, leave and leave here." Xiaoya fears that the world will not be chaotic.

"Well, if you don't want to go back, stay in Warlord College." Lin looked at Yinyue without injury, and his eyes were a little bit.

Silver Moon smashed, silence for a moment, then smiled and nodded: "Well, then I will not go back for a while."

In the next few days, Lin has been very happy, and Yinyue has been with him. This mixed-aged demon king seems to be exceptionally honest. The two are playing in front of a waterfall river, and the dream is in Lin Feng. Beside him, looking at the backs of the two, a pair of beautiful eyes showed a touching smile, watching Silver Moon take the initiative to hold the innocent hand sitting on the side of the river, dreaming and sighing, Silver Moon is a gimmick, but it is far more careful than no injury. I don’t know what Silver Moon is thinking. Maybe in the eyes of Silver Moon, this is their last get along.

"Stupid boy, if you can't see me in the future, you have to live your own life, just like before." The voice of Silver Moon is still crisp, floating into the ear of dreams, making the dream look dizzy, heart As if touched by this innocent voice, laughing at the two young guys by the river, as if thinking of their own time and Lin Feng's past time, the suffering they have eaten, far from the two little guys can compare.

"No, we have to be together all the time, how can we not see it."

"How are you so stupid, I mean, if it is." Silver Moon whispered, his eyes staring into the distance, a burst of ecstasy: "The scenery here is so beautiful, if you can always be with you here, life is a dream, but unfortunately my life. Can't float a big white."

"Drip..." The waterfall in front of Lin Feng, the splash of water, Lin Feng suddenly reached out and put the drop of water in his hand. The drip was not lost, but it was so quietly lying on Lin Feng’s two fingers. Between, crystal clear.

"One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi, one drop of water, can't contain a world, there are rules that belong to it." Lin Feng's fingers are loose, and a drop of water at the fingertips is slowly falling, but Lin Feng's eyes are still staring. Looking ahead, it seems to be in a daze, contemplative.

If you live a dream, float a world, float the world, float the world, and float the world.

Lin Feng’s mouth reveals a touch of faint smile, floating in the world, floating in the world, in the world, everything is there, everything is empty, why it is necessary to be so clear.

Lin Feng stood up slowly, and then the palm slowly extended. Facing the front, it was a palm force printed out, and the palms were whistling, but I could not feel any law power, but there was a horrible wave, waterfall. It was cut off, and the waterfall that flowed down from the sky was like a broken flow. There was a vacuum in the middle, and the time seemed to be still.

Dreams and other people seem to hear the sound of whistling, gaze turned, look at Lin Feng's cultivation, the waterfall in front, suddenly the pupil shrinks and solidifies there.

The martial arts strong man attacked the power of destroying the earth and destroying the earth. With Lin Feng’s current cultivation, it is easy to level a mountain and destroy a waterfall. However, even the people of the realm of the Great can not attack with a pure palm print. Let the waterfall cut off from it and stand still. What is this power!

Lin Feng saw this scene with a satisfactory smile. After a while, the stirring waterfall finally hit, as if nothing had happened. I saw the dream figure flashing and came to Lin Feng’s body: "Lin Feng, you break through." Already?"

"Understood a mysterious magical power." Lin Feng looked at the dream, smiled and said, at this time Lin Feng's heart is stirring, there is a illusion, he does not seem to have to understand the Qinglian way, this floating world, as if to take him away Into another world, the other side of the world, only the field where he can enter, perhaps he can create his own way, beyond the road of Qinglian.

Of course, Lin Feng’s feelings are still very vague, seemingly nothing, illusory, as if it is difficult to grasp.

With a bright smile in the dream, holding Lin Feng's hand, looking at the waterfall in front, whispered: "Lin Feng, you must let no injury and silver moon together, okay."

Lin Feng looked slightly and looked at the dream. He smiled and said: "Of course, since the injury and the silver moon like each other, how can I let them break up? If the silver does not allow, I will let them disappear in the silver. In the field of vision."

"Well." The dream nodded slightly, but at this time, a horrible pressure came from the air, and the strong coldness caused Lin Feng’s brow to wrinkle slightly. Now he still dares to harass him at War King College. Really not.

"Lin Feng, get out." A roaring sound rolled out, making Lin Feng's look slightly condensed.

"It’s the person who is looking for me." Silver Moon’s eyes flashed a glimpse of the end of the scene. It seems that after all, Lin Feng’s emptiness and a moment’s step came to the house, and I saw a figure in the void. Released, revealing the meaning of sinning.

“Is there something?” Lin Feng’s eyes swept over the crowd, and the indifferent opening.

"Lin Feng, you are so courageous, you dare to plunder the silver moon little princess hidden here." Only listening to the cold voice spit out from the mouth of the east, Qing Dongqing looked at Lin Feng's eyes filled with anger, Silver Moon is his valued person, will Destined to be her woman, but actually came here, mixed with Lin no scars, which put his face where.

"Lin Feng, hand over my silver little princess." A strong silver star looked at Lin Feng and said that the silver moon sneaked out, not a glorious thing for their silver family.

The indifferent eyes swept to everyone, and Lin Feng’s breath was slightly cold, and he said: “Where the silver moon princess wants to go, it’s her freedom. Come here, I’ll be here, you’re all saying I have harbored the Silver Moon Princess and let me hand it over. It’s really arrogant and rolling."

When the voice fell, a horrible airflow swept out, and the void swayed, causing the crowd to slammed into the micro-coagulation. This Lin Feng was very arrogant.

In the distance, many of the Warlord College's doormen looked at it, and they all showed interesting looks. The silver and the family members actually found War King College.

"I have heard that Lin Feng is arrogant, Jijiang is missing, and there are several strong men from Ji family and Yu Wenjia. I am afraid that it is also your hand." A strong family member said coldly: "I want to Look, what strength do you have so crazy."

After all, the strongman of this family stepped out in a step, and in a moment there seemed to be a storm that was pressed against Lin Feng. Behind him, a hurricane storm filled with destructive power made the sky turbulent. His body oppressed Lin Feng.

"Hey!" Lin Feng stepped out, his body robe fluttering, revealing extraordinary temperament, suddenly his palms slap toward the front, and an ancient seal appeared in an instant. This ancient seal seems to wrap the whole world. Going in, fast, boundless, and quickly came to the other side.

The man’s pupil contracted and screamed, and the terrible storm slammed out from behind him. However, the ancient seal engulfed the world, and the storm was directly eroded away. Then he saw the ancient Indian attack on him. However, he made his face pale, and the bang banged, and the ancient seal fell on him, causing his body to collapse, his soul to be destroyed, and his death to be buried.

"Hey, hehe..." The crowd sucked a sigh of gas, and the horrible imprint, Lin Feng’s strength was even more terrible than it was a year ago, and this imprint, what kind of ancient seal is so terrible, look It seems to be unpretentious, but it has an unimaginable power to directly crush a powerful Wuhuang strongman.

I saw that the strong one stepped forward, but saw that the person had been torn, there was no trace, and the rescue was too late, which made his eyes stay, and then stared at Lin Feng coldly, angered: "Lin Feng, You are so arrogant."

When the voice fell, a horrible pressure of oppression pushed Lin Feng to the past. This is a strong man in the realm of the great emperor.

"You are letting go!" In nothingness, suddenly there seems to be an illusory figure, and the incomparably huge illusion reveals a terrible pressure, and the palm of the hand is shot directly toward the man, making the great emperor strong. The face was pale, and then the whole world was turbulent. A horrible attack directly hit the body of the great emperor, causing him to spit out a blood and pale face.

"Here is the War King College, give me a roll!" The phantom said coldly, making the people of the silver family and the family look extremely ugly. Obviously, their behavior has already angered the college, and the disciples of the college may be a college. Eyes closed, but non-college people came to bully the school, is not arrogant!

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