Chapter 1944: Refining konjac

"Dead!" The rest of the people looked stiff, and Lin Feng’s death was really so sturdy, killing a powerful Uighurs in the moment.

"Do you dare to kill the Yuwen family?" A burst of sound like a thunder burst, Lin Feng turned his eyes and looked at one of them satirically, said coldly: "You have all come to hunt me, and even said so. The ridiculous words, no one needs to leave today."

After all, the golden light of the heavens and the earth danced wildly, and the whole piece of emptiness began to be intertwined into the golden light of the sacred lines, which made those people look trembled. Lin Feng used the power of the law of void to directly emptiness in space. The road.

"Hey, hehe..." The fierce hurricane whistling in the void, Lin Feng's body swept away in another figure.

"The sword of nothingness." The death of the black mans in the eyelids, the endless emptiness of the sword emerged in the soul of the soul, the breath of death makes people want to collapse, the body collapses, then the hands are condensed, and the soul is instantly As a huge shadow of the dragon, it is in the mind, making him a full of strong demon.

Lin Feng stepped on the golden yellow lines in the void, and the body suddenly disappeared. The fist broke out, carrying the horror of the demon and the robbery of the sword. The place where the fists passed, there was a terrible death hurricane, as if there was an illusory The power of the collapse came out, everything in front of it would collapse and break.

"Is this?" The man in front of Lin Feng only felt that there was a heavy pressure on his body. His face was pale, his spirit was turbulent, his heart was also trembling violently, and the meaning of collapse, Lin Feng also realized the road to collapse.

"Hey!" A scream of screaming, as if a terrible Longwei swept out and smashed toward Lin Feng, but saw a robbery of death directly penetrated before the boxing, the power of death. Crazy deprivation of his life, so that he has no fear of multi-level attacks.

The fists are gone, not only revealing the power of collapse, but also giving people a sense of oppression and oppression. It seems that the world is falling and rolling, and the law is condensed in it. The sound of a burst of bursting sounds, he The brain burst completely, and the soul of the dragon in the mind was broken and killed instantly.

However, at this time, a horrible ripple pierced Lin Feng’s mind, making him feel turbulent, and the whole person seemed to have an illusion.

Suddenly, in Lin Feng’s mind, there seems to be a statue of a fascinating image. A revered ancient king smashes his spirit and smashes his head, making him feel a desperate death.

"Death." Lin Feng's power of madness is soaring, as if there is a palace, the palace is guarding the soul, and the endless death force seems to turn into a horrible blade, smashing all attacks and fantasy, those kings The figure is shattered and shattered like a mirror.

However, this moment of pause has caused a suffocating pressure to fall on Lin Feng's body, only to see a blue dragon arm directly scratching his head, so that his head has a sense of bursting.

Suddenly, Lin Feng’s eyebrows shined, and the squeaking sound of the slaps came out. I saw the endless black water rushing out from his eyebrows, making the other side look stunned, dead black water, Lin Feng can turn the river He saw it with his own eyes, and he swallowed his life directly. His body exploded. However, black water was still pouring on him, and the dead air rushed into his body, but he did not let him die, making him look. Caught, knowing to be fooled.

But at this time, a dark death canopy came, obscured the void, shrouded directly toward his body, drowned his entire body, and completely disappeared.

Lin Feng’s gaze looked at a figure not far away. The man’s eyes were different. The deep pupil seemed to penetrate the mind. The terrible attack just attacked him. It was a very sturdy will. Attack with the soul.

At this moment, the Huaguang of Wanzhang slid from the sky above, and saw one of the strongest ones, a golden gold water fork, containing the horror of the emperor.

Ji Jiang is offering a green dragon axe, as if it is a real green dragon, making a roaring sound. The last one is to take out a horror magical piano. There is a smashing mood between heaven and earth. Obviously, These three talents are the real main force, all of them are armed with soldiers, and they are going to be killed here.

Lin Feng looked at the three people, his eyes flickered, and then stepped on the footsteps, suddenly came to the psychedelic fog of the Tianyan chessboard. This scene made the three strongmen squint, and then saw the Tianyan chessboard disappeared. Lin Feng When it reappeared, the ancient sails screamed and left.

"Want to leave." Ji Jiang looks like a tyrannical killer. Several people are struggling at the same time, chasing the past toward Lin Feng, and suddenly a group of people are flying wildly in the sky, lightning fast.

Lin Feng sat down at the ancient sails very fast, and soon shuttled without knowing how far away. When he came to a mountain range, he went straight to the middle of the mountain, and the rumbling sound of the rumble came out. In the middle of the mountain, he was directly pierced and opened, and a huge ancient cave appeared. The three men behind him chased them into it, and it was almost unbelievable. They rushed into the peaks one after another, and the heavens and the earth seemed to collapse.

Jijiang looked extremely cold. At this time, he once again rushed into an ancient peak. However, at this time, he saw a rush of airflow rushing toward him. It was faster than Lin Feng’s escape. Some of his hesitation was hesitated, and he lifted the emperor's troops fiercely. However, as soon as he whispered, the airflow directly swallowed his body.

The two people behind him also rushed over, but they quickly, like Ji Jiang, were swallowed up by a wonderful gas. It was too fast, and they were moving forward with themselves, almost instantly. When I came across, I didn’t even have time to react.

There was no movement in the mountains. In this short moment, it seemed as quiet and terrible. A group of weapons still filled the dark peaks. No one knew what was going on inside.

Seven days later, in a cave in the mountains, a stream of air filled, Lin Feng's martial arts world, inside the magic pool, Lin Feng sat on the chessboard, the three people in front of the closed eyes, there is a soul The dark flames of horror are burning, calcining their souls, making them reveal a magical spirit in their spirits. They look dark and ugly. At this time, they are all intact, but they dare not resist. The brand of death is In their souls, as long as Lin Feng has a thought, he can directly brand it and let them die.

"Ah..." The three people all made a scream, the soul was burned by the magic fire, and it was a living calcination. The pain made them almost collapse, and the strong fear spread.

"What are you going to do to us?" Ji Jiang mouth spit out a vicious voice.

"I promise that you will not die, but if you let go, kill." Lin Feng's voice of death seems to be integrated into the Tao, which trembles in their minds, making them dare not doubt Lin Feng's words, as long as they resist, I am afraid it will be dead.

"You dare to do this to us, Ji Jia, Yu Wenjia, will never let you go, will kill you." Ji Jiang did not dare to resist, but the vicious voice still spit out from his mouth, hate through.

"Ah..." The voice just fell, and he once again made a scream, making him close his mouth and dare not say it again.

This kind of boundless pain continued until their souls were branded with the mark of the devil. Lin Fengfang stopped, borrowing the magic power of the magic pool to penetrate the other's body, and at the same time, the three people made a strange magic seal. Each person has played eighty-one strange ancient magic prints, directly into the other's head.

For nine consecutive days, the three singers of the 殇 坐在 坐在 坐在 魔 魔 瞳 瞳 瞳 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇

"If the spirit is strong enough, I can directly penetrate the souls of the nine ghosts, and I don't have to be so troublesome." Lin Feng murmured, then stood up and stopped the refining of the three people in front of him.

It takes 981 days to refine the konjac. Now it is only the first nine days. The strength of the three people in Jijiang is very powerful. The upper level of the emperor and even the peak of the martial arts are repaired. Can deal with these people, Lin Feng thought it was a pity to kill, and then decided to take them all and refine them into konjac.

The ancient Mozu's means of refining the konjac is complicated, and it is also refining with the intrepid strong, extremely overbearing. Otherwise, the refining konjac will lose its talent, and only refine it with complete means. Out of the konjac, in addition to taking orders from themselves, and attaching the magic, the other is no different, the strength is still tyrannical, still has a strong talent.

The events that took place in the Yin family gradually spread. Many people know that Jidong came to take the news of his sister-in-law Dong Qing to the silver family. What is more interesting is that Lin Wang’s former and Ji Yun had a dispute with Lin Feng. He even took his brother to the silver family and made a kiss to the silver princess's silver moon. For a time, many people waited and watched. They were waiting for the news of the silver family. The silver family would choose.

This matter, even the War King College, has been rumored. Today, Lin Feng is very famous at War King College. His news will naturally be easily circulated, but everyone is not very optimistic about Lin Feng’s brother. The family and the silver family have already begun to move around, and their behavior is somewhat embarrassing. This has led many people to speculate that it seems to be a precursor to the marriage.

Another thing that has received much attention is the fact that there is a list of emperors. The strongest in the emperor's list will finally be together and will be determined.

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