Chapter 1938: People's palace

"But it's just some up-and-coming talents, what can be done." At this time, a voice broke the calm of the restaurant, making the crowd quite strange, looking at the person who opened the mouth, this person is very Young, only about seventeen or eighty-year-old, but with a good sense of the wind, with a bit of extraordinary temperament, is slowly sipping good wine.

"Young people can't be repaired by Wu Emperor, but they respect the realm of the realm. They dare to say that the characters above the emperor's list are somewhat supportive." At this time, a middle-aged disdainful, a lesson, Chu Chunqiu And Lin Feng and others, all of them are in full swing, the strength is tyrannical, this district boy, so talking, it seems a bit too high.

"You only know now, but you forgot the Emperor Yingjie, who used to call for the rain in the holy city. When you think of it, the **** of Fengshen and the wind of the gods are so astounding, the genius of the ancients is drifting away, the heroic and cool, and the singer Qidong, the mana is awkward, which one does not have a more brilliant record than a few of your mouth." Younger baboon said, making the crowd look slightly condensed.

Fengshentian, Qidonglai and other figures have indeed been on the top of the emperor's list, the Messiah city of Zhongzhou, but now they have stepped into the realm of the emperor, and the two of the juveniles have stepped into the same place. The People's Palace, the People's Palace is definitely a super-terrorist strength. The ranking of the Emperor's List is decided by the People's Palace, and the Emperor's List is also initiated by the People's Palace.

"Jiangshan has talented people, Fengshentian, Jidong and others have always called for peace, but now they have reached another level, can not be used to judge, and, with the strength of Chu Chunqiu and Lin Feng, who can say they There is no old Fengshentian and Dongdong to be tyrannical. Two generations of characters cannot compare through time and space.” Someone slowly opened his mouth and said with a sigh, if there is a collision through time, it must be a prosperous world, and now I want to collide again, unless these rising stars chase Previous people.

"Oh, in my opinion, any one of the people's palaces is better than the people in your mouth. People are forgetful. They always see the eyes and forget the characters of the past." The boy whispered.

Just as they spoke, I saw a woman slowly moving gently. This girl was dressed in a silver-white dress, full of vitality, and the silver dress seemed to reflect the dazzling light and outline the girl’s figure. It was wonderful, and her face was very beautiful.

"Silver Moon girl." Lin did not hurt to see this girl could not help but reveal a smile, then the silver moon girl eyes also toward this side, nodded gently against Lin without hurt, so Lin is not hurt like music It’s like a flower.

Lin Feng, who was next to her, looked at her younger brother. Her son and daughter were long and innocent, and they were 19 years old. When they were young and prosperous, they met a good woman and naturally became very happy.

"This guy runs out every day, it is because of this girl." Lin Feng said to Xiaoya, making Xiaoya smile at Lin Feng's playful.

"Every generation has its own characters, because it is difficult to compare in different eras. You said that Fengshentian, Jidong, etc. are more powerful than the old ones. It is obviously with their own inclinations. You are the people of the People's Palace. "The girl looked at the sly teenager who spoke and said with a smile."

"The little princess of the silver family is very knowledgeable. In the next palace, Dong Qingqing." The teenager smiled and stood up. He pointed out the girl who came out and pointed out, "The little princess please take a seat."

"It turned out to be the nephew of the family. Dongdong came to him as your uncle. No wonder you will speak for him."

"The princess said this, I am only telling the truth, and it is irrelevant to my uncle." Dong Dongqing smiled.

"But you still can't help but boast." The silver girl smiled and didn't go to the place where she was seated. She came to Lin Feng's table and blinked at Lin without a scar. She smiled. Boy, you are really coming."

"Hey." Lin did not scratch his head, suddenly it seemed a bit silly, so Lin Feng was also dumbfounded, and could not help but smile, the hero was saddened by the beauty, facing his sweetheart, no harm, this little guy was obviously out of order, There is no lightness in the weekdays.

"I still don't ask others to sit down." Xiaoya took a look at it, this guy is too stupid, and the little princess still stands there.

"Silver moon, your seat." Lin did not hurt and pointed at an empty position and smiled at the silver moon. Silver Moon's playful smashed Lin didn't hurt, sat down slowly and smiled. "Your injury is fine." ”

"Nature is fine, I am thick." Lin did not hurt and smiled, his eyes did not dare to look at the eyes of Silver Moon.

"Your face is thicker." Xiaoya whispered, this guy is too unprofessional, or follow her mixed little devil, and immediately see the silver moon.

"Are you injured?" Lin Feng looked at Lin without injury.

"Small injury, nothing serious." Lin did not hurt the response, suddenly Lin Feng turned his eyes to Xiaoya, only to listen to Xiaoya rumors: "The last time in this restaurant, there is no injury to play a hero to save the United States."

When Lin Feng heard Xiaoya’s words, he suddenly understood it. It’s no wonder that Yinyue’s attitude toward Lin’s injury is not the same. It’s originally a relationship, but this little guy is also awkward. Other people’s silver princess needs him. Heroes save the United States, Lin Feng naturally heard of the people's palace and the reputation of the silver family, are all tyrannical forces in the holy city of Zhongzhou.

This little guy has a good impression on other people’s silver princesses. The pressure is not small. Of course, Lin Feng will not stop Lin from doing anything he wants to do. Lin’s life is not hurt, he is at best a guide. So that no injury can take less detours.

"Lin is not hurt, you haven't introduced it to me yet." Silver Moon smiled at Lin without injury.

"Xiaoya sister, you know, this is my brother and I." Lin did not hurt to point to Lin Feng and dreams sitting in a piece.

"You look beautiful like a fairy, your brother must not be an ordinary person." Silver Moon saw Lin Feng a look, her beautiful eyes are as if with a silver brilliance, extraordinarily bright and beautiful.

"That is, of course, it will definitely not be worse than that of Fengshentian and Jidong." Lin said with no sense of pride, just now that Dong Dongqing was drinking Lin Feng’s figure in this generation is not as good as Jidong, he has been very upset, but he was listening since childhood. Growing up with Lin Feng’s legendary story, Lin Feng’s image is always so tall in his heart that he can’t be smashed by others.

Next to the 裴东青眉眉 slightly wrinkled, he just invited the silver moon to sit, but the silver moon did not give him face, but went to Lin did not hurt the table to sit down, which undoubtedly made him feel uncomfortable, he is a human The person of the palace, Lin is not hurt, what is he, and even more ridiculous is that he dared to say that his brother can come more than Fengshentian and Jidong.

"Huangkou children, do not know the heights of the earth." Yan Dongqing said indifferently, drinking a drink, continue to open: "Perhaps, you are not exposed to Fengshentian and Jidong to this level of people, but the poor bottom of the frog."

Although Dong Dongqing’s words are arrogant, most of the people in the restaurant agree with them. After all, Lin Feng’s cultivation is only a median emperor, and Fengshen Tian and Jidong come, many years ago, they are all stepping into the emperor’s list. The realm of the Great Emperor, entering the people's palace, strength and talent are unparalleled, so that a median emperor can compare.

"You can't go anywhere, the realm is equal to me, but it's a matter of the Emperor's list, but it's the name of the elders." Lin did not hurt the irony that he was not afraid of the Lord, just facing When I was in the silver moon, I was so worried that this thing was not only satirizing his brother, but also sarcasm at the moment.

When I heard Lin’s injury, Yan Dongqing smiled. His eyes were a little cold. He stood up and looked toward Lin’s injury. He sneered: “I would like to ask, who is the ancient nationality? And dare to exaggerate."

"Do I need to tell you?" Lin said without any disdain, Yan Dongqing looked down on him. He didn't think so. He regarded the other person as dirt. He counted something and asked him if he needed to answer.

"It’s no face to say it." Yan Dongqing said sarcastically.

"It’s good to talk about people by identity. Although it’s not bad, it’s not very good.” At this time, on the edge of the restaurant, one person said while drinking, making the look of the east look cold and looking toward it. Go, I saw that it was a very clean middle-aged man, giving a sense of invisibility, like floating light, or like a flowing cloud, behind his clean body, carrying an ancient sword.

"Who are you?" Yan Dongqing was sharp and indifferent.

I saw the middle-aged man slowly put down the wine glass, his eyes turned, and he turned toward the east and the east. In an instant, Yan Dongqing only felt the pain in his eyes, and he could not help but bow his head. The heart was quite unsettled, and then he saw only the middle-aged Slowly stood up and walked towards this side, the whole person was full of ethereal meaning.

"Flower Cloud Emperor, the old stream of clouds and swords." The crowd's pupils contracted slightly, recognized this person, could not help but be shocked.

"Flower Cloud Emperor." Yan Dongqing gaze, once again looked up, looking towards the other side, looking indifferent, but seeing the other party did not look at him, but went to the table of Lin Feng and others, laughing at Lin Feng : "Can I sit here?"

Qi Dongqing looked back at this scene, his face was colder, and he snorted, and then he stepped out and said: "The mountain does not turn, and leaves."

After all, Qi Dongqing stepped away, causing the people in the restaurant to be slightly shocked. Their eyes were all looking at Lin Feng. The Emperor Liu Yun took the initiative to go forward. It seems that this person is not a nameless person!

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