Chapter 1937: Intensive strength

The demon robbed the nine heavy, Lin Feng with the tyrannical physical body to bear the hard, only when the soul is attacked, he will be turbulent, the soul trembles, after the nine robbery, his body still stands, like a mountain, that pair The pupils of the cockroaches opened, and the light of the sorcerer glimmered.

The magic clouds above the scorpio also dissipated, and the clear sky appeared. The surrounding people actually vomited a long breath, as if they had experienced a lot of things, and the heart was quite uneasy. Who is this guy, who has just experienced multiple rules? The body, and the attack of the magical robbery, is unheard of.

I saw a figure coming back and walked in front of Lin Feng. One of them asked Lin Feng: "Who are you?"

Lin Feng looked at the man, and there was a cold man in his face. The kind of coldness seemed to infiltrate into the soul of the other party, causing the other person to tremble slightly. The heart said: "This person is a mediator of the realm." Why is the eyes so terrible?"

I saw Lin Feng’s thoughts, and suddenly Qinglian roared. The whole people vacated, and the people around them flashed and wanted to chase. However, they only thought a little, they gave up the idea. This person seems to be extremely Ordinary, do not want to provoke what is right and wrong.

Lin Feng chose this remote mountain range, in order not to cause too much movement, break through the hustle and bustle, and after blending with the outside world, Lin Feng went directly back to the War King College and went directly to the Chamber of Secrets and entered Wu Soul world.

Among the palaces, Tianze ancient trees reappeared and planted down. Lin Feng stepped on the green lotus. The body was filled with the laws and strengths of the various departments. On the top of the Qinglian, the inclusive atmosphere filled out, as if with Lin Feng. The infiltration of the body is similar and inclusive. Lin Feng planted Tianze Shenmu in the body to obtain induction, and then the Qinglian's doctrine, which blended the laws of the two worlds. In the end, he successfully controlled the outside world. Law power.

Reaching out, a wonderful atmosphere filled the hands of Lin Feng, and suddenly the laws of the various departments seemed to blend together, but it seemed that they could not achieve true integration.

"I feel the meaning of Qinglian, and now I may just be able to do the power of the road, just stepping into the edge of the road." Lin Feng muttered, then his body flashed, and instantly left the place, The next time Lin Feng stopped, it was in the magic pool. His body directly entered the magic pool and began to suffer the tearing of the demon disintegration*. Now his strength is refined and he has passed. Once a day of robbery, the flesh is even more horrible, and it will not be a problem to suffer a disintegration*. Although it has to endure strong pain, it can make the flesh more powerful.

Not long after, Lin Feng’s body once again experienced a painful transformation and remodeling. I saw his body slowly plunging into the void, the grip of the palm of his hand, and the sound of screaming constantly, in Lin Feng’s eyes, exposed With a touch of faint smile, now his body is one step ahead of the realm of the upper realm, which means that the attacking power of the middle emperor, even his body can not be shaken, even ordinary The upper emperor, it is not easy to shake his body, but he can easily suppress a top-ranking emperor with the power of the body, of course, the premise is that the attack can fall on the other side.

Comprehending the power of the outside world, breaking through the realm, and improving the physical body have now been done. Now what Lin Feng still lacks is the power to completely control the Tao, so that the laws of the various departments can blend, so that the advantages of his multi-law can be true. Bloom out the power of tyranny.

With a flash of body shape, Lin Feng disappeared into the original place. The next time he appeared in an ancient mountain, one of the stone walls of the ancient mountain was smooth and washable. However, when Lin Feng stood in front of the stone wall, he clearly felt the side. The ancient prints are printed and printed. This ancient seal is still so powerful and terrifying. It seems to be strong and strong, and it is like a world. It seems to cover the whole world and bombard the power of the world.

"Hey, hehe..." Lin Feng's footsteps continued to recede. However, his pupils were dark and cold, and his mind began to be crazy. Then he realized the floating world on the stone wall. Lin Feng felt it faintly. It is an extremely strange force, an unusual attack power.

"Floating the world, floating world printing." Lin Feng stepped back and slowly stepped forward, and once again realized the ancient seal of this side, so repeated, Lin Feng even forgot the passage of time, his mind completely sinks Into the derivation, the one side of the ancient seal not only whistling from his face, but also constantly reappearing and replaying in his mind.

On this day, Lin Feng’s mind, the endless ancient seal came from all sides. Lin Feng seems to see that it is not an ancient seal, but the power of one world. This ancient seal covers the power of this world. Among them, it seems as if all the forces are perfectly blended together, regardless of each other, to achieve a tyrannical attack without any attribute atmosphere.

"This floating world, I can not crack." Lin Feng muttered a whisper, this day, he finally came out of the understanding of the floating world, once again returned to the outside world.

For more than a year, Lin Feng stepped into the courtyard of the rooftop, just to see Yunqing’s coming toward this side. Yun Qing’s seeing Lin Feng appeared, and Mei’s eyes could not help but blink. He smiled and said: “You guy, I finally got rid of it. Now the realm is directly showing the realm of the median emperor. It seems that your strength has made great progress."

"You are not bad, the atmosphere is stable, and it has been repaired as the middle of the emperor's peak. I am afraid that it is only one step away from the realm of the upper emperor." Lin Feng said with a smile, Yun Qingying when Lin Fenggang knew her. It is already the realm of the median emperor, and now it has reached the middle of the emperor.

"That's how, it's still far worse than you." Yun Qing slammed his mouth, Lin Feng, this guy, more than a year ago, he smashed the scorpion, defeated the stone, replaced the position of Shi Jietian, and stepped into the title of Wang Tianbang. Four seats, many people have guessed that with the tyranny of his former battle with Ji Yun, Lin Feng’s real strength may even be included in the third seat of the Wang Tiantian list. Now it’s another year. I don’t know how much this guy is. incredible.

"Two brothers, what about them?" Lin Feng asked with a smile.

"With the Tiantai disciples going out to practice, every time I come back, I will stay for a few days and I will not be too tired." Yun Qing snorted.

"Not so urgent training, how to quickly improve the strength." Lin Feng smiled, then looked at one of the people sitting on the side, this person has no eyes, it is a sword blind.

"You have not left?" Lin Feng revealed an unexpected look and asked for the blindness.

"The environment of this War King College is not bad, why should I leave." The faint response of Jian Bian said, as if he was always in this tone, not in a hurry, even if the danger of life is still so calm.

"Alright, with your tenacity and the power of light, you will be able to bloom in the college." Lin Feng said with a smile.

At this time, in the holy city of Zhongzhou, among the elegant restaurants, there are many figures here. Lin Feng’s ordinary avatar is also there. Beside Lin Feng’s avatar, there are dreams, Xiaoya, and no injuries.

"Brother, they seem to be talking about you." No injury to Lin Feng blinked his eyes, whispered open, I saw someone on the other side talking, just talking about Lin Feng.

"In the past, Ji Feng sealed the king's day, Lin Feng was arrogant, and the war gate and the rock gate, the big killing, the blood flow into the river, and even the battle with Ji Yun, although the strength is not as good, but it can also retreat, Ji Wei Lin Feng can be seen, it is obvious that Lin Feng's strength is strong. Now more than a year has passed. It is absolutely unfair to list Lin Feng in the 30th place. The emperor asked, I thought Lin Feng must have won many people. ”

"Wangbang asked the day, Ji Yun is still waiting for Lin Feng to settle accounts. Moreover, although the scenes of the past are widely spread, the characters above the Imperial Palace in the Holy City are absolutely unusual, especially the top 30 are even more horrible. They are all the powerful who understand the power of the Tao, and most of them are the peaks of the Emperor Wu, even if it is not, it is also a terrible figure like Chu Chunqiu. Although Lin Feng has a brilliant battle, it is listed in the Imperial List. Thirty, it is already good."

The people in the restaurant explored the sound and analyzed the strength of the elite.

"Chu Chunqiu is really powerful. Now he has stepped into the top 20 seats in the Imperial List. His cultivation speed is really terrible, and the power of the avenue is endless. Some people speculate that Chu Chunqiu can even swallow it someday. The spiritual will of these geniuses has been turned into what they have used, but now he still maintains a low-key style."

"This is really possible, but it is not only Chu Chunqiu, but the Xue people have also come to a terrible figure, and they have directly entered the forefront of the emperor. I think you all know it."

Lin Feng’s avatar looks slightly, and the Xue family has come to a powerful character. This he just heard that he didn’t know it before and didn’t know whether it was related to the dream.

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