Chapter 1920: Magic sign (three more)

As a blood dragon, his strength is not tyrannical, especially after turning into the ontology, the force is once again exploding, and the power of blood law makes the whole mountain range wrapped in blood, endless illusory blood. The dragon is roaring in anger.

However, the strength of the giant is too terrible, and the flesh is immortal. This is the way that the ancient Mozu strong people practiced. The flesh is immortal, and the soul is as good as the ancient demon. The power of destroying the heavens and the earth is everywhere.

"Crack!" The huge illusory ancient demon palm seems to buckle the sinister blood dragon body, the tremble of a tremble, the sound of screaming, the screaming blood on the dragon scale, the sturdy blood of the demon dragon Under the power of the other side, there are signs of bursting.

A light flashed past, the sword-sworded sword reappeared, fast, endless fast, but seeing the giant does not look at it, raising the hand is an ancient magic palm print, covering all the space in front, the sword blind The sword only broke out, and the power of light opened the palm print. However, he saw a horrible magic word printed on his mind. The spirit trembled and the body could not help but retire.

"Hey!" The giant stepped toward the sky. His goal was to take Lin Feng's life. As for the sorcerer and the sham, he didn't care.

The blood dragon screamed, and the giant only felt the blood in his body roaring, as if to break his flesh out, a **** dragon paw print was caught on the top of his head, and the giant hand was a palm. The horrible rebounding force, his body fell more rapidly.

"Lin Feng!" 敖 敖 敖 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 提醒 提醒 提醒 提醒 提醒 提醒 提醒 提醒 提醒 提醒 提醒 提醒 提醒 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林

"Hey!" The giant squats and tramples toward the sky, suddenly a horrible footprint hits, with supreme pressure, but sees Lin Feng's figure sinking directly, going to the ground, terrible footprints The bombardment was on the ground, and the earth burst open in an instant, all turned into powder. The passage of the underground was just opened by Lin Feng, so it could be retired instantly. However, the attack of the giant was too terrible, and a deep pit appeared. Lin Feng can't hide even if he keeps going down.

I saw the body of the giant directly trampled toward the sky, but at this time, Lin Feng’s body turned into a streamer, and did not retreat. He rushed toward the giant, and the look of the giant was still shocking. It seems that nothing but his wife and children can shake him.

A wonderful atmosphere filled with madness, and the surrounding world was shrouded in an instant. The giant brow wrinkled, and then he saw that Lin Feng’s body disappeared. He did not stop. The next moment, his figure disappeared. .

"What happened?" The demon dragon snarled and roared, but found that the two suddenly disappeared, and only a wonderful force rolled there, as if it was this power, wrapped Lin Feng and Yu Xu were inside.

"Don't go in." The body of the sword blind came to the side of the emptiness, facing the opening of the shackles, making the huge pupils stare at the sorcerer.

"He should have a solution." Swordsman said quietly. At this time, Lin Feng’s martial arts world, Lin Feng stepped on the Tianyan chessboard, the giant body slowly landed, his eyes glanced at the world, immediately Indifference staring at Lin Fengdao: "You used this method to take my wife?"

Lin Feng nodded, no else.

"You got a world?" There was a wave in the eyes of the giant. He knew that he had been cheated. If he killed Lin Feng at the beginning, he would not have anything to do with him. His wife was only trapped in Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was undecided, his mind was moving, and his footsteps suddenly stepped on the huge Tianyan chessboard. In an instant, the whole Tianyan chessboard suddenly lit up the brilliance, and a horrible breath drowned the world. Only in an instant, Lin Feng and the giant figure were all shrouded in a disillusionary circuit. The huge picture of life and death flashed wildly, as if to engulf the world.

"Malay?" The giant looks a condensate, this force is strong.

"Breaking!" The giant slammed out a palm. In an instant, a huge ancient demon prints the bombardment of the battle, but it is silent, without any response, as if his attack disappeared out of thin air.

"This is the array of disillusionment." Lin Feng's eyes are filled with terrible death, and then Taiji life and death is transformed into a horrible death. In an instant, the death force of the whole world is whistling wildly. The road is condensed, and there is a dead between heaven and earth, destroying all living beings.

The power of a strand of death impacted the body of the giant, and his gaze finally changed. This terrible death force could not destroy him, but if it was never-ending, he would eventually be completely eroded by the gas of death.

"Hey!" The body of the giant rushed toward the sky, but he soon discovered that it was an endless death jewel, only the death force of death, and him and Lin Feng, he could not use the power of law in space. It is.

At the next moment, Lin Feng’s body also disappeared into the battle. At this time, he stood outside the array, staring at the array of the sky, and the terrible attack caused the light of the road to be constantly distorted. It seems that it may collapse at any time, which makes Lin Feng look slightly condensed. The strength of this giant is too terrible. With his current strength, coupled with the help of Tianyan chessboard, what is the engraving in his own world of Wuhun? The tyrannical, the power of the giant has a faint tendency to break the road. You must know that the illusion of the illusion, although not lethal, but he was born because of the illusion, is extremely difficult to break open, but the power of the giant, but Can do it to break the road.

Moreover, the extinct death force can't kill him, and he can't let the giant attack like this.

"I want to see how long you can hold on." Lin Feng took a huge eight-treasure sun wheel in a certain direction, the giant madly attacked for a moment, suddenly found a horrible sun light attacking him, making The palm of his hand trembled fiercely, the emptiness of the sky, the light of the sun burst out of the frenzied, but only a moment of Lin Feng appeared, and the next moment he lost the trace.

Lin Feng's martial arts world, the giant can only use his own law power, but the power of the road beyond the scope of the law, coupled with his own horrible flesh, still has terrible fighting power, of course, Dow has less law to cooperate, still It will weaken a lot. The erosion of the giant's resistance to the death force is based on the power of the Tao and the power of the horrible life of life. Lin Feng does not fight against him. He uses his mastery to attack him. So that he can't break.

Three days later, the face of the giant was covered with a layer of ash. At this time, he was sitting cross-legged in the lap, and there was no such contempt for the solitude of the world. If he broke it, When he opened the road, he would be trapped in the living. He found himself making a big mistake. He was too contemptuous of Lin Feng. He did not think that Lin Feng could threaten his life. With his strength, even Lin Feng used the emperor. The soldiers are absolutely unable to help him, but he knows that Lin Feng has more terrible means than the emperor, and the road, in conjunction with the constant harassment of the soldiers, will kill him in life.

"Hey!" The body of the giant stood up again. He had to break the law. Otherwise, he would really be trapped in it. When he stepped, his body suddenly rushed, but the next moment, a The huge ancient mountains rolled down from the sky.

"Kill!" The giant screamed, and the terrible power of the ancient demon slammed toward the mountain. However, he saw that the infinite palm print suddenly broke everything, and pressed against him. The palm print seemed to envelope this world, all Everything must be destroyed and destroyed.

After a blow, Lin Feng removed the ancient mountain, and then he once again held the emperor in the middle of the road, and the pair of deaths stared at the giant.

"As long as you step into the fairy country, you don't have to go back!" Lin Feng's palm trembled, and he also called the body of death to hit the giant. The giant had some regrets. He did not carry the kind of power with his terrorist power. The Holy Emperor, otherwise, if it is a powerful emperor who accepts the Master, it will be able to break this road. The land of the trial of the Immortal Kingdom will be disconnected from the outside world. The temple can use the Tianhe River to get in touch with Xianguo. At this moment, he is in the world of Lin Feng, and there is no way to contact with the outside world.

Ten days later, Yu Xu and Jian Bian stared at the wonderful atmosphere of the group. Lin Feng had not come out yet. I don’t know what happened inside.

"What's inside?" asked Xu Jian to the blind man.

"Wait." The blindness of the sword is still calm. If Lin Feng is dead in the hands of the giant, he will be free. However, Lin Feng is not dead. He is not easy to escape now. Who knows when Lin Feng will come out and chase him? Moreover, in the world of Jiuyi, he has to face a huge crisis in going out alone.

At this moment, the wonderful atmosphere of the madness of convergence, finally, Lin Feng's figure once again appeared in their sight, and the breath was completely swallowed by Lin Feng.

I saw that Lin Feng’s eyelids were incomparably dark, and it was like a sigh of death.

"Lin Feng, how?" asked Xu.

"It's over." Lin Feng said quietly, as if a trivial thing happened, but he could not imagine that the inexplicable death of the giant in the trial of the fairy kingdom would bring much harm to the ancient Mozu. pain.

At this time, the ancient Mozu, outside a magnificent palace, many people stood here waiting, in front of the crowd, is a mysterious old man, his whole person seems to be shrouded in a layer of magic Among them.

"Boom!" The ancient demon's sky, a sly magic light suddenly burst into two horrible beams, like two dark eyes, the crowds raised their heads, and then they saw the two magic lights directly It rushed into the palace, so that the strong waiters who were waiting outside had pinched their sweat, and at the same time they burst into the terrible magic light in their eyes.

"Ancient magical eye, when the giant was born, there was no vision in the eyes of the ancestors, the giants were blind, the magic eyes were present, the magic baby was born, is this God's will!" The head of the man said slowly, just one day ago The life of the giant jade is broken and broken.

A crying cry came out of the palace, causing everyone's heart to pulsate slightly. The first person opened again, saying: "The little giant named the magic, conquered the world, and the power of the ancient Mozu is fully cultivated."

"Yes, ancestors." The crowds all followed, and then only one person continued to continue: "The ancestors, do you want to send people to revenge for the giant?"

"Leave it to the magic sign." The ancient ancestors faintly said, and then the footsteps disappeared.

PS: There is a problem that is very tangled. The previous chapter was issued late, everyone sprayed, you can't finish it earlier, let me wait so long; this month is sent earlier, so the spray method has changed again, since it is updated so early, Why don’t you send more points, or say, you can rest assured that even if you can send it early, it won’t be much more; or, I’m going to stay a little longer today, and the next day I’m late, and there’s a reason to spray. Yes, you see, it was just a little more yesterday. Today, TM is dead again. Do the brothers feel that there is no trace? Is this really a question of morning and evening? As long as you write a book, there will be no more sprays. For example, some people say that the passions written before, the outbreaks are many, the updates are many, now it’s not passionate, I think so. Said, why didn't I see you so praised me? At that time, the spray method is that you are bothered by trouble every day. You broke out this point in a month... Anyway, there are various contradictory spray methods. I can write a chapter!

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