Chapter 1919: Giants kill

After the battle between the Tiantai and the Moon Gate ended, there was another wave in the college. The terrible speed of the growth of the roof made the Warlord College feel a tremor, and now they are almost able to compete with the Moon Gate.

That white fairy, turned out to be Lin Feng’s wife, the strength is terrible, can suppress Ji Wu worry, but unfortunately, Lin Feng did not have a battle, but he died and was killed by Zong, which made many people move their dreams. Such a talented and horrible fairy character, even if she has had a husband, many people still do not mind.

The crowd is sighing, Lin Feng died too badly, Ji Yufeng Wang, Ji Men is once again with a strong and overbearing attitude to the War King College people announced that Jimen's majesty, can not be shaken, the rooftop wants to borrow him The rise of Jimen's Moon Gate is undoubtedly an idiotic dream. The price is that Lin Feng, one of the most important characters of Jimen, died. At the same time, the people of Jimen Yuemen joined the Yanmen and began to suppress the roof in War King College. Beside the people on the rooftops, but they did not dare to kill the people on the rooftop again in the college. In that case, there was something in the college that could not be explained.

Killing Lin Feng is also the power of the King of the Kings. The person who seals the king will be the pride of the college. The college will engrave his name on the stone monument of the King of the King. In addition, the statue will be shaped and will become a giant in the future. Characters, naturally have different privileges. His family’s Jimen killed a person. If this person has some influence in the college, it will not cause any waves.

On the rooftop, suddenly there was no sound, and everyone could not shrink. They probably realized that if they went out now, they might be crushed by the brutality of the Moon Gate and the Rock Gate, as if they were thoroughly in War King College. Disappeared.

At this moment, Wangwang College began to be alive because of Ji’s death. After Yucheng, Ji Wei once again sealed the king and shocked the holy city of Zhongzhou. However, this king’s day has not yet been settled. Rumor has it that the college has been carving the statue of King Ji.

The glory of his elder brother, Ji Wou, but there is no excitement, and began a period of retreat.


In the land of the trial of Xianguo, Lin Feng three people have already killed the Tianhe battlefield and came to the boundary of the Jiuyi continent. At this time, in a hidden cave house, Lin Feng sits cross-legged, and the soul is filled with the entire cave. The horrible endlessness of a stock seems to make Dongfu a holy place of life. Even the power of this life has spread beyond the Dongfu, making the mountains outside the Dongfu green, and the grass in the seams. Growing out.

The sword was blindly guarded outside the Dongfu. At this time, I saw the shackles coming from afar and saw the sword blind. I asked, "Is the injury still not restored?"

"I don't know." The sword blindly said aloud, making the sinfulness quite depressed. This Lin Feng didn't know what happened. Suddenly, the soul was traumatized and the breath was fluctuating. It seemed to be weak, so he immediately found a hidden place. Begin to practice, trying to stabilize the soul and restore the injury.

At this time, a horrible vortex suddenly appeared, and the endless flow of the entire valley instantly turned into a violent death, which caused the vegetation to wither and die, and the whole valley was turned into a piece. Gray, full of endless death power, this terrible death force rushed toward the cave, which seemed to be the demon king.

Immediately, I saw a figure slowly coming out of the cave house, the light of death on the body was entangled, the terrible coldness contained in the pupils made people feel a shudder from the soul, extremely cold and terrible, that is revealing The indifference of death seems to ignore the eternal life.

"Lin Feng, what happened?" asked Xu Feng to face Lin Feng. Some people wondered why Lin Feng was suddenly injured.

"I practiced the incarnation of the body, and the incarnation of the body stayed in the outside world and was destroyed by others. Therefore, the spirit was created." Lin Feng opened his mouth to the shackles, making the scorpion smashed. As it turned out, Lin Feng actually practiced. The technique of incarnation is surprising.

"How is the injury recovering now?" asked Xu.

"Fortunately, the problem is not very big." Lin Feng's voice did not have any waves. In the past, when he created his incarnation, he was still two or three years ago. Since this time, his cultivation has been progressing very much, so he is incarnate. The influence of death on him gradually became smaller. Otherwise, if he was left in the original, his incarnation was destroyed, then he was really badly wounded. Of course, Lin Feng’s ability to recover quickly is also related to his understanding of life and death. The endless meaning of life, not only in the body, but also in the soul, the meaning of the Tao, the soul of the same life, a little repair the damaged part.

"From the trial of the fairy kingdom, the time is not too long, sinful, what are your plans?" Lin Feng asked.

"I don't care, you, you killed this, it seems that you are not so interested in fighting?"

"I am a man of the nine continents, strayed into the underworld, stepped into the land of trials of the fairy kingdom, and killed all the way to return to the nine." Lin Feng said truthfully, he did not need to hide anything.

When I heard this, I couldn’t help but look at it, revealing a touch of surprise. Then I smiled and said: "It’s really interesting. The underworld is self-contained, and the nine worlds are cut off. You are actually in the underworld. In this case, I am with you. Go to the mainland of Kowloon."

“You are back to Jiuyi?” Lin Feng asked in a strange way: “Can the Jiuyi mainland go to the Dragon?”

"The same goes to the Jiuyi world, which can lead to the dragons, just walk around and experience some, and strive to be able to set foot on the emperor's realm." Yu Xu responded, Lin Feng nodded slightly, still want to ask, but at this moment, The bang of the bang rang in the emptiness of the sky, and the mountains collapsed, as if the heavens and the earth would collapse.

The rumbling sound of the rumble continued, and countless boulders crashed down the sky, the mountain collapsed, and a powerful and powerful magical rushing, revealing an unparalleled pressure, Lin Feng looked up, and the pupil suddenly became a Condensed, through the cracks of the mountains and rocks, a figure stands proudly, and it is a giant of the ancient demon.

"I really chased and killed the land of Xianguo." Lin Feng's death smashed through the void, and the horrible magic road between the giants met, the giant just stood calmly above the scorpio, gave him an oppressive sentient being. The sense of pressure.

"The **** ancient devil imprint." Lin Feng's heart is dark, only to see the dragon's air appearing in the emptiness of the sky, the sound of the dragon's whistle rises into the sky, the boulder in the void constantly bursts and bursts, even the sloping ancient peaks To collapse into powder, between the giants and Lin Feng, there is a lot of dust.

"A strong magic repair." 敖 开口 开口 说 敖 然而 然而 然而 然而 敖 敖 敖 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林”

"敖虚,剑盲, I need time now." Lin Feng said to the sham and the sword blind.

"I try." The sound of the dragon whistling, the body of the scorpion slammed into the sky, and went to the giant, a dragon screaming, and saw the horrible dragon claws of the sinister palms, and the tyrants were wrapped in them. The heavens and the earth trembled, and the infinite power smashed the past toward the giants.

The strength of 敖 本 is the realm of the peak of the demon, now the road to enlightenment, the strength is even more terrible, especially the power attack, even the ordinary emperor will definitely not be stronger than him.

The giant face is expressionless and indifferent. I saw his palm tremble fiercely, and suddenly a huge boundless ancient demon smashed out. This ancient magic palm print is like the ancient palm of the hand, sparkling with the dark and horrible magic road, and Contains the power of the immortal.

The crazy collapse of the surrounding peaks exploded, and the aftermath of the two attacks swept the whole world.

"Kill!" 敖 狂 狂 , , , , , , , , , , 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神The strokes of the pens are all natural, flowing through the magical mood of the heavens. The spirits of the two men collide, and the shackles feel the turmoil of the spirits, and the body slams back.

"A horrible character." Amazed in his heart, with the body of his demon dragon, he is overbearing and respectful, and he is arrogant in the world. He is suddenly repulsed by the other side. The giant stands there, like the devil of the same ancient, as if no one can shake it. Got him.

"Hey..." A loud sound of the dragon and the dragon screamed out, and the scorpion smashed into a huge blood dragon, hovering over the air. The huge and cold pupil stared at the giant, and the body was filled with terrible horror.

Lin Feng stepped in the void, the ground formed, the earth above, filled with a layer of magical atmosphere, and his body, gradually submerged by the magic array, disappeared.

In the world of Wuhun, Tianyan chessboard is present, Lin Feng’s body is standing on the chessboard, the footsteps are microstepping, and the aura of life and death is expanding wildly. At the same time, I see Lin Feng’s thoughts, and the law power of the Wuhun world is insane. The rushing toward the Tianyan chessboard.

The giant only went to the land of the immortal trial to find him. He wanted to see, in the world of martial arts, his world, the heavenly chessboard, only the power of my law superimposed into a battle, the giant who could not borrow the power of usage, how go out.

Lin Feng's footsteps are madly trampled on the Tianyan board. It seems that there are millions of pieces smashing at the same time, and the madness is deriving. The lines of the road are criss-crossed, and the power of the law flows into it like a madness.

The outside world, the demon dragon roared, the whole world was turned into a blood world, the blood of the giant is boiling, the mad mad tyrant attack, plus the sword blind side to help fight, there is still no way Dealing with the giant, especially the sorcerer, feels very wrong, his sword of light, for the first time feels useless, the giant can be smashed and smashed, he seems to attack the eyes of the giant.

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