Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1554: Refuse

The power of space and the power of the wind blossomed out, wrapped in the body of Lin Feng. At the same time, Lin Feng’s silver-white wings appeared behind him, and the silver light filled the sky.

"Hey!" Lin Feng stepped out, silver light spilled, his body disappeared in place, the speed is incredible, just a short moment, the whole piece of the void is the afterimage of Lin Feng's soaring.

Fast, too fast, the space of the righteousness and the wind of the pure speed of the fusion, coupled with the sublimation of the silver wing Wuhun and mysterious footwork, Lin Feng's speed rose to a limit.

"Oh..." A ray of light smashed from the sky. This sword pursues pure speed, people are fast, swords are faster, and the blooms belong to him.

The vine king behind Ye Sheng trembled fiercely, and suddenly a sturdy vine slammed out, and the bang banged into a powder. The vine was turned into a powder under the sword. Ye Sheng stood still, and the vine king was still wrapped in his body. Also attached to the power of the wind, he did not expect Lin Feng absolute speed is much faster than him, his wind is righteous, but there are nine weights, but Lin Feng's speed is a superposition of three forces.

In addition to the horror of moving speed, Lin Feng's swordsmanship is almost boundless, and the cold mans flashes, and the sword's killing has already come.

It is also a sword smashing out, still pursuing absolute speed, wind and thunder, ridiculously absurd, killing and killing, death and killing sword, are extremely fast swords, vines bursting wildly, facing this Speed, Ye Sheng battle is very difficult, his soul and the power of erosion can not land on Lin Feng and destroy Lin Feng.

The emptiness of the sky is all silver and swordsmanship. Soon, it seems that there is a tendency to weave into a sword net.

Ye Sheng’s body finally did not stay in place, turned into a hurricane and began to retreat. He could not be trapped in the sword net.

"Oh..." A sword of death seems to open the heavens and the earth, killing Ye Sheng’s body and retreating. It has already been pushed to the promenade, and three others are there.

Lin Feng's speed keeps up, and there is no hesitation and no sword. Ye Sheng has not retreated this time. The horrible vines are all raging out, and the ** is staring at Lin Feng's eyes.

"Come in!" Ye Sheng coldly screamed, the power of the horrible soul seemed to condense in the pupils. Lin Feng just wanted to shift the shape of the body but suddenly stagnate, only feeling that the eyes should be deeply stuck in, Deep into the bottomless vortex.

"Kill!" Ye Sheng, the king of the rattan scrolls the endless killing spear, and goes to Lin Feng's assassination. Not only does Lin Feng kill the enemy with speed, he will kill it. If he finds the opportunity to let the other soul fall, It will also wipe out opponents in an instant, avoiding inevitable.

Lin Feng was involved in the whirlpool. In an instant, the scorpion magical madness bombarded the whirlpool, and even the nine secluded springs appeared in Lin Feng’s eyes and played the nine secluded songs.

"Boom!" The soul vortex burst, and the killing spear has already arrived. However, when Lin Feng stepped on the footsteps, the speed of the scorpion made his body disappear into the attack range, and took off Lin Feng, who was controlled by **. The speed is terrible. After all, Ye Sheng didn't use this moment to kill Lin Feng. Even the horrible magic and the eyes of Jiu Ning countered him, making his soul shudder and even seeping out in his eyes. Blood stains.

Ye Sheng’s ** 瞳 is a very strong and overbearing technique. It is similar to him. Once it is involved in the vortex, it is almost a situation that must be defeated. Therefore, only on the battle platform, only in the battle When he was proud of the wind, he had such a defeat. The rest of the battle was all successful, but he just felt more powerful than him. He seemed to see a spring and a quiet.

"Be careful!" A shout fell into the eardrum of Ye Sheng. Ye Sheng himself certainly felt that the smuggling of the sword had been slashed and smashed. The king of the vine wrapped his body as if he had been the king of the vine. After swallowing it, the sword was on his body, and his body flew out, breaking the deep mouth of the vine king, as if to let the vine king rush, but this sword was actually smashed by the vine king However, Ye Sheng’s body was also slammed on the promenade, even to the back of the other three drug kings.

Lin Feng stood in the void, his sharp eyes were like Jianmang, and he was forced to look forward. Immediately, his footsteps stepped forward. Every step was wrapped up in the power of eight hundred times, hitting three other drugs. On the disciples of Wang Xiangong, at the same time, Lin Feng’s hands were above his hands, and the swords and sorrows appeared. They continued to tear the void, and the swords and whistles rolled, but people felt the breath of death.

"Boom!" The three powerful kings of the Imperial Palace suddenly released a terrible momentum and prepared for a war, especially the handsome young man standing in the middle, his strength is also very strong, but the other two are slightly weaker. The ranking is still behind Zhou Tianruo. If all four are in front, they will not be asked Tianbao to take the first seat.

"Everything back!" At this time, in the direction of Yaowang Palace, the white-bearded old man suddenly said, making the crowd tremble.

Retreat, the Emperor of the Emperor of the Imperial Palace of the King of Medicine, let the disciples who stood on the platform return, and the white-beard old man can of course feel the slash of the swordsman of Lin Feng. If the power of the eight hundred forces is wrapped up, Zhou Tianru is unbearable. A blow, the drug king Wang Xiangong three strong, I am afraid that will be smashed two.

"Go!" The handsome young man in the middle blew a terrible power, and then the body of the three people exploded, extremely fast.

Lin Feng’s sword smashed down and did not kill each other. At this moment, the three strong men of Wang Xiangong had already retreated to the distance, but Lin Feng’s sword was squatting, and the other’s attack was opened, which would be terrible. The battle platform has a slight gap.

After all, it is the strength of the Nine Palaces in Tiangong. Lin Feng is arrogant and arrogant, and he is arrogant and arrogant. He is completely released today, but if he really killed the people of the Nine Palaces, Lin Feng did not know. Whether it will affect the **** of the Emperor Wu, after all, he is still not clear what identity is the **** of the Emperor Wu.

Therefore, Lin Feng’s arrogance still has his bottom line, not to kill. Of course, even if he really wants to kill his opponent, I am afraid it is not so easy. When Zhou Tianruo had a royal body, he knew it. Others They all fight on the battle platform, even if there is no possibility to use the emperor, but if they are in danger, they will not hesitate to use it, but most of them have no emperors, not because of the Nine Palaces. Tianbao lacks a royal device, but it is afraid that they will rely on the imperial device. The real power is still its own combat power. The imperial device is only an aid.

Looking at the wolf's medicine, Wang Xiangong, a few people, Lin Feng stood on the void, looking at the direction of the drug king Xiangong, the smile in the scorpion fell in the eyes of the powerful kings of the drug king, it seems to be strong irony.

Lin Feng, in the end asked what the old man wants?

At this time, the calm eyes of the white-shoulders also had a sense of volatility. Lin Feng, who did not know how to live and die, dared to humiliate his drug Wang Xiangong disciple.

Most of the crowds are looking at what is happening in front of them in a lively manner. This Lin Feng is really crazy and directly offends several forces of the Nine Palaces.

However, Lin Feng did not know the thoughts in their hearts. At this moment, his robe stood in the void, and only the white-bearded old man in his eyes said indifferently: "He will set foot on your medicine, Wang Xiangong, let you be Confession in the past!"

Lin Feng’s voice moved with the wind and floated into the eardrum of the crowd, making the crowd tremble, the arrogant youth, and I will set foot on the medicine king’s palace, let you regret it!

Not to mention the grievances of Lin Feng and Yao Wang Xian Gong, his tough and arrogant self-confidence is enough to make people feel moving.

On his day, Lin Feng can personally set foot on the drug king Xian Palace, let a middle emperor repent?

"You can live until that day and say it again!" The white-bearded old man said calmly, and there was no chill in his voice. He had a lot of influence on the relationship between the Qingdi Mountain and the Nine Palaces.

Lin Feng's eyes were cold and arrogant. He didn't say anything more. His eyes turned slowly. He looked at the position of Tianbao, Qingdi Mountain, and against the dust.

"Predecessors, I Lin Feng than them, how?" Lin Feng's voice is rolling, Zhongzheng Pinghe, took off the arrogance, but more than a few free and easy confidence.

Among the eighteen strong ones, Zhou Tianruo, Qi Yuchen, Ye Sheng and other medicines, Wang Xiangong disciples, all lost in the hands of Lin Feng, Lin Feng talent and strength, no doubt.

Lin Feng asked against the dust Emperor, I Lin Feng compared to them, how, as if to ask: "I Lin Feng, Qingdi Mountain, want it!"

Of course, this is only their understanding. Lin Feng really does not intend to do this. His way of going, I believe that Shen Yu Wu Huang’s own intentions, Shen Yu Wu Huang has his grace, if he said to take Lin Feng to go, Lin Feng is not Will refuse, but he asked the anti-Wu Huang to say this, is to fly them!

Qingdi Mountain, in these nine main cities, has absolute right to speak, against the dust of the Emperor, can decide to fly their fate!

Everyone, looking at the dusty Emperor, seems to be waiting for his answer!

Looking back at Lin Feng, it is still a peaceful smile, and finally said: "The talent is very good, but the young is too frivolous!"

"Hey!" The voice of the Emperor against the dust fell, Qitianbao's position, Qiyun's double fists and micro-grip, the indifference of the indifference in the blind, just as he expected, Qingdi Mountain, refused Lin Feng!

Wang Wang, the drug king, also smiled, Lin Feng, mortal!

Of course, they are very clear that the so-called young is too frivolous is just an excuse, who is not young, those who have talent, who have not been frivolous, if there is no what happened on the platform, see Lin Feng’s talent Qingdi Mountain Will accept Lin Feng, and will resolve his grievances with Qi Tianbao, but because of Lin Feng's strong performance, he has offended too many people!

At this time, many people showed strange colors, refused, Qingdi Mountain, refused Lin Feng!

"In this way, Lin Feng, will you set yourself on the road?" The crowd said in the dark, even if Yuner was pale, without the shelter of Qingdi Mountain, Lin Feng almost died!

Lin Feng's body is still standing above the void, and the back shadow falls in the eyes of many people. It seems a bit bleak, a genius, just a strong rise, it will fall!

"Oh!" At this moment, a light smile came out and asked Tianbao direction, a black figure slowly stood up, a faint voice spit out from his mouth: "Qingdi Mountain, eyes smashed, he does not, I Want!"

Ps: Today's retreat broke out, and the brothers were passionate. In the last week of this month, the last few days of the full reward, the flowers are rewarded, please brothers!

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