Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1553: take it out

The speed of the Emperor Wu of the Purple is very fast, but he just came back in a moment, and brought Mu Yun back.

The two men's bodies landed on the promenade at the edge of the battle platform. Mu Yun saw that Lin Feng was dragging Qi Yuchen. The beautiful flashed a flash. It was very unexpected. She obviously did not think that Lin Feng would stand on the platform and Qi Yuchen would The abuse was so miserable. When the Purple Emperor took her, she didn't even know why.

But at this time, she seemed to understand, and there was a slight smile in her eyes, which was warm.

"Your children, to the top of the Qitianbao stand, the seniors will look after you!" Lin Feng said to Mu Yun, everyone thought that the predecessors of Lin Fengkou were against the dust Emperor, of course, against the dust Emperor, The people of Qitianbao did not dare to dismiss Mu Yun.

"Well." Mu Yun did not ask more, his body flashed, and after a moment he arrived at the stand of Tianbao, quietly looking at what happened in front of her. Until now, she still did not fully understand what happened.

"Roll!" Lin Feng's arm slammed, and Qi Yuchen's body flew up and headed for Qitianbao.

The purple martial arts emperor reached out and buckled, then the figure flashed, and Qi Yuchen caught it. It was a micro-send, and if a younger generation with great potential died in Lin Feng’s hands, he would not be able to explain it. After all, Lin Feng is from He took off his hands and untied the control. Although all of this may be taken by Qi Yuchen, if he sent someone to kill Lin Feng, the current thing would not happen.

After Lin Feng left the Qitianbao resident, what happened?

On the battle platform, Lin Feng’s eyes continued to turn, and the forces were silent. They wanted to see what Lin Feng intended.

This time, Lin Feng's gaze fell in the position of the drug king Xian Palace, so that several young strongmen of Yaowangxian Palace had a slight brow and a sharp sway in their eyes. Is Lin Feng Yao Wang Xian Gong also moving?

However, they found that Lin Feng’s gaze did not look at them, but followed their bodies and looked away from the direction of the Yaowang Palace. Finally, the white of the Yaowang Palace, which fell on the battle platform. The old man, the middle emperor.

Of course, the white-beard old man also noticed Lin Feng, the long-haired fluttering, the indifferent eyes staring at Lin Feng, only to see Lin Feng reaching out to him at this time, saying: "Things, take it out!"

"Well?" Everyone saw this scene smashed, things, come out?

Lin Feng asks the strong person of Wang Xiangong to ask for something? There are many people in the white beard, and some of the strongest people in the medicine Wang Xiangong also know what Lin Feng is asking for.

On that day, a powerful emperor who claimed to be ruled by the Emperor of the Emperor, carrying the injured Lin Feng, went to the station where Yao Wangxian Palace was here. He saw the white-beard old man and asked him to heal the Lin Feng and ask for help. However, the white-beard old man accepted it. The storage ring of Zhizhi, saying that it was the compensation that Zhizhi collided with him, let Zhizhi roll, Lin Feng asked for it at this moment, of course, it was originally handed over to the white-bearer.

The white-bearded old man looked at Lin Feng indifferently. He was a seven-hearted person who dared to reach out to him. He had to say that Lin Feng’s courage was not as big as it is. Of course, Lin Feng’s courage has already been proved before. Zhou Tianruo, who abused Qi Yuchen and let Qijia surrender Mu Yun, did not seem to have anything he could not do.

However, as a median emperor, is he letting him personally get what he wants, because Lin Feng’s one sentence is returned to Lin Feng?

This is not a valuable problem for that thing. Then, how will others look at him, where is his middle-ranked emperor's face?

"I advise you to take back what you said!" The white-bearded old man spoke up, his voice was calm, but with strong penetrating power. On the battle platform, only his voice was echoing, and Lin Feng was advised to take back the words.

The scrolling magic of Lin Feng has never converge. After hearing the words of the white-bearer, the footsteps of the first eighteen seats in the Yaowang Palace are stepping on. Every step of the way makes the earth tremble slightly, as if in the void. There was a terrible wave of rolling, fiercely rushing toward the few people.

The king of medicine Wang Xiangong has a talented person. Four people have entered the top 18 seats, one more than Tianbao. However, above the record points, they lost to Tianbao with a very weak disadvantage and almost seized. The absolute control of the next 10,000 years, of course, even so they are one of the three major control forces of the next 10,000 years.

In the next 10,000 years of horror, the land of eight deserts and nine secluded places is not only simple, but also a force like Tianzhu Xianyu.

Moreover, the first four seats of Yaowang Palace were powerful, and two of them were very powerful. One of them even won the second seat. Only one defeat was defeated, and it was defeated in the hands of the proud wind.

Ye Sheng, the one who took the second seat, saw Lin Feng step by step, the power of eight hundred times of the power of the world is roaring, hegemony can not be a lifetime, Ye Sheng’s robes are blown to hunting Not only did he not retreat, but he took a step forward. He, like the proud wind, had a power of seven hundred times.

Moreover, the people of Yaowang Palace are different in their ability to be different from others.

At this time, the crowds only saw Ye Sheng’s eyes gradually become fascinating, and the eyes were dark and green, which made people dare not look straight.

"Ye Sheng's strength is terrible. Even if he asks the proud wind to defeat him, he has already made great efforts. Although this person is terrible and overbearing, he is afraid of defeating Ye Sheng, who is good at **. If it is defeated, Lin Feng’s The end will be very miserable!" The crowd secretly, with their talents as a bet, all bet on the body of Qingdi Mountain, if Lin Feng defeated a battle, Qingdishan refused him, Lin Feng's fate can almost be predicted, will die very badly .

Ye Sheng, is a humble young man who praised Jun for being a good hunt. He won the second seat. Lin Feng saw him a battle and was very tyrannical.

The dark green eyelids seemed to sting Lin Feng’s thoughts, which made Lin Feng feel that his eyes could not be opened. This made Lin Feng’s heart tremble, his pupils became more dark and cold, and in the eyes of the gods, tyrannical The magical will and the power of the curse spewed out, colliding with each other's dark green eyes in the void.

"A strong and powerful magical willpower is contained in the konjac. My ** 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 。 。 ” ” ” ” ” 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶The ancient rattan king, lifted Ye Sheng’s body, even as if he had his own pupil.

A thick vine fluttered toward Lin Feng in the face of the eight sides, and it was even sharper than the sword, and it was almost unbelievable.

Lin Feng appeared infinitely in the body, killing the magical boxing and smashing the power of the overbearing power. The vines were turned into powder, and the vines burst, but one grain of seed still went toward Lin Feng’s body. Surprising.

"Wind!" Ye Sheng mouth spit out a cold sound, suddenly the wind blew, the seeds move with the wind, it is shadowless and invisible, to be planted in Lin Feng.

"Fire!" Lin Feng thought of a move, suddenly the magic fire came out, a powerful magic fire burned everything, countless seeds descended on Lin Feng, suddenly a terrible corrosion eroded Lin Feng's body, even as if it would spread, take root, Lin Feng's body is completely eroded, but the magic fire that emerges from Lin Feng is also extremely overbearing. The black flame formed by the combination of the magical meaning and the flames of the magic will burn many seeds that want to spread roots into nothingness.

"Magic, flame, Lin Feng, he seems to have demonstrated the power of many kinds of righteousness!" The crowd in the heart, the space, the devil, the fire, the curse, the death, the immortality, so many of the ups and downs are strong and weak, if they can fully avatar, It will be terrible to make the laws of various departments work, but this situation is almost impossible. Many talented strong men have learned a lot of mysterious forces under the Emperor Wu, but they will choose the ones that are best at one or two. The sublimation of the righteousness is the rule of law. At the same time, it is too difficult to comprehend the power of five or six laws and achieve many rules and martial arts.

Countless people want to embark on the throne to understand the power of a law is very difficult, not to mention a variety!

"It’s a quick battle with this person!" Lin Feng thought, the strength of Ye Sheng is very good, **, seed, corrosion, wind, but he is also good at many powerful forces, magic eyes, magic fire, able to resist The other side attacks, otherwise if it is changed, it is easy to be strangled by ** and corrosive forces, and this kind of war can not be delayed, to suppress him with absolute power.

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