Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1516: Ruling rules

"Master, now, I am also the land of the Lord!" Lin Feng smiled, the palm of his hand, a stronger sense of strength suddenly came to life, a soft smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Would you like to learn from it!" Wood dusted like a smile, and the smile on Lin Feng's face suddenly fell down and shrugged: "Master, don't bring you so bully brother!"

"Be free to discuss, I will properly retract the power!" Wood dust is not a joke, let Lin Feng's eyelid flashed a sharp edge, the scorpion is faintly wary, eager to try.

"Good!" Lin Feng is burning blood in battle. Since Wood Dust is willing to guide him to practice, he will certainly not be polite. He realizes that the strength of the wood dust brother is only good for him. At this time, although Lin Feng is in the position of respecting the Lord, He still sighs the power of wood dust in his heart, and the terrible hiding power seems a bit horrible. He once appeared quietly behind him, and this time he has no chance to take his life, if it is to kill wood dust. He is really easy.

"You come to attack me, you are welcome!" Wood dust stood there and said, Lin Feng nodded slightly, and his mind was moving. Suddenly, the body was mad and arrogant. The pupils were dark and indifferent, and the seemingly harmonious Lin Feng once entered the battle state, but it was like The arrogant tyrants are breathtaking.

The smell of wood dust is exactly the opposite of him. He can't even feel the smell of wood dust. If Lin Feng can see him, he can't even feel the existence of wood dust.

Suddenly, Lin Feng stepped out in one step, killing the magical boxing and sweeping the earth, and then violently screaming and screaming out, blasting the void, the black mans must penetrate everything.

The dust of the wood dust was shot out, and his power seemed to be transformed into a thousand miles, moving in harmony with the heavens and the earth, and wounded around the killing magic boxing.

"Crack!" The wood dust squirted a word, and suddenly the overbearing killing magical boxing turned into a rolling magical dissipated in the void, making Lin Feng's nephew stepping out of the foot, but his footsteps were not the slightest. The pause, the double fists broke, and the place where the killing magic boxing passed was emptied, carrying the power of terrible power, and the black and white beams appeared in the void.

Wood dust is still in the air, and his power is still very peaceful. It seems to penetrate into the void, silently dissolving Lin Feng's attack.

Lin Feng's body spins slightly, and the palm of his hand pulls out the inexhaustible sword. He opens the void and shrouds the ground under it. The footsteps are trampled on the void again, and the infinite power is madly thrown down.

"Hey, hehe..." Wood dust still does not hide, and the inexhaustible force penetrates into the void, so that he can clearly feel the strength of each piece of this void, Lin Feng's attack is broken, of course there are Many of the forces continued to fall down, but they were smashed by the dust of the wood. At this time, Lin Feng’s palm prints slammed down, and the palm of the hand seemed to be an invincible sword, to pierce everything.

Wood dust laughed, the palms lifted up, and Lin Feng's attack collided with each other. In an instant, Lin Feng only felt the soul shudder, the body trembled, the body frantically retreated, and the wood dust separated.

"Master, the ability you are good at is the power of the soul!" Lin Feng's heart trembled slightly, looking at the dust in front of the figure, it is no wonder that the hiding power of the wood dust brother is so powerful, and the charisma is extremely terrible, can pass a glimpse The power clearly feels the strength of every place in the void. For example, when Lin Feng attacks him, he can perceive which point attack is strong and which point attack is vulnerable and responds.

"Well, Lin Feng, your attack is already strong enough, but it can be more stable and rock-solid, making him more perfect and flawless!" Wood dust said with a smile, his strength is indeed the soul power.


In the East, the end of the world, at the end of the world, in the Sun Castle, two figures came from the other side of the castle and set foot on the castle. These two are naturally ambassadors who are responsible for guarding this. A small world, and another person, is really the East Emperor!

"The messenger, what I am asking, trouble you!" Donghuang said very politely to the messenger.

"Do not worry, since I promised, naturally will do it!" The messenger nodded slightly, said.

The East Emperor heard a positive answer and smiled in his eyes. Then he thought of a move and took out a storage ring and handed it to the messenger. "The messenger is an adult, this is my favorite, I hope to laugh!"

The ambassador unknowingly collected the storage ring and said: "I will not interfere with anything happening in this small world. However, this entrance is controlled by me. If I say it, it is the will. Who can defy it! ”

"This is of course!" Donghuang smiled and said: "The ambassador is in charge of the lifeblood of this small world!"

"Well!" The ambassador smiled with satisfaction, and at this time the East Emperor also quit: "The ambassador, I will leave first."

After all, the shadow of the East Emperor drifted away and left the Sun Castle.

After the emperor left, the ambassador came to the huge sun pattern and placed his hand on the sun pattern. Suddenly, a vast expanse of power spread out and penetrated the heavens and the earth, making the whole day fluctuating.

Among the mountains, Mu Chen and Lin Feng are still working tirelessly. Lin Feng is sweating, but he is still very excited to fight, taking advantage of every battle experience, but at this moment, there is a hot blaze on the Scorpio. The light penetrated the heavens and the earth, as if suddenly came.

"Well?" Wood dust frowned, staring at the void, revealing a dignified color in his gaze.

I saw that the sun's volatility is getting more and more dramatic, and the endless sky is like a real sky. There are golden letters that appear slowly.

The golden handwriting has only three words, thirty days!

"A big courage!" The dusty brilliance in the wood dust mites, the anger is strong, and the ambassadors arbitrarily steal the day and tamper with the rules of the small world!

"Brother, what is this?" Lin Feng's eyes are also a condensate, these three sun writings, I am afraid that people in the whole small world can see it, it is the handwriting of the vastness of the sky.

"Only the messenger is in charge of the power of the sun, the moon and the stars in the small world. He is the rule of the small world. He tells us that in thirty days, you must go to the holy city, otherwise you will close the world passage." Wood dust sounds indifference .

Lin Feng’s eyes were also a condensate. The last time they wanted to go to the holy city, they were rejected by the ambassador. This time, he limited the time for their departure.

Not only Wood Dust and Lin Feng saw the instructions in the void. At this moment, all the people in the eight deserts and nine secluded looked up. Even though many places were cloudy and rainy days, they suddenly disappeared. They saw the sun shining on the sky. The golden characters, countless ordinary people are stunned by this magical scene. What kind of strong person can they be engraved in Tianzhu?

"Family!" Yan Huang and several heavenly disciples were together, looking at the emptiness of the eyes of the sky, the disciples of the rooftops were very surprised, they never saw the anger of the Emperor.

Of course, the East Emperor also saw the big characters in the void, and a faint smile appeared in his eyes. In his heart, he said: "In the small world that has been in charge for so many years, the self-confidence of the ambassador is also somewhat inflated, and the courage is getting bigger and bigger!"

As the ambassador himself said, he thinks he is the ruler of this world. He is the king. His words are the will. Of course, without him giving the benefits of the messenger twice, the ambassador will not do this!

Nine secluded twelve countries, small towns, Tianbi Mountain Villa.

The old man in Tianbi Mountain Village raised his head slightly. He had always turned his face at the moment, his face was slightly changed, his brow was wrinkled, and then there was a cold mang in the scorpion. The indifferent road said: "A big courage, even taming the rules of the world!"

Yunfeiyang and Beiyanyun came to the side of the old man. Beiyanyun asked: "Master, what is going on?"

"Some people are daring, and this small world has been moved!" The old man's eyes gradually recovered calmly, facing Yunfeiyang and Beiyanyundao: "I want to help you improve your strength, but now it seems to be no good, let's go!"

After all, the old man squats and moves, with the body of Yunfeiyang and the North Yanyun rolling, and rushing in the direction of the eight wilderness!

Thanks to the Lord God for rewarding the works 1888 by the wave of coins; the southern part of the colorful cloud 0413 rewards the works 100 by the wave of coins, thank you

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