Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1515: Wei Lin Feng

A emptiness of emptiness in the body of Lin Feng, he has been in the power of the sacred space robes, suddenly, Lin Feng's body disappeared in place, directly appeared in the place of kilometers.

However, the next moment, Lin Feng’s dark scorpion was slightly stiff. Although he moved to a kilometer away, the horrible trend that plagued him was still on him. His body seemed to be incapable of control. Finally began to oppress his body, but in an instant, Lin Feng has a feeling of suffocation, this feeling is like being caught in the throat, extremely uncomfortable, at the same time, the terrible killing is getting closer, as if He may have his life at any time.

Lin Feng once again felt that death was so close. At this time, he even thought that he was found by the first kill or the second kill of the Emperor's League. The seven killings of the Emperor's League had the most powerful third. Killing, very strong, but the two people led by the seven kills have not been traced so far.

This killing seems to be approaching step by step, so that Lin Feng’s heartbeat is intensifying, and there is a hurricane on his body, which is released with the space and righteousness, wrapped around his body. At the same time, the terrible earth is attached to the body for him. The body has added a bit of khaki armor.

"Hey!" A rhythm of the rhythm trembled Lin Feng’s heart, letting Lin Feng’s heart tremble with the rhythm of the heavens and the earth, as if to jump out, and at the same time, the rock armor on his body split, the hurricane and the space The power is also suppressed, and the thousand-fold trend is not only a change in quantity, but also a qualitative change, a trembling, and a harmony with the heavens and the earth!

"Boom!" Lin Feng, the magic of the rushing clouds, strong and terrible, rolling up, together with the hurricane, gathered into a terrible magic storm power, six hundred times the rolling trend of crazy bloom, want to resist this terrible Oppressive power.

"Hey!" The world is a tremor. Suddenly, Lin Feng only feels that all the momentum on his body has been removed, and the war is to be killed. The other party is destroying his confidence step by step.

Countless people around him looked at Lin Feng and felt the strong breath of Lin Feng. They showed a sultry look and looked around. Who gave the young man such a terrible oppressive force and let him move The resistance of the whole body is still full of sweat, can not see, there are people of all kinds, but they can not see who released a strong atmosphere, that person may be among them, but they can not find.

"A dangerous person!" The crowd trembled, which means killing is invisible, and you can't see it.

"Hey!" Lin Feng's heart beat for the third time. There was a sense of collapse. It seemed to be killed by a living oppression.

"Boom!" Lin Feng stepped on the ground, and the endless swordsmanship was released wildly. There were terrible cracks on the ground, and there was no lawlessness. Lin Feng’s body gradually turned black, and the pupil was even more stunned. Wherever the crowds dodge, they dare not look at the pupils, as if they had a glance, their hearts must be broken.

"The arrogance of the arrogant tyrants, who can force him to this point!" The crowd's heart seemed to follow the footsteps of Lin Feng. The youth was already terrible, but it was inexplicably oppressed into such a situation. I can think how terrible the other party is.

"The sorrow of the tyrants, the heavenly kendo, the darkness of fear, he is Lin Feng!" Suddenly, a loud voice remembered, and instantly amazed!

"Yes, he is Lin Feng!" The crowd was trembled, and some people wanted to kill Lin Feng.

"You are not my opponent!" Just as the crowd was horrified, Lin Feng had a voice trembled in his mind, echoing, and his confidence must be completely defeated.

"Hey, hehe..." Swordsman pierced the void, sweeping between the heavens and the earth, the ground continued to open the deep cracks, and the storm of terrible swords was blown around. The shadows of the people slid backwards, the storm of the sword , enough to kill them.

"Don't make unnecessary struggles. In my eyes, you are already a dead man!"

The voice came out again, and then the world shivered, and a sound of screaming came out. Lin Feng’s heart beat, the momentum dropped again, and the meaning of death was closer!

Killing is like the essence, stabbing Lin Feng's body, Lin Feng's face is slightly twisted, although his momentum is soaring, but still can not stop the invasion of the other side, he is only a step away from death!

Really dying, even, he didn’t even know who killed him. Lin Feng felt a trace of sadness. He hadn’t experienced this desperate taste for a long time.

"No, I still have the Jade Emperor Palace in hand!" Lin Feng, who doesn't want to die, has endless hopes for his life. He has unlimited expectations for the future. He has an infinite love for his loved ones. As long as there is hope, he He couldn't give up. At this time, he didn't even know where the other party was. He couldn't be sure that when he released the Jade Emperor's Palace, the other party would launch a killing blow.

"All for me!" Lin Feng's dark scorpion stared at the figure in front, his eyes were cold and inexhaustible. When the pupils swept over, the crowd felt cold, and his body flickered. He walked away and did not dare to disappoint Lin Feng.

Lin Feng suddenly turned around, and then stepped forward, stepping forward with a whistling sound, endless magical gas and a heavenly sword, and the surrounding buildings were instantly flattened. Everything was gone, and the crowd was flying back. No one dared to get close to Lin Feng’s body. At this moment, he was like killing God.

But what makes Lin Feng feel desperate is that the peerless killing is still there, the pressure is still so terrible, and the meaning of death is still so desperate.

"Go to hell!" A cold voice trembled Lin Feng's eardrum, making Lin Feng pale, as if to remove the power of the body, to wait for death to come, the killer in the front or behind?

"Get out!" The mad roar screams, Lin Feng's roaring sound waves seem to blend into the terrible sword, killing everything, a few hundred feet of terrible edge to destroy everything, no one dares to come here.

The void is like a gathering of a big hand, buckled to Lin Feng, wrapped his body, to kill him alive, he can not resist, even if he releases the heart of the Jade Emperor, it must be shackled, Can't escape, this is a big hand of death, to crush his body.

Lin Feng’s body has been soaked, even if he is angry and stunned, even if his sword is broken, he still can’t stop the absolute power. His dark eyes are struggling and unwilling!

His martial arts road is still very long, he has to ride over the sky, how can he die here!

"Oh..." The maddening shadow and the devil's back screamed together. His unwillingness to experience it in this roaring roar, the surrounding earth bursting in the howling, the cracks in the earth became more and more terrible, his magic Rolling the world, rolling in the sky, gathered in the shadow of another demon king on the sky, the shadow has a pair of eyes, shot unwilling!

In Lin Feng’s body, the magic seems to run through the sky and the earth, and it seems that it has changed.

"Breakthrough!" The crowd that retreated to the distant place trembled. Lin Feng actually broke through at this desperate moment and stepped into the realm of respecting the martial arts and respecting the Lord!

Lin Feng’s body is going to fight against the heavens and the earth, but he still can’t resist the oppressive force. He has not felt the joy of any breakthrough. Breaking through this situation is a bit sad.

"It's him!" In the distance, there was a sound coming from the wind. Lin Feng’s nephew suddenly looked into the distance, and Zhou Tianruo and his big brother came.

"Big brother, it is him, kill him for me!" Zhou Tianru suddenly opened his mouth, but Zhou Tianxiao was frowning. Lin Feng is already difficult to protect himself at the moment. It seems that he does not need him to do it, but when he looks at the crowd, I didn’t even find out who was dealing with Lin Feng. The ability of this concealment was a bit too much.

"Hey!" At this time, the crowd rushed a figure and went straight to Lin Feng. Zhou Tianxiao’s scorpion was another condensate. Then he saw that the person arrived in front of Lin Feng, and he directly went away. Lin Feng’s body was gone. Leave in the void.

This sudden scene made the crowd feel inexplicable, and made Zhou Tianxiao's eyes stiff, and then he thought of something like that. His footsteps suddenly went out and went straight to the figure that went away.

After a few breaths, Zhou Tianxiao appeared in the distant void, but in front of him, but there is no figure in front of the two, even failed to catch up!

After some time, Zhou Tianruo also rushed up, facing Zhou Tianxiao: "Big brother, what is going on?"

Zhou Tianxiao shook his head slightly, and he didn't have any trouble to understand what it was all about!

In fact, Lin Feng himself did not understand, until he appeared in a mountain range outside the Rising Sun City, the body was put down, seeing the figure who walked away from him, his eyes were stuck there, and he could not help but feel awkward.

Immediately, Lin Feng’s face showed a look of bitter smile and shook his head: “Master, you can scare me enough!”

"I just saw that your cultivation was stagnant in the peak of Zunwu Liu. I used this method to deliberately stimulate you." It turned out that Lin Feng felt desperate killer, actually his master brother, Mu Chen.

"Thank you Master!" Although Lin Feng experienced the desperation just now, but he did not understand the hard work of the master, it was for his master to do this.

"What are you thankful for, I am also trying, and it is up to you to break through. I am just guiding it!" Wood dust does not care about the laughter. There are countless strong people trapped in the peak period of a certain realm. All of them can use this method to motivate them to break through. The key is to rely on their own will and belief. Of course, there must be a little luck!

Wood dust is just a try, Lin Feng can break through the best, can not break through the right to give him a little forward momentum, let Lin Feng feel that they have a long way to go!

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