Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1478: Fallen

Yanhuang’s palm trembled and seemed to want to tear open the void and leave from nothing. However, at this time, a violent emptiness force fluctuated and there was no crack in the space, which made the body more and more illusory. The emperor's face is even more ugly.

"Do you feel so dull?" At this time, the man who had bombarded the Emperor in the void in the air said indifferently that the void space has been locked, and that he wants to leave through nothingness, impossible.

"Unfortunately, such a good remedy, no one actually took it. If this is the case, then the old man will continue to keep it!" The old man’s hoarse voice spit out, and then they only saw their steps forward, and all the shadows around them Moved up, stepping toward the crowd, a suffocating breath oppressed.

The strongman who bombarded the Emperor of the Emperor just held the seal of the earth, and the quaint print showed the power of terror, and then swiftly threw it toward the Emperor.

Yan Huang's palm in front of the palm, suddenly the flame penetrated everything, blasted on the soil, the earthen prints still slammed down, with terror.

Lin Feng looked up. Suddenly, he felt that everyone was covered by this land. It was not like an ancient seal, but a land that destroyed the land and smashed it down from the sky.

The emperor stayed in front of a few disciples such as Lin Feng, stepping out step by step, suddenly the earth seemed to be shaking, as if it had a strange rhythm, Lin Feng and others suddenly appeared in the mountains, standing there, they stood Between the mountains, they were wrapped in it. When the ancient Indians smashed down, the mountains continued to collapse, but they stood there without any harm.

"Master!" There was a black and painful voice outside. The Emperor had been attacked by the law and had a toxin. In the face of a warrior who is good at the laws of the earth, it is impossible to win. The illusion is up.

In addition to this side, the other killing of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor, the first killing target, is the Wu Emperor who was just sneaked, first kill these Wuhuang.

One of them was extremely terrible. After a while, he directly attacked the Emperor of the Emperor of the Heavenly Pavilion and killed the fallen Emperor Wu of the Earth. It was also the first fallen Wu Emperor.

"The Emperor of Wuhuang is falling!" The crowd saw the light of the law rising into the sky, the heart was trembled, and the body was shaking slightly. This time it was no longer a small fight, but it was really a smashing of the Emperor. Force filling, when the death, the power of the law leaked out between the heavens and the earth, turned into a shining light.

"The median emperor, from him, there are eight major emperors, and a dozen of the strongest of the martial arts peaks!" Sui Huang gaze glanced at the crowd, let Lin Feng and others look a condensed, this lineup, Suffocating!

At this time, a dazzling light was shot at the Emperor Huang. The eye of the middle emperor looked at the emperor and Lin Feng and others. This scene made Lin Feng’s body tremble slightly. They saw the middle emperor. The coldness in the scorpion, and a sneer.

"Hey!" The strong man stepped on the ground and turned into a phantom streamer, heading straight to the emperor.

When the emperor stepped on the footsteps, the earth was trembled, and the five emperors and other five people suddenly seemed to be buried by the earth, and his body disappeared.

At the moment when Emperor Huang and others disappeared, the golden thread bloomed, and the middle figure appeared in the place where the Emperor was located, and the whole mountain peak was turned into a powder at this moment, moving with the wind.

"Where to escape!" The man glanced at the ground, feeling the rhythm of the earth, and the tremble of the footsteps on the ground, suddenly collapsed in the ground, there were thousands of cracks, and all the figures seemed to be torn.

"Boom!" Outside the 10,000 meters, the Emperor Huang wrapped up the figure of Lin Feng and others. The middle empire sneered and stepped forward, but at this moment, a peerless murderer firmly fixed his body. Locked, let his body slightly stiff, stopped there, that step, can no longer step out!

"Since it is here, come out, why do you want to sneak!" The middle emperor spit out a cold sound, holding his hands and standing, and all of them were terrible void power. The whole person seemed to be bathed in the golden yellow silk thread.

A whistling sound came out, and a fiery white light appeared. This white light seemed to be attached to a flame. Perhaps because of the speed, the void was burning. It was a sword that penetrated the void. .

"Hey!" The middle emperor snorted, his palm trembled, and suddenly there was a prison in the void, and the sword was locked, and then the vain power of the tyrannical force deprived the killing power and the sword light, a little wipe. Drop it.

The other party still did not show up, only the more and more powerful scorpion kills him, as if he is brewing a stone-shattering blow.

The figure of Emperor Huang and others appeared not far away. Lin Feng saw that the middle emperor stood still and couldn’t help but brow. In the end, who is the killer, there is a terrible strongman who locked the middle emperor. Let him not dare to shake.

It is also a vast force of law that rushes to the sky, causing the crowd to tremble, that is the power of the magic law, the martial arts of the illusion of the Heavenly Palace, fallen!

"The second Emperor Wu!" Feel the power of this powerful law, the hearts of the crowd also trembled, this is the peak of the Emperor Wu, eight wilderness and nine secluded twelve countries, each of them died There is one less emperor.

"Emperor of the East Emperor, you are the middle emperor. Even if it is invaded by toxins, there should be fighting power. With the advantage of the median emperor, you can still deal with the next emperor. Today you are the host. Do you want to watch the emperor fall? At this time, Emperor Huang looked up and looked toward the East Emperor.

When I heard the words of Emperor Huang, many people’s eyes suddenly looked at the East Emperor, and some even showed their pleading.

"Sorry, if I take the shot, I can't protect my child from the fire!" At this time, Donghuang said, categorically rejecting the words of Emperor Huang.

Suddenly, a killing gaze went to the East Emperor, and the Emperor’s eyes were slightly condensed. Then a killer held a long sword and slowly stepped toward Qi Yan.

"Oh..." A sword was cold and the weather changed. The East Emperor and Qi Huang’s face changed greatly. The scorpion shot sharp and sharp, staring at the man and yelling: "You dare!"

The only swords that answered them were a sword, and the power of the law of the void seemed to imprison them in a light curtain.

"Escape!" The power of the East Emperor mobilized the law, suddenly appeared in the void, and shrouded him and Qi Yan, the sword stabbed on the light curtain, and suddenly there was a crack in the light curtain.

"Boom!" Above the Scorpio, a smashing attack and smashing down, a giant sword completely collapsed the light curtain, and then the strong man rushed to Qi Yan.

Qi Yan is pale and his body wants to avoid it, but he is firmly locked. He is facing the strong emperor of the Wu Emperor. The emperors can offset each other's power, but he is different. When the power and the law of the big force When the power gathered on him, his body could not move at all.

"Get out of the way!" Qi Huang roared, and there was a golden void in the palm of his hand to kill the power, and rushed toward the void.

"How does Qihuang seem to have not been affected by toxins?" At this time, the voice of Emperor Huang suddenly came out, let Qi Qi’s movements slightly stagnate, and the scorpion flashed a cold meaning, and in this moment, The sword of killing and stabbing Qi Yan, between seconds, can determine a person's fate, their speed has been terrible to a terrible situation.

The emperor's face changed slightly, and the figure suddenly disappeared in the same place. The body suddenly appeared in the sky above Qi Yan, blocking the opponent's attack against the inflammation, but the other person's sword arrived at the same time.

"How did the East Emperor become the next emperor, even if it is poisoned, it will not use the law to force the decline!" The Emperor reopened again, and the East Emperor’s heart trembled slightly, hitting the other side with a hard hit, and his body fell down, and he The gaze, but saw that the sword of the killing stabbed into the throat of Qi Yan.

"Killed Qi Yan?"

Seeing that the sword broke into the throat of the fire, many people squatted, they have not relaxed the suspicion of aligning the home, but at the moment, Qi Yan, also died in the hands of the killer, what is this all about? Is this really true that Yu Qijia has nothing to do with it!

"Oh..." The horrible killing power was strangled, Qi Yan’s body was torn apart, and the East Emperor and Qi Huang’s eyes were splitting. They saw Qi Yan being torn apart, in their nephew. With an endless cold flame!

After the two killers killed Qi Yan, the body suddenly disappeared in the same place at the same time, and then flickered toward the left side, a strong and horrible killing gas burst out at the same time, the crowd suddenly messed up, constantly The dispersion of the retreat, the two full-fledged Wu Huang if they joined forces to kill, it is terrible.

On the other side, there is a lawful force that rushes to the sky, which means that another Wuhuang has fallen. This time, it is the Emperor of Heaven.

In this short period of time, there have been three fallen emperors, and Qi Yan, also died.

Yanhuang, who was almost forced into a desperate situation, almost collapsed the illusory figure, and his belly was black and cracked. He was powerless. If he came forward, he would be vulnerable. The other party was the Emperor, and he was able to kill him easily.

The middle emperor still stood still, the scorpion was getting colder and colder, killing the world, and the meaning of killing him was not weak, gathering the thunder to kill, as long as he moved It is a lore, so he still stands there until now!

"Stop them a few people!" The middle-level emperor, the emperor and Lin Feng, had a strong sense of killing, and suddenly the black shadows flicked toward the emperor and Lin Feng. This killing wanted Lin Feng and others to suffocate.

Thanks to jokb121 for rewarding works 100 by wave, thank you

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