Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1477: One net

When I felt the law attack invaded the body, the first reaction on Yan’s face was wrong and shocking, as if I could not believe it was true.

He didn't have any defense at all, even if there was no trace of defense. Once Xiao Yan was the genius of the flame mountain, he always regarded Xiao Yan as his own, and carefully cultivated him until he sent him out of this world and reunited again. He thought This would be a wonderful reunion of the masters and apprentices, but he never dreamed that his own loved ones had nurtured the loved ones for decades and sent the devastating attacks directly into his body when he returned.

If he had a precaution, even if it was poisoned, he would not be so easily attacked into the body by him. He is the emperor, how sharp his perception is, but unfortunately, his disciple is his disciple. He has no disciples to guard against.

Feeling the destructive power raging in the body, the emperor's nephew showed pain and distorted color, staring at the aunt in front of him, Xiao Yan's face did not laugh, only the cold and cold, and killing.

"Death!" Xiao Yan snorted, and then his body exploded, lightning fast.

"Oh..." Yanhuang issued a terrible screaming sound, the earth was broken, and the void was burned by the terrible flame to produce a terrible dark crack, as the demon opened the mouth of darkness and swallowed the heavens and the earth.

In front of Xiao Yan, there was a flame armor, which was dazzling and condensed by the power of the law. However, when the attack came, the sound of the cracks rolled, the armor cracked and then broke, and Xiao Yan’s body was slammed back. Tens of thousands of meters away, poured a few mouthfuls of blood on the ground, the clothes on the chest were burned, and the face was slightly pale.

Not many people pay attention to the Yanhuang side, because, at that moment, not only Xiao Yan did it, but the disciples of the Tianmo Emperor, Changfeng, and so on, and several disciples who had gone out for a hundred years, shot their masters, but At the moment of the long wind shot, the Tianmo Emperor actually noticed that he had counterattacked at the moment when the attack fell on his body and flew out the other side.

"Why!" Yanhuang screamed as if the heavens and the earth were shaking. On him, all of them were filled with terrible flames and turned into firemen.

"Master!" The black face of the abdomen is pale, and he always likes to dig people. He feels that his hands and feet are cold at the moment. The master is sneaked by the brothers a hundred years ago. The forces of the emperor have been stunned, and the body has experienced countless times of hardening. Incomparably, but after all, it is the flesh and blood, and the attack of the power of the law is so terrible. In the absence of any precautions, the other party will send the law attack power into the body of the master, to kill the emperor.

Yan Huang and Lin Feng and others were far away. At this time, Lin Feng saw the sorrow and anger in the Yanhuang scorpion, and felt that his heart gave birth to a wrath, and the sorcerer, the big rebellious, the imperial martial artist, actually died in the hands of his disciples. This is probably what Yan Huang never dreamed of.

"The devil is in danger, the Emperor Lei has been sneaked, and there are people who want the heavenly Emperor Wu and the Qifeng Mountain, the Falling Pavilion, and the Emperor of the Magic World. At the same moment, they suffered a deadly attack. The emperor's disciple is not a reunion, but a ruin." Lin Feng whispered in his heart, only feeling that he was shrouded in a huge conspiracy. His gaze could not help but look toward the East Emperor. Today is Qi Yan’s marriage. The emperor summoned the emperors to gather together. If there is no such banquet, no one can poison the emperor in various places at the same time. Is this the Qijia Qiguo?

"There is no reason, but you are damned." Xiao Yan killed the accident, he only felt that his body was shrouded in a strong force, as if to crush him, he also controlled the law, the law attack The horror is extremely good. In this respect, it is not inferior to the Wuhuang. What he lacks now is the realization of the general trend. Yanhuang is oppressing him with the power of the general.

"Master, you have been poisoned, and then forcefully mobilize the power you can't control, it will only die faster." Xiao Yan with a smile in his eyes, his footsteps retreat slightly, even if he controls the power of the law, still and There is a big gap between the emperors and the emperor, even if it is just a martial artist who is about to be destroyed.

"Belly black, go!" Yan Huang screamed, all of them were blazing fire, he did not kill Xiao Yan, but a roll of palms, suddenly rolled up the belly of the body, then stepped into the foot, rolling, The fire suddenly rushed to Scorpio. He knew that his time was running out. Even if he used the power of the heavens to suppress the law power that destroyed his body, he would be alive, but he would become a waste, but he was not willing.

Xiao Yan is rebellious and must die!

"Boom!" Above the Scorpio, a palm of the earth emerged, and the khaki palm print seemed to crush one side of the world. From the scorpion, the body of the empire was boiled back to the ground. The body became slightly illusory, his eyes looked at the shadows appearing in the void, and the scorpion felt colder and colder, cold from the head to the feet.

"Master!" The belly black spit out a blood, but his gaze looked at Yan Huang. The sorrow was filled with grief and indignation. Everything happened too fast, and it was unprepared. He felt his head slightly awkward at this moment. The trip to Qi State will be the last day's trip?

Not only is the belly black and anger, other people are like him, the demon emperor and the six empire are okay, they block the nirvana, but the falling heaven, the Qifeng Mountain, the human desire heaven, the Leihuang Island, the illusion The five emperors of the Tiangong, they all suffered a fatal blow, especially the Leihuang of Leihuang Island. His body is a dark golden Thunderbird, a monster, and its defense is terrible. However, he is hit hard. The strongest, a monster that once walked out of Leihuang Island, poured the violent thunderous law attack into his body. His internal organs were destroyed, his body was broken, as if he had to be torn, and it might be completely The destruction of death.

The person who came with the Emperor Lei was the demon. At this moment, Lin Feng saw the **** scorpion of the demon, and he gave him a feeling of sympathy. This was a disaster, the disaster of the emperor.

The Emperor of Heaven wants to be the Emperor of the Emperor of Heaven, but at this moment, he is only awkward, and he is covered in blood. The slightly pale face is even more bloodless.

The phoenix phoenix and the wind linger rushed to the Qifeng Mountain Wuhuang, and the flowers were eclipsed. The two beautiful women seemed to feel the doomsday disaster at the moment.

Six desires for the Emperor and the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor had a lingering fear. Their eyes could not help but glance at the Emperor, revealing a grateful meaning. Just now, the Emperor Qiang screamed at their heads when they were in the millennium, but they were still shocked. It’s all cold sweat on them, just the scene, it’s dangerous.

The so-called bystander is clear, probably this is the intention.

At this time, the crowds in the vast space raised their heads slightly and looked toward the void. There, a group of black robes appeared, one by one, full of vitality, full of vitality, and the crowd could Clearly feel the killing in their voice.

"We are surrounded!" At this moment, a voice came out, only to see the land on all sides, a black shadow emerged, surrounded by the heavens and the earth.

"The person who attacked the Emperor of the Emperor just used the law of the earth to attack the power. It is the strong emperor of the Wu Emperor. Among these people, there are Wuhuang!" The crowd feels that the body is slightly cold. This is where a terrorist force comes from. The people should be them as well, and those who have returned to the Emperor Wu’s disciples, I am afraid they are all of them. It seems that these people are going to kill everyone and kill the emperors today.

Dead, the void around it is as dead as death, only the sound of breathing and heartbeat.

"Who are you?" The East Emperor looked up and looked at the figure in the void.

However, no one would pay attention to him. I saw one of the figures looking at the table of the ambassador, saying: "The ambassador is not asking about the eight ridiculous things. Please continue to drink. I will be offended if I am offended. I will personally plead guilty and offer antidote!"

The messenger smiled a little, still so light and light, did not speak, and the other people at his table looked at it all with great interest, and there was no worry in the voice.

"Yuhuang League?" At this moment, a voice came out, letting everyone's heart tremble slightly.

The Emperor of the Emperor and the Emperor of the Emperor, was once shackled by the eight priests, and was not allowed to be a sorrowful sorrow. There have been only a few killers occasionally. Now, once again, a full-scale attack is to engulf the eight sorrows and nine sorrows. What!

The other party still did not speak. I saw that the masked one of the masked people had a sinister color and reached out. The hands were dry and old, as if they were a pair of cruelly tortured hands.

In that hand, there was a black medicinal herb, and a muddy and hoarse voice spit out from the other's mouth.

"Whoever wants to take this medicine, you can live!"

"Dan medicine?" The crowd sneered, poison, if you take this poison, do not know what will happen, or die faster, or be controlled by the other party, free to knead.

"I promise, take it down, you can live well!" The hoarse voice came out again, but everyone was silent. They cultivated to the present day and become a strong, asking them to be enslaved by others. What is the meaning of Xiu martial arts!

Why are the genius and enchanting characters who have gone out from the Eight Wilds and the Nine, will be controlled by the people of the Emperor?

Dong Huang, what role does he play in today's affairs?

Although Qi seems to be a victim, does the crowd really believe in the East Emperor?

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