Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1415: Intercept threat

"It’s true that you are a **** bird!" Lin Feng stepped on the footsteps, and the will of the devil in the cold konjac was released. The nine secluded songs ran through the eyes of Pengmo, and the eyes of Peng’s sorcerer were slightly stiff, and Lin Feng actually practiced. The means of the nine secluded emperors, and, in the end, the ancient scriptures that were taken away by the bastard.

"Oh!" Peng magic screamed, the demon rushed, the wings swayed, penetrated the space, turned into a golden blade of the shackles, and split away toward Lin Feng's body.

Fast, the speed of the bird, the golden-winged Dapeng is terrible, even if the current Peng Mou repair is only a four-fold honor, but his speed is equal to the seven or even eight-minded Lord, and he is born with a strong tyrannical Incomparably fast, the same as the dream, the king of the Xue family can flash freely in the snow, vain, and the golden-winged Dapeng is the king of Peng birds, with innate talent.

The golden meaning of the gold is also seven heavy, and the golden metal of Dapeng is born with gold, and its defense is terrible. The golden wings are the sharpest part of the body, sharper than the sword, and the sound of hunting is empty.

"Oh!" The immortal sword of death roared out, and the sound of the golden and iron slamming came, extremely harsh, and the horrible killing of the sword left a hole on the wing of the bird, like gold. The blood flowed out, but still slammed into Lin Feng's head. If he was cut by him, his head would be directly opened.

"Hey!" Lin Feng stepped back and the horrible golden wings were cut from the front, leaving a golden pattern in the void, which was terrible.

"The golden-winged Dapeng bird is getting more and more powerful!"

Lin Feng’s heart is secret, but the body is smashing, the mad tyrants are not screaming, the madness is rolling and screaming, and Lin Feng, who is wrapped in the world’s general trend, walks forward and goes straight to the golden winged Dapeng.

"The **** bird will also kill!" Lin Feng screamed, shaking the golden-winged Dapeng eye undulations, and then Lin Feng's hands in the sword together.

Peng magic wings close together, as if to the golden sword of the shackles, and Lin Feng's death sword collision, all reveal a terrible invincibility.

"Golden-winged Dapeng's defense is terrible. He can't rely on death and sharpness, but he has to be heavy and powerful. He has a powerful sense of power and shatters his internal organs!" Lin Feng said in his heart, watching the golden-winged Dapeng break him. The sword was killed, and Lin Feng’s madman’s shadow was raging, stepping out, and the trend was superimposed. Lin Feng’s killing magic boxing was madly smashed out, and the whole world was smashed by magical punches. Peng, drown him.

As the figure is like the wind, Lin Feng stepped out and stepped out. He even reached the top of the Peng Devil. The killing of the magical boxing came out from his back. The explosive power of the gold-winged Dapeng made a whistling sound and fell toward the sky. Go, the sly eyes are full of bloodthirsty gas.

Killing is not dead, the golden-winged Dapeng bird claims to be the first in speed and the first in defense. This defense is too terrible. Such a strong attacking force is like killing people, but killing the golden-winged Dapeng, this is Absolute talent, no wonder he dares to be so embarrassed.

"Dead!" Feel the killing sent behind him. Lin Feng turned around and rolled his hands together. Two swords pierced the world. The face was pale and immediately cracked by the sword. At the same time, many People are still killing insanely, Hou Qinglin is the most insane, guiding the reincarnation of the power to constantly attack the strongest of the Tianlong Fort, smashing the rest of the platform, and the reincarnation of the abyss continues to fall into the dead.

"Armenade!" A cold voice was uploaded from Qi Tianfeng, so that everyone's heart trembled, one hundred people, it is here!

The body of the golden-winged Dapeng bird rushed to the void suddenly stagnated there. The cold scorpion died and stared at Lin Feng, and the magic of Lin Feng gradually faded away. So fast, it didn’t take long since the war started. It’s already a hundred people dead.

In the voice of Qi Huang, there is actually a bit of reluctance. This round is intended to target the rooftops, but the unity and strength of the eleven people in the rooftops made him tremble, and he did not fight with you at all, resulting in no one killing now. Off, Lin Feng is also alive, but it is killed by many people on their rooftops. At least 30 people died in the hands of the disciples of Tiantai. Hou Qinglin killed about 20 people.

"Kill you again next time!" said the golden-winged Dapeng, and his demon is still strong.

"Kill!" Lin Feng screamed, and the gold-winged Dapeng body suddenly receded, and then he saw Lin Feng's nephew revealing the cold irony.

"I don't mind baking birds!" Lin Feng snorted and immediately turned and left. He was too lazy to pay attention to the bird. This guy was unruly and wild, but he and Lin Feng did not have Tianlong Fort and Qi. The hatred of hatred, but also some grudges.

Lin Feng and the brothers returned together, their eyes lifted up, and they looked at Qi Tianfeng. They saw that Qihuang was indifferent, not so friendly, and said coldly: "The emperors recognize the people who are promoted."

Above the main peaks, the Emperor Wu glanced at all the people who were promoted, and secretly recorded them all, and in the direction of the Tianlong Fort, the Tianlong Emperor's face was stiff and ugly, and the Tianlong Fort was left with the last four, four Princes, respectively. For the respect of the main level of the Tianlong Grand Prince and the Tianlong two princes, there are four princes and six princes of the Zunwu six.

Lin Feng, still alive very well, successfully got a quota, and, the rooftop, got a total of eleven places, a terrible number.

"Okay, let it go!" Qi Huang said a faint voice, then turned around, set foot on Chiyang Jinwu, and took the chariot of Qi family to go, did not stay for a minute, went straight, Qijia All of them were eliminated, and he had no face to stay. This battle was the worst.

"Dissipated?" Lin Feng looks a stiff, feeling very awkward, so it is so scattered? What is the purpose of the covenant of the emperor?

Not only Lin Feng, but in fact many people at this moment want to know what the ultimate purpose of the covenant's covenant is, but it seems that they can't know. Only the 100 people who are promoted may know that this should be eight wilderness. Hidden things.

"Let's go back!" Hou Qinglin said, and then everyone on the rooftop went to the mountain where the emperor was.

Lin Feng turned around and glanced at the acquaintances such as Jun Moxi and Iraqi tears. He nodded slightly and then drifted away. There were many incomprehensible and doubtful doubts in his heart, but Lin Feng believed that Emperor Huang would tell him everything.

"Lin Feng, you will definitely die once again!" The sound of the Dragon King's rolling came, and then the strongest of the Dragon Fortress set foot on the Dragon Boat and was also ready to leave.

"The imperial warrior threatens a younger generation, and it is worthy of the waste of the Emperor!" The Emperor said quietly, let the Tianlong Emperor's eyes flash a murderous gas, his eyes as a sharp blade, and the direction of the roof, that Double cold eyes seem to kill people.

"Go, let's go back to the rooftop!" The Emperor said to the everyone on the roof, and then he reached out and saw a cloud above the void. The figure of the Emperor came directly above the clouds, sitting there, the people on the roof. One by one.

Dreams and Qiuyue are in the side of Lin Feng. In addition to the promotion of eleven people, there are other rooftop powerhouses, and the Emperor Huang is not likely to say anything. Perhaps the ultimate goal of the Emperor’s covenant is indeed a very secret thing. The emperor has no intention to speak, obviously it cannot be known to everyone.

The clouds are moving in the clouds, and the speed seems to be unsatisfactory, but Lin Feng clearly sees that the delicate moments below are gone, but in the blink of an eye he will appear in another place, showing how fast.

However, in the middle of the road, the clouds in front suddenly rolled up. There was a terror of the darkness of the black cloud. The eyes of the emperor suddenly opened, and the sharp pupil pierced the void. This huge cloud also stopped. Forward.

"Qihuang, we haven't returned to the rooftop yet. If you can't help it, I don't mind letting the emperor decide!" The voice of the emperor was cold, piercing the void, and the rolling clouds were still shaking, not seeing anything. The figure is just a suffocating oppressive force that seems to be pressing on the crowd, which is terrible.

"It’s Qi Huang!" The people flashed a cold light in their eyes. This Qihuang seems to have lost some of them. They were eliminated. Do they still want to rely on tough measures to deal with the rooftops.

"Oh, I just came to tell you, the eleven excellent disciples on the rooftop, I don't know how many people can live!" A voice full of provocative sensation came, clearly falling into everyone's eardrum, and then the clouds rolled wildly. It seems to be gathered into a figure, rushing to the sky, rolling away, disappearing in the blink of an eye, and never seen the figure from beginning to end, but the voice is indeed the voice of Qi Huang.

"Threats!" The disciples of the rooftops shot the color of ice and cold, and the people of Qijia were eliminated and killed. Now Qi Huang personally came to intercept the road and threaten.

"The people who met Qi family in the future must not be polite, they can kill and kill!" The emperor said quietly, and then the pedestrian continued to move forward, but there was still a killing sound in the void!

Thanks to wuwg6388 for rewarding works 100 by wave of money; 65,358,881 for rewarding works 100 by wave of money; lite707 for rewarding works of 100 for wave of money; for the sword to make saber to reward works 100 by wave of money; 15040306103 to reward works of 588 by wave of money; liguangyi Reward the work 100 by wave, thank you

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