Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1414: Three more princes

"No matter what means you play, you will die today!" Tianlong Ertai's demon dragon's arm tears the space, and a burst of sound bursts out, the golden stone tablet breaks open, and at the same time, Tianlong three princes and several strong neighbors At the same time, they killed Lin Feng, who was buried in it. There was no door to heaven and there was no retreat.

"Death!" Tianlong three princes have a slap in the face, this time to see how Lin Feng escaped, so many people at the same time squatting, he will die.

"Well? How come there is a power to destroy death." Just in the moment when the arm of the three princes of Tianlong smashed into it, he gave birth to a bad feeling. Then he saw a real blade storm, and countless death blades entangled. Cheng Yu, Lin Feng's body package was buried inside, so Lin Feng's figure could not be seen at all, only the silkworm cocoon.

"The power of immortality, he actually arranged the horrible sword storm with the immortal sword in the buried stone." The three princes of Tianlong trembled, and the arm suddenly stopped moving forward. I don't know how many immortal swords are condensed. Every sword is a sword of death and killing, but it is combined with the hard-working force of Lin Feng, and it becomes the sword at the moment.

Other people who killed Lin Feng also looked shocked, and suddenly they stopped their bodies and wanted to back.

"Death!" Lin Feng's roaring voice came from the sword. At this moment, the endless death and destruction of the sword was turned into the strongest killing storm, exploding, and smashing everything in the void.

"Give me a burst!" Lin Feng broke out, the sword is swaying, and the body like a demon is wrapped in a sword.


"No!" Several sounds of screaming came, the moment when the immortal sword of death was all blasted, the power was horrible, and the weaker people were directly penetrated by the sword, piercing their heads and directly dying. The body fell softly on the platform.

"Hey!" Tianlong two princes roared, his arm was directly torn apart because of the deep storm of the sword, the body was artificial, only to save his life, and the dragon claws of the three dragons of Tianlong are also all blood, extremely miserable , screaming constantly.

"Killing the Three Princes!" The sound of the rolling road came. Hou Qinglin’s Qinglin reincarnation sword was smothered from the sky, igniting the reincarnation beam, and immediately landed on the body of the three princes. The three princes only felt that the soul would be torn. Extremely miserable, constantly screaming of painful screams, as if the shape of the dragon is not sustainable, to be the deity.

It’s terrible, as if it were the most cruel cycle of punishment.

"Desperate!" With a raging anger, suddenly the blood of the three princes of Tianlong will be dry and dead. His huge body will wither away, and Tianchi will also shoot at the same time. The Fanyin is constantly slamming on the body of the three princes of Tianlong. He abused and did not want to give Tianlong three Princes any chance.

"Save me!" The three princes of Tianlong screamed in the sky, and the body gradually became the deity. Without the terrible resistance, he was even more miserable. At this moment, he was all wounded, the blood was running out, and the blood was going to dry up. I didn’t see it when I was trying to demonize the demon dragon. I found out how miserable he was at the moment.

The two princes of Tianlong madly rushed toward the three princes, and the great prince of Tianlong also wanted to get rid of the opponents of the battle, but if the evil spirits were so close to hate Wu, and several other people joined forces to fend off his offensive, they must first kill one. It will be a lot easier, and the three princes of Tianlong must kill.

"Oh!" A sly book suddenly fell in front of the prince of the Dragon Two, and then the light of the endless stars sprinkled, turning into a star-studded body, blocking in front of the Dragon King.

"Book Wuhun, the book of stars, this book martial arts sealed the power of stars!"

"Breaking!" The two princes of Tianlong want to blast the stars, but at this moment, Hou Qinglin, a sword in the void, squats down, and the ancient road turns to seal the three princes of Tianlong, letting him scream out, as if to be mad. In the same way, suffering from the pain of reincarnation, it is also attacked by all kinds of terrible forces.

Lin Feng blasted more than a dozen killing magic fists in a row, and the immortal magical fists that merged into immortality gathered together into a huge and terrible boxing, rolling toward the three princes of Tianlong.

"Get out of the way!" The three princes of Tianlong seem to be trapped in the mud, suffering from endless pain and constantly resisting various attacks. The killing magic fist runs through his arm and slams into his chest, as if he has pierced his chest and made his face even more It’s white, it’s blood.

"Three brothers!" Tianlong two princes are crazy and roaring, but the technique of the stars seems to enclose the endless star power, and a starry sky can be arranged so that he cannot cross.

"Blood curse!" Lin Feng spit out a cold sound, the body descended over the three princes, hands raised, a sword of death gathered.

"Brothers, join hands, see how fake this dragon is, let him never stop!" Lin Feng said coldly, Tianqi and tombstones and others nodded, the sword of death killed the past, a huge stone tablet and Tianqi The big day came to the sword and printed together, all of them landed on the three princes of Tianlong.

"No..." The three princes of Tianlong screamed, and the face was desperate. Immediately, the ruined swordsman and the stone monument smashed together, and the blood fell. The three princes of Tianlong finally could not withstand this terrible attack, and the body was It was torn, and the corpse that was opened was twitched on the platform and died.

"Three brothers!" Tianlong two princes seem to be crazy, the dragon's arm keeps bombarding the stars, Mo Qingtian's face is pale, his mind is moving, and the book returns, he can't stop it, but as today, the three princes are dead. It is enough.

"Lin Feng!" On the far side of the mountain, the Tianlong Emperor screamed and shook the heavens and the earth, as if the whole mountain was shivering and died. One of his third sons was the deepest in the world. There is an opportunity to make the position of the Emperor Wu, and now he is dead, because Lin Feng died.

Tianlong Jiujizi, has died five prince characters, five princes, seven princes, eight princes, nine princes, and now, three princes have died, most of them have been destroyed. I can imagine how much the Tianlong emperor hated Lin Feng at the moment. .

On the battle platform, Tian Ti and others killed the Tianlong three princes, all slammed into the Tianlong two princes, besieged.

"Sima home, human desire heaven, purgatory shadow hunter, kill me, very good!" Lin Feng's scorpion kills the sky, his body trembles, the void, and then the sword of death suddenly smashes out, one wants heaven The strong body was broken into two segments and died.

"Hurry to kill!" Hou Qinglin also showed a crazy killing in the scorpion. There are many people who want to fish and fish to kill the roof. The major forces that Lin Feng said are involved.

"Reincarnation, kill!" Innumerable reincarnation of light smashed down, the void was sealed, and then the path of the abyss was turned toward the bottom, instantly swallowing the bodies of the two, in the miserable roar, the two People directly enter the abyss of reincarnation.

"Don't get away!" A strong man from the Sikong family screamed and saw Lin Feng killing the two squadrons. The body of the stalwart was so tall that the savage demon **** held the sword and did everything.

"Lin Feng, you dare!" A master of the Sikong family is fighting against other people, watching Lin Feng kill his descendants, roaring.

"Don't dare?" Lin Feng's cold konjac glanced at him, and then stepped on the footsteps. The horror situation seemed to be a bit stronger than before. The power of oppression was terrible. When a sergeant looked at Lin Feng's eyes. At that time, I fell into the moment.

"Hey!" Lin Feng smashed out a sword, and the body was directly smashed and killed.

"It's so strong!" Another person's body trembled. Now it's just the ordinary Zunwu's combat power. At this moment, Lin Feng is very fragile in front of him. It seems like he is vulnerable. At this time, Lin Feng is his crazy state, and he is attacking the ordinary lord. Can't afford it.

"Death!" Lin Feng screamed, the power of death cursing eroded the other's body, letting the other's body slightly stiff, and then a sword of death fell from the sky, the body was directly broken by the shackles, killed dead.

The emptiness of the main body of the emptiness of the emptiness in the air, killing the accident, the pupils are very incomparable, shot to Lin Feng: "Our empty family will kill you!"

"Two brothers, kill him!" Lin Feng spit out a voice, let the man look a tremble, looked up and looked at the void, and then saw Hou Qinglin's reincarnation sword smashed toward him, scared his face drastically changed.

"Go to hell!" and his confrontation with the home of the Lord killed the sinister release, penetrated his body and destroyed his internal organs.

"No..." The man snorted and wanted to dodge, but saw Lin Feng stepping in front of him, appearing in front of him, sneer: "The empty house will not kill me, you can't see it!"

The sword of death and Lin Feng’s voice fell at the same time, killing the master.

Lin Feng's cold konjac swept the crowd, and the fierce battle did not know how many people died, but one hundred people are not far away.

As he walked, Lin Feng walked toward a strong man who wanted heaven. The man wanted to escape when he saw Lin Feng, but he was left with an immortal moment of ridiculousness, cutting off one of his legs, and then His opponent caught up with him and killed him.

"Hey!" At this time, Lin Feng took a sword with his backhand, but this time his sword seemed to be on the hard wall of iron. The eye-catching gold with the violent destructive power, that is A golden claw, to crack him, Lin Feng sky, it seems like there is endless golden Huaguang.

"Golden Wing Dapeng!" Lin Feng's double fists smashed out together, the immortal killing martial arts fist burst in the void, entangled with the golden brilliance, the body of the golden-winged Dapeng retreats slightly, suspended above the void. The Peng Mou, who has been turned into a **** bird, is extremely cold, staring at Lin Feng, wild and full of sorrow.

Ps: Everyone gives some strength, try to see the waves that broke out tomorrow, and the explosion will not come out the day after tomorrow!

Thanks to 15089453181 for rewarding works 100 by wave of coins; song rain secluded to reward works 100 by wave, thank you

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