Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1409: If you want to die, you have to die.

Because Qihuang cultivated, it is obvious that Lin Feng was referring to the previous Qihuang and Tianlonghuang, so that Qi Qianxing had the opportunity to exile him into the void of nothingness, but now, Lin Feng returned, and he returned very well. Stronger and more terrible than before.

"Since you can banish you once, you can still have a second time!" Qi Huang sounds cold, without any cover-up threat Lin Feng.

"I can kill you a son, you can kill the second and third!" Lin Feng did not have any fear in his eyes, only the indifferent killing of the gas, since they have torn the face, and exposed the identity He will have nothing to worry about anymore. Anyway, Qi Huang has regarded him as a stab in his eyes.

Lin Feng did not intend to be exposed so early, but forced by the sword of Qi Qianxi that was too strong, he had to use the power of kendo and could not continue to cover up, then he would face what might happen in the future!

"Hey!" Qi Huang chilled and sighed, and then the body of Qi Qianxing was wrapped up and returned to Qi Tianfeng.

"Qihuang, although the Qi family was eliminated, but the covenant's covenant is far from over, and I hope that Qihuang will continue to be the host!" The emperor looked at the back of the emperor and laughed loudly. It seemed to be extraordinarily happy. The Emperor Wu is also a human being. They are also like the joys, sorrows and sorrows. Qi Huang used to be as good as the Tianlong Emperor. He made him embarrassed. Now, even the Qi and the twins have eliminated all of them, and the Emperor naturally feels very happy.

Qi Huang no expression, at this moment he can not immediately kill Lin Feng, but as a martial artist, his restraint is also extremely terrible, the covenant of the emperor, if he is openly violated, he does not doubt that the emperor will start with him, This centuries-old prosperity is not only decided by the emperors, but also passed down from ancient times. Until now, no one dared to violate the rules set, and it was impossible to make a small mistake, but he could not violate the bottom line, so he did not dare to make a covenant in any case. The stage kills Lin Feng.

"Let's go back." The emperor laughed and immediately left with Lin Feng. This battle is of course Lin Feng's victory.

When Lin Feng and the Emperor Huang returned to their place, everyone looked at the Tiantai crowd, and the twelve pro-disciples, in addition to the wood dust, the eleven disciples participated in the war, each of them was amazing, they will bloom in the eight wild.

Looking at the direction of the family, there are only two people in the forefront, Qi Huang and Qi Qianxing. As for the people who participated in the war, there is no one left, the death of the dead is eliminated, and the people killed are more than eliminated. There are more powerful people.

Qi Jia, can no longer be described as miserable, the initiative at the moment should be the turn of the hands of the family, but no one.

However, no one has sympathy, cruel rules, other forces can not wait for themselves, others are eliminated one by one, the elites of the family are all killed in advance, so it is best for them, just the empty home and Tianlong Shenbao is quite depressed, and this is depressed because they have alliances.

"You don't have to be happy too early, time is still early!" Qi Huang looked in the direction of the rooftop, calmly and indifferently said, at this moment he seems to have no anger and sorrow, smoothing any emotions in a short time. Come, let the heart calm down.

"It has nothing to do with your family, isn't it?" Lin Feng sneered in response, Qi Huang snorted, did not pay attention to it, other people's eyes, they all fell on the Sikong family, although Qi was eliminated, the wheel, However, the covenant of the emperor will continue, and the vacant family will dare to target the rooftop again?

At this moment, there are no people who have been eliminated from the rooftops. One eleven parents passed on disciples. Can the Sikong family move and dare to move?

If the eleven pro-disciples are next to the Sikong family, then it will be a disaster for the Sikong family. The class of the Lord does not say, but at least the class under the Lord does not have any power to cooperate with the rooftop. Confrontation, even if the rest of the Tiantai is not the most, but these rounds of rooftops have not been eliminated, eleven people, not too few.

Sure enough, as everyone guessed, Sikong did not continue to provoke the roof, but to deal with the questioner. After all, Sikong was the first to deal with the family, and their real enemy was to ask the family, just because the two great alliance forces The formation of the scene, only to start against the rooftops, but now all the Qi family was cleaned up, the rest of the rooftops are very strong, Sikongjia gave up the idea of ​​shooting on the rooftops, and concentrated on dealing with the house.

The result of this is the real collision between Sikong and the housekeeper. Without a family, the family began to collide directly with Sikong.

The next battle situation will form a rather fixed situation. Sikong’s battle against the home, the Tianmao Temple is the least stressful, occasionally dealing with several people who are empty, or they will take a shot at Tianlong Fort, but he will ensure that he One party can win, Tianlong Shenbao is trying to deal with the questioner or the Temple of Heaven, but the Tiantai is no one to care about. The eleven pro-disciples began to sweep, and the people of Tianlong Fortress were cleaned from weak to strong. All the forces were watching. The number of people in Tianlong Fortress is decreasing, and the number of people on the rooftop is always at the top of the eleven.

This situation makes people speechless. The rooftops that provoke the whole dispute seem to be out of the way, killing and eliminating people, but no one is dealing with them.

Tianlonghuang did not let the four princes of Tianlong go out again, because Lin Feng’s battle with Qi Qianxi had made him feel awkward. Qi Qianxi was not powerful. In the 22nd Emperor’s forces, he wanted to find It’s difficult for a few such strong people to be married, but he was defeated and killed by Lin Feng. Although the Tianlongsi Prince is also very strong, Tianlonghuang did not dare to let him take risks. Anyway, Lin Feng did not shoot so quickly. He has to wait for ten rounds before the other ten people on the rooftop can finish again.

Watching the crowds become less and less, people are being eliminated, especially some forces that are fiercely fighting. The crowds in the camp are few, and the forces with the fewest numbers are the first to be the ones, one is not left, and then there is nothing left. It must be counted as the roof and the Tianlong Fort, the roof is still eleven, and there are fifteen people left in the Tianlong Fort, and then it is the Sikong family, the remaining 18 people, in addition to these major forces, the demon palace and ask The rest of the family is not too much. The next few are the undead temples, the celestial gods, and the celestial celestial beings. It seems that many people like to provoke the celestial celestial scorpion, because the celestial celestial scorpion is good at making medicinal herbs, but The power of a strong force is weak and suffers from a lot of bullying.

The most powerful people in the rest will have several days of Leiyin Temple, Tiandeng Temple, Purgatory, and Happy Sect. These forces seem to have one thing in common. They have always been low-key, but they have been revealed on this emperor's covenant. The fighting power that came out was surprising. The various Buddhist and Taoist temples in Tianleiyin Temple were very powerful, especially the empty monk, the only one shot, killing a very powerful enchanting character in heaven, causing no one to dare to provoke him again. .

"You have to take a closer look at who will become a threat to your opponents and appreciate their battles!" Wood dust said to the eleven younger brothers beside him, the martial arts people should continue to learn lessons, powerful Wu Xiu can realize in battle, and he can also realize in the battle, draw the essence of others, and take advantage of his strengths.

"Every force has some ace power, and the level of respect for the Lord is not to be said. Some of those who have intermediate powers are very powerful. If they finally meet and collide with us, they can threaten us." If evil looks at the crowd, calmly said, do not dare to slap the forces of the martial arts, they have hidden so many powerful people on the roof, now the covenant of the emperor is all exposed, the other side is the same, there are some ace strength in the hands , experienced in various places, have not seen before.

"The Scorpio's Scorpio seems to have more than one!" Tianzhao's eyes fell on the Sikong family. In addition to Sikongxiao inherited the Scorpio Emperor's Scorpio, he found that there is still one person who seems to have the power of Scorpio.

"Don't say that the empty house, asking the family to ask the Tiange and asking the Ao Xue brothers are not equally difficult to test. We look at them, just like they look at us. Besides, ask the two beside the family. People are also terrible."

"The flames of the flames of the black, the illusion of the heavenly palace of the previous generation of enchanting characters Yu Yu, Dapeng bird Peng magic, and some monks of the Tianleiyin Temple, are difficult to deal with, the remaining dragons of the Tianlong Shenbao I am afraid that it is also very strong."

The crowds on the rooftop watched and fought, and the analysis said that Lin Feng had married the Prince of Heaven and the Prince of Heaven, but the Tianlong Fortress had four princes in addition to the three dragon-level princes, especially the Tianlongsi Prince, which was terrible. Now, they are slowly tempted and eliminated one by one. The covenant's covenant is still early, and they are not eager to start a dead battle. After all, the crisis in Taiwan has been lifted. It is not like the beginning of this round that it was forced to be very miserable.

"I am going to kill another Prince!" When it was the turn of the rooftop, it was already ten rounds from Lin Feng. Lin Feng once again stepped out and went to the battle platform.

Seeing that Lin Feng came out, the stronghearts of Tianlong Shenbao and Sikong’s family all trembled, and the face was ugly. It was difficult to deal with Lin Feng without the master figure.

Tianlong Huang is very worried that he has been killed by Lin Feng, and in order to avoid angering the rooftops, Tianlong Fort is already cautious, and even dare not let Tianlongsi Prince go to the top of the platform, not afraid that the four princes will be defeated, Fear of angering the rooftops, he hopes to maintain a stable situation and let the rooftops kill some people. It is good to leave him a few.

Unfortunately, Lin Feng’s gaze once again locked the direction of Tianlong Fort.

"The four princes and the six princes are very powerful. Even if they can defeat them, it is difficult to kill them. Qi Qianxi was killed because he was already hurt and has a lingering fear. If the other party did not plan to fight at the beginning, then It’s hard to kill!” Lin Feng murmured, then his eyes fell on the Eight Princes, cold and cold: “You come out, I will send you a ride!”

"Lin Feng!" Tianlong Huangzizi was cold and shot at Lin Feng.

"You don't have to threaten me like this. I forgot it when I stopped killing me." Lin Feng said coldly, pointing to the prince's cold drink: "Get out!"

Tianlong Ba Taizi stiffened and set foot on the battle platform, directly screaming, the demon dragon possessed the body, the whole person was all the armor of the dragon, and his body directly retreated toward the battle platform.

"I want you to die, you have to die!" Lin Feng screamed, the power of the curse turned into a rolling sound wave into the other's head, let the other side of the sea tremble, then Lin Feng stepped across, the moment of advent, the immortal sword Come out.

"Death, death, death!" Lin Feng, who was out of the sword, screamed again, and the force of death cursed at the same time and fluttered out. The shocked Tianlong Ba Taizi's footsteps were stiff, and then the immortal sword mans passed over his head. Being smashed into two paragraphs, it splits directly, too fast, and the sword and the curse of death are released at the same time, and the sword has been strong and can't hide.

Lin Feng flashed a magical awn in the eyelids, turned and turned back to the main peak of the rooftop, his eyes calm and held his hands, the arrogant voice is still echoing, I want you to die, you have to die!

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