Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1408: Lonely

"The eleven people left in the rooftops are all personally disciples!" The wooden wind is Lin Feng. Then, the people left in the rooftops are all the disciples of the two emperors of Shijie, one of the twelve disciples, all of them are enchanting.

Looking at Lin Feng, and looking at the crowd around the emperor, everyone only felt the slight tremor in the heart, the roof, this is the roof of today, what will happen to the future rooftop.

Above the main peak of the rooftop, the face of the dream and Qiuyue’s heart showed a smile and looked at the figure over the battle platform.

"Haha, it turned out to be Lin Feng's younger brother, Master and Master have long known." The criminal screamed and laughed, Wood dust whispered: "This is nature!"

"Hey, now we are the disciples of the Tiantai eleven, but we have to see who can ask us to go down the battle!"

"I just said, I haven't really seen Lin Feng's younger brother, how can I die, we have to create a world in the eight years!" From the hateful laughter, many of them have only heard of one The enchanting teacher Lin Feng, this is the first time I saw it, and I am afraid that it is not Lin Feng’s true face.

"Lin Feng, brother, you let us see what you look like!"

Lin Feng smiled and reached for a touch on his face. The clean and handsome face appeared in front of the crowd. At this moment, no one doubted any more. Lin Feng, Mu Feng, is really the enchanting Lin Feng who is rumored to have died.

"A strong and easy tolerant technique, even the Emperor Wu can not see, what is the mask!" The hearts of the people trembled, if the ordinary mask Wuhuang must be able to see through, but the wooden wind face has a mask, no one peeped out .

However, Lin Feng looked at the direction of the rooftop and smiled: "I have not been able to meet with your brothers before, brothers forgive me!"

"Haha, don't blame, we know, this Qijia and Tianlong Shenbao two forces have encircled the younger brothers, and there are countless deaths and injuries. Now the younger brother is safe and sound, this is really pleasant, and people are happy!"

"Yes, how do I feel so refreshed!"

The brothers and sisters looked at me with a word, and they all laughed heartily, but the faces of the Qijia and Tianlong Shenbao people were ugly, and the roof was a great heart, but it was not intended to slap the slap of the Qijia and Tianlong Fort. Qi Huang and Tian Long Huang both took the Wu Emperor's shot, plus the invincible masters and thousands of lines, as well as the many strong people of Qijia and Tianlong Fort, rumored that the battle of Tianlong Shenbao died, do not know how many strong, Qi also lost Quite a lot, but Lin Feng, at this moment, stood on the battle platform intact and intact, and better than before, the strength is even more terrible.

Even Lin Feng also directed many of the Qi family and the death of the Tianlong Shenbao strong, and the bleak situation of the Qi family at the moment.

"Lin Feng, good guy!" The demon emperor's mouth showed a touch of smile, not only because the woodwind is Lin Feng and disappointed, but it feels more interesting, such a enchanting is fun, he is not difficult to be a god, and he cultivated You can get it by yourself.

"Haha, brother, I said that you are not so easy to die!" Fei Fei is still very embarrassed, grinning, seems to be particularly happy.

Among the many beautiful people in Tianzhu Xianyu, there are even colorful ones. This wood style is actually Lin Feng, and the beautiful Wuhuang has a look at the tears of the Iraqi people around him.

"Exile in the void, how can you not die!" Qi Qianxing's reaction is very different from that of many people. His eyes are cracked, his face is cold, and he has spent a lot of time. He did not kill a Tianwu person. Now Lin Fengzheng Standing on the battle platform to deal with his Qi family, his brother, this makes Qi Qianxing very angry.

"You are very disappointed!" Lin Feng looked at Qi Qianxing, and smiled coldly: "The family is not destroyed, how can I die!"

"Wooden dust saved you?" Qi Qianxing looked cold and looked away from the wood dust. Lin Feng was exiled by him. At the time of his exile, Mu Chen had a thought about winding Lin Feng, but he How can I save the exiled Lin Feng, Qi Qianxing could not understand, that situation should be mortal.

"Do you care? You just need to know, I am Lin Feng, still alive, and, I believe you will not forget, until you die!" The smile in Lin Feng's nephew gradually became cold, turned into a dark color, and surrounded by the body. Infinite swordsmanship, as if to break the void, breaking the heavens and the earth.

"Millennium, go down!" Qi Qianxing shouted at Qi Qianxi. At this moment, Qi Qiang’s arm is still bleeding, and the tumbling blood can't recover the injury. The wound that was cut by the sword carries the gas of death, blood power. Can't recover.

Of course, he knows to go, but when Lin Feng talks with them, the cold killing has never left him in the slightest, and has been shrouded in his body. Qi Qianxi is very clear, only need him to move slightly, Lin Feng immediately Will release everything to kill him, so he is waiting, waiting for a suitable time, but this time a thousand words of a line is undoubtedly reminding Lin Feng, so that Qi Qianxi is very depressed, look ugly, with Lin Feng's sword power at the moment If Lin Feng grabs an opportunity, he can kill him. He has to be cautious.

At this moment, Qi Qianxi can't control Lin Feng or the wooden wind. What he wants now is to save his life. The raging blade storm has already caused him to be wounded. His arm was smashed and he was so badly wounded that he could not fight any more. Now, to leave a life, he will revenge.

"Qi Qianxi." Lin Feng screamed, let Qi Qiang's eyes stagnate, and looked at Lin Feng. In an instant, he saw Lin Feng's pupil gradually becoming cold and dark.

"Qi Qianxi, you have broken your arm. If you are kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy, I will not let you die, let you roll down the battlefield!" Lin Feng screamed, his voice rolling, echoing in the void, as if there was a burst of sound, that The sound of the road is directly poured into the mind of Qi Qianxi. It is the power of the curse. At this moment, when the will of the thousand thousand is weak, the meaning of the curse is taken into the air. Qi Qian’s mind is constantly lingering in Lin Feng’s mind. The sound and the konjac.

"Your Majesty!" Lin Feng burst into a burst, bursting in the void, the sound of horror shook his knees slightly curved, as if he really wanted to kneel down to Lin Feng.

"Qi Qianqi is waiting for the opportunity, Lin Feng is waiting for the opportunity, Qi Qianxi wants to not give Lin Feng the chance to kill him, but Lin Feng, but is not ready to give him the opportunity to go to the battle platform!" The hearts of everyone trembled, on the platform The two of them are in the game, they have nothing to lose, but about the life of Qi Qianxi, Lin Feng, want to marry thousands.

"No..." Qi Qianxi screamed, and the emptiness of the sky was rolling over the whole body. The void map wrapped around him released the emptiness of the emptiness. His eyes were filled with the incomparable will, and could not be defeated by Lin Feng. The curse is dominant, otherwise he does not have any chance to escape, and he will die.

And almost at the moment of his roar, Lin Feng's body also moved, and the virtual stepped into the happy step, and wrapped the wind's righteousness and the emptiness of the emptiness, to the point of incredible, at the same time, the squeaking sound of the slap Released from Lin Feng's eyelids, the meaning of Jiuyou is poured into the pupil of Qi Qianxi.

"Hey!" Qi Qianxi stepped on the void, and quickly reached the edge of the battlefield, fast, like lightning.

"哗啦啦!" The space map wrapped up Qi Qiang's body. Lin Feng held the sword with both hands and chased Qi Qianxi at the pace. Following him, the sword never left, but did not expect Qi Qianxi. The will is so powerful that he cannot be shaken by the will and the curse, only to kill.

"Hurry, can you kill it?" The crowd looked condensed, and the figures of both of them seemed to be invisible.

"Dead!" Lin Feng screamed, the power of the death curse invaded Qi Qianxi, so that Qi Qianxi had that extremely short moment to shake, and almost at the same time, Lin Feng's left hand sword went out.

"The moment is ridiculous, hehe!" The sword mans broke open. In this sword, only speed, the speed to the extreme, the speed of penetrating the void.

"Hey!" Qi Qianxi's body suddenly disappeared. His virtual power wrapped by Wuhun was too strong. He just made a momentary shift in the moment, letting his position move a few meters, but he was moving. At that moment, Lin Feng’s right hand also moved. This sword is not so beautiful, it can even be said to be a silent sword, a black sword of death.

"Stop!" Qi Qianxi screamed and landed. The sword of this moment, his body landed, and he roared before landing, but at the moment he landed, a terrible death gas came. Let his heart beat, as if the heart would jump out.

"Millennium!" Qi Huang's body moved. At the moment when Qi Qianxi was about to touch the ground, he moved and reached out to the place where Qi Qianxi was located. He wanted to stop Lin Feng's sword.

"Boom!" The emptiness of the sky, as if two forces collided in the void, and the Emperor also stepped out from where the roof was.

"Ah..." A miserable cry lingered in the void.

"No!" Qihuang's eyes are cold, he has arrived, he can stop the young child from being smashed, but one person has stopped him, the emperor!

Looking at the Qi Qiang who was killed, Qihuang’s eyes were red and the killing was endless.

"Qihuang, don't forget your position. Didn't you say that I violated the rules when I started? Lin Feng's sword was released before Qi Qianxi landed, but it did not violate the rules!" Said, the sound is calm, but Qi Huang is staring at him coldly.

"Not long ago, you seem to have saved her!"

"Yes, I shot and rescued her, but at that time, you seemed to think that I was doing something wrong. How do you change your position when you turn, of course, if you save Qi Qian, I will not say anything. It's a pity that you didn't save him!"

The sound of Emperor Huang is still indifferent, so that Qi Huang has no words to refute. I did not say that you have a problem with saving people. The problem is that you have not pulled your son back from the edge of death. You can only recognize it!

Qi Huang’s eyes were cold and looked at Lin Feng. The pressure of killing was forced on Lin Feng’s body.

"If the Qihuang is out of the family because of the elimination of the family, the emperors will swear by the emperors!" They are all slightly cold, and the covenant of the emperor is determined by the emperors, and they can openly violate them!

"Very good!" Qi Huang seems to have smashed two words out, coldly screaming at Lin Feng.

"I also want to thank Qi Huang for cultivation, Lin Feng has today!" Lin Feng smiled indifferently, and the scorpion was ridiculed in color, so that Qi Huang's face was slightly red, because of anger!

Ps: There is something important to forget. Recently, someone has pretended to be deceiving. It is not the first time. The scammer will fake the account without a trace, send messages to readers through the background, and let readers add scams. Don't believe it, don't believe it in the future, then there is a space in front of the net without a trace!

Thanks to the punishment of the sin of the evil spirits to reward the works of 40000 by the wave of money; mto`_ domineering rewards works 58881888588100 by the wave of coins; cjfj119 reward works 200 by the wave of coins; Fengjing g. g reward works 588 by wave; not deliberately rewarding works 588 by wave of money; lixiangzhao rewards works 200 by wave of money; 6535881 rewards works 200 by wave of coins; fallen star 111 rewards works 100 by wave, thank you Brothers support

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