Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1201: Uncle Lin

In a twinkling of an eye, it’s been a while. The autumn family has news that Qiuyue’s heart has already been attacking Zunwu. Once it breaks through, it will enter the ranks of the Sayādaw, so that countless people feel shocked, people are thinking, Qiuyuexin has not seen It’s a pity to the prophet. Otherwise, the prophet will know what she is, and she has such a horrible talent, and suddenly rises in the north.

The news came out that the name of the Qiu family's autumn moon heart, and even into other areas of the eight wilderness, countless people at a time.

There are even rumors that there are rumors that the geniuses with terrorist powers want to marry the Qiu family, so that a lot of calm places in the northern wilderness have been busy for a while, attracting the attention of many people.

And that Xuanyuan broke through the sky, and the talent is indeed not bad. It seems that after being abandoned by the Tiantai, he fought bravely. After half a year from the city of destiny, he broke through again. He entered the realm of Tianwu Jiuzhong, and became even more arrogant, threatening Lin Fengfu, hiding in I dare not fight with him in the rooftop.

Xuanyuan’s daring to do this is undoubtedly a slap in the face of how the Tiantai does not dare to deal with him. After all, the northern desert is only a military power of the Tiantai. In this case, it is provoked by Xuanyuan. If they send a strong person to deal with Xuanyuan, It’s not about hitting your own face, it’s called real shame.

Unless there are people in Tianwu's disciples, they can cope with Xuanyuan's ruin. However, no one, Lin Feng, who is highly hoped by many people on the rooftops, seems to have disappeared. It has disappeared for more than half a year.

Some people say that Lin Feng avoids dare to fight, afraid that Xuanyuan will kill him. After all, although Lin Feng is the first disciple of Tianwu, but he has been a weak, it is a fact, now it should be strong and not where, how can it Crossing into the Tianwu Jiuzhong Xuanyuan breaks the heavens!

Some people have thought about it. If Qiuyue is not in the family and is in the rooftop, what will happen to Xuanyuan?

Of course, this is just the delusion of everyone. Today, the Qiu family is very busy and often has strong people to visit.

For everything in the outside world, Lin Feng is now completely ignorant. He seems to have broken off contact with the outside world. After drifting for a few months in the wild sea, he finally went ashore again, then walked aimlessly, watching the sunrise and sunset, watching the weather. Four times change, Wufeng fire and thunder power.

Occasionally, due to interest, Lin Feng will take out the sword of the heavenly sword, dance the sword in the wind and rain, or realize the sword in the thunder and lightning, and also waved the sword in the wild sea.

One person, one sword, and the wilderness.

So strolling, Lin Feng knows how far the eight wildernesses are, drifting in the wilderness, walking on the land, and now he has not gone out of the wilderness for half a year.

At this time, there is an ancient town in the border between the Northern Wilderness and the Western Wilderness. The town has a small population, only a thousand people. In the morning, the people in the town will follow the town’s Master Xu, a high-ranking Tianwu strongman, practiced at the foot of the mountain.

The sun in the morning is full of vigorous vitality, sprinkled on the crowd, and the sound of sipping is one after another, at the foot of the mountain, a peaceful scene.

Master Xu is about forty, but because it is quite powerful, it looks like it has not yet reached thirty. It guides everyone to practice magical martial arts, or to temper the body, or to fight skills, and to follow the people who cultivated him. It is very complicated, the smallest is only five or six years old, and the big ones are people of thirty or forty years old.

"Uncle Lin, Master Xu is very powerful, don't you want to go to school?"

At this time, a tender voice came out, only at the foot of the mountain, there was a lovely child, slightly tilted his head, with a tender voice, facing the youth road sitting on the stone chair.

The young man, who is called Uncle Lin, can't see the age, like twenty, and it looks like thirty. The hair is scattered on the shoulders. It seems that some of the edges are not trimmed, and even the beards are growing out, but the deep eyes seem to Extraordinarily clear, calm like water, mood, without any ups and downs.

Looking at the young child of three or four years old, the young man reached out and hugged him, put it in his arms, tied his face with a beard, and smiled and said: "Uncle is stupid, can't learn, wait for Xiaochen again. When you grow up, you can practice together with Master Xu."

"Cheat, Master Xu and his mother said that although Uncle Lin has never touched his hand, it may be very powerful." Xiaochen struggled to leave the youth's beard and watched the youth with enthusiasm.

"That Uncle Xu said how powerful I am." The young man saw Xiao Chen's lovely appearance and teased him.

"Uncle Xu said that he is not sure, he may not really cultivate, or he may be more powerful than him, but his mother and aunt don't believe that his uncle is more powerful than Master Xu."

"That little morning letter?" Do not jump words.

The little guy shook his head and screamed his face. "I don't believe in Xiaochen. Uncle Lin is so powerful. Why do you often go up the mountain and then sit down at night? The powerful people can fly up!"

"Xiao Chen, you are running again, Uncle Lin."

At this time, a crisp voice came, but not far away, a girl with a ponytail ran around, the girl was eighteen or nine years old, but there was no mature person outside, and the eyes were full of simplicity. Italian, even when she looks at the youth, her face will inadvertently appear a blush.

"Lin Feng big brother, this little guy is running to trouble you again." The girl took the morning from Lin Feng, and when she touched Lin Feng's arm, there was a faint blush on her face.

"It doesn't matter, I like this little guy." This young man is Lin Feng who has disappeared from the rooftop for more than half a year. It has been a month since he came to this town. People in the town know that he is such a weirdo. I like to climb mountains, sometimes it is a day on the mountain, I like to watch the people practice, and I also like to watch the waterfalls at the foot of the mountain.

However, because Lin Feng is gentle, the people in the town also like him very much, and occasionally like to open his jokes, such as whether the beloved girl abandoned the seclusion of the mountains and the like.

The girl in front of her name is Ye Xue. It is a rare beauty in the town. It is simple and clean. Although there is no such thing as a closed moon, but at least in Lin Feng’s view, it’s better than that. How many.

Moreover, Ye Xue is still a cultivation genius in the town. At the young age, there are already seven martial arts repairs. In the future, he will certainly be able to step into Tianwu, and he will be highly hoped by the people in the town, and there are many pursuers.

"Lin Feng Big Brother..." At this time, Ye Xue trembled and looked at Lin Feng, as if he wanted to say something, and his face showed a shy look.

"What's wrong?" Lin Feng asked with a smile, the eyes were so clear, clean, and seemed to be inconsistent with his awkward image.

Ye Xue took out a knife from his body and placed it in front of Lin Feng. Somewhat said: "Lin Feng, you can repair your beard!"

Said, Ye Xue's face was red again, his eyes widened twice, revealing the curiosity of a girl.

Lin Feng groaned, and his eyes followed Ye Xue’s eyelids for a few moments, then smiled and said: "Well, clean up!"

"Oh, I also want to see how Uncle Lin cleans up the beard." Xiaochen seemed to be extraordinarily excited and said with a smile.

"The knife gave me, I went to the waterfall to clean up." Lin Feng smiled, took the knife of Ye Xue, then walked to the waterfall at the foot of the mountain, and took a photo of the waterhole under the waterfall, could not help but reveal a splendid Smile, go back like this, maybe the dream doesn't recognize yourself.

"More than half a year, I don't know how the dream is going, Snow Moon, okay, eight wilderness, what is the situation now!" Lin Feng murmured, leaving everything, red dust in the heart, this half year Lin Feng lived very easily, very relaxed, walking in the vast north of the wild, aimless, when I realized, I stopped to think about it, and after I realized it, I continued to lift my feet and walk, aimless, red dust Heart, but also sword heart.

Putting a knife on his face, Lin Feng slowly scraped his beard and cleaned up his messy long hair. After a while, a clean and beautiful young man appeared in the pool, under the bright smile, it looked like that Harmony.

After straightening the hair, Lin Feng washed it with cold water, stood up, changed a clean white robes, and then walked toward the distant crowd.

Ye Xue and Xiao Chen are watching Master Xu teach everyone. At this time, Xiao Chen turned over and saw Lin Feng coming, his eyes kept groaning, as if he didn't know.

"Uncle Lin..." Xiaochen’s eyes were extraordinarily cute, and he heard his voice. Ye Xue also turned and looked toward Lin Feng.

In the morning sun, the handsome young man of about twenty or twenty with a clean smile walked slowly, and the sun fell on his face. It was so soft and beautiful, let Ye Xue Zhang Open your mouth, and then put your little hand in front of your mouth, and a pair of watery scorpions filled with surprise.

Is this still the beard's Ye Feng brother?

"Ye Xue!" Master Xu shouted to the side, and then he also saw Lin Feng, could not help but squat, Haojun youth!

Ps: Thank you for your reward!

(two more flowers)

(two more flowers)

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