Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1200: Qiuyue heart changes

The rooftops soon recovered calm, because only the Emperor’s disciples were recruited. The vast rooftops still looked a bit deserted. Everyone had a retreat and quiet cultivation, especially those who got some benefits in the city of destiny. People take the opportunity to use the resources of Jiuzhongtian to impact the higher realm.

The brothers of the rooftops have not questioned the city of destiny. Individual cultivation, the brothers will not interfere, everything must be grasped by themselves, to fight for, the pro-disciples and the disciples of the sages have their own affairs, too Need to be constantly stronger.

On this day, the dream was left to practice in the palace where Jiuzhong Tianlinfeng is located. There are traces of the road. It is very suitable for the dream to cultivate here. It is ready to retreat for a period of time, and it will hit a higher level.

As for Lin Feng, this day, he wore a robes, stepped on a giant sword, walked out of the roof, all the way to the north... Following the footsteps of the ancestors, looking for his own kendo, his own kendo of Lin Feng .

On this day, the eight wilderness suddenly became very quiet. After the forces of destiny, the forces of the destiny seemed to be dying. It was very quiet. No voice came out. The prophecy of the city of destiny that day, It still didn't come out. Maybe, only those who are genius and enchanting, and those who are big-powered elders, know, but they obviously won't show off everywhere.

Ten days later, it was observed that a huge mountain peak in the northern desert, gas burning raging flames, the whole mountain burned up, the flames burst into the sky, destroy everything, and make people feel heart-wrenching.

Some people say that once they saw a young strongman practicing at the top of the mountain, there was a dazzling sword swaying in the void, taking the fire of the sun, and the young man was able to lead the sun, on him, even branded The sun pattern, just because of his cultivation, triggered the flames of this sky.

A month later, the eyes of the famous storm in the northern wilderness, some people saw that a young man of about 20 years old sat cross-legged and danced in the storm that could tear the lower-order sages. Swords, swords are very slow, even without rules, as if they are casual and moving with their hearts, but each sword, as if it is blended with the hurricane in the eyes of the storm, draws a beautiful trajectory.

However, when the crowd heard the eyes of the storm, they found that people were no longer there. Only the endless winds were still raging, screaming, horrible, and people were afraid to get close, where ordinary The Sayādaw does not dare to set foot on foot, and a Sayādaw is already a powerful figure and can join the big forces.

Three months later, a burial place near the land of the wilderness, the evil winds were strong, and few people set foot on this side.

Here, there are too many corpses, which are buried places, and those who are eroded by the ruins of the sea and cannot survive are buried here.

At this point, there was a middle-aged figure passing by and looking at the burial place. At this moment, suddenly his heart trembled, and there were two dead souls, as if they had come back to life. As he walked around, when he saw him, he fell to the ground.

"Qianlong!" Middle-aged is a strong man who respects the martial arts. But when he saw this scene, he still couldn't help but swallow a slobber. He felt dry and pale, and his face was slightly pale, and the undead was resurrected.

"Tick, ticking..." The footsteps slowly came, only to see a young figure, the hair was quite scattered, but the face was very clean, it seems that only about twenty young people, slowly came out from the inside .

The youth seemed to feel his presence, his eyes glanced at this side, this eye, no wave of waves, as calm as water, but let his heart tremble slightly.

Immediately, he saw the young man's body vacating and leaving the air.

"This is the horror genius of the power!" The middle-aged sage trembled, and then stepped into the burial place, his eyes instantly straightened up, his face pale.

"The curse..." spit out two words in his mouth, and then his body flickered and quickly left the side, as if afraid of something terrible.

The young man would not care about his reaction. He continued to go northward all the way. The breath of the wilderness gradually spread over the youth, but he was not as fearful as others, but opened his mouth and took a breath. It seems to be looking forward to the breath of the wild.

Finally, the ruined sea of ​​ruin in the distance reflected the eyes of the youth. On the edge of the wild sea, there were scattered ships, but there were no ships that were specially manned. It seemed to be used by individuals, and they were treasured in the wild. It is very rare to take risks once.

At this time, in the sky, there seemed to be a whistling sound, and those on the edge of the deserted sea looked up. Then they saw a young figure walking directly toward the ridiculous sea. What’s even more shocking was that they suddenly found out that the young man stepped in. In the distance of the wilderness, it began to fall below the deserted sea.

A slight sound came from the sound, and there was no splash of too much waves. The youth was swallowed up by the wild sea, giving those people a strange look.

This is... self-defense?

"A young man with a good end, why do you want to kill yourself?" An old man sighed. The young man seemed very young. He hurriedly sneaked around twenty, and the strength seemed to be strong. He should belong to a genius youth. Why can’t he think so? Into the wilderness.

"It is estimated that what has been frustrated, or hurt by love, otherwise such a good young martial arts heart should be very tough, only love, the most hurting." Next to a man shaking his head and sighing, do not understand, young Light, what is the pain?

"Old Zhang, you see, he seems to have floated up, not swallowed by the wilderness?" At this moment, one person looked at the horror, staring into the distance, only to see that the youth seemed to float above the wild sea, as if drifting with the waves, occasionally the tide of the wilderness Blowed up, occasionally buried and swallowed, however, not even destroyed!

"How is it possible, even if the lower-ranking sages dare to enter the wilderness, they will be swallowed up in an instant, how is this possible?" The wrinkles on the old man's face seemed to be beating, and a huge wave was set in his heart.

"Don't he come from?"

"Old Zhang, there seems to be a sword around him, with him, floating in the wild sea."

At this point, the man's face trembled again, his body trembled, and the young man in the distance was rolled up by a wave, and no matter where he floated, there was a sword, as if he was quietly following him, standing silently. In the wilderness.

"Quickly, please go to the Lord of the Lord to see." The old man's look is shocking, it is incredible, this young man is not looking for death, the wild sea can not corrode his body, since it is not seeking death, then what is the youth lying in the wild sea? Cultivation? Feeling?

The man left in an instant and ran to ask the strong to see. However, at this moment, the figure of the young man drifted with the tide, and was gradually wrapped away by the horrible wild sea. If it was looming, eventually, the old master could not see the trace of the youth, and he could not help but panic.

"What happened?" After a while, a saint came, the tiger's back was bearded, and his body was burly, his upper body was shirtless, and he asked the old man.

"Lord, I seem to see someone... practicing in the wild sea!" The old man's lips trembled slightly, still shocked.

"What is it?"

"High-order Tianwu!"

"Impossible, Tianwu people into the wilderness, will die, no bones."

"But I saw it with my own eyes."

"I will go and see!" The lord stepped in and walked toward the deserted sea, but wherever he found the figure, the lord returned and shook his head: "The sea is too horrible, I dare not dare." Go deep, otherwise you will encounter a raging sea and wind waves, and you will die without a place of burial. If you say, I still don’t believe it. The people of Tianwu are never possible."

The old man's face rose slightly, but he was silent. He could only speak without words. The horrible wild sea wave, I don't know how far the youth who will follow the tide will be rolled away. Maybe a hundred miles, maybe a thousand miles!

Time, a slow past, in a blink of an eye, from the end of the city of destiny, there have been half a year, and the geniuses have begun to retreat and re-enter the world.

In the land of the Northern Wilderness, there are two things that are particularly eye-catching. One of them is the autumn genius girl Qiuyue heart. Before half a year ago, it seems to have broken something, and it has been rushing for a long time. Continuous breakthrough, straight into the peak of Tianwu, straight into the realm of the Supreme, a time led to the turmoil of the North Wild family, it seems that there is a enchanting woman is about to enter the WTO.

No one knows what happened in the heart of Qiuyue.

Some people say that Qiuyue’s heart has a great opportunity in the city of destiny. Suddenly, it has opened the martial spirit and repaired it into a thousand miles.

It is also said that Qiuyuexin itself has a horrible physique, and at this moment, it is only awake, so she has her rise!

As for the other thing, the Xuanyuan family's Xuanyuan ruined the sky, hit the roof all the way, challenged any Tianwu strong person on the rooftop, and washed away the shame of the old rooftops. He wanted to prove himself to the rooftop, and also proved to the northern ruins that he was paralyzed. Talent, rooftop, no one can fight!

Some people say that it is because Lin Feng, the first disciple of Tianwu Tianwu, is not there, otherwise he will be able to fight against Xuanyuan, but Xuanyuan will only leave a sentence. When he comes here, he will be Yulin Feng!

However, the top of the rooftop, but it does not care, there is no movement, but the face of the rooftop, but it is indeed not good.

For a time, two things, affecting the hearts of countless people in the north!

Ps: Today broke out, seeking support, seeking passion, thanks to Wang Wangqiangqiang, lixiangzhao, Caiyun South 0413, 13665167298 several brothers to reward!

(One more flower)

(One more flower)

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