Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1120: Sword

The Sword Court, where the Swordless Emperor is located, is located in the city of Jiancheng. When Lin Feng and others arrived, they did not see the so-called Jiange. They only saw a giant sword, which was stabbed from the sky and inserted into the ground, as if this The sword, connected to the sky and the earth, will break the land. //High speed update //

This is a very huge sword, standing in front of the giant sword, the crowd feels small, and faintly feels the spirit of the sword, the sword is the world.

Lin Feng’s eyes flashed through a sword, and this giant sword was as similar as the illusory scene in his mind. The horrible giant sword pierced the earth from the sky and destroyed the earth. Is the image no? What did Tian Jianhuang leave in the past? Or is it that someone who observes the sword of the sword in the sword city and realizes the power of the martial arts?

I saw that the sword went without a trace of sorrow, and showed the color of abuse to the giant sword. Then I raised my hand and the palm of the hand was engraved with a character on the giant sword. Suddenly, a boundless sharp sword bloomed. Out, the crowd seems to feel that their body has to be split. Many people even take a step back without knowing their own autonomy. This airy sword is too terrible.

"Hey!" A singer's voice came out, a beam of light appeared in the center of the Great Sword, and the horrible sword seemed to split the earth. Then everyone saw only the giant sword separated, revealing a sword road!

"You are please!" The sword showed no gestures to the crowd, and suddenly the crowds stepped forward and stepped toward the giant sword.

"This giant sword turned out to be a small world!"

Lin Feng’s heart is horrified, the sword court, this giant sword, he represents the sword pavilion, the light beam of the land of the wild sea is a small world, the white cloud of the shrine is a small world, this giant sword is also a small world, but at the moment Lin Feng Still very surprised, the Jingu Palace will have a small world, which means that many years ago, there were also the birth of the Emperor of the Emperor in the Shrine.

Into the giant sword, Lin Feng still marveled at the magic of the giant sword, but the next moment, he was overwhelmed by the world of swords, the entire sword pavilion, is the holy place of sword repair, all buildings, all in the shape of a sword, this is a The Castle of Swords, and even every object, is the shape of a sword. Whether it is a palace, a pavilion, or a rockery, among these dead things, there is a sense of sword, the sword, and everywhere.

Lin Feng's heart is fluctuating violently, and the sword on his body seems to be through the body, and is summoned by the castle of the sword. The feeling of the long-lost sword destroying the heavens and the earth is once again born.

At this time, everyone who stepped into the sword pavilion had different emotions, different sentiments, and indulged in the world of this sword.

"The Heavenly Sword Emperor is the first person in the martial art in the past 5,000 years. Since the Heavenly Sword Emperor, no one can surpass him in the martial art." Gu Yu said with emotion, this time he is not a polite discourse. It is from the heart, respecting the supreme martial arts strongman 5,000 years ago, this small world has been built into a world of swords.

"A year in the sword court, at least more than three years in the outside world, with the strength is stronger, the more profound the understanding of the sword, the greater the span, and may even be equivalent to ten years, decades!" Xue Biyao also praised One, if they say that Tianzhu Xianyu is a fairyland, it is a kendo paradise.

"The ridiculous and sorrowful cultivation of the kendo for more than a dozen years, but still does not enter the sword door, smashing to the extreme!" The sword did not sigh.

Xue Biyao shook his head slightly: "Sword repair is different from other martial arts. The martial arts monk needs to stabilize the sword in the early stage. The foundation is extremely important. Maybe the power is not too strong, but in the later stage, each breakthrough will produce a qualitative leap. Ordinary martial arts break through when the span is much larger, the power is stunned, people are frightened, the sword is stronger, the more terrible!"

The sword has no sorrow, but it is just a smile, and everyone walks in the sword court.

In the Jiange, the crowd also encountered a lot of people, young and old, they all showed a strong sword meaning, like the same sword, in the sword, they are not restrained.

After half an hour, the sword led the people to a clean place without any sorrow. There was a palace in the distance, and finally there was no sword shape, but like a sword.

Looking up, the crowd saw the palace on the far side, and it was engraved with two huge words, swords!

Swords, the land of the sword, and the sword of the sword, is naturally the land of the swordless emperor!

Under the sword, there are still a lot of figure, seeing those figures, many people look stunned, showing a horrified look, because the lineup there is stronger than the lineup here.

"Dragon is there!" The Tianlong Fortress instantly recognized one of the young people. This person is well-proportioned and has no burly imagination in the crowd. However, when his eyes are facing this side, it is difficult. The sharpness in the hidden light is like a dragon among people, and its majesty is extraordinary.

Tianlong Shenbao’s Tianlong demon body, dragon, repair, and heavenly and martial arts!

"Tianwu eight-dimensional Tianlong demon body, his combat power is absolutely amazing, and even the ordinary Supreme!" The speed of the dragons in the moment is very powerful.

However, soon, the eyes of the crowd were attracted to the past by others, because the names of those people were extremely embarrassing.

One of them, wearing a tight-fitting phoenix coat, puts the perfect figure in an extremely hot, enchanting and full-bodied, as if to be enchanted. At this moment, she does not have a veil, but a real face, a black hair. It seems to have a slight dance of life. The deep and clean stars are looking forward to charming, pretty Yao nose, sly lips like snow, crystal clear and snow-like skin like crispy snow, do not Everything is flattering, and everything in the world has lost Fanghua.

Standing there, I saw everyone’s eyes, no matter where her nephew fell, it would make the person’s heart sway.

This is indeed a demon girl, but it is not a demon monster, but a demon that makes people crazy and fascinated.

Many people have been unable to look away for a long time, and unconsciously contrasted the demon girl with Xuebai Yao. I believe that with such a peerless enchantress, it will definitely not be worse than the face of the saint, but the temperament is completely different, but whether it is The enchanting or holy, it is enchanting, even in terms of impulsiveness, the demon woman is even more holy.

The ancient phoenix body of Qifeng Mountain, the demon girl!

Beside the demon girl, there is another person with a brawl on the head, a masked veil on the edge of the fight, and a cover of his face, one of the watchers who never show the truth.

The watchman is illusory, as long as the person he watches is in danger, even if the watcher is determined, the crowd will never know who the watchman is, and sometimes, the guardian himself is not Know who their watchers are, but they only need to know that they are watched.

Perhaps, the watchmen are usually by their side, their close people, their friends, or their enemies, all possible.

Jiange, even invited a watchman to come, just do not know if the watcher is the one who appeared not long ago. After all, the watchmen are more than one person. As for the specific number of people, no one knows, and even some people have guessed. A watchman, maybe watching several people at the same time, so that there is more chance, until the ones they watch are not with the emperor, they may even close it.

In addition to these three people, there is another person who attracts the attention of everyone. This person stands quietly there, and there is no slight breath on his body, but it gives people an unreal feeling, like a dream, as if it may disappear at any time. The same, this feeling is extraordinarily peculiar.

Among these people, Lin Feng once saw the demon girl. At this moment, I heard someone talking about it. He suddenly realized that this woman turned out to be the demon girl Feng Qi on Qifeng Mountain. This time she showed her true face and had the power of inverting the sentient beings. Xue Bi Yao is not weak, each has its own beauty. He has unveiled the veil of Xue Bi Yao, the faces of the two, Lin Feng, he has seen it.

"She went to Jiulong Island for a piece of barren stone. I don't know what the strangeness of the barren stone is." Lin Feng said in secret, that the barren stone, the only barren stone that was not broken at the time, she went straight after taking the barren stone. There is no trace left.

"All of you have come together, enter the sword!" Sword no sorrow and other people walked to the front, slowly speaking to the crowd, then, the door of the sword slammed slowly, a glimpse of the ancient breath, Along with it, there is also a peerless sword.

Swordsman, the land of the swordless emperor!

Ps: The current situation is to add five more tomorrow, which is equal to the outbreak of eight, but the flowers can be increased by 20 more. You can add another one by more than 4,000. You are welcome, tomorrow is still more If you can't eat it, if you add more, eleven will do it!

(three more)

(three more)

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