Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1119: Sword Court invites

"You dare!" The young people of Tianzhu Xianyu screamed out, Lin Feng, killing the people of Tianzhu Xianyu in front of them, and this is true.

"People are killing, there is nothing to dare!" Lin Feng sneered again and again, this person has wanted to put him to death three times and five times, now how can he be polite, without hesitation, directly killing.

"It’s really killing!" The crowd said that this person was discouraged and said that the killing was really killing. They didn’t know Lin Feng’s hatred with the other side. They only thought that Lin Feng only killed the other party because of the conflict. It’s too much to act. Decisive.

"Who wants to kill me, even if I come to kill, I should all be there, but the person who wants to kill me is ready to be killed first, so he is so!" Lin Feng's palm was closed, and the body of the man suddenly disappeared, in flames. It turns into dust and disappears in the void.

Lin Feng’s overbearing voice is still echoing in the void. No one will stop it if he wants to kill him. But if he is prepared to die, if he is in his hands, he will kill, and Lin Feng will not care.

The ancients and other people looked cold, and Lin Feng’s eyes glanced at the crowds of their Tianlong Fort, which was undoubtedly telling them to kill them.

"In this case, we are going to teach some high-profile people on the rooftop today." The strong men of Tianzhu Xianyu burned and wanted to fight with Lin Feng and others.

"My platform is afraid that you will not be able to fight, but you will fight and you will be!" Mengba sounds rough mines, martyrdom, and the murderous air that permeates the void, and many people feel extremely cold, as if the war is on the verge.

"The rooftop wants to be bullied. I can't sit idly by!" The sound of the yin and yang is sounded, and the Tianlong Fortress joins the battle. It is necessary to join forces with the Scorpio Palace to deal with the people coming to the rooftop. In a flash, the rooftop is from Advantages are inferior.

The three forces are intertwined, and the situation is more complicated. Many people have an interesting look. I did not expect that the young people of the three major forces will be able to see the war. It will be very exciting. These three forces are all the forces of the Emperor.

However, the first batch of Wuhuang disciples who wanted to come to the rooftops had just been recruited, and the descendants of the city of Destiny, which was sent to the city of destiny, were obviously the leaders of the younger generation, so if they were fighting, the rooftops would have to suffer. Maybe a lot of people will be splashed here.

As Lin Feng thought, the young people of Tianzhu Xianyu used the powers of both sides to speak but they were alarmist. The battles of the younger generations involved a large part of the people. It was impossible to cause the fighting between the two forces, especially the Emperor Wu. However, asking the world is only a guiding role, how to be a younger generation, relying on his own talent, hard work and air transport.

Therefore, if the people on the rooftop are not able to drink, hate this, they can only blame the strength is not as good as people, of course, the other two people.

"That's good, I am a celestial celestial being, and I will join hands with Tianlong Shenbao to teach these disciples who are just getting started." The strong man of Tianzhu Xianyu is cold.

"You still don't think it's not a shame!" At this moment, a cold voice came out, and everyone looked at the person who spoke, but it was squatting. The original person turned out to be the sacred woman of the celestial fairy.

"Either do it yourself, or come back!" Xue Baiyao calmed down and opened again. The man who had just used Tianwu Seven to deceive Lin Feng’s realm was low, leading to being killed. He had already lost the face of Tianzhu Xianyu. If they could revenge themselves, Xue Biyao There is nothing to say, but now I still want to take the Tianlong Shenbao together to deal with the rooftop, it is not ridiculous.

The men of Tianzhu Xianyu looked stiff and said: "Sister, don't we let him go?"

"If you are still like this, don't be called my sister." Xue Biyao said indifferently, then looked at a few other people: "You are the same!"

"The sacred woman of Tianzhu Xianyu, a proud personality!" The people sighed in the heart, Xuebai Yao apparently disdain to let the people of Tianzhu Xianyu and Tianlong Shenbao join hands to deal with the Tiantai crowd.

The faces of the youngsters of Tianzhu Xianyu were unpredictable, and finally they swept Lin Feng indifferently. They said, "I hope you can live well!"

After all, they returned to Xue Bi Yao's side. After all, they did not violate the pride of Xue Bi Yao. For this younger sister, they are both admired and awe-inspiring, such as fairy-like beauty, ethereal temperament, strong talent, and one. A proud heart of martial arts, this is Xuebai Yao, her power is not only relying on her talent as a body of fairy spirit, but also because of her own pride and persistence in martial arts.

"Reassured, I will live very well." Lin Feng responded, then turned to the crowd of Tianlong Fort, looking at the ancient saying: "Do you want to fight?" Do not jump words.

The people of Tianlong Fortress are indulged. At this moment, the strongmen of the rooftops have an advantage over them. Of course, if they are really fighting, they are not afraid, especially the ancients and his holy bells.

At this point, the sword appeared awkwardly without a sorrow, and whispered to his ear. The sword nodded slightly and nodded, indicating.

Stepping forward, the sword smiled at the people without any sorrow: "Scorpio fairy tales, the rooftops, and the Tianlong Fort, all of you come for the city of destiny. Why do you fight for the moment, and enter the city of destiny? Feel free to fight, no interference, no matter what life or death, since this time everyone gathered together, I would like to ask you to go to the sword pavilion, I don’t know what you mean!"

Go to the Pavilion?

Everyone is quite puzzled. What is the intention of the sword to ask everyone to go to the Jiange?

"My Jiange also invited other talented people from the eight wildernesses to go together, such as the Dragon of Tianlong Fort, the enchanting enchanting of Qifeng Mountain. They must be on the way to Jiange at the moment, I want to let you go together. , a ancestor of the ancestors, the sword of the emperor!"

The sword has no sorrowful horns with a confident smile. He believes that these people will be willing to go.

Sure enough, the young people of the three major forces heard the sword of the innocent Sword Emperor, and suddenly there was a glimpse of the sorrows in the eyes, and the swordsman’s sword, they certainly wanted to see it, and they were still the eternal swordsman of the past. In addition, the Tianlong demon body of Tianlong Shenbao and the ancient phoenix body have to be invited to go. Listening to the sword has no meaning of sorrow. It seems that there are other young geniuses. It seems that this line of swords has to be gathered together.

"Jiange invited, my Tianlong Shenbao is willing to put down the grudges." Gu Yan said with a smile, approachable, as if the recent unhappiness has become a thing of the past.

"Scorpio is willing to go." Xue Bi Yao naturally will not refuse to watch the relics of the Heavenly Sword.

Lin Feng looked at the people around him and saw their eyes flashing. They all showed a look of anticipation. They couldn’t help but smile: "It is my pleasure to be invited by the sword court. The Tiantai is willing to go to a view."

"Well, you are so refreshing, it is better to go on the road, I will lead the way!" The sword said with no sorrow, and stepped forward.

The old-fashioned scorpion swept Lin Feng and said: "For the time being, you will not die. If you enter the city of destiny, no one can save you, and there are people on your rooftop. The death is coming."

The killing of the younger brother will be undoubtedly reported. Moreover, the people of the rooftops, all of them will be killed. They will want to get any prophecy, and the face of the prophet will not be seen by the people on the rooftop.

Lin Feng brows his head, as if he is looking at the ancient scorpion with the same sword, this person is extremely strong in killing his heart. It is necessary to kill him. Moreover, the ancient 枭 枭 八 八 八 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

After the ancient singer said, he stepped forward and walked to the sword without sorrow. He smiled and said: "No brother, the sword is invited to go, except for the sword of the predecessors. Other intentions?"

When everyone heard the words of the ancients, they all listened to their ears. The Jiange obviously would not invite them for no reason. There must be reasons behind them. It was just inconvenient to ask. At this moment, the ancients asked them, and they wanted to know.

"The ancestors left the sword, the sword screamed, and the imitation wants to go empty. I can't do anything about it. You are the great force of the major forces, the Wuhuangmen, and you can see the vast non-swords. You are invited to this place. Why do you see why the ancestors’ swords will continue to sound the sound of the sword!”

Swordsman is not only, want to break the air?

Everyone has a glimpse of the sword, how precious is the sword of the Emperor Sword, and may even surpass the existence of the sacred device. If it empties away... At this moment, many people have different ideas in their hearts, even those who do not The invited people also followed, even if they couldn’t enter the sword court, they could wait outside, if the sword of the sword was broken?

However, the genius youths of the general trend will be suspicious. I don’t know what the sword is without sorrow. If the sword of the Sword Emperor wants to break the gap, it should be blocked. Is it necessary to invite people to fight for it?

If there is no sorrow in the sword, you can't believe it. This is the thought of everyone's mind, but in any case, the sword of the Heavenly Sword Emperor must be observed, perhaps beneficial to cultivation!

Ps: At present, there are nine hundred different flowers, and I have to pay more than one hundred and forty. I will add three chapters tomorrow. As for the addition, I can see the brothers!

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