Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1017: Xuanyuan Dengtian

"You only have half a day, at noon, the ladder will be closed, and you will not be able to board the platform without entering the ladder!" Seeing everyone in the ascetic eyes seems to hesitate and hesitate. The number is too horrible. If you don’t limit the time, you don’t know if you want to wait. how long.

"Only half a day!" The crowd looked agile, and many people stepped across the ladder, leaping onto the ladder, stabilizing their body shape, and the real yuan circulated, against the trend.

Through a glimpse of the celestial ladder, the crowd is like a stream of water, flowing up the river, constantly spreading toward the sky, from a distance, it is a self-contained scene, magnificent, very spectacular.

"When are you going to go up!" Qiuyue asked Lin Feng.

Looking at the magnificent scene, Lin Feng shook his head and said: "It is only until noon, the time is a lot, we don't have to worry!"

"Well!" Qiuyue has no words, and more and more people are on the ladder. The scenes of the hustle and bustle give the distant people a sense of suffocation. It is too vast, and millions of people are on the ladder. After using it for too long, the crowd found that the ladder of 100,000 feet was all human.

"If this ladder does not have a hundred thousand eight thousand feet, it is difficult to accommodate so many people!"

Many people said with a smile, the heart is full of emotions, and only this spectacular ladder can accommodate the vast crowd, presenting the scene of the moment.

The light of the sun shone down and shone on the ladder. The celestial celestial spirit seemed to be thicker, and even the faint golden brilliance lingered above the heavens and the earth, dazzling and dazzling.

"Even if you only look at this scene from time to time, you can make people open-minded and open-minded, tolerate everything in the world, and make the state of mind improve." Many people sighed with emotion, but they saw that there was already a huge world and the earth came to the last eighty-one. Layer ladder, nine heavens.

"Someone went up and embarked on the first heaven!" At this time, the crowd stared at it and watched it seriously. The figure that first reached the world of Jiuzhong, one foot crossed the nine heavens.

I saw his figure pause for a moment, so that the crowd was tight, and it stopped, but one foot crossed.

Finally, the second foot of the man also stepped out, suddenly fell, and embarked on the first heaven.

“Hey!” A streamer flashed, and then the eyes of the crowd suddenly stiffened there. The man’s body was directly thrown away from the first heaven, turned into a streamer, and leaped forward in the distance.

"So horrible?" The crowd looked fierce and stiff, only to see that the person's body was slammed into the distance, and stopped in the final direction of the crowd. After stopping, he quickly stabilized his figure and immediately sat down. I actually started to cultivate.

“Well?” Lin Feng and Qiuyuexin glanced at each other, how could this be? That day, the autumn moon was bombarded by this first heavy day, although the blood was rolling, but it was not so. It was so far away, and even stopped to practice at this moment.

"It seems that the rebound is more overbearing. This is to deprive others of the opportunity to embark on the Nine Heavens for the second time. Everyone has only one chance. Otherwise, it will be very confusing for so many people to repeatedly step on!" Out of his own thoughts, Lin Feng agreed to nod and became an opportunity for the disciples of the Emperor. Who would not want to fight for it, I am afraid that even if he failed, he would like to go forward again. In that case, Nine Heavens may not be peaceful, and they will always be those people.

Not only Qiuyuexin and Lin Feng thought so. At this time, everyone who saw the people’s encounters also speculated that Jiuzhongtian could not give people opportunities again and again.

"The man first arrived in the Nine Heavens and crossed the nine heavens. He must have adapted to the terrorist pressure of the ladder before, and he was repaired with a terrible speed and horror. However, he still only stepped on one step and was slammed in one step!" Many people feel a sense of tension, a feeling of suffocation, the first step has not been stabilized and was slammed down, showing how terrible the situation is, the crowd is not as confident as it was at the beginning.

After that, some people have been on the nine heavens. However, among the dozens of people, the nine-story ladder of the first heaven of the nine heavens has been bounced back, giving the crowd a sense of suffocation, which is terrible. They were all bounced back on the first day, and the last layer of the first heaven had a red key, more than a dozen people, and no one could get it and cross the roof.

At this time, there was a figure that reached the bottom of the nine heavens, and every step of it stepped out, it was as calm as a mountain, as if there was a terrible power bloom, people around the body shunned, and in an instant, the person’s surroundings were Empty, only one person, step by step, until the nine heavens.

"Xuanyuan broke the sky!" Everyone's footsteps stopped, and his eyes looked at Xuanyuan. So far, no one has ever got the key. At this moment, Xuanyuan shot and saw that he could reach Jiuzhongtian.

"I hope that Xuanyuan will be able to cross the nine heavens!" The crowd said in the dark, they hope that Xuanyuan will cross the sky farther. Only then will they have the opportunity. If Xuanyuan breaks through the sky, they can only cross the double heaven. Then they are not desperate.

"The man is a descendant of Xuanyuan, but a descendant of the royal family. He has the blood of the emperor, and his fighting power is terrible. It is said that his goal is the first disciple of Tianwu." Qiuyue said to Lin Feng.

"I know." Lin Feng smiled, how could he not know Xuanyuan?

"Look at how many days he can climb!" Qiuyue stared at Xuanyuan, and saw that Xuanyuan’s broken body moved at this time, suddenly stepped out, step by step, ten steps and ten days, ten consecutive Step, never stopped, his body stood directly on the second heaven.

"Great!" The crowd looked tight and exclaimed. They only felt that there was a blood in the heart that was rolling and moving. Xuanyuan’s broken sky was terrible. The nine-story ladder of the first day of the other could not cross, but he stepped straight one step at a time. Boarded the second day.

At this time, Xuanyuan broke through the sky and danced violently. The robes were constantly blown up by the horror of the general trend, and his body paused in the second heaven.

“Xuanyuan’s broken days are taboo for this second heaven?” The crowd’s eyes were slightly stiff and shocked. If Xuanyuan’s broken days were taboo on this second heaven, then’s too difficult to get a qualification.

This vast and endless crowd seems to be just this round, and I don’t know how many people to eliminate.

Finally, the crowd saw Xuanyuan breaking again and moving again. If it didn’t move, then the stone was shocked and the horrible power bloomed. Although the crowd could not feel it, but a hurricane flowing from him could be speculated, just like One step at a time, Xuanyuan broke through the sky and directly crossed the third heaven.

The crowd clenched their fists. At this moment, no one else was on the top of the world, but they were all staring at the movements of Xuanyuan.

"Moving!" The crowd looked stiff and saw Xuanyuan breaking again. The rolling real power was roaring and entangled in his body. It was ten steps, but these ten steps were heavier than just now. How much, in the step of his fourth heaven, even the body swayed, a horrible blood force burst out, as if there was horrible blood to cover his body, finally, boarded the fourth Heavy day.

"Hey..." A terrible howling sound spit out from Xuanyuan’s broken mouth, and the power of the blood rushed to the sky. His footsteps stepped over again, ten steps, ten steps, and five days.

"Terror, this blood force is too horrible!" The crowd was shocked, and it was the blood of the emperor, so that he had a layer of supreme light on his body, as if he could do anything.

"Boom, bang, bang!" The people who looked up at Xuanyuan in the sky under the nine heavens seemed to be able to feel the thrilling, Xuanyuan broke through the sky every time, their hearts followed and trembled. Finally, Xuanyuan came to the first On the last step of the five-day sky, the blue key is at your fingertips. However, will he still be on the sixth day?

Xuanyuan’s footsteps were lifted again, and the hearts of the crowd were gazing at his footsteps.

The body leaped, Xuanyuan broke into the sixth heaven, but the footsteps had not yet landed, and he was taken back by him, and the body landed. Xuanyuan looked back and saw everyone.

"Here, it will be your ultimate place, no one can cross the six heavens!" The overbearing self-confident spit out a voice, Xuanyuan took the blue key, and then the light flashed, his body disappeared!

Ps: In normal times, everyone always said that the outbreak will be awesome. I believe that everyone broke out. Please let me see everyone's strength, don't hurt my fragile heart! !

(six more)

(six more)

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