Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1016: rule

"Huangfu, what does it mean?" Qiuyue stared at Lin Feng, curiously asked. //Free e-book download //

"Huangfu, it is the woman of the emperor." Lin Feng smiled, and the autumn moon stunned him, but there was no anger in his heart, but there was a faint joy.

Huangfu, this name looks pretty good!

"Time is coming!" Lin Feng looked up and looked at the void, faintly said, at this time, the sun is like a fire, full of vitality, adding a bit of artistic conception to this grand ceremony.

"It should be faster." Qiuyue nodded.

"Hey!" A bell rang as if coming from a distant place, hitting the soul of the crowd. At this moment, the noisy space seemed to be quiet in an instant. Many people looked solemn and looked up. The thousand-footed ladder, I saw this moment, a glimpse of Huaguang flowing from the top of the platform, like a wave of sparkling water, across every step of the ladder, in an instant, on the ladder, one more The layer of fantasy brilliance, revealing the ethereal atmosphere, seems to be like a real ladder.

"It's not the same!" Lin Feng looked condensed and looked up at the sky. On the upper end of the ladder, there seemed to be a glimmer of luster that didn't know what it was.

"Hey!" Another bell sounded, the crowd looked more solemn, such as the pilgrimage-like eyes on the void, only to see the distant land, the direction of the roof, a figure crossed from the roof.

This figure is dressed in simplicity, quiet, mutual, hands clasped, neck with rosary, looking at him, the sense of peace in the crowd is even worse.

Ascetic, this person appears to be an ascetic monk.

"People who come to congratulate, please go to Xiangyun!" This ascetic body, a golden mangling bloom, extraordinarily dazzling, the whole person is like a golden Buddha.

"This is an ascetic monk is still an ancient Buddhist monk!" Qiuyue's heart was condensed, and amazed, Lin Feng's brow slightly provoked, and asked inexplicably: "Isn't the ascetic monk not all Buddhist repairs, why are the ancient Buddhist monks? meaning?"

"Who told you that the ascetic monks are all Buddhas?" Qiuyue took a look at Lin Feng and said: "The ascetic monk will practice the simple people, the penance, the one-mindedness, the pure heart, the bitterness; the shaving, the three thousand troubles , throwing away fame and fortune and external glitz, a pair of skins, a body, this is awkward, there are good and evil, and even a Buddha."

"But the practice of asceticism is not the same. There are certain ways to practice Buddhism, especially the ancient Buddha. Today, there are very few. In fact, the ancient Buddha is also a Buddhist monk. It is only a time limit. The person who repairs the ancient Buddha is an ancient Buddhist monk. There is no absolute, it can be called one. This awesomeness can be seen in the waves, and the peace of mind makes people feel quiet and break into the heart. Even if they are so far apart, they seem to be able to move from this ascetic. Feel the quiet and peaceful nature of this natural beauty, this temperament with the heavens is quite like the ancient Buddhist monk recorded in the ancient books, so I will guess so!"

Qiu Yuexin explained slowly to Lin Feng, Lin Feng nodded slightly, he took it for granted.

The golden light blooms, the clouds are rolling, and it turns into a thousand clouds. Under the illumination of the Chaoyang, it is more peaceful and transparent.

On the ground, there are many people who are vacant. These people are all temperamental, or with unyielding arrogance, or with humility, but the crowd knows that these people who come to congratulate are the disciples of the Emperor. Even the place where the Emperor Wu’s parents passed, if you are under the Emperor, under the Emperor, all beings are ants, non-emperors, and there is no qualification for congratulations, and no one will be so boring, which means that these people Behind them, they all stood in the emperor.

There are not many people above Xiangyun, only a few dozens, and most of them are a few people together. This vast and endless eight wilderness, the emperor is so much, it is less likely to be able to come to congratulate people, naturally There won't be too many people.

"Please also look at this Xiangyun for a moment, wait for them to join the platform, forgiveness!" The ascetic squatting against the crowd above Xiangyun, slightly sloppy, double ten, very polite.

"No problem, the master is busy with himself." Everyone also nodded to the ascetic, they actually know who this ascetic is, under the door of the stone emperor and the emperor, among the pro-disciples, there is only one bitter, ancient Buddhist monks, they are also disciples of the Emperor, this is still known!

"Thank you for your understanding!" The ascetic monk once again said politely, and then looked at the crowds again. He said, "People who do not participate in the disciplinary assessment are expected to retreat on their own and reach the rear of the crowd."

The sound of peace and harmony seems to be very easy to infect people. Many people who come to see the lively scenes are flickering back and forth. It is an extraordinary cooperation, and they are doing the same thing.

Today is the day when the two emperors recruited the disciples of the Emperor, who would dare not give face!

In a short time, there will be endless people who will withdraw from the back. The mighty crowd seems to be divided into two parts.

The ascetic monk saw the movements of the people slightly decapitated, and then spoke again: "Today, the stone emperor and the emperor are the disciples of the emperor. However, there are countless people who come to participate in this ceremony, and there is no way to provoke them. Therefore, the emperor Set up the ladder, the ladder of 18,000 feet, the total number of ladders is 18,000. As long as you cross the 177,000 ladder, you will appear on the last 81st floor. In front of the ladder, it is Jiuzhongtian, Jiuzhongtian, has the key to board the roof, only to get the key, cross the platform, and have the qualification to become a disciple of the Emperor!"

When the crowd hears the ascetic, the look is stiff, and the key to cross the roof is the qualification to compete for the disciples of the Emperor? Just get the qualifications!

Lin Feng’s eyes were also shocked. It turned out that the nine heavens were not the assessment of the Emperor’s disciples. It was just an admission ticket.

He felt it on the heaviest day of the nine heavens. It was terrible. The world and the earth were extremely oppressed, and it was so difficult. It was only qualified to become a disciple of the Emperor. After that, I did not know what tests were waiting.

Then, after getting the qualifications across the nine heavens, the two emperors recruited the first batch of trials of the Wuhuangmen, which is not even more terrifying!

"Great difficulty, but it is also reasonable!" Qiuyue whispered, the first batch of disciples of the Emperor Wu, I am afraid that Shi Huang and Emperor Huang are very important to themselves, so many geniuses come, the test is not difficult, how Distinguish, how to eliminate!

"Eighty-one-story ladders, nine steps and one heavy day, are divided into nine heavens. If you want to climb up, it is difficult to enter the sky. If you climb a day, you will be qualified to go to the top of the platform, but only if you are on the roof. The qualifications of the guests, but did not continue to compete to become the qualifications of the Emperor of the Emperor! "The ascetic monk began to explain the rules, boarded the first heaven, got the first key, and then has the qualification to board the platform, otherwise, I am afraid even the roof Can't go up.

"On the first day, I got the qualification to go to the top of the platform, but I lost the right to compete for the disciples of the Emperor!"

The crowd was shocked, which means that they must at least be on the double heaven.

"On the two heavens, there is also a different key. With this key, you will have the opportunity to continue to become a disciple of the Emperor. Of course, you have to remember that once you touch the key of the nine heavens, the key You will be sent to the rooftop immediately, so that you will lose the key to the third heaven and the key behind you. However, you have won the key behind you. For you, it is only good, so don’t go easily. Touch the key, unless you can't hold it, the more you go, the better!"

The ascetic said patiently, the voice was slow, but it was very bright, and everyone could hear it clearly.

Is it the key to the second heaven that has the qualification to become a disciple, continue to conduct assessments, and the higher the key, the greater the benefits, which makes many people feel guilty, and vows to win the nine heavens. The key, shock everyone!

Of course, at this moment, they only think about it. They don’t even know how powerful the power of the heavens will be. No one knows!

"Okay, now, go to the ladder!" Ascetic, hands clasped together, read aloud, let everyone, start a real ladder!

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