Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 890: Dialogue between dragons!


"This is the current state of the country of Ze, there is no trace."

In the afternoon, Lin Feng and Long Laner had already arrived at the palace of Zeguo. After entering the discussion hall, Lin Feng introduced Longlan to the net.

Although there is no trace of the net, although Lin Feng said, Long Laner is a very handsome woman. Even the national color is not exaggerated. However, when he saw Long Laner, he was deeply shocked. He, he has never seen such a beautiful woman.

Looking at the dragon blue children without a trace, the face of Long Laner showed a trace of unnaturalness and disappointment. Lin Feng smiled at the side and did not care for the rudeness.

After a while, the net was free from the beauty of Longlan's beauty, and his face showed a hint of slyness. He smiled at Longlaner: "Sorry, you are so beautiful, I have never seen it before. So beautiful." Saying, the net has no trace of the sweat on the forehead, I always feel that this scene is a little shameful, especially when Lin Feng’s gaze is over.

“Really?” After Long Laner heard the words without a trace, the unpleasant look on his face suddenly swept away, but it was a lot of expectation and a bright smile.

"Of course, the dragon girl is so beautiful, it is estimated that it will attract many men's appreciation." There is no trace of the net and I don’t know what happened to me. In front of Long Laner, it’s not what he used to be.

Lin Feng saw it here, but I couldn't help but laugh at it, but I was relieved. If there is no trace of the net, if it is really interesting to Long Laner, then I can pursue it, and I believe that there is no trace of the Hall of the Yuan Dian. It is not difficult for the Lord and the national identity of Zeguo to help the rise of Gu Longzong.

Lin Feng likes women, and she also likes beautiful women. Otherwise, there will not be so many beautiful ones in the harem. However, Lin Feng has a deep understanding that her love cannot continue. Lin Qiongsheng has children. That is to say, he is already a grandson.

After the grandfather, if you continue to ‘for the old and don’t respect, and what is the difference with Fa Kunlun, of course, Lin Feng’s age is very young and can only be regarded as a middle-aged person, but Lin Feng is particularly concerned about his own style.

And Lin Feng always feels that Long Laner is more suitable for net no trace, and two people may be a pair.

Lin Feng smiled and looked at the two people in front of him. After Long Laner heard the net without praise, he turned around and made a face to Lin Feng. Some of his eyes were proud and he seemed to tell Lin Feng. Outside of you, which man is fascinated by me.

Lin Feng did not speak, and there was no connection. What Lin Feng himself needs to do now is to let Long Laner ignore his own existence and discover the advantages of net no trace.

"Well, if you don't have more words, don't say more. You should sit down first, and the Black Dragon King and the Qinglong King will soon come." The net did not trace the eyes of the dragon blue, and looked at Lin Feng, Shen Sheng said, his face has returned to normal.

Long Laner nodded, then sat in a chair. As Lin Feng walked to the side of the net without traces, the slapstick smiled at the latter, and there was no trace to understand what Lin Feng meant. It suddenly felt embarrassing. The wicked look of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng did not sit with Long Laner, but sat opposite the Dragon Blue, on the other side of the table, Long Laner's face changed slightly, and some anger.

"Come, they are coming."

The two just sat down, and the net was no trace. They looked at the two burly figures appearing outside the hall and shouted.

During the talk, the Black Dragon King and the Qinglong King were already in the hall. The two men blinked and looked at the net. They finally put their gaze on Lin Feng. When they were on the face, they were so happy that they quickly screamed on the ground and shouted: "The owner !".

"Get up, two." Lin Feng nodded lightly and smiled at the two dragon kings.

The Black Dragon King and the Qinglong King stood up, and this time they looked at the dragon blue children. When they arrived, their faces changed greatly, and their hearts twitched like water. The sea was choppy and beaten with the heart. They were unbelievable. The dragon blue in front of them turned out to be the cologne. The descendant of the sect, the dragon girl.

The Black Dragon King and the Qinglong King looked at each other. Both of them had some taboos and cautions. They already understood the general process. They also knew that Gu Longzong had only one dragon girl left, so they had to be careful.

Compared with the cautiousness of the two dragon kings, Long Laner is very excited and excited. She stood up and looked at the two dragon kings. The two dragon kings are already the first respected gods. Although the strength is weak, dragon blue But children can feel the pure dragon.

This is a member of the Dragon family. She is looking for such a dragon to join the Gu Longzong. Of course, the ancient Gu Longzong only collected the Jinlong and Tianlong races. As for the Black Dragon and the Qinglong, the dragons that are considered to be inferior by Gu Longzong, they are all excluded.

But I can't think of it in the midst of it. One day, Gu Longzong will take the initiative to find the Black Dragon and the Qinglong. This is ironic, but there is no way.

Long Laner looked at the two dragon kings, she was a little excited, so I don't know how to speak.

The same is true of the two dragon kings. If they met Gu Longzong, this is something they feel fortunate, let alone Gu Longzong to recruit dragons.

However, the current Gu Long Zong is only a dragon blue child, even if the other party is a half-step god, but what about it? Among the ancient and ancient tribes of today, the half-step gods can only be regarded as the second strongest. Each ancient clan has a superpower of the gods.

If the Black Dragon family and the Qinglong family join the Gu Longzong, there will be many things to face in the future. They must consider the entire ethnic group. After all, the ancient dragons are no longer the old ones, as long as they are the dragons that the dragons want to enter. Zong.

The three people have not spoken yet, and the atmosphere has already fallen into boring. Long Laner’s face is pale and his lips are slightly trembling. She really hopes that the two dragons can join Gu Longzong and help her to grow the Gulongzong. However, this is really just a sentence. Nothing is empty talk, no one knows what the future will face.

"The two predecessors, in the history of Gu Longzong, have never admitted the status of Black Dragon, Oolong and Qinglong, and regard you as a third-class dragon. This point, Dragon Blue will not agree."

"The dragon is a family. No matter what kind of dragon, it is the same, so I hope that the two predecessors will consider joining the Gulongzong."

"Why did Gu Longzong not be destroyed? Perhaps it is waiting for this opportunity to rise together. The two predecessors should think about it. One day, when the ancient dragons rise, one of your two races can be the dragons of the veteran level."

"All the dragons will be led by you. The Black Dragons and the Qinglongs will only become first-class races. Instead, they will laugh at your Golden Dragon, Yulong or Tianlong, and you will become your followers. You don't feel that it feels good. What?"

When Long Laner said it, the tone began to get excited, and the glittering beauty in the eyes and the blush on the face made the net look fascinating.

Long Laner said that the face of Black Dragon King and Qinglong Wang couldn't help but change. After listening to Long Laner's words, they had to consider these. If Gu Longzong really has a glorious day, then they are really veterans. The level of the dragon, what Jinlong, Yulong, is only an affiliate.

However, when I think of glory, I have to think of how to do it if it is completely destroyed. Then the two dragons will suffer an unbearable blow. It is already fortunate that they can escape the scattered city controlled by the ancient evils. Now they are fortunate. To take risks, they must bear the luck of the two races.

Long Laner looked at the two people's looks a little gloomy and heavy, she knew that some were not good, and the two people's minds still swayed.

"The two predecessors, the dragons need to rise, we need to prove the stage, the two predecessors should know that the only remaining ancient and ancient people, except the ancient orcs, there is no non-human clan ~ www.novelmtl. Com~ We need to rise, we need to gamble, as long as we win, we will win." Long Laner continued to water the ecstasy soup and think about things in a good way.

However, how long she lived, although the strength is high, but far less than two old guys, this is the old guy who has lived for tens of thousands of years.

For the dragon blue children's flicker, whether it is the Black Dragon King or the Qinglong King, they feel a little funny, of course, they will not laugh out loud, after all, all this is for the Dragons.

"The two predecessors, you may not know, in fact, I am not a first-class dragon."

Suddenly at this moment, Long Laner raised his arm, and the two dragon kings couldn’t help but have some changes. They were surprised to see that Long Lan’s white and smooth arms suddenly had a lot of dragon scales. However, this dragon scale is not It is a golden or blue-blue dragon scale, but a black dragon scale.

Soon, Long Lan's arm returned to normal, and the soft skin seemed to blow.

"You, are you an oolong?"

Neither the Black Dragon King nor the Qinglong King can accept this fact. The only surviving dragon dragon heir of the ancient dragon is actually an oolong, not a golden dragon or a jade dragon.

Oolong, the second-class dragon, is only one level higher than the Black Dragon and the Qinglong, but the Gulongzong is still a race that is not to be seen.

The atmosphere is once again dull because of the body of Dragon Blue.

[Tomorrow, resume normal time period update, everyone can read at 8:00, 9:00, 12:00]

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