Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 889: Dragon Blue's thoughts!


"Maybe, I played against Yuanfeng once and it helped me indirectly." Lin Feng looked at the net without a trace, his face full of a bright smile.

There is no trace of the net, but I don’t understand the meaning of Lin Feng’s words. I looked at Lin Feng and asked, “Why?”

"From your previous description, I should be able to guess that there is not much contact between you and Yuan Feng. It is even more impossible to fight each other. Can I say yes?" Lin Feng smiled and looked at the net without a trace. Say, analyze this matter.

The net face is a little surprised, but he can only nod, because these are correct, Lin Feng's speculation is no mistake, he is not familiar with Yuan Feng, although they are in the Yuan Temple, but did not say a few words Yuan Feng is still in a proud posture, and it is impossible to fight against him.

There is no trace of the net. What is Lin Feng? In the end, Lin Feng and Yuan Feng can directly test for himself the strength of Yuan Feng. Compared with Lin Feng, how different is it, whether it is strong or weak.

In this way, there will be a confrontation between the net and the Yuanfeng in the future. With the battle between Lin Feng and Yuan Feng, I believe that there will be a spectrum in the heart without a trace.

There was no trace of Lin Feng, and there was a look of gratitude in his eyes, but he did not say that after all, the brothers did not need these cheesy words.

"Well, look at what you think for me, I try my best to let Yuan Feng meet you, but as for whether you and he can play a game, it depends on yourself." There is no trace of Lin Feng, a smile on his face.

This may be the first time Lin Feng has taken the initiative to fight against a person. Many of the previous battles were counterattacks that Lin Feng had been provoked by others or humiliated by others. This time, Lin Feng took the initiative to fight Yuan Feng.

"You put Yuan Feng so perfect, I am more and more curious, what kind of person is this Yuan Feng?" Lin Feng smiled and looked at the net without a smile.

"Where is he, if you blow him up, you won't have it." The net has no trace of play, he really hopes that Lin Feng will break the Yuan Feng, of course, this possibility is very small.

Yuan Tian’s most powerful Tianjiao, Yuan Feng, has never appeared on this continent, but this time I am afraid that it will be famous in the first battle.

Lin Feng’s reputation is in the western part of the eternal kingdom. It can be said that no one knows no one. A clan contest, let everyone remember a piece of training called Lin Feng, and tied with Chu Li, fighting with the champion. In the tie, it is also the level of the champion.

"Right, no trace, the Black Dragon and the Qinglong people can be a good one?" After Lin Feng smiled, he had to work for Long Laner. This time he came to Zeguo, and most of them came for this matter.

No trace of listening to Lin Feng asked the dragon, he nodded and smiled: "Of course, the two dragons live well in Zeguo, you don't have to worry, what's wrong, you want to see them?"

The net is nothing but a smile, but he thought that if Lin Feng was fine, he would never mention the two dragons, so he immediately took it seriously.

Lin Feng nodded, and the tone was slightly dignified and said: "You know Gu Long Zong."

"Of course, one of the ancient clan, but also a few dragons, what happened?" The net nodded without a trace, but he found the wrong sign.

"The only inheritor of Gu Longzong is a dragon girl named Long Laner. She wants to take all the two dragons together to form the Gu Longzong." Lin Feng did not hide, telling the whole process of the matter without a trace.

The net was seamlessly listened to, and finally there was a shock on his face. Gu Longzong actually had a successor, and it was still a dragon girl. Is this not simple?

"You said that the realm of this dragon blue is the same as you and me?" The net has no trace and feels shocked. At the same time, it is also awkward for the defeat of Gu Longzong. If other ancient or ancient people have at least one **** or even Many gods.

For example, his Yuandian, his own master, Lushan old man has broken through to become a half-step god, and the main hall of the Yuandian is naturally the super-powerful of the Emperor, but some people may not know, the Yuandian and the elders As well as the Lord of the Sun, so the net has no trace of what you know, the Yuan Temple has three gods and four or five half-empire.

But when you look at Gu Longzong, you will find that this once powerful and horrible dragon has only one and a half-step dragon goddess, but unfortunately.

"You are going to help her?" Jing asked Lin Feng quietly without a trace.

"Yeah, I have promised her, and naturally I want to fulfill my promise." Lin Feng solemnly nodded.

The net traceless eyes showed a little drama and playfulness. I stared at Lin Feng for a long time and couldn’t help but screamed and asked: "You should not be with this dragon girl."

"No trace, I did not find it, you are so evil?" Lin Feng stared at the net without a trace for a long time, could not help but ridicule.

The net was full of laughter, but he also shook his head. It was just a joke, but there was not much meaning.

"When are you going to take her to see the two dragons? You know, the Black Dragon and the Qinglong have always been hostile."

"Although it has been alleviated a lot today, it is still **** for tat, are you sure to help her?"

After the net is silent, I still have to think about Lin Feng. If this matter is not handled well, it is likely that the relationship between Lin Feng and the two dragons will become stiff.

Lin Feng understands what it means to be net, but since he has promised the dragon girl, then he must implement it, otherwise he will lose faith in people.

"I am going to take her to the patriarchs of the two dragons in the afternoon, you can help me prepare." Lin Feng looked at the net without a trace, faintly said a sentence.

"I don't have any problem. If Black Dragon King and Qinglong Wang know that you are back, they will be very excited. After all, you are their head, I am not."

"They are boarding in the country, but they are actually very complicated. They also like to be able to return to the city one day."

"Right, for the scattered city, you don't have much thoughts?" Net no trace suddenly thought of the scattered city occupied by the ancient evils, this should be Lin Feng's forever pain.

Lin Feng looked at the net without a trace, but did not answer, no trace of the net did not ask, but smiled and said: "This matter is placed on me, you can come to the palace in the afternoon."

"Thank you brother." Lin Feng nodded and smiled, and was very touched by the help of the net without traces.

Lin Feng and the net no traces and chatted some gossip, Lin Feng left the palace, and continued to return to the inn, the net no trace also immediately left the palace, to the two dragons' residence.

After Lin Feng returned to the inn, she rang the door of Longlan's door. Soon the door was opened, revealing the tension and anxious look of Longlan, but she saw Lin Feng coming back, and her face was relaxed. .

"Can I go in and sit down?" Lin Feng is still very polite, but he has deliberately kept some distance, which is to worry about what Dragon Blue wants.

Long Laner grinned, and the dimples at the corners of his mouth were revealed shallowly. Sweetly, he smiled at Lin Feng: "Of course."

Long Laner’s voice has not yet fallen, she will Lin Feng from the outside of the door, Lin Feng is a little embarrassed, can only continue to go to the front of the table, Lin Feng used to see the Monarch, I think this is a very cold guy, However, when the monarch became a dragon blue child and his character changed, Lin Feng was very difficult to accept that the current dragon blue child is the monarch.

"I have arranged for you. In the afternoon, I will go to the palace of Zeguo. You will see the patriarchs of the two dragons, the Black Dragon King and the Qinglong King."

Lin Feng didn't know what topic to talk to Long Laner. He simply explained his intentions and told Longlan.

Long Laner gave a slight glimpse. She didn’t think that her door had just turned and turned around. Lin Feng said what she was saying. She would have been excited to hear such news, but she felt a little disappointed, but she could not say it. Where is the disappointment.

"Well, thank you, Lin Feng." Long Laner barely smiled and smiled slightly at Lin Feng.

After that, the whole room was in an unprecedented silence, and the atmosphere was even more embarrassing. Lin Feng didn't know what to say, and Long Laner was directly sulking and didn't talk.

"That, I am going out, I will come to you in the afternoon."

I don't know how long it took, Lin Feng really couldn't stand the embarrassing and silent atmosphere. He just stood up and said something, and he pushed the door and went out.

Awkward The door was closed, Long Laner looked inside the empty room, there was no figure of Lin Feng, and my heart was somewhat lost.

"Do you just avoid me?" Long Laner shook her head. She didn't know why Lin Feng was so cautious about her. She wanted to keep her distance deliberately. Is it because she had clearly stated that she would marry Lin Feng and become Lin Feng? Woman, and the premise is to let Lin Feng help to revitalize Gu Longzong.

Is this condition that raises taboos in Lin Feng’s heart, and this jealousy will never be eliminated?

If this is the case, Dragon Blue will be completely dead.

However, she still does not give up, she does not believe in such a beautiful peerless beauty, and the Dragon Girl will not bring any temptation to Lin Feng.

"Our dragons are so proud, but I have decided that since you can't accept me, then I will let you accept me, no matter how difficult, I must be your woman!".

Long Laner said, his face suddenly became very firm, and there was no such thing as a girl's shyness.

But she doesn't really know when she must marry Lin Feng. What is the source of such an idea, but since it is decided, it will not give up.

Lin Feng walked out of the room, and my heart was completely restored to normal. From the first floor, Lin Feng returned to his room and waited for the afternoon to come.

[The second 12-point update, the third will be updated before 3 pm, tomorrow will start to restore eight points, nine points and twelve points in the order of update, these days military training is too tired, brothers support and forgive ,Thank you】

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