Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 880: marriage?

"Through the beach in front, you can see the ancestors, you go in yourself." [天天中文小说],.

Lin Feng, who followed the eyes and followed closely, pointed to the beach in front of him and the beach house behind the beach.

Lin Feng nodded. One person jumped over the beach area and came to the front of the wooden house in a blink of an eye, but Lin Feng did not immediately walk in, because the ancestors were not in the house but at the seaside.

Lin Feng looked at a dark-skinned old man in short sleeves sitting on the beach, fishing with a fishing rod, and his face was calm and stunned. He did not worry because there was no fish in the bamboo basket.

Standing behind the dark-skinned old man, Lin Feng couldn’t feel the old man in front of him as a strong man at the level of the gods. It seemed to be a very ordinary old man, but this is the ancestor of the French Blue Empire. The strongest person in the Empire.

Lin Feng stood on the beach, staring at the old man fishing, and did not deliberately disturb, just waited for an hour, two hours, and waited for three hours, this time the old man's face finally by the dull **** 'color' There is a little more 'wave' 澜, the old man's left hand mentions, the fishing rod is put away, with a purple 'color' big fish hanging on it.

The old man took the hook and then threw the purple 'color' big fish into the sea, put the hook into the sea, and continued fishing.

Seeing this, Lin Feng’s face was stunned and looked at the bamboo baskets that were empty and swaying. Lin Feng understood that it was not that the old man did not catch the fish, but after catching the fish, all released.

"Fishing is an elegant thing. This is an urgent matter. If you are anxious, you will be surprised by other fish. You can't catch the fish you want to catch."

I don't know when it started. The old man is talking to himself. Lin Feng happens to be able to hear the old man's words. The face 'color' can't help but condense and listen carefully.

"Fishing and doing things have the same effect, they can't be anxious, and fishing is not anxious. It's yours, it's yours, not yours, you can't get it."

"To make everything ready for work, then this fish is yours, you can't run, others won't grab it." The old man continued to whisper, but he did not know that he did not see Lin Feng standing behind him.

However, Lin Feng listened to the old man’s words, but his face’s color was getting more and more dignified. Although the old man said that he was fishing, he always hinted or was alert to himself. Don’t worry, you must stabilize it. But this way, Lin Feng is very Surprising. (WWW. Everyday Chinese

Lin Feng does not know what this ancestor meant. If the French empire is compared to adult fish, does the old man agree to occupy the French Blue Empire? The hard-hitting Jiangshan does not manage it?

How can this be? Lin Feng can't believe it. I always think that this ancestor doesn't know what to play.

But in a little bit of time, the weather was dark in the twinkling of an eye. In the twinkling of an eye, the sun had already set, and the blue 'color' of the sea showed a black 'color', which seemed strange, and this time the old man stood up and collected. Fishing rods have been used.

Turned around, the old man looked up and saw Lin Feng, his face couldn't help but ‘露’ had a trace of surprise and laughed: “You are Lin Feng Xiaoyou, I am sorry, because fishing, forget your existence”.

"It's okay, the life of the predecessors is so self-satisfied, I am envious." Lin Feng shook his head, his face full of bright smiles, looking at the old man in front of him.

The old man smiled lightly and put away the bamboo basket. He stepped on the beach and walked back into the wooden house.

Lin Feng followed the old man and came to the wooden house. The space inside the house was not big, but the two people were still able to sit down. The old man pointed to the chair, meaning that Lin Feng sat.

Lin Feng is not polite, there is no other person here, and the old man's own world, there are not too many rules.

"I don't know if the seniors greeted me. What happened?" Lin Feng looked at the old man and asked directly, "The wave" took an afternoon. Lin Feng didn't want to spend more time on the wave.

The old man listened to Lin Feng’s problem, but he smiled faintly. He did not rush to speak, but stared at Lin Feng. Although the person was old, the eyes were very deep and deep, just like being able to see through all People are generally able to read the hearts of all people.

"Young people don't want too much anger, they are not good for their health."

"Don't live too much for a male ‘female’ life, not good for the kidneys.”

"Protect your own meridians. Once the meridians are damaged, it is very difficult to return to the original state in the future."

I don't know how long it took, the old man said three straight words, and every sentence made Lin Feng feel shocked, because these three things, I did.

Because of the battle against Kunlun, and the use of the corpse of the corpse to smother the Falun Kun, saved the snow, this is too much fire.

Before I was in the world of Wuhun, I lived with my own 'female' Liu Fei for a night. This is also true. As for the last protection of my meridians, it is a real thing, just fighting with Fa Kunlun. On the other hand, the other side shocked his own meridians, and even almost broke.

Therefore, all these old people have seen it, and they are very accurate. Lin Feng feels deeply shocked. He always feels that this secret of his own has been seen by the old.

"Oh, young people are interesting." The old man saw Lin Feng's face full of horror **** ‘color’, could not help but laughed out, shook his head slightly, and was not angry because Lin Feng killed Fa Kunlun.

Lin Feng sighed deeply, and he couldn't stand the performance of the old man. He couldn't help but ask straightforwardly: "Predecessors, you will tell me directly, I killed Fa Kunlun, what do you want, just say it."

Lin Feng's words are straightforward, even the most direct, and the most straightforward. Don't let the old man 'torture' himself here, it's better to say it straight out.

After the old man listened to Lin Feng’s words, his face’s ‘color’ remained the same, but his gaze smile grew more and more.

"If a person dies, he will die. What punishment can he have?" The old man smiled faintly and glanced at Lin Feng. He calmly took a pot of tea from the table and poured a cup for Lin Feng, but Lin Feng did not have it at the moment. Drink tea in the mood.

The more the old man is such a performance, the more panic the Lin Feng’s own heart is, the more the ancestors of the French Blue Empire have to do, and there is no clear indication.

"So a young half-step god, and Blue children are not much worse." The old man smiled at ‘吟’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’

Blue child?

Lin Feng listened to the blue child in the mouth of the old man, some confusing and doubtful confusing, how can the end of the blue body?

"Oh, I know that you are skeptical, it doesn't matter. Later, the two of you will understand slowly, and you will find that my disciples are still good." The old man's full smile, and even a little more in the depths of his eyes, seems to be the eccentric **** 'color'.

Lin Feng is more confused, and what does the old man call himself to say? Lin Feng is really ‘Mongolian’.

"Lin Feng, the things of the French Empire, the old man will not ‘insert’ hands, as long as you guarantee that the empire has always existed, the words of the law blue are not lost, whoever manages the French Blue Empire, the old man does not care.”

The old man said so much, and finally said a word to the point, Lin Feng listened to his heart is also a bit more comfortable, if the old man really for the first time in the way of Falunun, this thing can really be troublesome, it is likely to fight The two lose, but now the old man does not care, then it is easy to handle.

"Predecessors, killing Falkun, I have to do it, but you can rest assured that the French Blue Empire will not be defeated, and I will not interfere with the affairs of too many empires. The Empire is still the ruler."

Lin Feng said, looking at the old man, but the old man has not waited for Lin Feng's words, he waved his hand, and the face of the raging **** 'color' said: "Hey, you guys don't tell the truth, you have changed the country. Become a law, don't think the old man doesn't know."

"The law declares that this child is both intelligent and courageous. It is very suitable for being the head of the country. You don't express your position. Instead, you support the law and do the kingdom. Don't think that the old man doesn't know the reason."

"But everything is up to you, Fa Kunlun loses, that is lost, the empire is in your hands, it is normal, at least you have no other 'door', this is very good."

"You are also very smart and know how to use the shackles to indirectly control the French Blue Empire."

The words of the old man's ridiculousness made Lin Feng's face ‘color’ a bit embarrassing. He could only “touch” his nose and smile. He thought that the old man really didn’t care about these things. Now it seems that the old man knows and understands better than anyone else.

"Okay, this is the solution. Then I should talk about your business with Blue." The old man’s face ‘show’ a lot of sorrowful ‘color’ and looked at Lin Feng.

It is also a blue child. This is the second time Lin Feng has heard the blue child from the mouth of the old man.

"Predecessors, what happened to me and Blue?"

Lin Feng smiled bitterly. I really don't know what the ancestors of the French Blue Empire did, and I don't know who this blue child is.

"Of course it is a marriage, a stinky boy, a blue child, but the husband and the old man said that she is in the middle of you, to be your 'female' person, the old man thought, what kind of young man is, can get us blue Miss Fang's heart Now see you, the old man understands, Blue's eyes are really right, you are worthy of her, she is worthy of you."

The old man said, the smile on his face is getting more and more brilliant. However, the **** 'color' on the face of Lin Feng is getting more and more fierce, and even the brain is short-circuited. What is this and what?

"That, seniors, how can I be awkward, what are you talking about?"

"it's me!".

Lin Feng asked the old man with a smile, but the old man still did not answer. Lin Feng suddenly came out to drink, but this drink was different from before. The present drink is completely the voice of the ‘female’ child.

Lin Feng was shocked by the ‘female’ child who suddenly appeared behind him. Turning around, Lin Feng was scared.

"you you…?"

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