Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 879: Old ancestor invitation?

"Why? Why?" The law angered, clenched his fists and screamed out, and began to burst into blue veins. His eyes were red and his fangs were exposing his nature. [Fengyun]

Lin Feng saw that the law was like this. He felt that his decision was the most correct. The emperor was the king of the country. All these efforts were in vain. The French Blue Empire would not let himself control it.

"Three princes, this is just my suggestion. The decision-making power should be on the elders of all of you." Lin Feng was not angry and did not show too much smile, but instead set his sights on these elders.

All the elders were all stunned, and the muscles on their faces were twitching. They just realized that Fa Xuan was the perfect lord, and Lin Feng chose Fa, they felt unprepared.

"This, in fact, suddenly feels that the old king of the country made the great emperor a prince, it makes sense."

"Yes, although the Great Emperor was dethroned the position of the Prince, but the old king still looks at the great emperor, so the position of the king, the great emperor inherited, should be."

"I think the big prince is more suitable than the three princes. What do you think?"

The wind has changed. The elders who originally supported the great emperor immediately shouted out to support the great emperor, fearing that Lin Feng had changed his mind.

The heart of the law was shocked and difficult to calm down. He didn’t know why Lin Feng chose him to become the head of the country until now, but this decision undoubtedly made him feel excited. He felt that this time the poisoning was done right, Lin Feng did not lie to himself. He really promised to be a national.

Law took a look at this scene from beginning to end, did not speak, and he was very clear about why Lin Feng made such a decision. He felt gratified for Lin Feng’s consideration. Such a master has such a high resourcefulness. This is Tiandaoyuan. The foundation that can be revived, the master is doing well.

If the French Blue Empire is in the hands of Lin Feng, then Tiandaoyuan will be able to immigrate to the French Empire and inject the outstanding disciples into the French Blue Empire. The French Blue Empire is the most powerful empire in the center of the eternal kingdom. none of them.

Tiandaoyuan in the French Blue Empire is far better than the backward West City of the evil city. It seems necessary to talk to the host about this matter. Everything should tell the master the truth, and the law is contemplative.

With Lin Feng’s statement, the law became the head of the country. This is the iron-clad thing. It can’t run, and the law has no support. It has completely become the emperor who was ignored by the past. Lin Feng looked at him, and he was also sour. Xuan really has a hard life, but he can't destroy his plan because of the law.

Lin Feng has always remembered what he had been working hard to come to the Kingdom of God. He dared not forget it, so even if he sacrificed the law to declare a person.

"Lin Feng, how are you, on the chassis of my French Blue Empire, do whatever you want?"

Suddenly, when the atmosphere in the palace was eased, the sound of the explosion spread throughout the palace, and all of them looked up and looked at the white robe man who suddenly appeared.

Lin Feng also looked up and looked at the white robe man in front of him.

"Is it you?" Lin Feng slightly surprised to see the monarch in front of him, this man who once guarded the cold palace, Lin Feng has always felt that he is not simple, it seems that, indeed, the monarch also broke through, is also a half step **** .

"Why can't it be me?" The monarch looked at Lin Feng coldly and screamed.

"Do you want to kill me and avenge Fa Kunlun?" Lin Feng looked at the monarch and laughed and asked.

The monarch grinned with disdain, but saw the army of the horror of the one hundred and eight purple skins in front of him, all of which were half-stepped by the Emperor, and his face could not help but change and change. I don’t dare to over-express Lin Feng’s rejection.

"I have nothing to do with Fa Kunlun, it is the ancestors who are looking for you." The monarch shook his head and said in a heavy tone.

Suddenly, in the palace, countless elders and disciples burst into snoring, full of shock and excitement, ancestors? The old ancestors knew about this?

The monarch seems to have seen the thoughts of these elders and disciples. It is a disdainful grin: "The ancestors did not feel the desire to mix these chores. He only expressed regret for the death of Fa Kunlun."

"Lin Feng, the ancestors summoned you, you and I took a trip." The gaze of the lord looked at Lin Fengdao, and the clean and handsome white face made Lin Feng so fascinated.

The monarch saw Lin Feng staring at him tightly, and his face was a little red, and he couldn’t help but scream: "You'd better be honest."

Lin Feng stared at the Monarch, and more and more felt that if he was a girl, it would be a shocking face, at least not lower than the dream.

"Hey, if the monarch is a girl, I guess I will chase you." Lin Feng screamed and screamed, then turned around and followed the disciples in front of him, but did not see it. At this moment, there was a strange anger on the face of the lord, and there was a little more blush at the corner of the eyebrow. .

Lin Feng was behind the disciple in front of him. Lin Feng was behind the monarch. The three men walked along the wide street and went straight to the retreat of the ancestors.

Lin Feng also walked many times in the palace, but suddenly found that the road that he walked today turned out to be that he had not walked, and even said that many people have not seen the road. What is going on?

"The place where the ancestors lived, the average person can't come, because if we don't lead the way, the road under this foot will never lead to this place. You can understand that there is a world belonging to the ancestors."

The Monarch seems to have seen the strange look on Lin Feng’s face, which is to explain that the tone is slightly dissatisfied, but listen carefully, there is a hint of other charm.

Wen Yan, Lin Feng's face reveals a hint of enlightenment, it turns out that this is somewhat similar to the enchantment, but there is a world of martial arts similar to oneself, if they do not lead people, they can not enter the world of Wuhun.

It’s hard to say that the ancestors here also have a world like the world of martial arts?

Without seeing the ancestors of the French Blue Empire, Lin Feng’s mood is getting more and more smashed, and he is more looking forward to this meeting.

Lin Feng himself conservatively estimated that this ancestor is at least the strongest of the Emperor's triple or even stronger. Such a strong, even if the corpse of the corpse is attacked, it is impossible to kill. This is the power of the gods.

Therefore, for this ancestor, Lin Feng knows that he can bear it, of course, from the point of view of the handling of this matter, this ancestor does not seem to care about the death of Fa Kunlun.

This Lin Feng is relieved.

I don't know how much time I went. Anyway, it was a long road. It was a straight street. It has now been twisted and twisted, but it seems to be in this world.

This is a very quiet world, the endless blue sea, the waves of water, the waterside are all golden sand, like gold, swimming in the water, a variety of fish, as for the deep water area, There are a lot of Warcraft, the strength is very high, half-step God of Warcraft is also lacking.

Lin Feng was shocked. This ancestor is really not a simple character. There are half of the world's Warcraft in his world, and not one or two. This ancestor can cultivate an excellent Tianjiao like the Monarch. simple.

All of this comes from the ancestors who have not seen each other. Lin Feng is curious about all this.

"You go back to Monarch at this time, sighed at the disciples in front of him, and immediately the disciple nodded, and then disappeared into this magnificent ocean world.

"You come with me." The monarch was not angry and squinted at Lin Feng, and then walked in the front, and Lin Feng could not keep up.

Lin Feng grinned, and suddenly he found that the character of this monarch and woman is more and more like, the first time there is no such feeling, this time Lin Feng finally felt.

No, he is really a woman, just dressed as a man?

Suddenly, Lin Feng thought of a problem that surprised him, but he quickly dispelled doubts. Whether it was a man or a woman, he first saw this ancestor and took a look at what the old guy meant.

"Hey, you just say hello to your guests." Lin Feng was not angry and shouted. He looked at the monarch who was about to disappear at the seaside and quickly chased him up.

The sea breeze, the whole world looks so beautiful.

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