Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1194: Fight!


"Song Jiu, you are confused!"

Jingrui City saw Song Qiuji also come here, suddenly his face changed greatly, and he was dissatisfied with a dissatisfaction. If it wasn’t for his many years of relationship with Song Qiujiu, he would have been angry and even wanted to stop.

Lin Feng picked up his eyebrows and never understood what the relationship between the two men was. He was the overlord on the battlefield list, the city owner of Jingcheng on the top, and the other was only one of the leaders of the savage domain. The overlord still has a long way to go.

But the relationship between the two is so good, what is it? Lin Feng does not know.

"Jingrui, I know what you are worried about, but this is inevitable. We have a battle with Liyu sooner or later, but only ahead of time." Song Qiuji smiled lightly. He couldn't let the tiger look flat. At this crucial moment, his boss still had to stand behind the vertical tiger and support the tiger.

It can be said that the enemy of the tiger, it is not time to report, but Shura insisted on doing it, then he accompanied Shura together, let the tiger feel, he did not have any need to decadent, to fear, there are so many people accompanying He still needs to be afraid?

Song Qiuji didn't want to be behind this attitude, so he wouldn't let the tiger feel that he has been a Shura who has just come to the wild field.

The King of Ruijing City did not understand the reason. He only wanted to be alive in Jingcheng. Don’t take the fearless provocation to Jingcheng.

"Song Jiu, I will give you this opportunity. If something goes wrong, I will give you a kneel down, but you will give me a go!"

Jingrui was obviously mad, but he took Song Qiuji’s helplessness and was a good friend. In the end, he could only be compromised. The four gods behind him were a little gloomy. They didn’t know Song Qiujiu and only felt that Song Qiujiu It’s a bad thing in Jingcheng. It’s just that Jingrui’s owner spoke, and they don’t have to say anything.

Song Qiu Jiuguang looked at the good friends, good brothers and good partners. Although Jingrui may still have no change, his friendship is still valued by him, but his status has changed. The hegemony of the war list has made him subtle. The mindset changes, and involuntary will command others.

But he does not blame sin Jingrui, what is his identity to say anything, to blame himself for not catching up with his footsteps.

A little bit of time passed, and soon the sun went down, and the last cloud of the sky disappeared. The night was low and the moon was shining, and the whole earth was covered with silver.

In the evening, coming!

Lidian also appeared here in a second, followed by eight forceful disciples, all of whom are four or five meters tall and arrogant, all of them muscles, and they seem to be infinite.

The same is true for Lidian. Although it is only three meters tall, it is not worse than the body of the disciple behind him. It seems to have three or four hundred kilograms. The two fists are like sandbags, and they have become a lot of scorpions.

Lin Feng secretly surprised, this force is really the leader of the power field, may be qualified to insult the tiger is a waste, qualified to have the power to throw out the tiger.

Lin Feng took a deep breath and saw the young self from the vertical tiger. This is also an important reason why Lin Feng is angry. The word waste is the scar that Lin Feng can't forget in his life.

A waste, how much bitterness and bitterness, how many struggles, no one knows, but understand.

"I thought you wouldn't come." Lin Feng smiled faintly, and prepared for the battle between the words, the fists were clenched, the feet were heavy, the ground was stepped out of the pit, the earth seemed to be shaking, the power of thunder, and Lin Fengtong in.

Li Dian changed his face and surprised Lin Feng's strength. He also felt the power of different styles with Li Tian. He suddenly raised his interest, not for the strength of Lin Feng, but for Lin Feng's strength.

"Kid, I see that your strength is good, not as good as this, we don't have to be energetic, just more than strength, how do you look? Count me to let you go."

Count him to put Lin Feng a horse?

When this is said, many people can't help but laugh. The people in your domain, the innate power, and the strength of a thin person. What do you think? Still not enough to abuse people?

Many people silently pray for Lin Feng, don't be beaten by a punch, otherwise it is a **** disaster.

Jing Rui listened to the recommendations of Li Dian, but also a cold heart, the authority of the domain and Lin Feng than the test force? This is simply bullying.

The tiger bites his teeth, and he is suffocated or frightened and clenched his fists. Whoever does not know the power of Lidian, whoever knows, directly bombarded a strongman of the **** level, even The residue did not stay, and the power code at that time was also God.

Nowadays, with the power of Lidian, the power of less than 300 million is considered to be a step backward. How can such a terrible opponent, Shura Brother, deal with it?

The vertical tiger wants to open the door to persuade Lin Feng to give up the strike. It is hate to know that this is out, Shura must be angry, and it is very likely that he will be heartbroken, so after thinking about it, he still does not dare to talk.

But he decided that if Li Dian really dared to hurt his eldest brother, he would be the first to rush to catch the blow for the big brother, even to repay the auction hammer.

The atmosphere began to solidify, and the sound of breathing was sent to everyone's ears with the sound of the wind. The silence would be scary. This moment is this feeling.

Lin Feng didn't talk, staring at Li Dian, and Li Dian began to look at Lin Feng, playing with his fists and waiting for the latter's decision.

Playing with vitality? Is it a dead end, playing strength? It is a dead end.

In short, for those who dare to provoke the power field, they will not have a good end. Although he is not a savage animal in the corpse and blood field, he can not be insulted by a small god.

"How? Is there a decision?"

After waiting for a while, he began to be impatient, raised his eyelids and stood in a position. If he had a chair, he would prefer to sit in a chair and wait.

Lin Fengtou does not look up and blinks. He directly shakes his hand and points to the tiger: "Longitudinal tiger, you guys in the field, today I am fighting for a tiger to fight for a chance."

"You, Lidian, if I am defeated by Shura, I want you to apologize to the tiger. Can you do it?"

Two sentences, shocked a large number of people, and the two parties of the Tiger and Lidian were directly stupid.

"How, how is it possible, hahaha."

Li Dian reacted. Apart from laughing and laughing, he couldn't think of other ways of releasing. Would you like to apologize for a waste of waste? Sliding the world!


Lidian screamed, his face was awkward, his eyes were sinister and embarrassing, and he wanted to apologize, impossible.

The face of the tiger has become more and more pale, and the heart has been hurt a lot. What is the taste of being abandoned by the tribe, who can understand? After so many years of separation, even parents can not see, even the parents because of the birth of their own waste, and was rejected by the entire force.

After so many years, what happened to my parents? How do people in Libyo treat them? I don’t know the tigers. I want to go back and I’m afraid of those people in the field.

Complex emotions are all vented in the impossible of the power code.

Hate yourself not to be a device!

Lin Feng's face was a little bit of iron blue, and the clenched fist hair was the sound of the cracking of the stone. It scared some people, but Li Dian was excited and he waited for this scene.

"Come on, kid, let me have a look, you have a few pounds in the outside world, haha!"

After a slap in the air, the sturdy body directly leaned over, and the palms were opened. There was an invisible air and suffocation between the palms. It was necessary to push out the shackles. This kind of power is overbearing and simply. Decisive and heavy, like Taishan Benniu, stunned the shore.

One step at a time, but it seems to have spanned 10 million steps. The strength of Lidian is 200 million kilograms. This is only the strength of his 60%. He is afraid that all will be brought out, and there will be tragedies of the year. People are broken. The bones are gone.

Lin Feng grinned and was not afraid of irony. If the power code only had this level of power, then this victory would be laughed at.

"Long Tiger, give Laozi a good look, take a look at your authority in the field, humiliate your people, how to be scrapped by your big brother! Haha"

"The extreme of madness, the language of ants!"

Li Dian angered, both palms patted up, and temporarily added a force, he must be decisive and a simple blow will kill, save trouble, refreshing.

However, Lin Feng’s strength is among the best among the Terran, and he dare not call it the first of his peers, but he is at least the power of the top three. Even if the other is a ancestor, the strength does not have much to do with the level.

It is not the strength, but the strength, the physical quality of itself.

Don't look at Lin Feng's thinness, but it's really better than the power to abuse a force code.

"I'm sorry for you, you have to be wronged for the sake of the tiger!"

Lin Feng grinned.



Between the electric and the Flint, when the Thunder hits, everyone sees a flower in front of them, just like walking through a vague figure. When you look closely, their chins will be shocked and fall.

I saw Lin Feng’s fist standing in the air, but there was no one in front of the Don’t worry about the power of Mount Tai, the sound of the waves, the gorgeous tricks at this moment are not enough for Lin Feng. Only a fist!

With regard to this fist, with the creation of the spirit and its own brute force, 200 million troops have no problem.

Looking at the power code again, there is no figure in him within 100 meters. Three hundred meters away, he stood up in a wolf, and the three-dimensional body was as fragile as a vase, and was almost broken.

His face is full of pig liver color, the depths of his eyes are full of fire, and a unique sense of shame spread throughout the body, I want to find a place to sneak in, especially everyone looking at him, making his face more burning hot.

Liberal officer? Lidian? Proud power?

Hehe, at this moment, why have you been bombarded by Lin Feng? Simply to everyone is unaware.

The vertical tiger was also shocked by his eyes wide open, his mouth open, and his heart was sour. At the same time, Lin Feng’s respect was soared to the highest point. If he had only stayed on the idea of ​​learning before, he could not dare to swear at this moment. .

The power of Lin Feng, the power of the field is afraid of being a few powerful!

A pure blood human being, why is it so savage and powerful?

Everyone squinted, especially those who had just participated in the gamble, sulking, burning, like Lin Feng pumped a dozen mouths, in fact, Lin Feng did not even look at them, even more qualified to let themselves play.

The actual action proved himself.

Fight hard, win yourself!

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