Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1193: The land of battle!


Song Qiujiu couldn't help but be curious. He took aim at the above-mentioned content of the eye, and he also hoped that he could acquire the Shinto technique to better break through the ancestors, but he also resisted greed. Know what he deserves and what he deserves.

Lin Feng tried to keep all the contents in his mind. In this case, he was not afraid of being robbed by others. Everything was printed in his mind. He was more reassured. Although he really didn't understand it for a while, he could slowly digest it in the future, and he was not in a hurry.

"Song Big Brother, this Shinto triple wave, after you go back, you and I have their own exercises. I know that you have to retreat and concentrate on breaking through the ancestors. I don't eat alone."

I have long seen that Song Qiuji has some complicated eyes. Lin Feng is not nonsense. He promised him directly, lest he should remember it in the future, and he would not dare to make it clear. He made it very embarrassing and put aside it, so it is convenient for him to act in the future.

In the words of the ancestors, I have carefully considered them. In the end, I have to agree with the old man’s words. If I want to make my name come out, then I can only go to the octagonal domain. If I want to make a name in the octagonal domain, I must first The barbaric domain, and the unification of the barbaric domain, must first convince Song Qiujiu, and even let him be willing to give up the position of the leader.

I need a plan of strategy, but I can't count the person of Song Qiuji. The latter is true to himself. I can't do anything that I am sorry for. It can only be said clearly. As for how Xue Qiuji thinks about it, he will be resigned. Let's go.

Song Qiuji was in the middle of the moment. After listening to Lin Feng’s words, he felt that his heart was flowing slowly. He looked at Lin Feng with deep affection. It was like a woman’s innocent smile, with a hint of shame. One scene can not help but let Qinghuang Tianxiao nervous, it would not be Song Qiuji like men?

She took a step and stood beside Lin Feng and Song Qiujiu. Song Qiu Jiuyi smiled and understood the meaning of Qinghuangtian.

"Brother, after you say a word, I want to wrinkle my brow, Song and Jiu, my name!" Song Qiuji can not express his inner feelings, can only be awkward, and he gave this Lin Feng has a lot of confidence.

Both of them put their gaze on the triple wave of Shinto and did not care about the situation outside.

"You, the old man talked with Jingrui City, and decided to re-auction the Jinxiu Mountain River map that was shot in the first half. Come and bring it up."

The old Jinpai once again drank and waved. The four disciples lifted up the Jinxiu Mountain River. The eight-meter-long ink painting, the three of them sat in the gazebo and played chess. Only one space was available, and the three people were different. It’s not funny to talk and laugh.

Everyone was once again stunned, and couldn't understand why Jingrui City took the Jinxiu Mountain River map twice and auctioned it, and it didn't seem to be able to shoot it. Isn't Jingrui City Lord lacking money?

Many people can't figure it out. The representatives of the various clan in the attic can't guess what the city owner means. If he really has the order to say that he must shoot it, then they can pay for it, and it is a face for Jingrui. Otherwise, it is such an ink painting that it is not worth their shot.

After taking out the Jinxiu Mountain River map, there was still silence in the field. No one shot, and the old man of Jinpao smiled again, and sure enough, there was still no one who knew the goods. Is it the one of the three most important treasures on the auction? So, did it flow twice?

"You, this beautiful mountain river map is actually not simple, you buy back, you should be able to find clues." He is not reconciled and wants to fight for it. Even if the reserve price is lowered, it is okay, but there is still no one.

After waiting for ten minutes, no one spoke.

After waiting for half an hour, no one spoke. Instead, Lin Feng and Song Qiujiu remembered the essence of the triple-wave three-way wave at this time. They only practiced so much that the outside situation was not taken care of.

Finally, after an hour, the old Jinpai had to bitterly announce that the Jinxiu Mountain River map was once again auctioned and the auction officially ended.


After the announcement, the seats on the second floor hall rang out, and these people stood up and exited in an orderly manner, but they were not prepared to return to their respective families or houses, but to the open space 30 miles away. Ready to watch the fun.

Don't forget, the officers of the domain have had a battle with the masked people of the barbarians. In the evening, after the sunset, when the moon rises, a world war is inevitable.

Of course, some people think that this is not a war in the world. It is just a battle between abused and abused people. It is a unilateral abuse.

But in any case, there is no war, it is already full of gunpowder.

Even some of the representatives in the attic have sent people or went in person to see this excitement. Apparently they seem to have forgotten the murder of the gods in these two nights, otherwise they will never be so leisurely.

Jingrui learned that the people brought by Song Qiuji had to challenge the force field officers, and the angry face was blue. It was really not afraid that Jingcheng was so busy recently that he even wanted to add some incidents. At this moment, the warring people, the world The dragons, all righteous and righteous, let themselves catch the murderer.

When I don't want to make trouble, I have a mess, how can I not be angry?

"Come to the people, inform the inner court, and send four ancestors casually. With me going 30 miles away, I want to stop this battle that should not be there."

He can't wait, he must stop it himself, and he will be safer if he has less trouble.


Lin Feng several people have come out of the dark road, and came to the hall, this moment all the representatives of the attic have also come down, Lin Feng has a knowledge, but also do not know, do not know Song Qiujiu know.

The nine elders of the Warring States are jade, and the female generations are strong, but they are harsh and cold, and they are bitter and mean. They belong to the typical slut.

The students and deans of Jielong College were killed, and the corpse capital of Jielong’s ancestors was looted, so that no one was sent to participate in the second auction.

Baolong Pavilion and Luojiamen belong to the power of Liangcheng, so they are not qualified to enter the attic. They have already left the auction together with everyone in the hall, and the delegates only have to watch the lively.

In addition to these people, Lin Feng did not know other representatives, Song Qiu Jiuji introduced the representatives of the octagonal domain.

"The other side, the thin-skinned man wearing a **** robe, seeing his eyebrows deep, his cheekbone protruding, the natural anti-bone, this person is the representative of the blood, the blood is called his three elders, blood, the ancestors ".

Song Qiu Jiuguang’s light-headed man, who was only slightly in the **** robes who walked into the hall, was quite impressed. This man was sinister and sinister, and his style was very similar to that of the bloodshed. He was very simple and very good.

"There is also a slim blue woman who has gone downstairs. Don't look at her short stature. That is the representative of the corpse. The corpse is said to be the domain lord of the corpse. I don't know if the rumor is true. But her strength is also a god, you be careful."

"The 25th attic, for the representatives of our bidding, I know who he is, the representative of the dry domain, the dry, the cadre of the cadre, the peak of the gods, but who is the old man behind him?".

Song Qiujiu and Lin Feng both saw it. The representative of the dry field was followed by a robed old man. The old man was very bloated, but he was quite a bit of a sacred bone. More importantly, this old man turned out to be the ancestor of the gods. .

Lin Feng looked at it for a while, then shook his head. No matter who it is, if you take the initiative to provoke yourself, no one will be able to make it. If you don’t provoke yourself, you will have nothing to do with yourself.

"What you are provoking is the representative of the power domain, the three elders, the ancestors."

In the end, Song Qiujiu said that Lin Feng wanted to play against Lili’s representative identity and name. Lin Feng also silently remembered it.

"The kid, thirty miles away, will not see you."

At this moment, Lin Feng’s ear screamed a grim scream, and looked up at the downstairs exit, but he saw that Li Dian was smiling at himself. He gave himself a voice, and actually put pressure on himself.

However, there is pressure on this. Even if it is a **** ancestor, it is only a **** ancestor in its own sense. If you are a **** ancestor, you will not be too afraid. If you play normal, you will at least be undefeated.

"I can't forget, as long as you arrive on time, why do you have to remember others?" Lin Feng said not a salty, not a light, and counterattack.

Hey, Li Dian snorted and went away, disappearing at the end of the hall.

Lin Feng followed Song Qiuji off the second floor, followed by Qinghuangtian, and there were four tigers in the color month. The look of the tiger was still somewhat low, but it was obviously much better than yesterday, at least no longer decadent, dare to face. For the force code.

This is a kind of growth. Lin Fenggao looked at him and felt that he was helping out. This decision is at least not wrong.

Everyone left the apse and left the core area of ​​the city government where Jingrui lived. Lin Feng and his party went straight to the open space 30 miles away, preparing for the evening battle.

Song Qiujiu advised several times, but Lin Feng still insisted on going to not only to go by himself, but also to go with the tiger. As for the other three men, Lin Fengben did not want them to accompany, but three Destined to go, not for anything else, just for the tiger brothers.

The relationship between the four is very good. It can be said that it is inseparable. If there is nothing to say between them, the enemy of the tiger is also the hatred of the three of them.

Qianjin Caiyue voluntarily withdraws. She does not care whether Shura is alive or dead, but only wants to find the whereabouts of Lin Feng.

Half a moment, Lin Feng came to the open space 30 miles away. It is indeed empty, in the interweaving zone of the architectural community, so the buildings are scarce, and the terrain is somewhat uneven, a dozen miles, and some have to form natural hills. the meaning of.

The highest point is already a few hundred meters. It is much higher than the ordinary pavilion. The hills have already been filled with people. The mighty black people are coming to see the Lin Feng. How was it raged by the power of the code.

"Hey, guess? This masked man has been defeated by the Li domain representative?"

"I bet three strokes."

"Haha, I bet two strokes."

"Cut, I see you, that is, a trick and a half, don't believe in gambling?"

"Okay, come, I have a thousand **** coins."

"I am out of two thousand."

These people, in no way avoid Lin Feng, just discuss in front of his eyes, watching the gods flying all over the sky, Lin Feng heart as water, do not talk about heroes, at least the key moments, you need to use actual actions to prove yourself.

This battle must be played!

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