Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1145: 1 year commitment!


"Dream, now the old man should leave Lin Feng with him."

Seven days have passed, and the gods of the land gold are also somewhat unsettled. They are ready to take Lin Feng to leave the world of Wuhun and go outside to sway, so he found his dreams early in the morning.

Dream is still with Lin Feng, although Lin Feng is manipulated by her, but she will not hurt Lin Feng a trace, will only take better care of Lin Feng, these days dreams more and more do not want Lin Feng to sway outside, this No one can understand the pain.

If Lin Feng still has consciousness and memory, it is absolutely impossible to stay in the world of Wuhun. He has not yet completed his last wish. He still has no complete strength to make the people in the world of Wuhun safe and worry-free. He can't retire.

Dream is the most understanding of Lin Feng's thoughts. No one. She first fought with Lin Feng for so many years, knowing Lin Feng's mind, so she will not violate Lin Feng's wishes. Now the three women have been successfully produced, and the children are also Get your name.

Lin Feng is also the time to leave the world of Wuhun, this is also for his early recovery of memory, everything depends on the **** of the earth, Lin Feng, who has no concern, it is indeed time to leave.

"Well, you take him away, as for his relatives, I will inform you." Nodded in a dream, it is still difficult to hide the loss of the eyes, but only a sigh, the spirit of power received back, no longer control Lin Feng.

After Lin Feng had his own consciousness, he opened his eyes and stared at the dream, and did not speak. He looked at Lin Feng’s eyes and felt that his eyes were not normal. This is not the same as Lin Feng’s look on weekdays. .

At this moment, the Tujin ancestors did not pay attention to the look of Lin Feng. He did not pay attention to such details. His whole mind was placed after he went out, where he should go, and considered a lot in this matter.

The dream is like staring at Lin Feng's look, and Lin Feng is slightly turning his eyes, his eyes are on the side of the cupboard, where I don't know when I have a note, my dreams are on the top of the note, my heart Shocked, then ecstasy.

But she knows the meaning of Lin Feng, so she dare not reveal too many surprise colors, but can only suppress the excitement in her heart, and then raise her head to the earth gods: "Predecessors, please take care of the public."

"Dream, you can rest assured that the old man will not harm him. Within one year, Lin Feng will definitely restore his memory." The goddess of the earth gold smiled with a beard, and the eyes in his eyes changed slightly, but the dream did not pay attention. She only looked at the attitude of the goddess of the earth.

"Well, the bus is for you." The sigh of dreams, and then turned around, do not want to see the scene separately.

The Tujin gods were silent for a moment, then waved to Lin Feng, and Lin Feng did not have much doubts, and immediately left the world of Wuhun with the **** of the earth.

For the gold ancestors of the martial arts world, as long as he can come in, he can go out, and if he is outside, he needs Lin Feng’s consent before he can come in. This is a world that is tight outside the pine, Lin Feng’s own world. .

After leaving the world of Wuhun, the dreams smashed out of the window, and then closed the window. He ran to the cupboard and picked up the piece of paper. At first glance, he found the content of the letter. The content was short, but it shocked her. Mind.

"Don't worry about it, Xiang Gong did not lose memory, but I don't want to worry too much. In this year, I will treat me as an amnesia Lin Feng for a while, and I have to do a few big things, and I have nothing to worry about."

"Alone, treasure! Do not, say broken!"

Only these two words, but the heart of the dream is shocked, like the rising tide of the sea, after a long time, the mood of the dream is restored to calm, carrying a note, my heart is a lot of relief.

As long as Lin Feng has no memory loss, then for Lin Feng himself, there is not much danger. As long as there is no danger, she will not worry about Lin Feng. As for her family, she, as the sister of all women, will assist in the management of Yuemenghe. Let Lin Feng have no worries.

And nowadays, many new species have been born in the world of Wuhun. It is possible that the strength of these species is not as strong as that of the Emperor. However, more people need to pay attention to it. If they do not pay attention, it is likely to invade the human territory.

This world, like other worlds, has a distinction between Terran, Mozu and Orc. I am afraid that for a long time in the future, the family will take care of these new ethnic groups in the world of Wuhun.

Lin Qiongsheng is also good, Lin is not worth mentioning, but also must take up the weapons in his hand to guard the homeland, guarding the new human beings born in the world of Wuhun, and the five-year-old Lin Henger and Lin Nianer also learned two Brother, pick up the weapon and follow their ass, shouting and killing every day, there is no little child's heart.

Liangcheng, Nebula College.

The Tujin ancestors came here with Lin Feng, standing in front of a newly built tomb on the back hill, watching the handwriting engraved on the tombstone, and the spirit of the goddess of the earth increased.

"Don't pretend, Lin Feng, your little trick can't beat me." The **** of the earth gold sipped and pointed to Lin Feng’s eyes.

Lin Feng is now being changed by the ruins of the ruins of the gods, but his face has changed a little, but he is not shocked. With the strength and ability of the ancestors, even in the days of the martial arts world, they are not discovered. It will also be discovered someday.

"Predecessors, you found out, I will not install it, huh, huh." Lin Feng smiled faintly, looking at the ugly look of the goddess of the earth, slightly awkward and awkward.

The earth **** gods squinted at Lin Feng for a long time, then shook his head and sighed with amazement: "Hey, even the old man is almost cheated by you, boy, you are very similar, the old man is more difficult to imagine, you are How to make three forces occupy your body without accidents."

"This time you made the illusion of losing your memory. The old man also speculated on that phenomenon. Now that you have not lost your memory, that is, the three forces compete with each other. In fact, it is also your intentional intention?"

"If this is the case, the old man needs to discuss it with you."

It is hard to imagine how the earth **** ancestors are now, how Lin Feng can achieve the illusion of losing memory, and how to control the three abilities to such an arbitrary level, causing such an illusion, confusing the ice spirit and confusing him.

"Predecessors, this is not the point, the point is that I have no memory loss, but I have installed amnesia, choose to come out with you."

"Don't you be upset that I am lost? If I am amnesia, you can do a lot of things with me." Lin Feng smiled and looked at the face of the goddess of the earth, carefully watching the change of the goddess of the earth.

It is said that the face of the goddess of the earth has changed slightly, but he quickly returned to normal, but he still has to admire Lin Feng’s ghost ideas. It is hard to imagine how Lin Feng guessed it.

"Yes, you are amnesia, the old man is very happy, because the old man wants to use amnesia to do something that others can't do, just...". The face of the goddess of the earth is somewhat complicated, and he said nothing in half.

Lin Feng understands the meaning of the **** of the earth, but he did not think that he did not really lose his memory. In this way, he still has anxiety.

"Predecessors, the reason why I chose to come out with you, and pretend to be amnesia, you should know the result, so look at you now, would like to tell me your secret, let me share."

"Kids know that you have difficulties in your heart. I am afraid that you are in the battlefield list. You are helpless. As for my memory loss, you will let me do some facts. I don't want to let me know your situation. I am just this amnesia. Objects can help you solve things without telling your secrets."

"It's just in reality. There is no such situation. Seniors, think about it, think about it, let me know."

"And I need to worship my brother."

Lin Feng’s words fell here, his face was a lot serious, and there were many pains in his eyes. Looking at the tomb in front of him, this carved tombstone was filled with anger in his heart.

The only relief is that the nebula of the day did not have a corpse wilderness, but was buried by the golden moon. At this point, Lin Feng thanked the colorful moon, at least the golden moon and the moon, and buried the nebula.

"Brother, I have a lot of people in Lin Feng's life. You are one of them, but I have not revived your strength. You are a god, I am only a god."

"So I can only be resurrected by yourself. After all, do you have a soul bead, should you be able to resurrect within a year?"

Lin Feng whispered, and then worshipped the three worships at the tomb of the nebula gods, which is the last respect of the sage.

"Lin Feng, he may not be resurrected in this life!"

Suddenly Lin Feng came behind him and the **** of the earth and the helplessness and bitter words, let Lin Feng’s heart completely turn to the bottom, turned around and looked at the earth god, Lin Feng’s eyes were full Explaining and weird.


"You are not a **** ancestor. When you become a **** ancestor, you will know that the soul beads that the gods need when they are in the eyes of the gods are just a joke."

"The level of the ancestors, do not bother to use the soul beads to live more, so the ancestors often crush the soul beads, and then return to the body, plain, that is, they gave up the chance of more resurrection."

"Of course, there are also some gods, because it is not a pity to smash the soul beads, but it is a pity that the nebula gods are not such people!"

The Tujin ancestor explained to Lin Feng that his look was dignified and his tone was slightly helpless and pity. Like the strong soul of the nebula gods, there is not much fear in this battlefield.

Lin Feng is very difficult to accept such an explanation, but this is the fact that the nebula gods have the bones, crushed the soul beads, the soul belongs to the body, and voluntarily gave up the chance of resurrection once, so it is almost impossible to think of his resurrection.

In this way, Lin Feng is more and more embarrassed, more and more self-blame.

But also more helpless!

Destiny, that's it. If the nebula gods are not blindly pursuing the title of the champion college, they don't have to compete for the championship for him. They will not be surrounded by the eight great gods, but they will harm him.

Everything is fixed!

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