Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1144: The Lin family, the beginning of the show...


Dream does not understand why the earth **** ancestors told Lin Feng so seriously, but she did not anxiously ask, she believes that since the **** Jinzu promised to save Lin Feng, it would not harm Lin Feng, nor would Lin Feng go to the fire pit. Push.

"I am Shura?" Lin Feng's face was full of strange colors. He tried his best to think of the name. But no matter how you think, you can't think of a trace of memory. The previous thing was a blank, he couldn't think of anything.

Am I really a Shura? Lin Feng thought about it and soon believed in the name Shura. Maybe he really is Shura. He is willing to believe the words of the gods of the earth, because the two people he saw after opening his eyes, he is not disgusted, especially the dream. I always feel that the soul is deep and kind.

It seems that there are blood flowing in each other, and there is a constant family relationship. Lin Feng is willing to believe in dreams, so he is willing to believe in the gods.

"Shu Luo, you will follow the old man in the future." The earth **** ancestors sipped and looked at Lin Feng, his face was extremely dignified.

“Why?” Lin Feng’s incomprehension is even more doubtful.

The Tujin ancestors did not answer, but looked at the dreams. Now only the dreams can make some lies to lie to Lin Feng, but they must let Lin Feng and the Tujin ancestors leave. Otherwise, it is impossible for Lin Feng to restore his memory.

There are some doubts in the dream, and I am also skeptical that the Tujin ancestors will use Lin Feng to do some things, but now she has no other better way to solve Lin Feng’s loss of memory, only to listen to the gods.

"To be public, you have to work with your seniors to improve your strength, so you need to go with him." The dream is strong and smiles. She smiles at Lin Feng. This is the first time she lied, and it is a lie to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at the dream, and after listening to the words of the dream, he slowly nodded. He chose to believe in the dream. He knew that the dream would not deceive him.

Lin Feng’s nod of consent, the face of the goddess of the earth Jin suddenly became a lot brighter, and also sighed, finally passed the most difficult period, as long as Lin Feng agreed to follow him, then everything is easy to handle.

"Dream, you can rest assured that the old man will not renege on his words. Within a year's time, Lin Feng will be able to restore his memory." The gods of the earth and gold evangelize the dream and make the final guarantee.

The dream nodded slightly. Now, apart from this solution, there is no other way to solve the problem of Lin Feng’s amnesia.

"Okay, I believe you once." The dream nodded slightly, and temporarily chose to believe in the gold ancestors once, waiting for Lin Feng to restore good news.

The **** of the earth gold nodded, and then looked at Lin Feng again, Shen Sheng shouted: "Apprentice, go with the old man."

"Slow, seniors, I have something to say to you."

The dreams of drinking the earth gods, she can not let the folk gods take Lin Feng so quickly, after all, there are still many things have not been resolved.

The Tujin ancestors looked at their dreams again and asked: "What happened? Is there something else?"

"Predecessors, Lin Feng has three wives, and will not be in the past few days. If they find that Lin Feng has not returned, they will be worried."

"So, do you see this thing?" The dream complexion is very complicated. She doesn't know how to solve the doubts of several girls in the fire dance. If Lin Feng has never met with them, when they are waiting for their production, this is still Can not be wrapped, still need to reveal the stuffing.

So before this, it is best to have a solution, at least not to make a few women suspect.

In addition to listening to the narrative of dreams, Tujin’s ancestors also had a heavy face. He suddenly discovered that it was not only after solving the dream alone, he was able to take Lin Feng smoothly. Lin Feng had so many women, at least not allowed. They have doubts.

"If this is the case, then you can only temporarily manipulate Lin Feng, let Lin Feng spend the few days, find another reason, and leave." The gold **** ancestors replied, this is the more reliable way he thought.

After listening to this question, the dream also faintly nodded. For this reason, I can only use this method. If the local gods manipulated Lin Feng, she would not be assured. If she guides Lin Feng, she will be more assured.

After the three women were born, Lin Feng only needed to find a reason to leave. The rest of the matter was handed over to the Tujin ancestors. Lin Feng could remember the previous things and rely on the gods.

In this way, the Tujin ancestors did not leave Lin Feng to leave the world of Wuhun, he still lives in the battle list, and the battle list is also placed in the space ring of Lin Feng.

Dreams don't dare to say too much to Lin Feng. They can only say some small stories that are very flat but can attract Lin Feng to listen to. Finally, Lin Feng fell into a deep sleep.

The dream secretly kissed Lin Feng's forehead and then retired from the room. She would always guard Lin Feng outside the room. This is the best thing a wife can do, and she can do it here.

Others can only rely on the **** of the earth, relying on Lin Feng himself.

The night is deeper. The extraterrestrial stars of the Wuhun world are very splendid, but the colors are all but the light is shining. It seems that there are meteors passing by, leaving a wonderful moment.

Quiet home, only dreams can not sleep, looking up at the stars and the sun and the moon, she repeatedly thought about the arrangements of the earth gods to Lin Feng, why is it called Shura? Why can't Lin Feng stay in the world of Wuhun? Why can't Lin Feng have other women and relatives?

What is the earth **** ancestor doing?

Dreams do not doubt that the earth gods will not do things, but in the process of saving Lin Feng, will the earth gods use Lin Feng to do some extra things?

The only thing the dream is worried about is this, so she didn't sleep all night.

And everyone does not know, Lin Feng who did not sleep overnight!

After the dream came out of the room, when the earthen gods entered the battle list and earned the space ring, Lin Feng woke up and opened his eyes. The eyes no longer showed confusion and doubts, but the firmness and complexity of the past. Only he did not speak.

Soon, he closed his eyes again, but he did not sleep that night, and he was always thinking about the problem.

On the second day, before dawn, the dream opened the door and went inside the house. Lin Feng did not wake up.

Dreaming sitting on the bed, holding Lin Feng's cool big hand, squatting tightly, sighing deeply, after a night of thinking and consideration, although she couldn't figure out what the earth **** ancestors would do, but Lin Feng followed him. There are no other better ways to go, as long as the gold ancestors do not harm Lin Feng, as for the other, it does not matter.

The dream is waving in the left hand, and the fingertips are on the forehead of Lin Feng. While Lin Feng’s mental strength is relaxing, she begins to control Lin Feng’s thinking. Only in this way can she not be found abnormal by her family in the next few days. It is also better to go through this.

Controlling Lin Feng has changed very simply. Especially when Lin Feng has no 'memory' for the time being, it is easier to control Lin Feng. Of course, this is the dream to manipulate, and Lin Feng will not be reflexive. In the words, Lin Feng will definitely subconsciously resist.

It took about a quarter of an hour, and the dream finally controlled Lin Feng’s thinking. In the past few days, Lin Feng will stay with his family and try not to be suspected. After a few days, after finding a reason, Leave the world of Wuhun.

It was dawn, and Yuemenghe and Lin Hai came to the dream room and knocked on the door of the dream.

Dreams opened the door, Yue Menghe and Lin Hai both came in, and Yue Meng and Lin Hai entered the house, and saw Lin Feng sitting on the bed at a glance, his face suddenly overjoyed.

"Fenger, are you awake?" The excitement of the moon-filled face was directly rushed to the front of Lin Feng, and the excitement only cried out.

Lin Feng looked at Yue Menghe, and then she smiled loudly: "Mother, I am fine, you can rest assured." Lin Feng took the initiative to hold the hand of Yue Menghe, which is a comfort to Yue Meng.

It’s just that Moon Dream doesn’t know, all of this is actually a dream in the side of you. At the moment, Lin Feng has no consciousness. If the dream is not manipulated, it is a person without memory.

"Fenger, fire dance, the wild girl and the green phoenix will be born, you will not go out these days." Moon Dream is very strong, and there is an order that has been broken. In the past few days, Lin Feng will not let go, and he must stay with him at home and accompany the three women.

Lin Feng solemnly nodded, then his face slightly with a blunt smile: "Well, mother, I will go see them soon."

Lin Feng said, standing up and running outside the room, the speed is not fast, but can not see any sequelae left by the injury.

Dreams quickly said to Yue Menghe: "Mother, I will go up and have a look."

The dream voice just fell, and I also walked out of the room with Lin Feng and went straight to the room of the three women.

Moon Dream and Lin Hai are relieved, and Lin Feng is fine.

A little bit of time passed, and soon seven days passed.

The three women also came to the day of labor. In the early morning, Lin Feng stood outside the room and was manipulated by the dream to stand outside the room. The left and right times went up and down, showing a very anxious look.

Dreams observe the situation inside the room ~ ~ is also very anxious, having children is the most painful thing for women, whether it is the same as the military.

Fortunately, the last three women were very successful in the successful production, and there was no accident. Lin Feng was also very excited and kept clenching his fists.

The wild girl gave birth to a daughter, while the fire dance and the green phoenix gave birth to a son.

The three women let Lin Feng give a nice name, but Lin Feng at the moment is not Lin Feng’s own consciousness, but the consciousness of dreams.

Dreams can only give Lin Feng a good name for three new-born babies, and of course consider the thoughts and opinions of the three women.

The daughter of the wild girl, Lin Shengxi.

The son of Fire Dance, Lin Shengxi ()

As for the sons of Lin Feng and Qing Feng, they considered Qing Feng’s own opinion and named it, Lin Shengxie.

Lin Feng never thought that she would have so many sons and daughters, and all of his descendants would achieve his achievements even higher than his achievements.

Lin Shengqi, Lin Shengqi, Lin Shengxie.

Lin Shutian, Lin Qiongsheng.

Lin Henger, Lin Nianer.

In addition, Lin Zu, who was born with a halo.

These sons and daughters will all become the pride of Lin Feng.

The only thing that is easy to be overlooked is that Lin Feng has a grandson, Lin Qiongsheng’s son, Lin Tianspeed, and is still in the Nine Miles!

The Lin family has already begun to show!

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