Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1013 The Strongest Enemy

Of course, this does not mean that the art of formation is useless in the eyes of the strong. It is just because the conditions in the mortal world are limited. No matter how high Xiaoshu's attainments in the art of formation are, the various materials used to make the flags and arrange the eye of the formation are too low-level and cannot withstand the casual attack of the strong.

Only by reaching the spiritual world and collecting more high-level precious materials of the art of formation can Xiaoshu's art of formation be brought into play.

If you want to defeat the three-headed saint, you can only fight head-on. There is no other way.

Ye Lin waved his sleeves, and a five-color space crack appeared in front of him. His figure flashed and he went directly into the space turbulence layer. His voice echoed in the ears of the three-headed saint.

"Three-headed Saint Lord, you are also a well-known strong man of the Heavenly Demon Clan. Do you dare to come to the space turbulence to fight Ye head-on? If you win this battle, Ye will lose everything!"

"If you don't come, Ye will wander in the space turbulence for the rest of his life, leaving you with nothing."

If Ye Lin and the Three-headed Saint Lord fight in the Continent of Ten Thousand Nations, I'm afraid that after the battle, the Continent of Ten Thousand Nations will be riddled with holes, and I don't know how many lives will be affected. In addition, the formation arranged by Ye Lin has been completely destroyed, and there is no difference between fighting in the Continent of Ten Thousand Nations and in the space turbulence layer.

The middle head of the Three-headed Saint Lord snorted coldly.

"You are really a toad yawning with such a big tone. You want to fight me head-on with your mere out-of-body cultivation. Well, well, I will see how capable you are!"

The Three-headed Saint Lord swept his tail, and a large area of ​​space collapsed, and then the three heads drilled into the space crack that had not yet closed.

After the three-headed saint and Ye Lin left, they left behind a bottomless black ice pit with a diameter of more than 100,000 miles. Fortunately, this was originally formed by the condensation of seawater in the outer area of ​​the Demon Sea...

On the wall of a defensive line, countless soldiers were as pale as paper. The terrifying pressure emitted by the three-headed saint was enough to make them lose their combat capability. This was still hundreds of thousands of miles away. If they were close to the three-headed saint, the pressure alone would be enough to turn a Yuanying-stage cultivator into a pool of meat paste. Although a monk in the out-of-body stage would not be turned into meat paste, he would also completely lose his combat capability.

Someone asked hesitantly in a low voice.

"Can Lord Ye successfully defeat this guy?"

Another person asked back.

"Has Lord Ye ever lost?"

A fat man wearing a Taixuan Sect robe kicked the buttocks of a soldier who doubted whether Ye Lin could win.

"Don't you see who Ye Lin is? He is my fat master's brother. My fat master was born an extraordinary person. How can Ye Lin be an ordinary person? It's a pity that Ye Lin didn't let me join the battle, otherwise it would be cool to take the snake as a vehicle."

When Wang Changsheng was bragging, someone kicked him on the buttocks. It was a fat and strong woman. The woman snorted coldly.

"You are so shameless. If you were stronger, we might be able to help Ye Lin. You are useless. Look at Song Lingtian. He has long become the top combat force of our coalition. You are the most useless among the three heroes of Taixuan..."

Wang Changsheng didn't dare to talk back. He had to get up and smile awkwardly.


In the endless space turbulence layer, the perception of the cultivators became very limited here. Ye Lin stood on the bow of a green flying boat, looking at a huge shadow blocked by the five-color space turbulence.


The terrifying roar spread out, and the endless space turbulence was actually shaken to roll around. For a moment, the area within tens of thousands of miles around Ye Lin and the three-headed saint became a vacuum area.


The three-headed giant snake swung its tail, like a whip tens of thousands of feet long. The whip tail was extremely fast and whipped towards Ye Lin fiercely. Its power was no weaker than the powerful blow of all the top-grade Taoist weapons Ye Lin had seen.

Ye Lin did not dodge. Facing the attack of such a strong man, even Xiao Lan was not completely sure to dodge. After all, Xiao Lan was limited by Ye Lin's realm, which was only the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body, while the other party was a cultivator in the middle stage of Return to Void. The realm gap was too huge.

He could only resist with all his strength. If he could not resist, Ye Lin's physical body and even his Nascent Soul might be instantly turned into dust.

Before the three-headed saint transformed into a three-headed cobra, Ye Lin could still control the Phoenix Divine Protection and the Buddha Lotus Relics Beads to resist. Now even these two defensive Taoist weapons could hardly withstand the continuous attacks of the three-headed saint.

Ye Lin waved his sleeves, and hundreds of spiritual lights flashed by. Among them were top sword cultivators such as Senior Sister, Qin Jiner, Xiaobai, Xiaoqiang, Song Lingtian, and Shenmu Sword Immortal, as well as top physical cultivators such as Ao Lingshuang and Xiaoqi, and top insect cultivators with special abilities such as Xiaohong, Xiaochou, Canyi, Caner, Xuanbing Lingchan, Jinglei Locust, etc.

Facing a strong man like the Three-Headed Saint, the tactics of insect sea and human sea were useless and could only increase casualties. Ye Lin could only hit the cultivator companions and spiritual insects with the top combat effectiveness to fight them head-on.

Swish, swish, swish!

The sword immortals took the lead, and wide sword energy chopped out one after another. In the blink of an eye, the sword energy collided with the giant snake's tail that was whipping at high speed. Only a few metal clashes were heard, and the giant snake's tail actually only had a few shallow cuts, and in the blink of an eye, it healed and whipped with undiminished force.

Following closely, Ye Lin performed the "Qian Kun Yu Chong Jue", and the ten thousand feet long Ancestral Dragon incarnation stretched out its dragon claws. At the same time, Ao Lingshuang transformed into his original body, and the ten thousand feet long white dragon stretched out its dragon claws at the same time. Xiao Qi performed the fifth level of "Nine Transformations Demon God Body", and a demon god horn grew on his head. His body expanded to several thousand feet, and his big hand also grabbed the giant snake's tail.

There was only a loud bang!

Ye Lin's huge Ancestral Dragon phantom was broken into two by the three-headed Saint's tail. Xiao Qi's huge arm and Ao Lingshuang's white dragon claws pressed against the three-headed Saint's tail. Both of them were instantly torn apart and bleeding. Finally, they firmly resisted the power of the tail.

The three heads of the three-headed Saint showed contempt.

"Is this all your strength! Although my cultivation has regressed to the middle stage of Return to Void, my body is at the level of Return to Void Great Perfection. Even the best Taoist tools can hardly cause fatal damage. Just relying on the power of this body is enough to crush you ants to death!"

As he spoke, the three-headed Saint swung his tail again, and the huge white dragon and Xiao Qi were lifted up by the giant snake's tail as if they were weightless, and thrown into the closing space turbulence like throwing garbage.

Indeed, although the Six-armed Shura Buddha has reached the middle stage of Return to Void after burning the Arhat True Fire, the Six-armed Shura Buddha is still far inferior to the Three-headed Saint Lord in the middle stage of Return to Void. The main reason is the huge difference in physical strength.

Sixty years ago, the six sword immortals could easily break through the physical defense of the Six-armed Shura Buddha with a single sword, causing deep wounds that could be seen to the bone, but now they can only barely break through the snake scales and snake skin of the Three-headed Saint Lord.

This is the strongest enemy Ye Lin has encountered since he started practicing!

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