Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1012: Like a Toy

"Sure enough, it's the breath of the Chosen One."

Before the three-headed sage arrived at the mysterious ice tower, he had already sensed the strange aura of the Chosen Son. Except for the Chosen Son, no one in the mortal world could have such a majestic destiny.

On the pavilion, lanterns were hung everywhere, and the melodious sound of silk and bamboo spread far and wide.

The three-headed sage saw from a distance that a banquet was held on the top floor of the Xuanbing Pavilion, and it was crowded with people. There were dancers from all ethnic groups, with graceful figures, dancing gracefully.

The three-headed sage suddenly felt a very familiar aura.

"It's the Five-Color Enchantress. She is indeed still alive!"

The three-headed sage was overjoyed.

Although the five-color enchantress's life card has not been broken, it does not mean that she is still alive 100%. After all, if he died in some special areas, such as some sealing formations, Taiyutian's life card may not be sensed. Her spirit dissipated.

But the scene that followed made the three heads and six heads of the three-headed sage stare round, and his body trembled slightly.

I saw the five-color enchantress, dressed in light gauze, leading the dance in the Xuanbing Pavilion. Her every frown and smile, every move, was extremely charming and charming. Not only did she please the chosen one, she even humbled herself to please every audience.

The expression on the right side of the three-headed sage's head once again became extremely ferocious, and he roared crazily, not even bothering to hide his aura.

"Ahhh! We must kill this bitch, kill her!"

He locked Ye Lin with a pair of extremely cruel and hateful eyes.

The three-headed sage, who was originally hiding his figure and planning to attack Ye Lin with one strike, was furious for a moment. Even the left head, which was always the most optimistic, was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

He commanded hundreds of trillions of heavenly demons, was in charge of the seven blood-eating gates, was the Taiyu Heavenly Demon King, and was a powerful man who returned to the Void Perfection. He was so insulted, and the people who insulted him were just a group of people he didn't care about at all. The eyes of a monk in the out-of-body stage and the spiritual transformation stage.

In his eyes, these people can only be regarded as bigger ants!

It was such a shame and humiliation that no one could calm down anymore.


The three-headed sage teleported and arrived in front of the Xuanbing Pavilion. The head in the middle shouted loudly, waved his sleeves, and a purple dagger flashed away, shooting straight towards the person sitting in the middle of the celebration banquet. Unsuspecting, Ye Lin was drinking and admiring the dancing beauty.

Unexpectedly, Ye Lin, who was holding a wine glass, suddenly showed a strange smile, which was the smile of a successful plot.

"Are you the three-headed sage? Ye has long admired your name and has been waiting for you for a long time..."

Before he finished speaking, a huge flame shield enveloped the entire pavilion, and the sound of phoenixes rose into the sky. On the flame shield, a lifelike fire phoenix spread its wings and flew high.

It turns out that Ye Lin's consciousness discovered the arrival of the three-headed sage early, so he set up this plan. The purpose was to invite you to enter the urn and let the five-color enchantress lead the dance and make a charming gesture. It was also to stimulate the three-headed sage and make him In anger, he approached the Xuanbing Pavilion, which had already laid out countless traps.


The purple dagger that tore through the void stabbed the flame shield fiercely. The flame shield trembled violently, and seemed to be about to collapse at any time.

There is no doubt that this purple dagger is also a top-quality Taoist weapon, and its quality is much higher than that of Phoenix Divine Blessing. In addition, the person who controls the purple dagger is the three-headed sage who is in the middle stage of returning to the void, and Ye Lin is just a mere outlier. The great perfection monks have different levels of magical power.

It makes sense not to be able to withstand a few attacks.

When the three-headed sage saw that Ye Lin actually took out the phoenix blessing he gave to the five-color enchantress to resist his thunder blow, his eyes towards Ye Lin became even colder and more malicious.

The ferocious head on the right roared.

"Do you really think that you can withstand my attack with just a piece of Phoenix Divine Blessing? You are just talking nonsense. Take out all your trump cards quickly!"

The head on the left laughed loudly.

"Interesting, interesting. It seems that we have been ambushed by the Chosen Ones... There should be many large formations around here. Let me take a look. There are the Void Upside Down Ancient Formation, the Sun Moon Universe Demon Suppressing Formation, and the Heaven and Earth Net Formation. ...Hahaha, it’s just like a toy.”

The head in the middle has a gloomy face and a very solemn expression.

"Don't be careless. This boy can kill the six-armed Shura Buddha. He is not without threat to us. A sneak attack is the safest way, but now we are in a little bit of trouble."

Ding ding ding!

While speaking, the three-headed sage controlled the purple dagger to attack the flame shield several times in succession. The flame shield's light became increasingly dim, and when it was about to collapse, another Buddha's light shield shrouded the flame shield.

It is one of the natal tools of the Six-Armed Shura Buddha, the Buddha Lotus Relic Rosary. With double shields relying on each other, even if the extremely sharp purple dagger wants to break through it in a short time, it will be an illusion.

The three-headed sage was slightly surprised when he saw this, but he was still expecting it. The head in the middle said lightly.

"As expected of the chosen one. His powerful magic power can actually support two top-quality Taoist weapons at the same time to release considerable power. However, the blow just now was just an appetizer given to you by me. Next, I will let you Try the meal!”

As he spoke, the three-headed sage made a secret with one hand, and a three-headed cobra that was ten thousand feet high and tens of thousands of feet long appeared behind him. The next moment, the shadow solidified, and a three-headed cobra as huge as a mountain appeared. Prototype.

Even the Xuanbing Pavilion where Ye Lin was located seemed extremely small in front of this three-headed cobra.

Boundless black demonic energy and purple demonic energy emanated from the true body of the three-headed sage. Around the body of the three-headed sage, the space began to twist and break like tofu...

This mere third-class mortal world space is completely unable to accommodate such a terrifying existence.


The three cobra heads of the three-headed sage opened their big mouths in the direction of Ye Lin and roared in unison. The surging mana mixed with sound waves stirred up. Wherever it passed, the space collapsed. For a time, except for the Buddha's light, Everything within a hundred thousand miles of the mysterious ice pavilion was turned into powder!

Fortunately, Ye Lin had evacuated all the nearby monks early. Otherwise, the three-headed sage's random roar would have been enough to scare millions or tens of millions of soldiers out of their wits.

The monks in the middle stage of returning to the void are really too terrifying.

Ye Lin sighed slightly.

"As expected, the great formation that was set up before was completely damaged. Facing such powerful people, no matter how powerful the formation is, it is in vain."

It's no wonder that the three-headed sage knew that he was ambushed by Ye Lin and still felt confident. He also mocked the formation arranged by Ye Lin as if it was a child's toy.

The layout of the formation must rely on the terrain and feng shui, and it must also ensure the continuous operation of each formation eye. However, a powerful person like this can shatter everything within a hundred thousand miles with a random roar, and the formation eye will instantly become nothingness.

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