Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 995 All Participate in the Battle

As Ye Lin waved the five-color formation flag, majestic mana surged out from the formation flag, condensing into five-color silk threads and spreading in all directions.

All the monks chanted incantations at the same time, and the mana threads spread out and entangled with each other, quickly condensing into a big net, and Ye Lin was at the core of the big net.

Ye Lin only felt that his spiritual sense was infinitely amplified, and he had a mysterious feeling that he could understand the secrets of heaven with a single thought.

An hour later, Ye Lin slowly opened his eyes, his expression a little solemn.

"I have learned some information about the enemy through divine deduction. Please disperse and prepare for a new round of demon catastrophe. This time, the enemy will be even more terrifying!"

"As commanded."

All the spiritual insects and demon-dampening alliance monks who participated in the formation turned into rays of light and dispersed, while Ye Lin flashed and came to a main hall.

Senior sister, Qin Jin'er, Commander-in-Chief of the Demon-Dang Alliance Situ Miao, Chief Military Advisor Qin Qing, Master Miaofa from the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, Master Huanlong from the Wanlong Immortal Dynasty, Feng Jiutian from the Fengming Immortal Dynasty... and many other core figures of the Demon-Dang Demon Alliance have already Take a seat.

Ye Lin is going to have a pre-war meeting.

Since everyone was very familiar with Ye Lin and there was no excessive etiquette, Ye Lin came to sit on the throne at the highest point of the hall and said with a slightly solemn expression behind him.

"I just used the "Little Tianji Formation" to deduce some key information."

Ye Lin originally thought that it would be very difficult to deduce enemy information across worlds for the first time in charge of the "Little Heavenly Ji Formation", and the existence he wanted to deduce had reached the Void Return stage. It would be easy for high-level monks to deduce low-level monks. It is almost unheard of for low-level monks to deduce high-level monks.

But the result was beyond his expectation. This derivation went very smoothly. The main reason was that Ye Lin discovered that the cultivation realm of the Six-Armed Shura Buddha he wanted to deduce had plummeted and returned to the Great Perfection of God Transformation.

Ye Lin said to everyone in a deep voice.

"First, the number of demons descending this time will reach an astonishing two trillion!"

As soon as Ye Lin said these words, everyone's expressions changed slightly.

A total of one trillion heavenly demons descended on the Blood Food Gate last time. With the absolute intelligence superiority of the spirit insect army and the demon demon alliance, they still had to kill and injure hundreds of millions of soldiers before they won the frontal battlefield victory.

Moreover, victory on the frontal battlefield did not mean that the war was completely over. The nearly fifty years of suppression war that followed resulted in the death of hundreds of millions of people from the Demon Alliance and the Spirit Insect Army again.

After paying such a heavy price, Wan Guo Continent only ushered in ten years of peace.

Now, the door to blood food is opened again.

This time, two trillion heavenly demons came. Even Qin Jin'er and Feng Jiutian were a little shaken, wondering whether the current power of the entire Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent could resist them.

Even if it is possible, there will still be a heavier and more unacceptable price to pay.

Ye Lin said again.

"Secondly, the Six-Armed Shura Buddha, a demon in the middle stage of returning to the void, and the Fire Lizard Lord, a demon in the early stage of returning to the void, have used secret methods to suppress their cultivation. In this way, they can pass through the Gate of Blood Food. After arriving at the Continent of Ten Thousand Kingdoms, their cultivation will return to the level they returned to. Early stage of virtuality.”

"That is to say, in addition to facing an army of two trillion, we also face two enemies in the early stage of returning to the virtual world. Both of them possess top-grade Taoist weapons and are extremely powerful."

As soon as Ye Lin said these words, everyone's expressions became very solemn, and the atmosphere in the conference room became a little depressed.

It is completely foreseeable that in the next sixty years, billions of creatures in the entire Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent will live in hell. Once the demon alliance is defeated, two trillion heavenly demons, enough to harvest a small spiritual world, will pour in and have never been conquered by heavenly demons. The destroyed area will then be filled with endless slaughter!

The entire Wan Guo Continent will be barren of grass within a year.

Ye Lin said.

"Next, let's discuss the countermeasures."

Qin Qing said in a deep voice.

"First of all, we must defend the first line of defense. We only have the first line of defense. Once the first line of defense of our army is defeated, there will be no possibility of saving the war situation. I suggest that all the 8 billion pill-forming reserve troops be invested. Fight, and even, if necessary, we will recruit the entire Danguo Continent to join the battle!"

Ye Lin nodded slightly.

"I agree with Qin Qing's plan."

Situ Miao said: "I also agree... When the Heavenly Demon Tribulation has progressed to this point, our Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent has reached a real critical moment of life and death. At this time, we must gather all our strength."

Master Miaofa: "I agree too."

Everyone agrees, so the size of the demon-dampening coalition will exceed 10 billion.

In the ancient ring space, in a square so vast that the edges can't be seen, spirit insect monks are coming and going all around. The spirit insects participating in the war are saying goodbye to their families and friends.

A butt bug is waving its forelimbs at a group of butt bugs.

"Mom, dad, grandparents, ancestors, don't worry about me. As long as the master is here, we will definitely come back safely. Even if we don't come back, my butt bug 3921995 will still play the loudest song on the battlefield. Shit!"

"Baby, you must listen to your master and listen to the command of Commander Xiaoqiang. When you were hatched, your farts were particularly smelly. We knew then that your achievements in the future will be extraordinary. One day, you will definitely become Commander Xiaolan. Such a powerful butt bug cleans out enemies for its master."

"Son, without the master, there would be no world like ours, and there would be no rise of our butt bug clan. You must do everything you can to protect the master and our beautiful world of spirit bugs!"

Pet Bug 3921995 nodded heavily, tears in his eyes, and said very firmly.

"I will definitely do it, I will! I love our world!"

After saying that, Pet Bug 3921995 flew to the array of the Pet Bug Collapse Army neatly arranged in the square under the reluctant eyes of his family...

Xiao Lan is the leader of the Pet Bug Collapse Army.

He said loudly.

"Since our Collapse Army was formed, the whole army has never been in battle, but now, the opportunity has come, we must prove to the entire Xiuxian world, the Endless World, and the Endless Demon that the farts of my Pet Bug clan are not only very smelly, but also very loud and terrifying!"

Similar scenes are being staged in major towns in the ancient ring space.

This time, all the spirit insects in the ancient ring space who have entered the Jindan stage will participate in the battle!

The total number of spirit insects is 250 million!

Thousands of spirit insects gathered in neat rows and rows, and flew out of the ancient ring world that had opened the world gate, and came to the continent of all nations.

Ye Lin stood on the top of the wall of the first line of defense on the sea, drew his sword and shouted.

"The spirit insect army and the demon-killing coalition army will attack in full force, and we will win this battle!"

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