Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 994: Go for broke

For the monks in the Void Return Stage, one armor is only a snap of the fingers, but for those two figures, the Six-Armed Shura Buddha and the Fire Lizard Demon Lord, who can't wait to enter the Blood Food Gate to gain a great opportunity, this armor is incomparable. Long.

The Six-Armed Shura Buddha and the Fire Lizard Demon Lord watched intently as the Blood Food Gate gradually enlarged. Until one day later, they still did not find any returning Heavenly Demon Escape Light from the Blood Food Gate. They looked at each other and revealed their faces one after another. A look of solemnity.

"As expected, this time the Blood Food Gate was opened, still no demon returned."

The Fire Lizard Demon Lord said in a deep voice.

"This is a provocation to us and the Holy Lord! It is unforgivable!"

The six-armed Shura Buddha clasped his hands together, and his voice was transmitted thousands of miles away.

"I, Asura Buddha, have decreed that the door to blood-eating has been opened. It is said that the leaders of the Great Perfection of the two hundred transformed gods are here to stand by, and the two trillion heavenly demon tribes are waiting for the order!"

As soon as he finished speaking, countless dark and dense demons received the order and turned into streaks of escaping light of various colors and flew out, gathering in the direction of the Blood Food Gate.

The two hundred god-incarnated Dzogchen demons and the two trillion demon tribes are already the strongest force that the six-armed Shura Buddha can muster. He will make a desperate move to bring everything into that weird third-class mortal world.

In just half a day, the leaders of the Dzogchen Heavenly Demons who had received the summons had already assembled. They surrounded the Six-Armed Shura Buddha and the Fire Lizard Demon Lord, all of them with solemn expressions on their faces.

Even the leader of the demon, no matter how ill-informed he is, knows how powerful this third-level mortal world is.

This is the fourth time that the Gate of Blood Food has been opened, and none of the demons who went to that world three times before have been able to return from the Gate of Blood Food. It is even said that the clone of the Fire Lizard Demon King who entered it last time was carrying the best Taoist artifact Buddha. The lotus relic rosary also failed.

This world is not easy to harvest.

Even in the harvest world, it is rare to see such a large-scale recruitment.

Some demons who were quite familiar with the Six-Armed Shura Buddha asked in a low voice.

"I wonder if Lord Buddha has any countermeasures? Will it be like the previous batches when we enter the Blood Food Gate now..."

"That's right. Although there were only one trillion demon tribesmen sent there last time, there is a clone of the Fire Lizard Demon Lord going there. This time we can't just let me wait."

I saw the Six-Armed Shura Buddha reciting the Buddha's name, smiling slightly, and then said slowly.

"There must be a countermeasure. This time we go to harvest, it will be absolutely foolproof. You don't need to worry. As for the countermeasure, you will know later."

As he said that, he saw the Six-Armed Shura Buddha continuously reciting scriptures, and the magic formulas on his hands were constantly changing. Every time he finished reciting the scriptures, his realm aura retreated and weakened. After a few hours, the Six-Armed Shura Buddha's aura was only The Great Perfection of Divine Transformation.

The same is true for the Fire Lizard Demon Lord. He used unknown methods and his cultivation level plummeted, and he suddenly fell back to the Great Perfection of God Transformation.

The surrounding demon leaders all exclaimed.

"This is the method of reversing the universe, forcibly regressing the realm of cultivation!"

"Lord Buddha and the Fire Lizard Demon King are so courageous. In this way, they can pass through the Gate of Blood Food. With two monks in the Void Return Stage joining forces, this operation will be absolutely foolproof!"

For a time, the morale of the demon army soared, and everyone showed excitement.

The so-called "The Method of Reversing the Universe" is a self-sealing technique, which seals one's own cultivation realm. It is not uncommon in Taiyu Heaven. Many Returning Demons have mastered this secret technique.

This method has extremely side effects. If used once, it will not only consume 50,000 years of life, but also extremely damage the origin of the soul. After passing through the gate of blood food, even if the self-seal is released, the cultivation level will not directly return to the state before the seal. , but will slowly improve, and it will take hundreds of years and thousands of years to fully recover.

Because of this, unless there is an unimaginable opportunity hidden in the target world that needs to be harvested, the demon will not use it easily. Under normal circumstances, the clone of the demon in the return stage can already solve the particularly difficult chosen one.

On weekdays, it was rare for someone to use the "Method of Reversing the Universe", but today, they actually saw two self-sealing monks in the Void Return Stage. In the Three-Headed Demon Realm of Taiyu Heaven, it was rare to see them in 300,000 years.

Another day later, the two trillion mighty demon army has been assembled.

The six-armed Shura Buddha put his six hands together at the same time and said in a deep voice.

"The army sets off, follows the poor monk to harvest the other world, and save all the heretic demons!"

"As you command!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the six-armed Shura Buddha turned into a golden Buddha light and flew into the sky, shooting straight towards the center of the Blood Food Gate. The fire lizard demon king's eyes ignited with blazing flames and turned into a ray of flame escaping light. Then, like a meteor, it sank into the blood-red abyss.

After the two commanders entered the Blood Food Gate, the two hundred leading demon leaders shouted in unison.

"Follow me to destroy the other world and harvest the flesh and blood souls of all living things!"

The two trillion heavenly demons all screamed and roared like crazy, and followed by the two hundred god-incarnations of the Great Perfection Demons, they rushed towards the Blood Food Gate like a tide...

Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent.

Xiao Shu, who was still wearing an elegant white scholar's robe and a graceful figure, came to Ye Lin's side.

"Master, the fourth wave of heavenly demons has entered the Gate of Blood Food and will all descend within three days. The improved version of the "Small Heaven's Secret Formation" has been set up. Master, please preside over the formation and deduce ways to deal with the catastrophe!"

Ye Lin smiled at Xiao Shu and touched Xiao Shu's head.

"Thanks a lot."

Xiao Shu's pretty face turned red, and she whispered very happily.

"It's not hard at all..."

This so-called improved version of "Small Heavenly Secret Formation" was obtained from the clone of Fire Lizard Demon Lord. Although Fire Lizard Demon Lord's Yuanshen dissipated that day, the Buddha Lotus Relics Rosary did not. The Buddha Lotus Relics Rosary, as a top-grade Taoist artifact, is a world of its own. The clone of Fire Lizard Demon Lord placed many treasures in it, and the formation diagram "Small Heavenly Secret Formation" is one of them.

Xiaoshu was very happy after obtaining the "Small Heavenly Secret Formation". He studied and deduced day and night, and finally successfully improved it once before the fourth blood food gate was opened.

According to Xiaoshu, this improvement mainly increased the deduction ability of "Small Heavenly Secret Formation", but it also requires more cultivators and stronger spiritual perception to complete the deduction.

Ye Lin's own spiritual perception is very terrifying. Even the spiritual perception of the cultivators in the God Transformation Stage cannot compare with him. He can clearly perceive the crisis of life and death in advance, but there is still a huge gap compared to the cultivators in the Return to Void Stage who can calculate.

This "Small Heaven Secret Formation" gathers the spiritual perceptions of a large number of cultivators at the center of the formation, allowing the person in charge of the formation to mobilize and deduce the secrets of heaven.

Ye Lin attaches great importance to intelligence gathering in combat. After mastering the "Small Heaven Secret Formation", he naturally has to deduce it in advance.

A moment later, Ye Lin and Xiao Shu came to a sea frozen by black ice. On the ice, a cultivator in the God Transformation Stage and the Out-of-Body Stage sat cross-legged with their eyes closed according to a strange pattern.

Ye Lin came to the center of everyone, also sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, took out a five-color formation flag, waved the formation flag, and shouted softly.

"Formation up!"

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