Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 972 Spiritual Warning

This battle that took place on the bottom of the sea seemed to have lasted a long time, but in fact it was less than an hour in total. The bloody abyss in the sky still did not shrink. With every breath, countless heavenly demons escaped from the Blood Food Gate and came. Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent.

In the core area covered by the Blood Food Gate, there are five huge demon palaces floating. Demonic aura is billowing around the demonic palace, and countless demons are looming in the demonic aura.

Seven rays of escaping light approached quickly, and the owners of the five magic palaces seemed to have telepathic feelings and appeared in front of the magic palace at the same time.

A rickety old man with a skinny figure and only a few white hairs on his head stood in front of the masters of the five magic palaces on crutches. He seemed to be the most powerful one.

The seven escaping lights decelerate and reveal their bodies, including the five-color enchantress wrapped in colorful rays of light, the Demonic Snake Lord surrounded by evil aura and demonic aura, and the fox demon and the inanimate sword fairy who have transformed into human forms.

The skinny old man frowned slightly, then relaxed his brows, and slightly clasped his fists at the five-color enchantress.

"Congratulations to fellow Taoist Five Color Enchantress and fellow Taoist Demon Snake Lord for escaping from the trap."

The five-color enchantress snorted and asked in a bad tone: "Old Demon of Tianshan, I heard that none of you advocated the invasion of the country with an army and refused to rescue me immediately?"

Demonic Snake Lord's tone was also quite unkind.

"Old Demon of Tianshan, you are so brave. If the Holy Lord's favored concubine has any shortcomings, you will die without mercy!"

The expressions of the skinny old man known as the Tianshan Old Demon and the four people behind him all changed slightly.

The old demon from Tianshan lowered his head slightly and said very respectfully.

"Fellow Daoist Five Color Enchantress has misunderstood. The reason why we act like this is just in case. If the rescue alone fails, we and the army will press the situation and force the chosen son here to release him. This is the safest way to prepare. We will monitor the blood The Buddha Lord of the Food Gate has entrusted me to rescue fellow Taoists."

The five-color enchantress sneered a few times.

"Really? I will report the matter to the Holy Lord in its entirety. The Holy Lord has always made clear rewards and punishments. Merits will be rewarded and demerits will be punished. If there is no immortal swordsman, the Fire Cloud Fox Demon will definitely get a great opportunity if he successfully rescues me. As for the You... wish yourselves well."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the five people changed again.

The three-headed sage has an extremely cruel temperament. He will reward those who have meritorious services, but he will definitely punish those who make mistakes. Nowadays, the three-headed sage loves the five-color enchantress and it is known to millions of heavenly demons. A little pillow wind from Tou Shengjun would be enough to kill them.

After all, in the eyes of the three-headed sage, they are just bigger ants.

The old devil from Tianshan looked uncertain, and seemed to be communicating with the other four people using his spiritual consciousness to discuss countermeasures.

After a while, the Tianshan Old Demon's attitude became more respectful, but his words did not show any respect. He coughed twice.

"Ahem, if I'm not mistaken, fellow Taoist Five-color Enchantress and fellow Taoist Demonic Serpent Lord seem to have not fully recovered their strength at this time, and they feel a little different from when they met in the past. In addition, on your side, the Fire Cloud Fox Demon Sword Immortal He Wusheng also lost his body in the battle with the Chosen Son. This body should be made from the flesh and blood of the sea monster, and the remaining three people also have very little mana left in their bodies."

The tone of the five-color enchantress was a little urgent.

"You're so brave, what do you want?"

The old demon from Tianshan grinned, revealing an extremely ugly smile.

"Fellow Taoist, don't panic. If you really want to hold us accountable, we will have no choice but to bury you all in this third-class world. In the future, at worst, we will not return to Taiyu Heaven and directly ascend to the spiritual realm." You can at least survive by being a wandering demon in the world.”

"If Taoist Fellow Five-Color Enchantress promises not to pursue this matter again, everyone will be happy. The five of us are willing to each use a top-grade Taoist weapon to make up for fellow Taoist. Of course, fellow Taoist must swear an oath of inner demon blood as a guarantee."

In the five-color glow, the five-color enchantress's delicate body seemed to be trembling slightly, and she seemed to be gritting her teeth in anger. After a long time, she smiled lightly.

"What Tianshan Taoist said is very true, it is better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies. However, one high-grade Taoist weapon per person is too few, and it is not enough to fill the gap between my teeth. Now you have assembled an army of 300 billion, and all of them must belong to me. Commander, the remaining 200 billion are yours to command!”

The old demon from Tianshan looked puzzled when he heard this.

"It's not impossible, but what do you plan to do with so many demonic armies, fellow Taoist? Hasn't the chosen son already been chosen by you..."

Before he finished speaking, the five-color enchantress interrupted him.

"Shut up. Let me tell you this. The chosen son carries the most precious treasure of heaven and earth in his hands. I am afraid that it is far inferior to ordinary top-grade Taoist weapons. If not, why do you think I and Demon Snake True Monarch were brutally besieged? Why did Wusheng Will Sword Immortal's Fire Cloud Demon Fox lose his body? In the previous fight, the Chosen Son was seriously injured by the seven of us but failed to capture him."

"I will personally lead an army to kill all the creatures in this world, and torture his relatives and friends for ten thousand years to avenge him!"

The old demon from Tianshan looked surprised when he heard this.

"This is just a third-class mortal world, but there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers!"

The five-color enchantress said: "This is also a great opportunity for us. As long as we can capture this person and present it to the Holy Lord together with the treasures on his body, we will receive infinite rewards, and we will be able to break through the Void Return Stage right before our eyes."

Everyone's eyes were shining with excitement and greed.

Tianshan Old Demon and the four people behind him looked at each other, and they all gritted their teeth and took out a top-grade Taoist artifact.

"Please also ask fellow Taoist Five-color Enchantress to swear an oath to the inner demon first."

The five-color enchantress giggled.

"That's all."

After saying that, he made a poisonous oath directly to the inner demon.

After the oath, the atmosphere completely relaxed.

The old demon of Tianshan and the other four people all handed over the high-grade Taoist tools to the five-color enchantress. Then the old demon of Tianshan loudly announced that all the 300 billion demons under his command were under the command of the five-color enchantress.

The five-color enchantress seemed to be in a good mood. She waved her jade hand, and a gorgeous magic palace waved out. Finally, she floated in front of the five magic palaces, driving the colorful rays of light to create waves of intoxicating fragrance. She brought the Demon Snake Lord and the Wusheng Sword Immortal along with her. Everyone walked away.

When everyone flew into the palace, the Tianshan old demon frowned again, as did the other four people. After creating a barrier to isolate the breath and the prying eyes of the gods, the five people started to communicate.

The old demon from Tianshan said: "I always feel that the Five-Colored Enchantress and the Demonic Snake Lord are very different from the past, but these two people used their magic power to completely cover up their figures, and I can't see the clues."

A strong man with blood-colored dragon horns on his head said from behind: "I feel the same way. When they approach, the spiritual warning comes and goes, which seems to indicate that something bad is going to happen."

A handsome scholar said: "What should we do? Why don't we return to Taiyu Heaven immediately through the Blood Food Gate? It's still too late."

The old demon from Tianshan shook his head.

"If we return now, even if we fail in the harvesting mission, we will definitely be severely punished by Lord Buddha. Moreover, we are here to rescue the Five-Colored Enchantress. If she did not return to us, we are afraid that our lives will be too long. Next, we will be more vigilant and do not split up. Just use it as you see it!”

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