Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 971 New Plan

After the battle, in the turbid sea water, a dazzling white light illuminated the turbid sea area, like a crescent moon rising in the sea. With a "swish", the deep sea area was split into two by the terrifying sword energy.

After Xiaobai, Senior Sister, Qin Jiner, Divine Eye Sword Fairy, Xiaoqiang, all took action, all holding flying swords and gently slashing, the whole sea area was like a piece of tofu, easily divided by the sword energy.

Around the sword energy, the space was cut open, and colorful space turbulence rushed out.

The five leaders of the sky demons who were desperately fleeing were shocked at this moment, and they felt that they would be shattered in the next moment. They finally understood thoroughly how strong this third-class mortal world native cultivator was.

How could this be the strength that a third-class mortal world cultivator should have?

Even the small spiritual world can hardly reach it!

No wonder the Five Colors Demon Girl and the Demon Snake True Lord were refined into puppets like this.

The fiery red fox demon, who was the fastest and the first to escape, only let out a slight scream, and the flame shield that wrapped his whole body was broken by the sword energy. The fox demon's body and soul were cut into several pieces by the sword energy, and the gushing blood immediately dyed the entire sea blood red.

The sword energy was still there, and the Wusheng Sword Immortal who followed closely behind tried to dodge but it was too late. The sword energy shield formed by the six blood-colored flying swords also broke with a "bang", and the body and soul of the Wusheng Sword Immortal were cut into several pieces.

A sixty years ago, the group of sword immortals around Ye Lin could not break the top-grade Taoist weapon Phoenix Divine Protection even if they joined forces to attack many times, but after practicing for a sixty years, even if Xiaobai and others' cultivation level remained the same, after practicing "Infatuated Sword Dao", their sword intent has been turned upside down.

Moreover, the current senior sister has broken through the early stage of transformation, and the Shenmu Sword Immortal has stepped into the middle stage of transformation, and their strength has greatly increased.

The first wave of sword energy attack finally dissipated after successfully breaking the shields of the two great perfection demons and killing their bodies and souls. Before the naked Buddha, Asura Giant, and Yinsha Ghost Emperor in the back could rejoice in their escape, the second wave of sword energy was approaching.

The three demon leaders, whose mana was exhausted and who relied on their life span to launch secret techniques and forbidden methods, could not help but look desperate.

Now the space of tens of thousands of miles was affected by the ancient void inversion formation, and this sword energy was extremely sharp and as fast as lightning. They could be said to have no way to go up to heaven or down to earth.

"Don't kill me, I am willing to surrender... I am willing to be refined into a puppet!"

"I am willing to do so too. I am willing to go through fire and water for my master!"

"I surrender too, and I am willing to be my master's puppet!"

The three demon leaders had no choice but to kneel down and kowtow, and almost at the same time, all the sword energy dissipated.

Ye Lin waved his sleeves.

"You have only one chance, seal your soul quickly, otherwise, your soul will be scattered!"

The demons are the most cunning, Ye Lin has known it clearly, he will not give them any room to operate, and seal them all first to avoid trouble.

The three demon leaders looked at each other, although they were unwilling in their hearts, they had to surrender with the knife on their necks. Three spiritual lights flew out and merged into the God Sealing Pearl obediently. Without any resistance, the restriction on the God Sealing Pearl was activated.

The worst result of self-sealing now is to be refined into a puppet like the Five-Colored Demon Girl with some remaining will. If they resist, they have no doubt that Ye Lin will really kill them on the spot.

The fox demon and the Immortal Sword Immortal whose souls were cut into several pieces are the best examples.

In the blood-red sea, groups of translucent light black demon souls were trying to reunite. Ye Lin pinched his fingers with one hand, and two god-sealing beads flew out. Then he changed the spell in his hand, and groups of demon souls were collected into the god-sealing beads. Finally, five god-sealing beads flew in front of Ye Lin and floated. Ye Lin wiped his hand, and the five god-sealing beads disappeared.

Generally speaking, the soul is between illusion and reality, and will not be hurt by ordinary sword energy, but Xiaobai and the others used the great perfection of destructive sword energy, which can not only destroy the void, but also destroy the soul. It is a great threat to the soul, but it cannot cause fatal injuries.

Like the flaming fox demon and the immortal sword, the soul can still be re-condensed and repaired, but at the least, the vitality is greatly damaged, the skills are regressed, and at the worst, the memory is confused and the soul is incomplete.

In this way, among the second batch of demons from the blood-eating gate, the five demon leaders all fell into Ye Lin's control.

Qin Jiner asked, "Husband, what should we do next?"

Ye Lin pondered for a moment.

"Although we have lost five of our biggest concerns, the real crisis is far from over. Once the remaining five demon leaders gather the 500 billion demon army to attack, our demon-killing coalition will have to pay a heavy price even if we can win the final victory. Outsmarting is still the first choice."

"Instead of passively facing the 500 billion demons head-on, it is better to take the initiative when the demons are in chaos. In this way, we can defeat them in one fell swoop and win the victory of this demon catastrophe again!"

Everyone's eyes lit up.

If these five demons did not leave the influence range of the Blood Food Gate, and honestly waited for all the demon armies to come and gather the army to attack head-on, Ye Lin would not have much room for operation.

But now, the five demon leaders fell into Ye Lin's hands, and the enemy was unaware of it, so the initiative fell into Ye Lin's hands.

Ye Lin said to the messenger spirit insect: "Pass on my order, the Demon-Slaying Coalition will march out in full force and head straight for the core area of ​​the Sky Demon Sea. Stand by in the area where the concealment formation has been set up!"

"Yes, sir!"

Ye Lin then sat cross-legged, took out one of the God-sealing beads, pointed his finger, and began to apply soul imprints to it.

It was impossible to refine these five incarnations of the Great Perfection Heavenly Demon into puppets in a short time. It would take at least ten years to refine a Great Perfection Spiritualization Puppet, but Ye Lin could control the will of the five Heavenly Demons by applying a large number of soul imprints.


Two days later, Ye Lin's face was pale, and seven people were standing respectfully in front of him. They were the puppet Five Colors Fairy, the Demon Snake True Lord, and the Immortal Sword Immortal controlled by Ye Lin.

Ye Lin waved his hand: "Go."

The seven people said in unison: "Yes, sir!"

As soon as the voice fell, the seven people turned into seven escape lights and rushed towards the core area of ​​the Heavenly Demon Sea covered by the Blood Food Gate.

Ye Lin's plan was simple. He would use the authority of the seven demon leaders to summon part of the demon army, and then wait for a dog-eat-dog show. When the demon army attacked each other and fell into chaos, the demon-slaying coalition suddenly attacked and defeated the demons without any suspense.

In a period of sixty years, the strength of the senior sister and others has greatly improved, and the demon-slaying coalition, which was originally weak, has improved even more. The coalition, which was formed by Jindan-stage cultivators in the past, has now reached the Nascent Soul stage at the lowest level, and Jindan-stage cultivators can only become reserve troops.

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