Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 940: Meeting of All Races

After Ye Lin had a conversation with Situ Yu, he learned that in the past ten years, Situ Yu had taken Wang Tiezhu to travel across most of the Continent of Ten Thousand Kingdoms, including the wild demon country, the underground world, and the underwater demon country. , most of his actions were chivalrous and righteous, and he also got a title in the world, called Molin Ranger. He can be said to be carefree and carefree, and even Ye Lin yearns for it.

Because of Ye Lin's return, Situ Yu missed his sister and parents again, so he returned to Molin City, only to learn that the catastrophe of the devil was about to come. As the young prince of Molin City, Situ Yu had the duty to resist the devil, so he joined the devil. The Lincheng Demon-Slaying Army plans to fight on the front line in the future.

Ye Lin heard this but couldn't persuade Situ Yu to retreat behind the scenes.

There is a big difference between Situ Yu and Situ Yu. Once Situ Yu marries him, strictly speaking, he is no longer a member of the Situ family in Molin City. The responsibility of rushing to the front line to resist the demon is naturally smaller. Of course, Situ Yu devoted himself to cultivation and eventually wanted to cultivate to the Dzogchen Perfection and fight with his parents and brothers.

In addition, Situ Yu is not a Sword Immortal, but Situ Yu is a Sword Immortal. The Sword Immortal most needs to hone his swordsmanship during killings, and also needs to have clear thoughts. He believes that he should fight on the front line. He must do it. If Ye Lin forces him to retreat behind the scenes, Situ Yu's path to swordsmanship will be cut off, and there will be no possibility of becoming a god and ascending to the spiritual world in the future.

Ye Lin smiled and said: "I know that you are determined and cannot change it. With your early stage strength, fighting at the front will definitely lead to a narrow escape. As my brother-in-law, I can only give you a weapon to help you kill the enemy. "

As he spoke, a flash of light flashed in Ye Lin's hand, and a three-inch long jade white sword appeared. There was sword light lingering at the tip of the small sword, and its aura was sharp.

"This sword is called Zhan Yu."

After Situ Yu saw the Jade-Zhan Feijian, his eyes lit up and he could no longer take his eyes away. At this juncture, he also knew that he couldn't refuse, so he held the Feijian with trembling hands.

"Thank you, Brother Ye. People in my generation should follow Brother Ye's example. When the devil comes, I will kill him and turn the world upside down!"

Ye Lin laughed and patted his shoulder.

"Don't just kill. You should also consider the feelings of your sister and your parents. It's okay to kill enemies, but not to put yourself in dangerous situations. Heroes have been short-lived since ancient times."

Situ Yu put away the flying sword happily.

"I will never forget the great way of Gou taught by Brother Ye!"

Ye Lin nodded and looked at Wang Tiezhu, who was still very nervous. He waved his sleeves and a storage ring appeared in front of him.

"Xiao Tiezhu, there are many elixirs and techniques in this storage ring that can enhance your strength. Now that the devil's catastrophe is about to come, you have more opportunities to hone yourself and there is no need to encourage others. The same goes for you. Don’t let your sister grieve.”

Wang Tiezhu also received the ring excitedly.

"Thank you Sir, I...will try to live longer..."

After saying that, Ye Lin smiled and nodded again, then turned towards the main hall of all races.

Situ Yu and Wang Tiezhu watched Ye Lin walk into the magnificent hall step by step, their eyes couldn't help but feel yearning, Situ Yu murmured.

"This meeting will determine the fate of the billions of creatures in our Ten Thousand Nations Continent. In the future, the coordination of all races facing the catastrophe of the devil will also be completed in the Hall of Ten Thousand Races."

"I don't know when I will be eligible to enter the palace to participate in the meeting..."

"Haha, I don't know if I will ever have the chance to visit the palace."

Situ Yu smiled brightly and led Wang Tiezhu away stylishly outside Wanzu Square.

At first, Ye Lin held a meeting and only wanted to invite monks in the transformation stage to attend the meeting, but this idea was not appropriate. After all, in the Continent of Ten Thousand Nations, there were as many powerful races as stars in the sky, and most races did not have their ancestors in charge. Lin couldn't exclude them just because they didn't have the ancestors who transformed into gods.

So after discussion later, it was determined that all races can join the association as long as they have achieved the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body Perfection. If racial forces that do not have the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body Perfection are not excluded, their strong men can understand this event through the coverage of their spiritual consciousness. The whole process of the meeting of all races, but without the right to speak.

Precisely because the standard was lowered to the level of out-of-body perfection, the number of participants became extremely large. Many old monsters who had not been born for thousands of years, as well as some who had been closed to life and death, all rushed to the Hall of Ten Thousand Races early as scheduled. After taking their seats, Ye Lin walked into the hall and saw at a glance that there were more than a thousand people.

There were more than a thousand Dzogchen cultivators who came to attend the meeting alone. From this, it can be inferred that the number of Dzogchen cultivators still alive after all races in the entire Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent is put together should be in the thousands.

There are only a few dozen monks in the Transformation Stage, which shows how difficult it is to practice.

Of course, some transformed gods have ascended to the spirit world, but they are still a minority.

Seeing Ye Lin's arrival, both the god-transforming monks and the out-of-body Dzogchen monks stood up one after another and bowed respectfully to Ye Lin.

"Meet the Chosen One!"

Among the people who saluted, there were many acquaintances, and many of them were quite close to Ye Lin.

There is Feng Jiutian, Qin Jin'er, Ao Lingshuang, in addition, there is Demon Lin Wang and his wife, the ancestor of Da Qin Immortal Dynasty Da Qin Miao Fa Zhenren, Hong Ye Fairy...

At this moment, everyone's identity is Ye Lin's subordinates.

The chosen ones are born to cope with the catastrophe, and their mission is to lead the living beings through the catastrophe.

When Ye Lin was still weak, some old guys might still have second thoughts and plot the fate of the chosen one. But now that Ye Lin is invincible in the mortal world, any force has no choice but to surrender.

Ye Lin came to the tallest and largest main seat and sat cross-legged, with a solemn expression and clasped his fists at everyone.

"Fellow Daoists, please don't be polite. You and I are both people who are striving to cross the immortal road. We just play different roles. There is no distinction between superior and inferior. From now on, you can just call me Daoist."

"Thank you, Daoist Fellow Ye."

Whether Ye Lin was really humble or hypocritical, everyone did not dare to go against Ye Lin's will. They had to comply and change their words to call Ye Lin Daoist.

Only then did Ye Lin show a faint smile and said a few words of opening remarks without much nutrition.

"Ye would like to thank all Daoists for coming to this meeting. Before the formal convening of this meeting, there is a private matter that is not too small, and it is also a public matter that needs to be dealt with. I will delay you for a little time."

As he said, Ye Lin looked at the seats of the Savage Demon Kingdom and the Underground Demon Kingdom, and saw that the two major forces also had two gods of transformation ancestors attending the meeting. When they saw Ye Lin's gaze, their faces changed slightly.

"The Wild Monster Kingdom, the Underground Demon Kingdom, and of course, the Ten Thousand Dragon Immortal Dynasty, you took advantage of Ye's trip to the Galaxy Secret Realm to fan the flames and harbor evil intentions. Your crimes are unforgivable. Now that two gods have died in the Ten Thousand Dragon Immortal Dynasty, the matter has been exposed. How are you going to calm down the Wild Monster Kingdom and the Underground Demon Kingdom?"

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