Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 939 Two acquaintances

Ye Lin heard this and said to Situ Yu: "The reason why the Zhou family dared to take action against the master was also fueled by many forces. The Ten Thousand Dragons Immortal Dynasty, the Underground Demon Kingdom, and the Wild Monster Kingdom are all related, but now the Ten Thousand Dragons Immortal Dynasty is involved. There is only one god-forming ancestor left, and he has not been involved in world affairs for a long time. It is not easy to argue with him. As for the underground demon country and the wild demon country, they will get their retribution at the meeting of all races tomorrow. "

"The ancestor of the Wanlong Immortal Dynasty, I have disappeared. The people of the Zhou family are all minions. You can handle it as you see fit. Kill what needs to be killed and let go of what needs to be done. There is no need to involve too much."

Situ Yu nodded when he heard this.

"I understand, husband."

After saying that, he left the practice room and went to do some errands.

Ye Lin has never been a person who kills indiscriminately. Although the Zhou family tried to harm him several times and even attacked Elder Sun while he was leaving, Ye Lin did not want millions of people in the Zhou family to be killed because of this. After all, the vast majority of these millions of people had no knowledge of this matter and had no involvement.

It is the best choice to kill the mastermind and participants and let the others go. With his current strength and status, the rest of the Zhou family would not dare to think of revenge against him even if they had a million courages.

"Xiaodie, Wan'er, it's already late at night. You should go back and rest. I'm going to bed with your master."

Hearing this, Tang Xiaodie did not dare to be coquettish and cute to accompany Ye Lin anymore, so she had to respectfully leave. As for Jiang Waner, she sighed quietly, her eyes seemed a little resentful, but she also followed Tang Xiaodie and left.

After the two disciples left, Ye Lin slowly breathed a sigh of relief. These two disciples were both charming and charming. With such gentle service, Ye Lin would inevitably feel a little uncomfortable. He couldn't lose face, otherwise he would make a joke.

After a while, Ye Lin came to the senior sister's boudoir. At this time, the senior sister had fallen asleep and was breathing evenly. Ye Lin took off his clothes and got into bed...

In the early morning of the next day, the senior sister looked a little resentful. She had not had a good rest after practicing hard all night.

"Okay now, a meeting will be held immediately, and you won't be able to rest either."

Ye Lin seemed to have had a good sleep and was not affected in any way. He was full of energy and smiled.

"Senior sister, please take some rest and take good care of your baby. You don't need to attend today's meeting. Your husband can calm them down alone, and there won't be any accidents."

When the senior sister heard this, she was not polite and soon fell into a deep sleep. Even her sleeping posture was charming.

Ye Lin called out Xiao Bai, and under Xiao Bai's service, he put on a Taixuanmen blue Taoist robe. After tidying up his clothes, he strode out of the senior sister's boudoir, and transformed into two rays of light with Xiao Bai, and soon they arrived. A newly built main hall in the center of Molin City.

This grand hall is called the Hall of Ten Thousand Races. At this time, the Hall of Ten Thousand Races is already filled with monks from all races. This meeting of all races was convened by Ye Lin in order to deal with the great catastrophe of the devil that can destroy all living things. Where are the various races? Dare to neglect, everyone would rather be early than be late.

Although all the participating monks had arrived, the meeting was still half an hour away, so Ye Lin did not enter the Hall of Ten Thousand Races but came to the square outside the Hall of Ten Thousand Races.

This square is called Ten Thousand Races Square and is carved with iconic statues of various ethnic groups.

Among them, the statue of the human race is a swordsman wearing Taoist robes, standing in the front of the statues of all races. The statue of the human race carries a sword box on its back and holds a sharp sword. The sword is pointed in the direction of the Demonic Sea. There is one person who can use the sword to The momentum to kill trillions of demons.

Among the other races, there were dragons who spit out dragon beads, looked sharply in their eyes, and roared in the direction of the Demonic Sea.

There is a great Asura of the Earth Demon Clan, who is tall and full of muscles. He is holding a Fang Tian Painting Halberd and pointing at the Sea of ​​Demons.

There is a nine-tailed fox whose nine tails turn into nine different weapons and shoot towards the sea of ​​demons...

There is a giant ape dragging the mountain with one hand and throwing it towards the sea of ​​demons...

All kinds of statues are powerful and powerful. Just one look at them will make people feel hot and excited, and they can't help but give birth to a state of mind that can defeat all enemies.

Ye Lin noticed that there were two acquaintances sitting cross-legged in front of the sculpture of the Human Sword Immortal. It was Ye Lin's brother-in-law Situ Yu and Qin Ziyan's younger brother Wang Tiezhu who had snatched the little white candied haws.

Nowadays, Situ Yu has a restrained aura and strong cultivation. He has actually broken through the out-of-body stage. Ye Lin can feel that his sword heart is sharp, his sword intention is clear, and his strength is not weak. He is the same as the boy who was in the second level at the beginning. Already a completely different person.

As for Wang Tiezhu, he had also reached the early stage of pill formation at this time. Ye Lin could feel that he had a stubborn streak, as if he was unwilling to be mediocre, unwilling to turn into loess, and unwilling to be despised by others.

Now, Wang Tiezhu's former sister has become the crown prince of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty and holds great power. However, he is not related by blood to Qin Ziyan. Due to his sudden wealth, he has caused a lot of trouble, but it is not bad. He is a bully. It is true that men dominate women. Even so, some people use this to try to test and suppress Qin Ziyan.

After all, Ye Lin was not around at that time. He had killed many dignitaries of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty before, and there were many people who harbored resentment.

Several times, Wang Tiezhu almost died, but fortunately, he was rescued by Qin Ziyan in time. Because of this, it was inevitable that people would say that Wang Tiezhu had no ability and could only stir up trouble, all because of a good sister.

After Wang Tiezhu learned about it, An An became furious and decided to travel around the world with a sword, Situ Yu, who was almost like him. In the past ten years, he had seen a lot of storms, experienced life and death several times, and had many adventures and opportunities. , he is completely different from the boy who stole the candied haws.

It would have been better if Ye Lin hadn't looked at it. He was a little surprised when he saw it. He actually had a hunch that Wang Tiezhu, who was mediocre in talent, would become a prominent figure in the Wan Guo Continent in the future.

It just took a long time.

This was also due to his increasingly powerful spiritual perception.

The higher the cultivation level of a cultivator, the stronger his soul, the more he knew the laws of heaven, and the more he could avoid danger and predict future events. For this reason, the more powerful a cultivator was, the more difficult it was to kill him.

As if sensing Ye Lin's approach, Situ Yu slowly opened his eyes. Seeing that the person coming was Ye Lin, Situ Yu was extremely excited and gave Ye Lin a bear hug.

"Brother Ye, I miss you so much."

Ye Lin also laughed loudly.

"How are you, brother-in-law?"

Ye Lin and Situ Yu called each other and didn't feel out of place.

Wang Tiezhu, who was standing next to him, was also awakened by this. He stood up and saw that it was Ye Lin. He was a little flustered and bowed to Ye Lin.


For some reason, perhaps because he was too flustered, Wang Tiezhu almost called Ye Lin his brother-in-law, but fortunately he took it back halfway and changed it to "Lord."

Ye Lin couldn't help laughing and touched Wang Tiezhu's head.

"You are a good kid."

Wang Tiezhu was confused.

"Why do you say that, Lord? I am really dull. Although I have reached the Jindan stage after more than ten years of cultivation, it is mostly because of my sister's care. If it weren't for my sister's help, I am afraid I would still be a foundation-building cultivator."

Ye Lin didn't say it clearly, but just smiled.

"As long as you stick to your original intention, you will have a good fortune."

Wang Tiezhu scratched the back of his head, still confused.

"I will keep in mind Lord's teachings."

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