Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 922 Nine Nether Demon Ancestor

Seeing Ye Lin's hesitation, the young girl's eyes became more fierce.

"With Jin'er's strength after achieving the Divine Transformation, it is almost certain that she will ascend safely. It is the great danger for her to follow you. As Jin'er's Taoist partner, do you want her to ascend safely or die because of you?"

Ye Lin smiled bitterly. Although he was worried about Qin Jin'er, his reason told him that what the ancestor said was the truth, so he had to agree.

The young girl saw Ye Lin agreed, and her face looked a little better. She said slowly.

"In this world, no matter how strong a cultivator is, he will have weaknesses, and no matter how perfect a treasure is, it will have flaws. The same is true for the rules of heaven. The rules of heaven have one or two reincarnations every ninety-nine and eighty-one years in the mortal world. When they just reincarnate, the rules of heaven are the strongest, and when they are close to the next reincarnation, the power of the rules of heaven is the weakest. When you achieve the transformation of the spirit, if your spiritual perception is strong enough, you can sense that moment, and the success rate of collective ascension at this time is the highest."

"But even the weakest power of heaven is not something that a mere transformation of the spirit cultivator can challenge. This is all I have to say. You can do whatever you want."

Ye Lin was about to thank him, but he saw that the picture on the Tongtian Realm had become blurred, and then it returned to its original appearance. It was obvious that the young girl ancestor in the upper realm had cut off her connection with the Tongtian Realm.

Daqin Miaofa Zhenren and Hongye Fairy looked at each other and smiled bitterly. They also knew that Ye Lin's idea of ​​collective ascension was too unrealistic, but they didn't expect it to be so difficult.

Ye Lin stood there with a frown on his face, as if he was deep in thought.

"If we ascend collectively, we will die. If I force it, I don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing."

Although Ye Lin was unwilling to see his familiar relatives and friends turn into a handful of yellow earth, it was better than to follow him to ascend collectively and die together. If he let those familiar people grow up in the mortal world, they might be able to ascend safely with their own abilities.

For a moment, Ye Lin was entangled.

Xiaobai on the side whispered softly.

"Master, you don't have to think so much now. When you achieve the transformation of the spirit, you will naturally feel the spiritual world. It will not be too late to consider whether to ascend collectively. Besides, cultivation is against the will of heaven. If you follow the laws of heaven in everything, I am afraid that we will not be able to achieve eternal immortality in the future."

Ye Lin realized something, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and gently pinched Xiaobai's smooth and tender face.

"Xiao Bai is right."

After saying that, Ye Lin strode out of the Imperial Temple and joined the group of people waiting at the entrance of the Imperial Temple. Ye Lin did not hide anything and directly told them about his conversation with the ancestor of the upper world.

Qin Jin'er's pretty face turned pale when she heard this, and she seemed to want to say something, but in the end she said nothing.

She also knew that Ye Lin was not right and had to ask for help, so she had to agree.

If she was given a chance to choose, she would rather choose to ascend to the spirit world with Ye Lin, even if she had to face unimaginable challenges and disasters, even if there was a risk of death, she was willing to believe Ye Lin.

"Separate ascension means that we will have to be separated for a long time before we can meet after ascending to the spirit world..."

Thinking of this, Qin Jin'er felt sad again.

Ye Lin took Qin Jin'er into his arms, but did not say anything to comfort her, just hugged her quietly.

After a while, a green light passed through the palace of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, and Ye Lin and his group left the Great Qin Palace and quickly returned to the Demon City.

Ye Lin also returned with Qin Ziyan, Qin Qing, Qin Jiner, and Fang Qingya. Now the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty has the Great Qin Emperor to coordinate affairs, and the Demon City is most lacking in talents, so Ye Lin took them with him.

As the teleportation array flashed, Ye Lin and his party returned to the Demon City teleportation array. At this time, the Demon City teleportation array had already dispatched a large number of strong guards.


The earth shook slightly.

Ye Lin's face changed slightly, and then he opened his spiritual sense, and saw that on the sea, a group of soaring demonic energy was besieged by a group of cultivators. The shock wave generated by the battle between the two sides rolled up waves thousands of feet high.

This demonic energy was obviously emitted by the middle stage of the God Transformation Heavenly Demon. Among the cultivators besieging this God Transformation Heavenly Demon, there were Ao Lingshuang, two Dragon Clan cultivators in the God Transformation period, and a Xuanbing Lingchan in the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body and a Fiery Demon Scorpion in the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body that Ye Lin left behind to guard the city.

Even though it was besieged by so many powerful people, the mid-stage God Transformation Heavenly Demon was only slightly at a disadvantage. With each move, the demonic cloud rolled, all of which contained the violent power of destroying the world.

Sensing the return of Ye Lin and his party, Ao Lingshuang and the others were overjoyed and instantly sent a message to Ye Lin.

"My husband, please come and help us quickly. This Heavenly Demon is known as the Nine Nether Demon Ancestor. It is estimated that it wants to take advantage of my husband's trip to the Ten Thousand Dragons Immortal Dynasty, so it seized the opportunity to sneak into the Demon City to assassinate our important figures, but unexpectedly, your Xuanbing Lingchan noticed it first. Your five spirit insects opened the defense formation to fight with it, and our dragon clan just came to join the battle."

Ye Lin did leave five spirit insects to guard the Demon City when he left. Now there are only two spirit insects fighting with the mid-stage God Transformation, and the other three spirit insects are guarding in three different directions of the Demon City to prevent the Heavenly Demon from luring away.

Ye Lin had expected that the Heavenly Demons would take advantage of his absence to launch a sudden attack. After all, the existing Heavenly Demons on the Continent of Ten Thousand Nations could be said to be the vanguard of the Heavenly Demon Catastrophe. These Heavenly Demons would not sit idly by and watch Ye Lin successfully lead all races. If they could disrupt Ye Lin's formation before the Heavenly Demon Catastrophe came, the Heavenly Demon Commander would surely give them endless rewards after the Heavenly Demon army arrived.

On the sea, the hundred-foot-tall giant transformed by the Nine Nether Demon Ancestor changed his color slightly when he sensed Ye Lin's breath, and then burst into laughter.

"Since the person who deserves the disaster has returned, I won't stay any longer!"

After saying that, the Nine Nether Demon Ancestor made a "swipe" sound and turned into a black afterimage, flying away into the distance at an extremely fast speed.

Ye Lin snorted coldly, and his voice spread thousands of miles away.

"Since your Excellency is here, why not stay and discuss with Ye!"

Before he finished speaking, a purple-green stream of light quickly chased after the black afterimage.

When passing by the heads of Qin Jin'er and others, a golden dragon claw reached down and grabbed Qin Jin'er and the others on top of Xiao Lan's head.

An ancestor of the dragon clan with a fluttering beard and a golden dragon ball said to Ye Lin: "Fellow Daoist Ye, this Jiuyou Demon Ancestor used the secret method to escape at an extremely fast speed, causing tiny space cracks around him. Even you The asshole sitting down is extremely good at escaping, and it’s probably extremely difficult to catch up with him.”

Ye Lin didn't say anything, and saw Xiaolan's body tremble under him, and his speed increased sharply again. The space he passed was distorted, and space cracks spread out like spider webs, and the turbulence of space was faintly visible.

The distance between Ye Lin and his group and the Nine Nether Demon Ancestor is rapidly closing.

The face of the bearded dragon clan ancestor changed slightly, and he was obviously extremely shocked.

The escape speed of this out-of-body butt bug far exceeded his imagination!

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