Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 921: Ancestor of the Upper Realm

These two ancestors are both god-transforming monks with vast magical powers. When Ye Lin returned from the Wanlong Immortal Dynasty, they also learned the news that Ye Lin had defeated the Wanlong Immortal Dynasty. They were shocked beyond measure, so they treated Ye Linzi differently. Maybe as a junior, he was very enthusiastic and even wanted to salute Ye Lin first.

Ye Lin, on the other hand, believed that he and Qin Jin'er were Taoist couples. These two were Qin Jin'er's ancestors, and naturally his ancestors. In the world of immortality, strength was important and seniority could not be ignored, so he rushed to give him a gift.

On the way here, Qin Jin'er had already briefly introduced the information about these two ancestors to Ye Lin.

The white-haired old Taoist priest with immortal style and Taoism, whose Taoist name was Da Qin Miao Fa Zhenren, lived for more than 13,000 years. This man was a genius and created many legends that are still circulated among the royal family of Da Qin Immortal Dynasty.

After he became a god, he had enough strength to ascend to the spirit world, but the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty was extremely weak. After he ascended, the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty would surely suffer more humiliation from all the major forces. Because he could not let go of his family members, the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty The real person chose to stay in the human world to suppress the national destiny of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty.

As for the beautiful woman, she became a god four thousand years ago, and her Taoist name was Red Leaf Fairy. Her qualifications and luck were far inferior to those of Da Qin Miaofa, so she sensed that ascending to the spirit world would not be a good thing for her, so she gave up immediately. The idea of ​​​​ascension is to stay in the mortal world to seek more opportunities, accumulate capital and then ascend.

However, four thousand years passed by so quickly. Not only did Fairy Hongye not gain any more luck, her lifespan was running out, and her cultivation potential was nearly exhausted. Just when she was about to despair and give up her plan to ascend, Qin Jin'er suddenly told her that For her, the catastrophe of the devil is coming.

Fairy Hongye didn't know whether to be happy or worried for a moment. What she was happy about was that the Great Demon Tribulation was extremely dangerous, but it also came with a great opportunity. As long as she could successfully overcome the calamity, there was hope for her to ascend to the spiritual world. What she was worried about was that the world would be devastated again.

Master Da Qin Miaofa saw Ye Lin saluting, laughing and nodding.

"Fellow Daoist Ye is not weaker than us, so there is no need to be so polite."

Red Leaf Fairy chuckled.

"Fellow Daoist Ye is a man of calamity, a chosen one, and will lead countless forces in the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent. It is us who should salute you."

As they spoke, the two of them clasped their fists.

Ye Lin didn't mince words and asked directly.

"I wonder if the two seniors have contacted the ancestor of the upper world, and whether the ancestor of the upper world is willing to answer the questions in my heart?"

Master Da Qin Miaofa stroked his beard.

"Fellow Daoist Ye has a bright future, and he will achieve great achievements if he ascends to the spiritual world. The ancestor of the upper world is naturally willing to contact you and form a good relationship in advance. However, what Daoyou Ye asked about is too whimsical. The ancestor of the upper world is just If you say you have to look through ancient books and search for precedents, you may not be able to find a solution.”

"Let's go to the Ancestral Temple and wait. The ancestor of the upper world promises to give you an answer within three days, whether we find a precedent or a way to ascend collectively."

Upon hearing this, Ye Lin put Xiaolan away and followed with Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang.

Others could only wait quietly outside the Ancestral Temple.

Walking into the Imperial Ancestral Temple, Ye Lin saw a hill with millions of endless tablets neatly placed on it. These were all members of the royal family who had passed away in the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty.

Following Master Da Qin Miaofa and Fairy Hongye, Ye Lin came to the back of the Imperial Ancestral Temple. He saw a huge ancient bronze mirror. The light around the bronze mirror was distorted, and the space seemed to fluctuate according to certain rules.

Master Da Qin Miaofa introduced it.

"This is the Tongtian Mirror used by our three eternal immortal dynasties to contact the ancestors of the upper world. The so-called Tongtian Mirror can connect to the upper world. However, this Tongtian Mirror can only convey will. Every time you use the Tongtian Realm, one breath will be consumed. One hundred Immortal Essence Stones is a huge expense.”

The Red Leaf Fairy started brewing spiritual tea on the coffee table nearby. After a while, the fragrance of the tea overflowed and was refreshing.

"We don't know when the ancestor from the upper world will reply to us. We won't stand around. Fellow Taoists, please come and have tea and wait."

While drinking tea with the two of them, Ye Lin discussed some important arrangements for this demon catastrophe. At the same time, he also invited them to go to Molin City in a few days to attend the meeting of all races.

One day later, Ye Lin was talking about some secrets about the secret realm of the Galaxy. When the two of them listened attentively, the bronze mirror suddenly buzzed, and the surrounding space began to vibrate.

Da Qin Miaofa was overjoyed.

"It's the ancestor from the upper world who contacted us."

As he spoke, Master Da Qin Miaofa struck a spell into the bronze mirror. Immediately, the bronze mirror that was supposed to reflect the scene in front changed, and a young girl sitting cross-legged and wearing palace clothes appeared. This girl was just After glancing at Ye Lin, Ye Lin felt a huge shock in her heart, as if her eyes could see through all Ye Lin's secrets.

Ye Lin was shocked.

"This woman's cultivation is at the lowest stage of returning to the void, maybe even higher."

The stage of spiritual transformation is the return to virtual reality.

The three of them bowed respectfully.

"I've met my ancestor."

The young girl locked eyes with Ye Lin with sharp eyes.

"Are you Ye Lin?"

Ye Lin answered respectfully.

"Reporting to my ancestor, I am Ye Lin."

The young girl nodded slightly: "Yes, as the chosen one and the one who is destined to be catastrophic, you have great luck. Even in the spiritual world, your current achievements and strength are rare."

As soon as the words changed, the young girl's voice became very sharp.

"But you shouldn't, you shouldn't, you shouldn't have any whims, and imagine that you can take your family and friends with you to ascend together. This is against the rules of heaven, and you will die without rebirth!"

"You want to die, that's fine, but do you want to take my future disciple Qin Jin'er with you to die?"

Ye Lin felt a terrifying pressure like a mountain pressing down on him, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Ye Lin naturally didn't dare to contradict the old ancestor. What the woman said was the truth, and he needed help now.

"Old ancestor, calm down. If it is really impossible, I will not force it. I will try it when I can ensure the safety of those around me."

The young girl snorted coldly.

"How can the rules of heaven be violated by a cultivator in the Out-of-Body Stage like you? Don't you know that you will die if you try? Well, I can see that you won't give up easily. Considering that you have helped Jin'er so much and will protect my Great Qin Dynasty from the great catastrophe of the Heavenly Demon, I will tell you a method."

"But as I said, if you try rashly, you will die. You must be cautious, cautious, and cautious again!"

"Before I tell you the method of collective ascension, you must first promise me that Jin'er will ascend to the spirit world alone and cannot go with you!"

Ye Lin hesitated for a moment after hearing this. After all, he and Qin Jin'er had agreed to ascend together before, and Ye Lin had to resist the space storm for her.

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