Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 917: Immortal Dragon

Above the clouds.

Old Fenghuang was horrified, dumbfounded, and extremely shocked. Except for Feng Jiutian, whose expression was relatively calm, the expressions of the other ancestors of Fengming Immortal Dynasty who were watching the battle were also the same.

"The souls of those three old guys were captured and sealed like this?"

She now has no doubt that if she had participated in this operation to kill Ye Lin, she would probably end up like these three people.

Feng Jiutian sighed slightly.

"It seems that this matter has come to an end. Let's rush over now and listen to the conversation between the ancestor of the Wanlong Immortal Dynasty and Ye Lin. After the conversation, we can just communicate with him and coordinate matters related to dealing with the catastrophe of the demon."

In fact, Feng Jiutian initially tried his best to persuade Lao Fenghuang and other ancestors of the Fengming Immortal Dynasty to completely support Ye Lin and stand with Ye Lin. However, the elders of the clan believed that her words were extremely unreliable and even tried to imprison him. In the palace, she would not contact Ye Lin and ruin her plan to ambush Ye Lin.

Unexpectedly, the three out-of-body Dzogchen ancestors were all defeated at the hands of Feng Jiutian, and there was even a god-forming ancestor who fought with Feng Jiutian for dozens of rounds, and could only barely suppress her.

Feng Jiutian's cultivation level had already reached the level of out-of-body perfection decades ago. He received two top-grade Taoist tools as gifts from Ye Lin, and practiced many heaven-level techniques shared by Ye Lin. , and thus have the strength to barely resist the monks in the Transformation Stage.

After proving her strength, the senior ancestors of the Fengming Immortal Dynasty put away their doubts about her, but they still did not fully trust her. After all, in their view, the plan of the Wanlong Immortal Dynasty to surround Ye Lin was flawless, even if it failed. There will be no loss.

Feng Jiutian talked hard and finally persuaded Lao Fenghuang to withdraw from the operation the day before Ye Lin arrived.

Now, Ye Lin has killed three god-transformation monks with a crushing force. Naturally, all the ancestors of Fengming Immortal Dynasty will no longer question Feng Jiutian's words, and even say that they obey his words.

Old Phoenix waved his sleeves, and the majestic magic power enveloped everyone, turning into a colorful escaping light and flying towards Wanlongxian towards Kyoto at high speed.

Old Phoenix was a little uneasy.

"Well, Jiutian girl, you have to say something nice for me later. Ye Lin doesn't seem to have a very good temper, and he acts very impulsively. The key is that he has also learned that I also wanted to do harm to him. Once this kid gets angry, I'm afraid I'll be doomed."

The tragic situation of the three souls being sealed was vividly visible to their eyes.

Feng Jiutian smiled.

"Don't worry, Ancestor. I know Mr. Ye pretty well. As long as we do our best to cooperate with him in dealing with the demon catastrophe in the future, he will definitely not hold Ancestor responsible."

In fact, Feng Jiutian was still secretly laughing at his ancestor's timid appearance, which was truly suppressed by Ye Lin.

Old Phoenix breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

"It's because I and others are ignorant that I didn't believe what you said. If we had been on Ye Lin's side from the beginning, we would definitely be able to gain more benefits in the future."

In fact, it’s not to blame Old Fenghuang and others for being ignorant. In fact, Ye Lin’s strength is incredible. Although he only has the cultivation level of Dzogchen, Feng Jiutian told them that Ye Lin subdued and killed the genius monks from the spirit world. Generally speaking, most people won't believe it.

But he said that Wan Longxian was in the sky above the imperial palace.

As soon as Ye Lin finished speaking, he saw a dark light rising into the sky. When he looked carefully, he saw a black coffin flying towards Ye Lin. The majestic aura of the God Transformation Stage was released from the black coffin. And an air of corruption and death.

When Master Dulong saw the black coffin flying towards him, he quickly backed down with an extremely respectful expression.

"Greetings to the ancestor."

Suddenly there was a "click" sound, and the coffin lid slowly opened, and a skeleton slowly stood up. The skeleton was already weathered in many places, and the arms were wrapped around the skeleton of a real dragon. They were all in decay and could be destroyed at any time. Collapse.

The skeleton clasped its fist slightly at Ye Lin.

"Fellow Daoist Ye's spiritual consciousness and magical power are really powerful and powerful. The old master Huan Long admires him extremely."

Ye Lin didn't panic, he smiled and gave a fist-cup salute.

"Ye Lin has met the old senior."

Although Huanlong Zhenren, the god-forming ancestor of the Ten Thousand Dragons Immortal Dynasty, only has a withered skeleton left, strictly speaking, he is not dead yet, because there is still a trace of vitality left in the origin of his soul.

No wonder the Wanlong Immortal Dynasty attacked Ye Lin and the real Huanlong did not participate in the battle. If he activated the True Fire of the Soul in this state, he would be burned to pieces in the blink of an eye.

At the moment when Master Huanlong spoke, tender sprouts of blood and flesh sprouted from his bones, and meridians appeared. In an instant, his physical body became intact, and he turned into a middle-aged monk with a kind expression and wearing a yellow robe.

Many people stared with wide eyes.

Tang Xiaodie exclaimed softly.

"The old-timer actually came back to life."

Jiang Waner on the side was equally shocked.

"Even the source of vitality has become abundant and vast, which is incredible."

Ye Lin laughed and touched the heads of his two disciples.

"The old-timer's illusion skills are really exquisite."

Master Huan Long replied humbly.

"In front of Fellow Daoist Ye, it is naturally not worth mentioning."

It turns out that all this is just a fantasy that is fake and real. In Ye Lin's eyes, the real Huanlong is still a skeleton, but in the eyes of others, the real Huanlong has turned around and returned to its peak state from the last moment.

The Huanlong Zhenren used this move to test Ye Lin. If Ye Lin failed to see through his illusion, it meant that he had a chance to fight Ye Lin. Of course, this did not mean that he really wanted to attack Ye Lin, but it would give him more bargaining chips in the next negotiation.

The strength shown by Ye Lin had cut off any thoughts of him attacking Ye Lin again. Only a powerful existence like Ye Lin was worthy of becoming the Son of Heaven and leading billions of creatures in the Wan Guo Continent to the next Heavenly Demon Era.

At this moment, a colorful glow of light approached rapidly from the horizon. It turned out that the old phoenix led a group of out-of-body great perfection cultivators of the Fengming Immortal Dynasty to fly over, including Feng Jiutian.

The old phoenix arrived before he arrived.

"I have met the chosen one, Fellow Daoist Ye."

But the old phoenix took the initiative to pay a respectful salute to Ye Lin.

Ye Lin returned the salute by clasping his fists towards the colorful glow of light.

"It turns out that another old senior has come, and I can just be a witness."

The old phoenix saw that Ye Lin was quite kind to her, and the big stone in her heart finally fell a little, but she was still nervous. After all, Ye Lin had shown a kind smile to the three people who attacked him before. Now seeing Ye Lin showing a kind smile, she felt cold all over.

Not long after, the old phoenix and his group arrived. The old phoenix and the real person Huanlong both saluted with fists, and then stood aside to watch the development of the situation.

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