Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 916: Catch them all

In the view of the old Taoist Hefa, the sword energy that can tear apart the space is powerful, but it cannot restrain the true fire of the soul. As long as this flame touches Ye Lin, with his mere out-of-body Dzogchen cultivation, he will be destroyed in an instant. to be burned to charcoal.

boom! boom!

The old woman and the giant one-horned man looked at each other, with expressions of determination on their faces. The spells in their hands changed, and their whole bodies were instantly ignited with raging fire.

For a time, the true fire of the soul turned into various birds and beasts and attacked Ye Lin, and there were more and more of them.

Even though Xiaolan's escape speed is extremely fast, he is surrounded by tens of millions of troops after all, and the space he can move is only ten thousand feet. As more and more souls and true fires surround him, the space he can move is also only ten thousand feet. There are fewer and fewer. If this continues, sooner or later he will be ignited by the true fire of the soul.

Ye Lin stood on top of Xiaolan's head, surrounded by golden dragons. His expression did not change at all. He waved his sleeves and a Zerg monk wearing a fiery red robe appeared in front of him.

The leader is none other than the Flame Scorpion Xiaohong.

There was no need for Ye Lin to give orders at all. Xiaohong and the monks transformed into the Flame Scorpion made a secret with one hand. Behind them, a huge shadow of the Flame Scorpion appeared. However, this was not the soul. All their cultivations were Out-of-body Dzogchen.


Many monks opened their mouths wide and inhaled all. The fire dragons, fire birds, fire beasts, and flame weapons transformed by the true fire of the soul instantly turned into a crimson pillar of fire. The robed monk swallowed it into his belly.

The most bizarre thing was that after they devoured the True Fire of the Soul, they did not burn up, but their eyes shone with fire, and they narrowed slightly, as if they were very satisfied, as if they had eaten a delicious meal.

Seeing this scene, the scalp of the white-haired old Taoist in the sky was numb.

"How is this possible? How can a mere out-of-body Dzogchen spiritual insect swallow the true fire of the soul that I have stimulated!"

He is a genuine monk in the middle of the out-of-body experience.

As the true soul fire they released was completely swallowed up, he had no choice but to believe it. For a moment, a feeling of despair surged into his heart.

Yuanshen Zhenhuo is recognized as their strongest trump card, and now the strongest trump card is regarded as a delicacy by other people's spiritual insects.

Since the soul's true fire had lost its effect, the three of them naturally stopped the real fire and began to discuss other countermeasures.

At the moment when everyone was shocked, the nine-headed demon king once again made a harsh and unpleasant squeaking sound, and the soul attack turned into a rain of fine needles and shot out, followed closely by the sword energy of destruction. This time, it locked on the old woman. and the one-horned brawny man.

The faces of these two people changed wildly, their spiritual senses gave frantic warnings, and their souls trembled crazily.

The white-haired old Taoist in the sky exclaimed.

"Quickly get your soul out of your body!"

As soon as these words were spoken, several swipes were heard, and the defensive methods used by the two monks in a hurry were all broken by the Destruction Sword Qi like tofu, and their bodies were all broken into three parts.

But their souls escaped in advance through teleportation.

The three people gathered in the air, looking at Ye Lin with expressions full of horror and despair.

"What to do now?"

The old Taoist with heavy hair gave a loud shout.

"Escape first, take your body, and then make plans!"

They were definitely unable to defeat them. They had already used all their methods, but they were still crushed by Ye Lin. If they continued to fight, they would be in vain and waste their soul energy in vain.

Beings like them who dare not ascend to the spiritual world and live in the mortal world for a long time, the origin of their souls is extremely precious.

The souls of the three people looked at each other, their bodies flashed, and they were about to teleport away. Unexpectedly, it was better not to teleport. After teleporting, they felt frightened.

Taking a closer look, they were frightened out of their wits.

They actually teleported to Ye Lin.

Immediately afterwards, an overwhelming net shrank from the sky and the earth, trying to cover them in the middle.

The old Taoist with heavy hair was extremely frightened.

"No, this is a dragnet. It can capture the soul. Let's teleport out!"

No matter how fast the dragnet shrinks, it cannot be faster than the teleportation of the soul.

The bodies of the three people flashed. They thought they could escape thousands of miles away, but suddenly they found themselves jumping on the spot. Ye Lin looked at them with a kind smile.

"Three seniors, please stop fussing. In addition to this big net formation, there is also the Ancient Void Upside Down Formation. You thought you were setting up a big formation waiting for me to fall into the pot, but you didn't know that Ye Mou's spiritual consciousness had already discovered yours. Ambush, and when they were about to arrive, they dispatched the formation spirit insects."

"Ye fell into a cauldron arranged by everyone. You also fell into a cauldron arranged by Ye. Hey, isn't it fun?"

The three of them were so scared that they felt like they were dead. They teleported several times, but they still jumped on the spot, which was quite funny.

"First use the true fire of the soul to burn the dragnet!"

The ancient Taoist's soul was about to seal the seal, but at this moment, the nine-headed demon king screamed strangely again. The souls of the three people were pierced by dense translucent flying needles, and the souls shook slightly. Can't concentrate anymore.

When they reacted again, their thousands-foot-high spirits had been reduced to the size of a walnut by the dragnet. Ye Lin waved his hand and took the ball of "walnuts" into his hands.

Logically speaking, it is difficult for the Heavenly and Earthly Net formation to restrain the Yuanshen, let alone trap so many Yuanshen at one time. This old Taoist with heavy hair and the old woman are both the ancestors of the Wanlong Immortal Dynasty, and they also possess the natal true dragons of the Divine Transformation Stage. In other words, this net can fully capture the souls of five god-transforming monks, which is an extreme exaggeration.

Xiaoshu's Heaven and Earth Net Array has been improved countless times, and its power is so strong that it could capture the Yuanshen of the God-Transforming Beings many years ago. It is not surprising to capture several of them now.

Ye Lin saw that the five Yuanshen were still struggling hard, trying to break through the shackles of the Heaven and Earth Net. A flash of light flashed in his hand, and a string of prayer beads with ten hideous heads appeared. He directly put the prayer beads on the Yuanshen group, and the ten hideous heads came to life and began to recite the formula.

The dense ancient characters crawled on the five Yuanshen like ants, sealing them tightly.

Ye Lin's super seal beads can also seal the Yuanshen of the God-Transforming Beings, but there are still many things to be solved, so he took out the Ten Directions Ghost King Prayer Beads to do it.

The millions of soldiers of the Wanlong Immortal Dynasty saw that the Yuanshen of the three ancestors were captured by Ye Lin, and they immediately fell into chaos.

The white-haired old Taoist was originally their commander-in-chief, but now the commander is gone, it would be strange if there is no chaos.

Ye Lin just glanced at them, and the soldiers immediately retreated thousands of feet, but they were elite soldiers after all, and the army formation did not collapse.

Someone shouted.

"Ye Lin, hand over the ancestor's soul!"

"Ye Lin, do you want to be an enemy of the billions of creatures in the entire Wan Guo Continent?"

"Ye Lin, if you kill our ancestor, we will definitely fight you to the death!"

"Without our cooperation, you will definitely not be able to survive the great catastrophe of the demons!"

Ye Lin ignored it and kept his eyes on the Poison Dragon in the army formation. He smiled and said: "Fellow Poison Dragon, I sense that there is still a transformed god in your palace. Although his lifespan is almost exhausted, he should still be regarded as the head of your Wanlong Xian Dynasty. Call the old senior out and discuss with Ye."

"Of course, if this old senior wants to make trouble for Ye, Ye will naturally accompany him to the end."

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