Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 902: Situation Derivation

The reason why the Divine Eye Sword Immortal was sad was that he would not be able to see his beloved Taoist partner for hundreds of years, but fortunately his life card was still in the hands of his Taoist partner, so his Taoist partner knew that he did not die in the Star River Secret Realm.

Upon hearing this, the Divine Eye Sword Immortal had no choice but to let Ye Lin take him into the Taoist instrument space. If he used the Homecoming Talisman, he would have to return to the Spirit World. Now that Ye Lin had taken him into the Taoist instrument, he would have to return to the Continent of Nations with Ye Lin, which meant that he would have to ascend to the Spirit World again in the future.

"Yuer, you must wait for me to return!"

Ye Lin said.

"Get ready, we will use the Homecoming Talisman at the same time!"


Ye Lin put away all the spirit insects and let Jianmu return to the Ancient Ring World, and then took out the Homecoming Talisman with his senior sister and others, and squeezed it hard, and the Homecoming Talisman became powder.

A series of white lights that penetrated the sky and the earth enveloped Ye Lin and his group. After waiting for more than ten breaths, Ye Lin and his group completely disappeared in the vast universe.


The Continent of Nations, the Gate of the Star River.

Three flying boats stopped ten miles away from the Galaxy Gate, slowly revolving around the Galaxy Gate in the outer starry sky.

Among these three flying boats, one is the Golden Sword Flying Boat, which belongs to the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, one of the three eternal immortal dynasties.

Another is the Phoenix Tower Ship, which is extremely luxurious and belongs to the Fengming Immortal Dynasty, which is also an eternal immortal dynasty.

The last one is a dragon-shaped flying boat, which is lifelike and releases a faint dragon clan pressure. Ordinary starry sky monsters dare not approach it at all.

Originally, there were several such flying treasures, but more than two years ago, a large number of Tianjiao monks who explored the secret realm of the Galaxy returned, and the flying boats from the Savage Demon Kingdom, the Underground Demon Kingdom, and the Sky Demon Clan had left.

After all, their people who should come back have all returned, and those who can't come back will never have a chance to come back again.

At the bow of the Golden Sword Flying Boat, the bored Golden Body Taoist was lying on the side of the flying boat, his eyes slightly narrowed, humming a ballad, and his fingers kept digging his nostrils.

"I don't know when Ye Lin and Qin Jin'er will come back. Calculating the time, six years are almost up. I heard from the group of people who returned before that the outer areas of the Galaxy Secret Realm are extremely dangerous. Many out-of-body great perfection cultivators have died. The inner areas are probably even worse. Oh, I hope they are all safe."

At this time, a beautiful woman in palace clothes on the Phoenix Tower walked to the bow and looked at the Golden Body Taoist. The Golden Body Taoist quickly stopped picking his nose, stood up, pretending to be profound, and looked sanctimonious.

The beautiful woman in palace clothes asked with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Jinshen, six years are about to pass, and the peace agreement signed by our major forces is about to be invalidated. After they return, the situation in the Wan Guo Continent will definitely change dramatically. I wonder what Fellow Daoist Jinshen thinks about this?"

This beautiful woman in palace dress is a powerful master of the Fengming Immortal Dynasty. The two of them stayed beside the Gate of the Galaxy for almost six years, and they had a lot of exchanges during this period. The Taoist Jinshen had a good impression of her and almost proposed to practice with her.

However, this step is harder than ascending to heaven.

After all, they are in different camps. The beautiful woman in palace dress is the ancestor of the Fengming Immortal Dynasty, and he has to protect the Daqin Immortal Dynasty for a lifetime. They each have their own missions. Now under the suppression of the Wanlong Immortal Dynasty, the Fengming Immortal Dynasty and the Daqin Immortal Dynasty have cooperated a lot and have a close relationship. If the situation changes in the future, it is still unclear whether this woman is an enemy or a friend.

The Golden Body Taoist usually cultivates himself in seclusion. When his cultivation was still low, he did not pay much attention to the general situation of the world. Now he is not good at controlling the situation of the world. When asked by the beautiful woman in palace dress, he did not have much clue, but he could not say that he knew nothing, so he said it with a stiff face.

"Ah, this... I heard that Ye Lin has obtained many treasures and has long disregarded us, the Great Perfection cultivators, and even fought with the Transformation Stage cultivators. However, the life and death of the person he fought with is unknown, and the specific situation is not known at present. But Fellow Daoist Jiufeng can rest assured that this boy has no desire to compete for hegemony, and he should not establish a fourth eternal immortal dynasty to seize the interests of your Fengming Immortal Dynasty..."

"Besides, your family's Feng Jiutian is also his confidante, and there may be further development in the future..."

It turned out that the Taoist name of this beautiful woman in palace dress was Fairy Jiufeng. Fairy Jiufeng gave the Golden Body Taoist a blank look, and interrupted the Golden Body Taoist with some regret.

"Fellow Daoist Jinshen, what you said doesn't seem to be the main point."

The Taoist Jinshen was immediately confused and scratched his forehead.

"Then what is the main point? Fellow Daoist Jiufeng, please give me some advice. As you know, I am a casual person and I don't really care about the world's situation."

At this moment, the voice of an old man came from the dragon-shaped flying boat.

"The point of what Daoist Jiufeng said is not whether Ye Lin wants to establish the fourth eternal immortal dynasty, but that after Ye Lin returns, your Great Qin Immortal Dynasty will be unprecedentedly powerful. By then, hehe..."

"I'm afraid that Fengming Immortal Dynasty can only join forces with Wanlong Immortal Dynasty to fight against your Great Qin Immortal Dynasty. As for the relationship between Feng Jiutian and Ye Lin, personal relationships are difficult to change the rise and fall of a country. Any force, as long as it is strong enough, will inevitably expand. In the process of expansion, it will definitely snatch the interests of other forces."

"You two Daoists are still in love now. If you wait for another year, you may have to fight each other. Hahaha, you humans will have a good show to watch again..."

An old dragon with white hair and beard and a pair of green dragon horns on his head walked from the cabin to the bow, with an expression of watching the fun.

This old dragon, Taoist name Qingfeng Taoist, was transformed from a wind dragon that had reached the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body Realm.

The Nine Phoenix Fairy of Fengming Immortal Dynasty was exposed, and her pretty face was stained with a blush. She scolded angrily.

"You shameless old dragon, what nonsense are you talking about."

The Golden Body Taoist smiled bitterly, without refuting or admitting.

Qingfeng Taoist stroked his beard and laughed.

"Fellow Daoist Jiufeng is angry and embarrassed... Are you going to fight here? Let alone the peace agreement signed by our tribes, don't forget that our dragon tribe was the first to make peace with Ye Lin. Now Ao Lingshuang is Ye Lin's official Taoist partner, and the relationship between our dragon tribe and the Great Qin Dynasty is therefore firmly bound."

"The most important thing is that we are in the sea and the Great Qin Dynasty is on land. The conflict of interests is much smaller. We are allies who can trust each other. Once we start fighting, aren't you afraid that fellow Daoist Jinshen will punch you in the back?"

"Of course, fellow Daoist Jinshen is a man of temperament, and he probably won't do this..."

Fairy Jiufeng's face was as cold as frost. She glared at Taoist Jinshen fiercely, and then glared at Taoist Qingfeng fiercely. She also knew that if these two people joined forces, she would not be able to get the upper hand. She flashed and returned to the Phoenix Tower Ship.

Taoist Jinshen looked at Taoist Qingfeng and sighed.

"Why bother?"

Taoist Qingfeng looked deep in his eyes, and returned to the cabin after saying a word.

"With Ye Lin's return, your Great Qin Immortal Dynasty will surely become the overlord of the Ten Thousand Nations Continent. Daoist friends, listen to me. If you don't make a decision, you will suffer the consequences."

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