Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 901 Preparing to go home

As far as Ye Lin knows.

This spell and the formation still need maintenance, and it is not something that can be done once and for all just by setting it up.

For example, the power of a spell will weaken over time. When it weakens to a certain extent, it needs to be rewritten. The various materials and spiritual stones of the large array are also consumables and need to be replenished in time, otherwise the array will not function properly.

Therefore, the workload of the Talisman Array Puppet is very huge. In the next few years, Ye Lin will have to work hard to create puppet soul insects. Fortunately, Ye Lin has cultivated enough puppet soul insects. Otherwise, even if he created them Even though the talisman array puppet was gone, no one could find anyone to use it.


After the talisman puppet and the spirit insects protecting the talisman puppet left, the wind and fire tornado, attracted by Jianmu, swept towards Jianmu again.

But before he got close to the building, he saw the talisman carved on the building erupting in rays of light. At the same time, there were flags fluttering, looming, and the power was terrifying. The natural disaster that threatened the out-of-body Dzogchen monks actually seemed to have encountered a nemesis, turning into a nemesis. Wisps of five elements essence drifted toward Jianmu on their own, and then were sucked into Jianmu, becoming Jianmu's nutrients.

Seeing this scene, Ye Lin couldn't help but sigh.

"Sure enough, everything in this world will bring down another thing. Who would have thought that the Talisman Array Puppet, whose strength is only equivalent to that of the elixir formation stage, can turn the wind, fire and natural disasters that everyone talks about among the monks in the out-of-body stage into invisible."

Ye Lin was quite satisfied with the performance of the Talisman Array Puppet.

He burst out laughing.

"In this way, our efficiency in refining the Five Elements Essence can be increased several times. If the Talisman Array Puppet is improved a few more times, we can increase it dozens of times or even hundreds of times. By then, the entire surrounding area of ​​the Galaxy Secret The natural disasters in the outer starry sky will be refined and absorbed. By then, Jianmu will definitely grow a lot. "

As for whether doing this would affect the environment of the surrounding areas of the Galaxy Secret Area and what consequences it would have, Ye Lin was not worried. The building materials were all given by the real person in white.

After Jianmu could automatically refine the power of natural disasters and absorb the essence of the Five Elements, the work of the spirit insects became much easier. Ye Lin first gave them a short vacation to let them rest, and then ordered them to come out to refine the Five Elements. Essence.

However, what is different from before is that the Five Elements Essence refined by the spirit insects previously needed to be supplied to Jianmu, but now, they are responsible for filling the increasingly vast ancient ring world with the Five Elements Essence.

After all, the ancient ring world is their home, which fully stimulates the enthusiasm of the spirit insects, and the efficiency of refining the five elements essence has been slightly improved.

time flies.

Six years have passed in the blink of an eye.

In the starry sky outside the territory, Ye Lin and his group were standing on a vast plain of leaves at the highest point of the building.

At this time, the trees were billions of miles tall, making them truly towering trees.

On the seemingly boundless building, there are densely arranged talismans and array flags shining with golden light. If you look closely, you can see the talisman puppets who are countless times smaller than dust are standing on the building. Crawling around, performing tasks to maintain the talisman and the operation of the formation.

The total number of these talisman puppets amounts to ten million, not one million.

The original plan made by Xiaofu was indeed to have one million, but that was before any improvements were made. Now six years have passed, and the Fu array puppets have been improved three times with the cooperation of the four great masters. The overall plan has become stable and mature. Coupled with the growing size of the building, it would be difficult for a million Talisman Array puppets to even complete the task of setting up the large array, let alone maintain it.

Therefore, Ye Lin ordered the weapon refining factory to work at full capacity day and night. At the same time, he also mobilized a large number of spiritual insects to temporarily become weapon refiners and expanded the scale of the talisman array puppets to 10 million.

Fortunately, the Talisman Array Puppet is only at the stage of cultivation, so refining it is not difficult. Even a new weapon refiner can master it quickly as long as his cultivation level is not low, otherwise Ye Lin would not be able to obtain one so quickly. Thousands of talisman array puppets.

With every breath, a large amount of the five elements' essence is refined and inhaled into Jianmu, becoming Jianmu's nutrients. As Jianmu gets bigger, the power of attraction he exudes becomes stronger and stronger.

But all the natural disasters in the area of ​​100 billion miles around Jianmu will be slowly attracted. When the natural disasters in the area of ​​100 billion miles are completely refined, Ye Lin puts away Jianmu and takes Xiaolan to go to other natural disasters. The area continues to be refined, and so on.

In just six years, all the natural disasters in the entire galaxy secret area have been absorbed by Jianmu. Now, wherever there are natural disasters in the outer starry sky, only ice whirlwinds and fire whirlwinds can be seen spinning around, with powerful power. No monk in the Nascent Soul stage can threaten him.

Ye Lin has wiped out the power of natural disasters in the entire secret area of ​​the galaxy...

Ye Lin was standing on the edge of the Jianmu leaves, overlooking the scene, licking his lips with his tongue, as if he hadn't eaten enough of the delicious food, and looked like he still hadn't finished eating it.

"With the power of this natural disaster, I'm afraid it won't take thousands of years to restore its former strength."

It is not that natural disasters have been sucked dry by Jianmu and will not occur again. Since the laws of the Galaxy Secret Realm have been changed by the real man in white, the power of natural disasters will continue to occur. However, by that time, Ye Lin is no longer in the Galaxy Secret Realm. bingo.

Ye Lin said to everyone.

"Now that we have plundered all kinds of resources in the inner area, and it is less than a year before the Galaxy Gate is closed, it is time for us to return to the Continent of Ten Thousand Kingdoms."

As soon as Ye Lin said these words, everyone became excited, and even Ye Lin couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster.

It has been nearly sixty years since they left their hometown!

Of course, the time ratio between the Galaxy Secret Realm and the outside world is ten to one, that is, ten years in the Galaxy Secret Realm, only one year in the outside world.

In the eyes of the people of the Wan Guo Continent, Ye Lin and others have only been away for six years.

Ye Lin couldn't help but think of his Taoist partner Situ Yu on the Wan Guo Continent, his master Elder Sun, Song Lingtian and Chen Changsheng who entered the sect with him... He thought of his two disciples, Fang Qingya who had a night of joy with him, and his beauty friend Qin Qing...

"I don't know how they are now. I hope they are safe and hope they can safely survive the next great catastrophe of the demons!"

The only one who was unhappy was the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes. Fortunately, the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes was now convinced by Ye Lin, especially after seeing Ye Lin's Jianmu, he was even more shocked.

Jianmu is also the top treasure in the spirit world. A seed is enough to cause the top forces and top powers in the spirit world to fight desperately for it, and Ye Lin has such a great opportunity in the mortal world.

In addition, he also witnessed Ye Lin’s spirit insect army, and knew how powerful Ye Lin was and how he had unlimited potential in the future. As long as he followed Ye Lin, his future prospects would only be higher than before he submitted to Ye Lin.

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