Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 899: The Invincible Big Eater

Seeing Jianmu grow to infinity, the scope of the ancient ring space is getting bigger and bigger, and the spirit insects cheered.

"Long live the master..."

"Our home has become so big, so big that I can't reach the edge even if I fly for a hundred years."

"Long live the master..."

Ye Lin was also excited. He finally didn't have to worry about the small space of the ancient ring. In the future, as long as he had enough resources, he could raise billions of spirit insects and make the ancient ring a spirit insect world.

"Although the space is large enough, only the grassland is still too monotonous. I want to create a world with diverse terrain!"

Ye Lin's figure flashed and came to the highest leaf of Jianmu. Looking down from above, he found that the horizon of the ancient ring world was actually arc-shaped.

"Is this... the ancient ring world has completely turned into a big sphere? It seems that other worlds are also spheres, corresponding to the term "planet" in the ancient books of the spirit world."

"Then Jianmu will become bigger and bigger in the future. Can it form an extraterritorial starry sky and form more such worlds?"

Thinking that he will have a vast and boundless spirit insect world in the future, Ye Lin's mind is more and more excited.

He uttered one word after another, and each word was followed by the law.


Boom... The whole world began to rumble and tremble, the flat ground continued to rise, and large pieces of rocks emerged from the ground like bamboo shoots after rain, forming thousands of feet high mountains and huge mountain ranges that stretched for millions of miles.


Fifty percent of the entire ancient ring world collapsed, and the deepest collapsed tens of thousands of feet. Then the sky was thundering and dark clouds were dense.


Heavy rain fell from the sky, and the ocean gradually accumulated a little water, and rivers that converged into the sea appeared on the ground.




Various terrains appeared in the ancient ring space. After a long time, Ye Lin was finally satisfied.

Ye Lin looked at the green leaves that were thousands of miles wide and suddenly remembered something.

"Senior sister said that Jianmu needs to swallow a large amount of five elements in the process of growth. Now there is a magnificent five elements in the ancient ring. Let's see how much Jianmu can grow after swallowing it. "

Ye Lin's mind moved.


The five elements of energy formed tornadoes and gathered towards the Jianmu sapling. As long as they touched Jianmu's body, the five elements of energy tornadoes would disappear without a trace.

About half an hour later, 99% of the five elements of energy in the entire ancient ring space were swallowed up by Jianmu.

Ye Lin opened his mouth wide and looked at the Jianmu in front of him.

It only grew five more leaves and increased by one-fifth...

In other words, Jianmu is still a small sapling, with only the main trunk and a few scattered leaves, and no branches... There is no way to practice weapons at all. You can't cut the main trunk to practice weapons.

Ye Lin was really dumbfounded.

"The five elements of energy that can provide hundreds of millions of spiritual insects with hundreds of years of practice have only grown so much. How much five elements of energy do you need to grow up completely? I'm afraid that it will be far from enough to completely absorb the five elements of spiritual energy in the surrounding area of ​​the entire Galaxy Secret Realm. "

Ye Lin felt desperate just thinking about it. He finally understood what a real bottomless pit glutton was.

"No wonder Jianmu can only survive in the spirit world and the fairy world... the mortal world can't afford it at all."

Ye Lin's mind moved, and his consciousness returned to his body.

Senior sister asked curiously: "What's going on?" The others also opened their beautiful eyes wide and looked very excited.

Ye Lin smiled bitterly.

"As senior sister said, Jianmu seeds have taken root and sprouted."

Qin Jin'er said: "Shouldn't this be a great joy? Why doesn't my husband look very happy?"

Ye Lin rubbed his temples and said helplessly.

"Because this guy can eat too much. Before this, I always thought that I had a big family and a big business, but now I am just a pauper. I feel that raising Jianmu is very stressful..."

Senior sister pursed her lips and chuckled.

"In that case, let's go to the outer space to collect the five elements. There are still seven years before the closure of the Galaxy Secret Realm. We must try our best to let Jianmu grow, otherwise there will be no chance after leaving the Galaxy Secret Realm. "

Ye Lin nodded.


A blue light shot up into the sky. It was Ye Lin and his party flying to the outer space in Xiaolan.

Soon, everyone saw flame tornadoes entangled with each other. There were also wind blades that were strong enough to tear the space in the flame tornadoes. It was the fire and wind disaster.

Ye Lin waved his sleeves, and millions of spirit insects appeared in front of him in an orderly manner. It was extremely spectacular.

"Refine with all your strength and collect the essence of the five elements."

"Yes! "

With Ye Lin's order, all the spirit insects entered a busy state. They pinched their hands and injected magic power into the tornadoes, extracting groups of wind and fire power from them, and then refined them into five elements of essence and stored them in a bead called the Five Elements Orb.

Seeing millions of spirit insects working, Ye Lin felt a little relieved. If this continued, the five elements of essence in the ancient ring space would soon be full again.

Time passed slowly.

A month later, Jianmu grew a few more green leaves... and became taller, and Ye Lin's ancient ring space also expanded.

Although Jianmu was growing steadily, Ye Lin was a little dissatisfied.

On Xiaolan's back, Ye Lin looked at the figures of millions of spiritual insects busy without rest for a month, and fell into deep thought.

"It is too slow to let the spirit insects come out to refine and collect the five elements of spiritual energy. Even if it takes seven years, we can't collect much. Jianmu's growth progress is still extremely slow. Senior sister, is there any way to make Jianmu refine it on his own? Transform natural disasters and absorb the essence of the five elements.”

The senior sister thought for a long time before shaking her head: "Jianmu has no independent consciousness after all, which means that Jianmu cannot use the refining method. If you practice to the god transformation stage, you can control Jianmu by refining him into the second soul. Jianmu uses the magic formula, but it’s not possible at the moment.”

Ye Lin nodded when he heard the words, waved his sleeves, and summoned four people: Xiaoqi, Xiaodan, Xiaofu, and Xiaoshu.

"Assign the brains of 100 million spiritual insects to you, and create a method for Jianmu to refine the Five Elements Essence by himself as soon as possible. No matter what method, as long as it is faster than now."

"As you command!"

Senior Sister has always been able to find solutions in her memory. Innovation depends on the four deputy professional masters under Ye Lin. Their deputy professional achievements are now as good as those of some great masters in the spirit world. Together, they can cooperate with the brains of hundreds of millions of spiritual insects. , presumably it is not difficult to create a faster method.

Sure enough, a month later, the four great masters came to report.

"Master, we have formulated a preliminary plan."

Ye Lin's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Speak quickly."

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