Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 898 Taking Root and Sprouting

Ye Lin's face showed an ecstatic expression, and he laughed loudly.

"After more than 20 years of hard work, I finally succeeded in refining it!"


Ye Lin's mind moved, and the Jianmu seed turned into a green light and spun around him at high speed. At this time, the Jianmu seed was like a top-grade Taoist weapon, and Ye Lin could even use it to hit people.

Ye Lin's figure flashed and appeared in the sky outside the bedroom. He pinched his fingers with one hand and pointed at the flying Jianmu seed.

"Return to your original appearance!"

More than 20 years ago, Ye Lin heard from his senior sister that this Jianmu seed was affected by the power of space. It might have been bigger or smaller. Now that Ye Lin has completely refined it, he can control the Jianmu seed to return to its original appearance.

The Jianmu seed began to tremble slightly in the void, and then it became bigger and bigger, first from the size of a walnut to the size of a fist, then to the size of a watermelon, the size of a millstone, the size of a house...

As the Jianmu seed grew bigger and bigger, Ye Lin had to control it to fly up to the sky, flying higher and higher.

After a cup of tea, the Jianmu seed had completely covered the sky, and it was as big as a mountain.

Half an hour later, Ye Lin was barely visible in front of the Jianmu seed. Ye Lin felt the ground trembling, and stones on the ground floated towards the Jianmu seed.

Even Ye Lin felt that the Jianmu seed released a strange attraction, as if to gather everything around it.

Ye Lin was shocked. It was the first time he saw such a phenomenon.

"Is this some kind of magical power of the Jianmu seed?"

Ye Lin had to use his magic power to stabilize his body and suppress the flying palace.

Finally, the Jianmu seed stopped expanding. At this time, the diameter of the Jianmu seed had reached hundreds of millions of miles, which was larger than the entire Wan Guo Continent, but compared to this safe island, it was only a small brother.

Ye Lin looked at the huge sphere covering the sky and the sun and opened his mouth wide.

"Just a seed is bigger than a third-class mortal world... Unfortunately, with my current strength, I can't control such a huge thing to attack, otherwise it will destroy the world at once?"

Ye Lin pointed at the Jianmu seed again, and the huge Jianmu seed began to shrink rapidly. Two hours later, it shrank to the size of a walnut and was held in Ye Lin's hand.

As the Jianmu seed shrank, the strange attraction disappeared.

Ye Lin did not rush to put the Jianmu seed into the ancient ring space to let it take root and sprout, but returned to the bedroom and fell asleep on the bed.

In order to speed up the refining of the Jianmu seed, he has not rested for more than three months. The most important thing at this time is to sleep and restore his energy. In addition, he has to wait for the return of his sisters to prevent accidents when the Jianmu seed takes root and sprouts. He is now alone and it is really difficult to deal with it.

In a moment, Ye Lin's consciousness was blurred and he fell asleep.

I don't know how long I slept. When Ye Lin opened his eyes again, he saw his senior sister, Xiaobai Qin Jin'er and other Taoist companions were all silently guarding the bedside. Seeing Ye Lin wake up, everyone smiled.

Ye Lin stretched his body and felt refreshed and in a good mood. He hugged his Taoist companions, and his pretty faces blushed and he threw himself into his arms.

After a cordial exchange, the senior sister took the lead in stopping Ye Lin from taking further action.

"Okay, okay, let's do business first. Cultivating Jianmu is a big deal. You are not nervous."

Ye Lin had to give up in disappointment. Under the protection of everyone, he put the Jianmu seed into the ancient ring space and his consciousness entered it.

The Jianmu seed cannot be put into the ancient ring before it is refined. Now that Ye Lin has refined it, he can naturally put it into the ancient ring.

Ye Lin saw that there was no change in the Jianmu seed after it was put into the ancient ring. He breathed a sigh of relief and waved his hand, and the immortal dragon ball appeared.

The immortal dragon does not belong to the Zerg, so it cannot enter the ancient ring, but Ye Lin can carry the immortal dragon ball into it.

At this time, the central area of ​​the ancient ring space has been completely vacated, leaving it for Jianmu to grow and sprout.

Ye Lin pinched his fingers with one hand and pointed at the immortal dragon ball. The immortal dragon ball suddenly burst into dazzling green light, and a green light column was drawn out by Ye Lin. This is the vitality source in the immortal dragon ball. Ye Lin then introduced these vitality sources into the Jianmu seed.

This Jianmu seed has been off the Jianmu for many years. The outer layer has long been dead, leaving only the spores in the central area. Therefore, Ye Lin wants to use the vitality source to revive the dead shell, so that Jianmu can take root and sprout.

Ye Lin threw the Jianmu seed out, and soon came to the central area of ​​the ancient ring space, and began to spin rapidly.

At first, the Jianmu seed absorbed the majestic vitality source and did not react at all, but as time passed, the Jianmu seed gradually turned light green.

On the ground, a large number of spirit insects looked up at the sky and stared at Ye Lin curiously.

"What is the master going to do?"

"I heard that he is going to plant a big tree, a very big tree. My family used to live there, but now the house is gone. But the elder who asked us to move said that after this tree is planted, our home can be expanded ten or a hundred times, and our world can be the same!"

"Wow, that's great, long live the master..."

"Long live the master..."

Many spirit insects began to shout in unison.

A few hours later, the Jianmu seed completely turned emerald green.

Ye Lin saw a crack appear on the walnut-like shell, and a pale white bud with a little emerald green slowly crawled out of the crack.

The cracks became bigger and bigger, and pale white silky roots appeared at the seed level.

Those roots stretched out towards the ground like spirit snakes, and then penetrated into it.

Ye Lin was overjoyed.

"It has taken root and sprouted, it's done!"

At the moment when Jianmu took root, Ye Lin felt the surrounding space trembling wildly, and the buds began to grow wildly, no, to be precise, they were madly expanding. This was Jianmu returning to its original appearance!

In the blink of an eye, Jianmu had grown to the height of a house. In another blink of an eye, it was hundreds of feet, thousands of feet... Ten thousand feet, and it was still madly expanding.

At the same time, Ye Lin felt that under the influence of Jianmu, the ancient ring became more perfect. The originally unbreakable boundary barrier, Ye Lin's thought, the boundary expanded tenfold, and another thought, the boundary expanded tenfold again...

Jianmu grew bigger and bigger, and the margin of Ye Lin's ancient ring space became bigger and bigger.

Not long after, the ancient ring space had exceeded the Wan Guo Continent, and exceeded the safe island in the inner area of ​​the Galaxy Secret Realm... Jianmu, which had only one bud, finally stopped growing.

At this time, the shell of the Jianmu seed had been completely drained of nutrients and fell off. In the center of the ancient ring space, there stood a tender green sapling that was so big and so tall that it could not see the edge.

Ye Lin moved his mind, and the shell of the Jianmu seed shrank rapidly and flew into the weapon refining factory. The two halves of the shell were no longer useful, and they could just be used to refine a Taoist weapon. I think the Taoist weapon refined by Jianmu must be extraordinary.

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