Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 852: True Fire of the Soul


Little blue suns suddenly rose in the vast outer starry sky, and more than a dozen butt bugs were seen spitting out dazzling blue shock waves from their butts, targeting none other than True Lord Evil Dragon and his subordinate Purple Spirit Dragon. head!

Xiaoqiang burst into laughter.

"Evil Lord Evil Earthworm, don't you really want to try the collapse fart of my Butt Bug brothers? Now that it's as you wish, I want to see if you can catch it!"

As a powerful person who transforms into gods, True Lord Evil Dragon has an extremely keen spiritual sense. At this moment, when the power of the Collapse Fart explodes, he can only feel his soul trembling, even if it is between the illusion and the real world. If a god is hit by this blue shock wave, he will probably end up with a narrow escape.


True Lord Evil Dragon had no idea of ​​relying on defensive means to resist the ten collapse farts. His speed was extremely fast, and he put away his soul in an instant before the shock wave arrived, and appeared thousands of feet away in a flash.

The huge purple spirit dragon under him, which was ten thousand feet long, was not so lucky.

A large body means strong strength and physical toughness, but it also means slow movement and insufficient response. When it senses danger, the purple spirit dragon's huge body begins to shrink rapidly, but it is still too late.

Ten blue shock waves easily penetrated its dragon scales, which were comparable to high-grade Taoist weapons, without any obstruction. Ten huge blood holes appeared in the Purple Spirit Dragon's head before it even had time to cry out.

The blue shock wave actually penetrated the Purple Spirit Dragon's head directly and extended for thousands of miles before dissipating.

The Purple Spirit Dragon with ten holes left on its head is not dead. This is a monk in the Dragon Clan's transformation stage. Even if it has no head or torso, it will not die as long as the spirit is still there.

The flesh and blood in the head of the Purple Spirit Dragon, which shrunk to a hundred feet, squirmed, and its hideous wounds healed quickly. It flicked its tail and flew away in the direction of True Lord Evil Dragon.

At this time, True Lord Evil Dragon was in shock, and his expression was extremely ugly.

"Fortunately, my spiritual sense is strong, otherwise I would have explained just now that this is a worthless piece of shit. It is clearly a disposable Taoist weapon that can kill the cultivator of the Transformation God!"

In the past, Long Tianyang repeatedly reminded True Lord Evil Dragon to be careful of the fart bugs raised by Ye Lin, saying that the fart bugs were extraordinary and that their fart power was extremely terrifying. True Lord Evil Dragon did not take this lightly, but he did not pay enough attention to it either.

In his opinion, Long Tianyang and Ye Lin were just born in the third-class mortal world and were completely bumpkin who had never seen the world. They said they were powerful and terrifying, but in the spiritual world they were probably just ordinary monks using ordinary methods.

How could he have imagined that what Long Tianyang said was not an exaggeration at all, but rather a bit conservative.

Just when the Purple Spirit Dragon was about to join True Lord Evil Dragon, True Lord Evil Dragon's heart suddenly trembled. The extremely dangerous feeling came again, and he saw three more butt bugs appearing thousands of feet away.


The blue shock wave burst out from the Butt Bug's butt again.

True Lord Evil Dragon snorted coldly, took one step forward, and appeared thousands of feet away again, as if teleporting. The purple-blue shock wave streaked across the place where he originally stood.

The somewhat angry True Lord Evil Dragon pointed his fingers at the three butt bugs that attacked him, and dragon-shaped shock waves shot out, seeming to crush the three butt bugs into powder.

At this moment, the sword light and sword energy flashed, easily cutting the dragon-shaped shock wave he released into pieces. It was Xiaoqiang and Xiaobai who were watching on the sidelines who took action. Their current task was to protect other spirit insects and attack The task is then handed over to the thousands of invisible bugs hiding in various places to complete the task.

Before True Lord Evil Dragon could stabilize his body, three more fart bugs appeared thousands of feet away behind him and released collapse farts at him.

True Lord Evil Dragon once again managed to dodge narrowly.

His eyes looked at Ye Lin, who was hundreds of thousands of feet away.

"I admit that you do have something to do with your butt bug, but let alone several of your butt bugs attacking at the same time. Even if you have tens of thousands of them, I can easily avoid them by relying on my spiritual sense. If you still have You might as well use your other back-up tactics at the same time!”

With that said, True Lord Evil Dragon quickly ran away in the direction of Ye Lin, seemingly trying to rescue the electric dragon that was sealed and unable to move by Ye Lin. Once the electric dragon, fire dragon, purple spirit dragon and True Lord Evil Dragon joined forces, True Lord Evil Dragon had the conditions to rush and kill Ye Lin at all costs.

The Evil Dragon True Monarch was extremely flexible and kept avoiding the bombardment of the butt bugs that kept popping up. It was difficult for Xiaoqiang and Xiaobai to step forward and stop him under the obstruction of the purple spirit dragon.

Just when True Lord Evil Dragon was less than 100,000 feet away from Ye Lin, suddenly, hundreds of formation flags appeared in the sky and underground, and someone shouted softly, "Sun, Moon, Universe, Suppress Demons and Punish Evils!"

Hundreds of formation flags burst into dazzling light, half of the formation flags released the blazing rays of the sun, and the other half released the silvery moonlight that was cold enough to freeze the soul.

The brilliance gathered quickly and instantly formed two dazzling spheres, which were the sun and the moon.

A blazing sun first appeared in front of True Lord Evil Dragon, and the icy-cold moon appeared behind him. True Lord Evil Dragon's face turned extremely ugly.

With one hand, he kneaded the secret, and a mana shield shining with silvery white light enveloped him instantly.


The butt bugs continued to kill him without stopping, and True Lord Evil Dragon had to dodge again and again, but no matter where he dodged, the sun and the moon would follow them.

Today's Sun Moon Universe Demon Suppressing Formation has been improved, and its tracking speed has been greatly improved. Even a powerful person who transforms into gods will have a hard time getting rid of it.

It turned out that Ye Lin had expected that although the fart of the butt bug was powerful and had the ability to kill the evil dragon master, as a powerful incarnation, his spiritual perception must be very strong. When his actions were not restricted, it was impossible for him to kill the evil dragon master. He arranged thousands of butt bugs to hide everywhere and attack continuously, with only one purpose.

To delay time.

He wanted to ask the formation team led by Xiaoshu to complete the arrangement of the Sun Moon Universe Demon Suppression Formation.

As long as the arrangement was completed, Ye Lin would be able to add another big helper, and the evil dragon master would be really forced into a dead end by him!

As Ye Lin expected, the evil dragon master had no way to deal with the Sun Moon Universe Demon Suppression Formation. In order to maintain the mana shield to protect his body, the mana in his body was rapidly consumed.

Now, the fire dragon and the lightning dragon were both entangled and unable to escape. The purple dragon was not only besieged by Xiaoqiang and Xiaobai, but also had to be on guard against the butt bugs that could appear at any time to attack. His body was already covered with scars, and his dragon blood was floating in the gravity-free outer space.

There was no power to support him anymore and help him resist the power of the sun and the moon.

The evil dragon gritted his teeth, and the huge soul appeared behind him again.

"Soul fire!"

With a "boom", his huge soul was completely ignited by the flames, and the surface of the soul slowly became charred, and the soul's origin was burning rapidly.

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