Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 851 No Solution

Duel space.

True Lord Evil Dragon exclaimed.

"Destroy the sword energy!"

It is obvious that he is very familiar with the Destruction Sword Qi and knows that the Destruction Sword Qi is terrifying in its power, especially in the mortal world where space is not stable enough. The Destruction Sword Qi can cut through space, and just tiny cracks in space can threaten the world. God exists.

True Lord Evil Dragon was a little panicked, and he quickly waved his sleeves and robes several times, and translucent silver-white magic light shields protected him and the purple spirit dragon's heads.

At the same time, True Lord Evil Dragon also controlled the two true dragons that were fighting Ye Lin to come back to support.

At first, he thought that with the strength of himself and the Purple Spirit Dragon, he could easily crush Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang. After the fight, he realized that this was not the case at all. Although these two spiritual insects were not high in cultivation, they had not reached the state of out-of-body perfection. , but each of them carried two or three high-grade Taoist artifacts, which he and Zilinglong found difficult to deal with.

Unexpectedly, Ye Lin, who had just been suppressed by the fire dragon and the electric dragon, suddenly laughed.

"It's not that easy to go back!"

It turns out that Ye Lin's suppression by the fire dragon and the electric dragon was just an act, and he didn't show his full strength at all!

The reason for showing weakness is to make the Evil Dragon True Lord careless, so that the fire dragon and the electric dragon will gradually stay away from him in the process of chasing Ye Lin. Now, the fire dragon and the electric dragon are hundreds of thousands of meters away from the Evil Dragon True Lord, even if this The two dragons are extremely fast, and it will take a lot of time to fly back.

Besides, Ye Lin finally attracted these two big guys out, how could he let them fly back so easily!

What Ye Lin wants is to divide the battlefield. He wants to hold down the fire dragon and the electric dragon with one person, and then let Xiaobai, Xiaoqiang, and thousands of out-of-body spirit insects besiege the Evil Dragon True Lord!

Ye Lin saw the fastest electric dragon turn around, and with a flick of its tail, it would turn into an electric arc and fly back to True Lord Evil Dragon. A flash of inspiration appeared in his hand, and a whisk and a string of rosary beads appeared.

The silvery-white threads of the whisk stretched out in an instant, and three puppet monks condensed in an instant. The first one was an octopus covered with tentacles, the second one was an ice-blue giant strange bird, and the third one was an octopus covered with tentacles. , surprisingly it is True Lord Evil Dragon!

Tongxuan Whisk originally had the ability to condense the puppet monks of the God Transformation stage. The reason why the old Taoist was so difficult to deal with was that the Heavenly Demon Emperor condensed the bodies of four powerful God Transformation masters.

I saw huge ice-blue strange birds fluttering their wings, and dense ice crystal spikes condensed out, uniting with the two dragons to attack the fire dragon.

The huge octopus made of minerals stretched out its tentacles to wrap around the electric dragon. At the same time, a translucent soul appeared behind the fake True Lord Evil Dragon. He pointed at the electric dragon, and two lines of... The dragon-shaped shock wave condensed by flames and lightning rushed towards the electric dragon.

As the fake Evil Dragon Lord continued to point his fingers, more and more dragon-shaped shock waves were generated.

For a moment, the fire dragon was suppressed by the two dragons and the ice-blue strange bird, and fiery red scratches appeared on its body. The electric dragon was entangled with tentacles, and at the same time it had to face the dragon-shaped shock waves that were constantly shooting out. The electric dragon roared wildly, and the terrifying force seemed to break the octopus's tentacles. At this moment, Ye Lin threw the rosary for releasing the ghost king again.

In the blink of an eye, the ghost king's head trapped the electric dragon tightly like ten mountains. The electric dragon roared wildly, and electric light shot out from its whole body. The terrifying thunder power surged out, as if it wanted to kill the ghost king's rosary and beads from all directions. The octopus's tentacles restrained the flashlight into pieces.

Ye Lin kept changing the spells in his hands, and with words in his mouth, he shot spells at the electric dragon.

While Ye Lin was reciting the incantation, the heads of ten ghost kings as huge as mountains came to life. They all began to recite the incantation along with Ye Lin, and one after another ancient characters were seen crawling from the mouths of the ghost kings from all directions like worms. When it came out, it quickly crawled all over the electric dragon's body.

The electric dragon was covered with dense ancient characters, and its aura became extremely weak, and even began to flicker continuously, as if it was about to transform back into the form of the Crazy Thunder Dragon Ball.

This is a seal!

During this period, under the leadership of Xiao Fu, the Shifang Evil Ghost Rosary underwent a series of upgrades. The Shifang Evil Ghost Rosary was transformed from an offensive Taoist tool that was originally thrown to hit people to a function of binding enemies and sealing them. Sexual organ!

Hundreds of thousands of feet away.

There were flashes of swords and shadows, and explosions continued one after another.

Evil Dragon True Monarch and Purple Spirit Dragon are being jointly attacked by Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang.

He kept waving his sleeves and robes, and in front of him, mana shields were condensed, but they were constantly chopped into pieces by Xiaobai's Destruction Sword Qi. The purple spirit dragon had long since given up on crushing the Nine Tribulations Dragon Ball and Li The thought of the Fire Dragon Ball was currently waving the dragon's claws and tail to resist the sword energy and saber energy spurred by Xiaoqiang. At the same time, he had to always be on guard against the sneak attacks of the Nine Tribulations Dragon Ball and the Lihuo Dragon Ball.

True Lord Evil Dragon looked anxiously in the direction of Ye Lin. When he saw that the fire dragon and the electric dragon were entangled by Ye Lin alone and could not escape, his face became even more ugly.

"It's just that Ye Lin has raised so many spiritual insects in the out-of-body stage. He also has so many high-grade Taoist tools. There are too many methods. If this continues, as my mana continues to be consumed, the situation will become worse and worse. Not good."

He seemed to remember something again, and his heart suddenly trembled.

"Ye Lin just sent out two batches of spiritual insects. The first batch was integrated into his body. In addition to the snake demon and cockroach, where did the second batch of thousands of out-of-body spiritual insects go? My consciousness can’t detect it!”

True Lord Evil Dragon felt a chill in his back when he thought of this.

So many spirit insects can't disappear for no reason. They must have used some powerful hiding method to hide their bodies and planned to sneak attack him at the critical moment!

The face of Xielong Zhenjun became a little ferocious.

"This boy wants to kill me!"

He suddenly felt a little scared. His spiritual sense told him that if he continued to fight like this, he would be in danger. A bold idea came to his mind.

Admit defeat!

As long as he admitted defeat, the duel rules would take effect, and he could return to the safe island safely. From then on, as long as he didn't cause trouble for Ye Lin, Ye Lin would naturally not be able to catch him.

As long as he admitted defeat, he wouldn't have to face these terrifying insects.

"No, it's impossible. I can't admit defeat. The backlash of the Heart Demon Blood Oath is not something I can bear now. Once I violate the Heart Demon Blood Oath, it means that it will be difficult to make any progress in the future on the path of cultivation. It's not much different from dying."

Xielong Zhenjun smiled bitterly.

Who could have thought that he, a cultivator of the Spiritual World, would be forced to the point of wanting to destroy his own immortal path by a cultivator of the Out-of-Body World from the third-class mortal world?

In the Spiritual World, True Lord Xielong had seen many geniuses, but even so, he had never encountered a cultivator of the Out-of-Body World as terrifying as Ye Lin!

"In that case, we can only consume the essence of the soul!"

As he said this, True Lord Xielong pinched his fingers with one hand, and a crazy look appeared in his eyes.

But at this moment, he saw a lot of fingernail-sized butt bugs appearing in all directions, and the butts of these butt bugs were emitting blue light!

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